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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 23

[Okay, this is the train crew Walter Yang]

After making contact with the train crew, Zhou Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, and then simply reported to the train crew that he had lost his mobile phone.

After seeing it, the train crew also reported the situation of March 7 and others to Zhou Xiao.


Zhou Xiao frowned slightly and fell into deep thought while looking at the message from Walter.

The information parsed above stated that March 7 and Dan Heng encountered some trouble in the upper area and were caught by Beroberg’s silver-maned iron guards. They are currently on the run.

Was the pioneering team captured in the original novel?

He thought about it carefully and found that it didn’t seem to be the case.

Zhou Xiao, who got certain information from Walter, decided not to wait foolishly in the lower area for the arrival of March 7th and others.

There is something to say.

If the mountain doesn’t come towards me, I will walk towards the mountain.

He decided to go to the upper area to join March 7 and others.

The main road leading to the upper area is the heart of the furnace in the center, but most of it has been blocked. There are naturally unconventional routes. Zhou Xiao asked Shivaro and found out the route.

Before leaving, Zhou Xiao planned to go to Scott to propose another sum of money.

Recently, the Lower District Fight Club has attracted a large number of viewers with the name Kunfengzhe. He occasionally goes to the Fight Club to fight in the ring, which has increased the ticket price of the Fight Club a lot.

At this moment.

Inside fight club.

Scott sat on the boss’s chair and counted the coins in his hands leisurely. The copper smell of the money clung to his slightly stooped body, making him look very profiteer.

“Boss… three more died today. Including the child who died yesterday, a total of sixteen died this week.” A subordinate came forward and reported to Scott in a low voice.

“Old rules, old rules.” Scott didn’t take it to heart. He waved his hand and asked his men to deal with it.


It’s easy to make money, it’s really easy to make money.

Scott sat in the boss’s chair, thinking about his business acumen these days, and couldn’t help but want to praise himself as a genius.

Using the gimmick of Kunfeng Zhe and the temptation of high bonuses, he started a “star boxer” plan. He first released the news that Kunfengzhe stood out from the star boxer plan. In order to create a strong gimmick, he also deliberately let his subordinates spread the news about Kunfeng How depressed he was before he joined the star boxer program.

When everyone’s discussion was almost heated, he began to use this strong gimmick to attract a large number of low-level people who wanted to get rich overnight by charging tuition fees for admissions.

How much does it cost to buy a ticket…

Tuition is king.

In order to cater to the level of consumption, he also deliberately set the tuition fee of the star plan to be very low at first, and then gradually increased the tuition fee as the planning stage progressed, so that the students would feel that they had already spent so much and they would be at a loss if they quit. .

Dear, the course progress has been completed at 99.8 points, and there is only 0.02 left before you can become the second star boxer comparable to Kun Feng Zhe.

Dear, the course progress has been completed ninety-nine point ninety-nine. As long as you pay a little more, you are just one step away from becoming rich overnight.


This constant temptation of “cutting off a knife”, combined with the high-interest tuition loan, allowed Scott to quickly accumulate a large amount of wealth.

As for whether these students can truly become rich after spending time in the Star Program, Scott can only say… There is a chance that students who can survive the Star Program will be thrown into an arena competition with Zhou Xiao’s participation.

Defeating Zhou Xiao can get a grand prize, but secondly, the bonus is not that impressive. The bonus received has shrunk by at least four-fifths compared to the money spent to complete the entire star plan.

“These days…things with selling points can catch people’s attention, and things without selling points must also create popularity…”

While Scott was lamenting his head that could run a business empire, another subordinate hurriedly came over to report.

“Boss, the Kunfeng Master is here…”

“Kun Feng Zha?”

After hearing this name, Scott became very energetic. He put away a lot of coins, took off the expensive rings on his hands one by one and put them together with the coins, and then ordered someone to bring Kunfeng Zhe over. .

“Boss Shi, I’m here to get the money.” Zhou Xiao came straight to the point and stated the purpose of his visit. He only came to get his share of the money.

“Brother Kun…”

Upon hearing that Zhou Xiao was here to ask for money, Scott instantly showed a bitter expression: “Brother Kun, you also know that your popularity has declined recently, and the tickets sold are much less than before.”

“So the money shared this time may not be as much as last time…”

Scott said and ordered his servants to take a share of the money and put it in front of Zhou Xiao, then pointed at the money: “That’s all…”

Zhou Xiao frowned slightly as he looked at the coins that had shrunk by one fifth compared to last time.

He came to Scott three times in total. The first time his income was pretty good, the second time it shrank like the first time, and the third time it shrank again like the second time.

It’s okay if this is really not beneficial.

Every time Zhou Xiao comes up to play in an arena match, he finds that there are more people taking photos than before.

“Really…that’s all?” Zhou Xiao looked at Scott’s old face with calm eyes and asked.

“Really…that’s all.” Scott replied.

“Is this really all there is?!”

Zhou Xiao’s left hand gently held the handle of the knife on his left waist.

