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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 24

“Planet? What is a planet?”

“The planet… is where you are now, whether on the ground or underground… this all belongs to the planet, um… (groping up and down), here, this is a photo of your planet taken from the outside…”

“Wow…it looks good. It turns out this is what the planet looks like.”

“gave it to you…”

“Is this good?”

“What’s wrong with that.”

“I really want to go outside the planet… but it’s a pity that it’s hard for me to even go out of the town…”

“There’s nothing interesting to see outside the planet. It’s a dark environment, and then there are planets that glow in different ways…”

“(Close eyes and imagine) No, I can’t imagine what it is like… If I have the chance, I will see with my own eyes what kind of world is on the ground, and maybe I can also see with my own eyes what it is like outside the planet…”

“Well, it’s possible…”

Zhou Xiao recalled the previous conversation with Xiao Hao sitting on the steps of the hotel. The memory in his mind became clearer, making him more depressed.

Even though he was a child who wanted to look up at the stars, his life was so unsatisfactory, he had been bullied for so long, and he lived in such a chaotic and harsh environment, yet he did not steal, rob, take revenge, or do anything bad. His eyes have been gouged out, but he still responds to this chaotic world with a smile…

What’s wrong with him?

He just wants to live…

Just survive.

Zhou Xiao’s left hand trembled slightly inadvertently, and a sentence suddenly came to his mind.

The hemp rope is cut at the thinnest part, and bad luck only seeks out the miserable.

He knew… there were many, many unknown people like Xiao Hao dying in this world, and he was not a nosy person, but there was a feeling of anger in his heart that he couldn’t swallow.

After all… Xiao Hao regards him as a friend.

“I remembered!”

Just when everyone was at a loss what to do, a member of the Mole Party seemed to remember something and brought a slight turn to the matter of revenge.

ps: Ask for everything, ask for everything

Chapter 34 Why do honest people always take the blame?

“I remembered!”

“What did you remember?” Hook asked hurriedly when he heard his men speak.

“I remember, it’s time for me to go home for dinner…”

Hook and a group of Mole Party members: “…”

“Eat, eat, eat! I just know how to eat! It’s so annoying!”

Hook jumped up and hit the Mole Party member on the head with a hammer as he wanted to go home for dinner.

“I saw Knight Shi Zhihao in the blacksmith shop a few days ago. He was having a quarrel with Knight Shi Zhihao.”

At this time, the unknown boy on the side threw out a clue.

Blacksmith shop?

Zhou Xiao raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

He didn’t quite understand why Xiao Hao went to the blacksmith shop.

“There’s a new clue! Mole Party! Follow me…”

Adhering to the principle of not letting go of a single clue, Hook led a group of members of the Mole Party to the only blacksmith shop in Panyan Town.

Before he even got close to the blacksmith shop, Hook saw the blacksmith Uncle Arwen coming out of the blacksmith shop with a big bag and throwing the stones into the trash can.

“Look! That’s the bag that Knight Hao of Stone usually uses to carry stones! He is indeed related to Knight of Stone Hao!”

Hook recognized the bag in Uncle Arvin’s hand at a glance. After seeing Uncle Arvin walk into the blacksmith shop again, he followed with everyone in the Mole Party.

As soon as he entered the house, a pungent smell of blood hit his face, making people feel the urge to vomit.

has a problem!

There is definitely something wrong.

How could a blacksmith shop have such a strong smell of blood?

Hook and the others fanned their noses with their hands, trying to reduce the smell of blood.

Zhou Xiao glanced around the room. Apart from the equipment used by blacksmiths to smelt metal, there weren’t many strange things.

“It’s little Hook, why are you here today?”

Uncle Awen asked a little surprised when he saw Hook and the members of the Mole Party.

“Hmph! Uncle Awen, does the death of Knight Shi Zhihao have something to do with you?” Hook’s milky voice asked straight to the point.


“Knight Shi Zhihao?” Uncle Awen was startled when he heard this address, but quickly realized that he seemed to be talking about Xiao Hao.

“Xiao Hao is dead?”

He was a little confused by the news.

“How did you think that Xiao Hao’s death had anything to do with me?” Uncle Awen was confused. How could he, an honest man, inexplicably resist a big pot?

Could it be that those who take the blame are all honest people?

“Because you had a quarrel with Knight Shi Zhihao before… The bag in your hand also belongs to Knight Shi Zhihao, and… there is such a strong smell of blood in your house…” Hook put aside his doubts All said and done.

Awen was stunned when he heard this.

“A quarrel?” Awen recalled for a moment and seemed to remember something: “What kind of quarrel? He was bargaining with me about the price. I said I couldn’t negotiate the price…”

“Bargaining?” Zhou Xiao was a little surprised: “What can he get in your blacksmith shop?”

“The scabbard…”

Uncle Awen looked innocent, and then took out a black metal scabbard from the smelting table at the back. It looked like it was decorated with certain patterns, but it was just a semi-finished product, so it looked a bit rough.