“…” Scott stared at the long sword that seemed to be unsheathed, and suddenly thought of the scene when Kunfeng Zhe won seventeen consecutive games in his mind, and swallowed silently.

“Actually… the ticket sales are indeed not good, but… you and I are so close to each other, I will give you a bonus privately…”

Scott was scared.

Silently make up the money to the last amount.

Seeing this, Zhou Xiao removed his left hand from the handle of the knife.

A black-hearted profiteer.

This is Zhou Xiao’s evaluation of Scott.

He wouldn’t like to communicate too much with this kind of person, because he might be tempted to kill such a profiteer.

Chapter 33 He just wants to live, what’s wrong with him?

After taking his share of the money, Zhou Xiao glanced at Scott and then chose to leave. After watching Zhou Xiao leave the club with a smile, Scott’s face gradually darkened.

“What’s so great, why don’t you just take my money…”

Scott snorted coldly, and behind his hands, he felt that there was no reason for a common man like Zhou Xiao to pretend to be aloof in front of him. He looked aloof as if he didn’t want to box, but it turned out that he was really motivated to receive the money.

“Sooner or later I will replace you…”

Scott turned around and left, his every move being monitored by the Earthfire members outside the club.

On the other side, Zhou Xiao got the money and set Jarvis not far away in follow mode, and then prepared to go to the upper area according to the passage location given by Swaro.

“Are you telling the truth?” Just as Zhou Xiao passed by the area where the Mole Party usually operates, he clearly heard Hook’s childish voice.

“Let’s go and have a look. If it’s true… we must avenge the Knight of Stone Hao!”

Knight of Stone Hao?

When he heard this title, Zhou Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly.

Isn’t this Xiao Hao you’re talking about?

Thinking about it carefully, it seemed that he had indeed not seen any trace of Xiao Hao for two or three days.

“The Ruthless Owl Knight!”

Hook was walking over with a group of members of the Mole Party, and he saw Zhou Xiao at a glance.


“Either call me Brother Zhou or Brother Xiao! Don’t call me the Cold Owl Knight!” Zhou Xiao corrected him seriously.

“Okay, Cold Owl Knight!” Hook would have the same serious expression on his tender little face.

Zhou Xiao: “…”

It has to be you.

Dark Hook.

“What did you just say about avenging Xiao Hao?” Zhou Xiao asked.

As soon as he heard the word “Xiao Hao”, Hu Ke, who was originally serious, suddenly started to “woo woo woo”.

“Knight of the Cold Owl, they said… Knight of Stone Hao is dead.”


Zhou Xiao’s expression was stunned at this moment.

His first reaction was disbelief.


Absolutely impossible.

How could someone who came to him with candy bars two days ago die today?

“Are you sure?”

Listening to Zhou Xiao’s question, Hu Ke cried and said, “It was my Corporal He who said it…”

Ye Aonai, Corporal He heard the sound and repeated what he saw early this morning. Basically, he and another friend went to the mining area last night to explore a small cave. When they came out of the cave, they saw two adults dragging each other in the night. Two corpses were thrown over.

They were scared, but didn’t say anything. When the two adults left, they braved the spirit of adventure and took a look, and saw Xiao Hao’s body.

Of course, they felt that Xiao Hao might still be alive, so they carried Xiao Hao and hurried to Natasha’s clinic, but unfortunately they were still a step too late.

After hearing this story, Zhou Xiao also came to Natasha’s clinic under the leadership of the Mole Party.

Looking at the eyeball clinic, Zhou Xiao felt a little unreal. He opened the door and walked in. Natasha was still busy treating the patient. There was no extra bed in the clinic for Xiao Hao’s lifeless child.

Xiao Hao was just placed outside the back door.


Still silent.

The moment they saw Xiao Hao’s body, all the children in the Mole Party burst into tears. They were all sad that they had lost a playmate.

Zhou Xiao was extremely calm, so calm that it made people feel a sense of depression.

In the field of vision, Xiao Hao’s pale body had varying degrees of injuries and bruises scattered on almost every inch of the skin.


So peaceful.

Zhou Xiao had seen Xiao Hao sleeping. This child always slept very lightly and would wake up at the slightest movement. But now… Xiao Hao was lying on a small bed, as if he was having a scene. Like a dream.

“No! We, the Mole Party, must avenge the Knights of Stone Hao!” Hook wiped his tears, and then said to everyone in the Mole Party angrily.

“Revenge…” Zhou Xiao, who was in a daze, was too calm at the moment: “Revenge? Where to take revenge? Who should I seek revenge from?”


As soon as this question came up, all the Mole Party members were stunned.


Where can they take revenge?

They didn’t even know what the adult carrying Xiao Hao’s body looked like.

In an environment like the lower district, where a certain degree of order is barely maintained amid chaos and the law of the jungle, who would care about the death of an ordinary child?

What’s more… he is a child whose parents have died, and he has done something important to attract other people’s attention…

“Brother, tell me…what does the ground look like?

“The ground is covered with snow, and there is basically no life except for the planet Beroberg…”


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
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After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
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A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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