“This kid said he wanted to give a gift to a very, very good friend. He wanted to customize a scabbard. He compared the size with me for a long time, and then negotiated the price with me when it was time to pay…”

“Basically, I didn’t make any money at such a low price, but I still relented and ordered it for him. As a deposit and a condition for bargaining, he would go to the mining area every day to pick a certain amount of ore for me…”


When he heard this object, Zhou Xiao subconsciously recalled that Xiao Hao took the long knife he intercepted from Kafka and compared it for a while.

At that time, he thought it was because Xiao Hao found it novel, but now that he heard it…

He wants to give me a gift…

A gift.

Zhou Xiao lowered his head slightly and looked at the long knife hanging at his waist. There seemed to be no emotion on his face, but in fact, he had some mixed feelings inside.

“Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuoriuu, I really cried to death, Knight Shi Zhihao actually wanted to prepare a gift for me.” Hook couldn’t bear it when he heard it, and he took the scabbard with a cry.

He measured it for a while and then asked Uncle Awen: “Why is there only the scabbard and the knife?”

“Knife? Knife is another price!”

Uncle Awen said that Xiao Hao did not ask him to make a matching long knife. After he answered, Hook glanced out of the corner of his eye and happened to see the dark red long knife hanging on Zhou Xiao’s waist.

As the caster of the scabbard, he was naturally very sensitive to the size of the scabbard. He looked at it briefly, and then pointed at the long knife in Zhou Xiao’s hand:

“Well… maybe make a scabbard for this knife?”


Looking in the direction of Uncle Awen’s finger, Hook saw the dark red long knife on Zhou Xiao’s waist.


Hook handed the scabbard to Zhou Xiao again: “Try it, the cold owl knight.”

Zhou Xiao took it and Kafka’s long knife was put into the scabbard very smoothly. Although it didn’t fit perfectly, the size was pretty much the same.


“Brother, do you have anything you like…”

Zhou Xiao thought of the question that Xiao Hao had asked him. Maybe… at that moment, Xiao Hao decided to give him a gift…

“Wait a minute, you said Knight Shi Zhihao’s death had nothing to do with you, then why is there such a strong smell of blood in your house.” A member of the Mole Party asked Uncle Awen as if he had reacted.

“Can’t I eat some meat?” Uncle Awen showed the kitchen to everyone, and saw a not very fat Kun, which had been plucked and bled. The smell of blood in the room seemed to come from here.


“Uncle Awen… you are so rich.” All the members of the Mole Party couldn’t help but swallowed when they saw the Kun. It was indeed not easy to get a live Kun in the lower area.


“Awen…Uncle, do you know where else Xiao Hao goes to do activities besides you?” Zhou Xiao was not distracted by that Kun.

He touched the half-finished scabbard in his hand, as if he could feel Xiao Hao’s hot heart.

He’s going to do something.

What is he going to do for Xiao Hao…

“Activities?” After hearing this, Uncle Awen thought for a moment, and then said: “Apart from my place, it is the mining area and… the fight club.”

“It seems that Xiao Hao is doing odd jobs there recently.”

boxing Club!

Hearing this place again, Zhou Xiao frowned. He would go to the Fight Club every once in a while, so why hadn’t he seen Xiao Hao?

how come…

Zhou Xiao turned around and left. He was going to the fight club to ask Scott, the black-hearted businessman.

ps: Ask for everything.

Chapter 35: Human desires are like rolling stones on mountains… (Second update!)

“Brothers, let’s go too!” Seeing Zhou Xiao leaving, Hook and his group also walked out of the blacksmith shop.

After seeing everyone go away, Uncle Awen breathed a sigh of relief silently, and then glanced at the floor to one side.

The floor on the side of the vision seemed to be moving slightly up and down, and in the darkness there seemed to be an eyeball looking through the gap to the light above.

After coming out of the blacksmith shop, Zhou Xiao rushed straight towards the Fight Club. Even Jarvis behind him couldn’t keep up with his speed, let alone the Mole Party brats.

“Ready for action!”

Outside the Fight Club, Xi’er was leading a group of Earthfire members in the dark. They were just about to take action when they saw Zhou Xiao and Jarvis arriving at the Fight Club in a hurry.

“What should we do now? Do we still need to take action?”

After hearing the members’ questions, Xi’er gritted her teeth. Due to Zhou Xiao’s strength, she decided to wait.

“Wait a moment, wait for the Windrusher to come out…”

“Boss, the Kunfeng Master is here again!”

In the fight club, when Scott heard the report from his subordinates, his old face suddenly wrinkled like a chrysanthemum: “Why is he still lingering?”

“What should I do, boss?”

“What should I do? Say I’m not here!”

As soon as Scott finished speaking, there was a “bang” sound, the door of the office was kicked open, and then Zhou Xiao’s expressionless face appeared in front of Scott.

“Brother Kun…what’s the matter?” Scott immediately put on a smile and took the initiative to greet him.


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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