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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 25

“You… have a guy named Xiao Hao working here doing odd jobs?”

“Xiao Hao?”

Hearing this name, Scott felt very unfamiliar, and his eyes shifted slightly to look at the subordinate on the side. The subordinate immediately understood and shook his head hurriedly:

“No, I never remember that there is an employee named Xiao Hao.”

“Oh? Really?” Zhou Xiao’s tone was a bit colder: “Then why did everyone say yes after I asked around just now?”


“Oh! You’re talking about Xiao Hao! I’ll listen to you.” The subordinate responded quickly and changed the topic slightly, and then said:

“This employee… seems to be a child. He hasn’t come to work for several days. As you know… children are very playful and run away a lot.”

“Run away? How did I hear…” Zhou Xiao’s tone became colder: “How did I hear that he was dead…”

“Dead? That’s too normal.”

The subordinate showed a kind smile and then said: “You also know that the underground is so chaotic. Some people and a child die every day. This is too normal…”

After hearing this answer, Zhou Xiao glanced at the subordinate, and then pulled out the long knife from his waist. As blood dripped down the tip of the knife and fell to the ground, several people present realized that the Kunfeng in front of them had killed someone. .

“This answer… I don’t like it. The next one is up to you.” Zhou Xiao did not give Scott any face, and pointed the tip of the knife at the next Scott’s subordinate.

The visual impact of the blood-stained blade was too great. Coupled with Zhou Xiao’s cold eyes, the other party’s calves suddenly became weak. This sense of oppression gave him the feeling that Zhou Xiao really dared to kill him.

“three two.”

Along with Zhou Xiao’s countdown, the long knife was also raised.

“I said…” Under this great sense of oppression, the other party really told what he knew.

It turns out that Xiao Hao really works in a fight club, but his position is as a sparring partner. To put it nicely, he is a sparring partner, and to put it worst, he is being beaten.

Every time I was beaten, I would save a little bit of money as salary.

Listening to the man’s description, Zhou Xiao was slightly startled.

He remembered seeing Xiao Hao limping sometimes and having a few bruises on his body. He thought that Xiao Hao was bullied in the mining area, but he didn’t expect that it was here…

When he thought of this, he felt that the scabbard in his hand was a little hot, which was caused by Xiao Hao’s repeated beatings.

“Later…he was tricked by us into joining the star boxer program…”

The subordinate continued to speak, and what he said refreshed Zhou Xiao’s understanding of black-hearted businessmen.

“What is the star boxer plan…?”

“The star boxer plan is…” Before the subordinate could say anything, Scott, the old boy, spoke first:

“A star boxer is a fighter that our club sees as having potential and then spends a lot of money to train him!”

Heavy money… training?

Zhou Xiao could still believe what others said, but Scott said that he would definitely not believe it. After all, Scott was a black-hearted businessman.

“Is what he said true?” Zhou Xiao asked the subordinate.

The other party first glanced at Scott, who looked at him with a warning look, as if he couldn’t say another word, while the former’s long knife was clearly dangling in front of him.

It’s clear at a glance which one is more important.

“I’m sorry, boss…” The subordinate came up with his star plan in order to survive.

After hearing this, Zhou Xiao’s face was gloomy and terrifying. He never expected that Scott would use the Kunfeng Zhe gimmick to create such a money-stealing cycle.

He didn’t even expect that the few times he fought in the ring were the best in the star boxer plan…

The little money he got from being beaten was tricked by Swart into some star boxer plan… Not only did he not make any money, he owed a lot, and his life was on the line again.

This is just Xiao Hao. It’s hard to imagine how many people Scott has deceived with his Kunfengzhao gimmick.

Zhou Xiao took a long breath, and there seemed to be a gloomy feeling in his heart that he couldn’t let out.

“How should I evaluate you? Scott.” He looked at Scott as if he were looking at a dead person.

“Evaluation?” After hearing this, Scott was very unhappy:

“What qualifications do you have to judge me!”

Perhaps it was because he had torn his face apart, and Scott stopped pretending.

“What are you pretending to be! Don’t you feel great when you get money! Everyone has the right to criticize me, but you are not! But your hands are stained with the same dirty money as me!”

“Aren’t you looking for responsibility for that little Hao’s death?! I’ll tell you! Xiao Hao died in the club, and he has an inescapable relationship with you who took the money!”

The words Scott said with such shame were heart-breaking, hitting the bottom of Zhou Xiao’s heart.


It is indeed impossible to escape the relationship.

If he had not taken that quick money and fought in a dark ring, maybe the star boxer plan would not have appeared, and Xiao Hao’s death would not have happened…

Everything that happened recently reminded Zhou Xiao of a sentence:

Human desire is like the rolling stones on the mountain…once you start, you can never stop.

If he hadn’t enjoyed the pleasure of making quick money, if he had been able to restrain his desire to take root and sprout like a big tree, then… nothing would have happened.

Zhou Xiao silently took out the money he had just received from Scott, plus the remaining money he had received before, as well as the credit salary card he received from the train. He barely scraped together the money he had received from Scott from the beginning to now. Turner received the money.

Then it was sprinkled in front of Scott…

ps: Please give me everything, please help me recommend books…

Chapter 36 Order! Control the lower area! (First update!)

The banknotes and gold coins all over the sky were swaying in the air like a shower, and under the illumination of a weak light, they looked so dreamy and luxurious.

Under the sky full of banknotes, Zhou Xiao suddenly understood the meaning of self-discipline. Self-discipline does not mean that you stick to one thing for a long time, but that you must be self-reliant and disciplined in this world full of desires.

At this moment, Zhou Xiao seemed to understand why the self-discipline points he had gained during these days in the lower district had dropped a lot.

His heart is not pure.

“The money will be returned to you, and this so-called star boxer plan will end here.”

Zhou Xiao gently held the scabbard customized for him by Xiao Hao. His heart seemed to be withdrawn from this world full of desires, as if the scabbard not only hid the blade, but also hid his Greed.

“…” Scott, who was squandered with money by Zhou Xiao, was startled at first, and then an extremely unrestrained smile appeared on his old face:

“No way, someone can really end everything by returning the money! Without you and me! There will still be others who are getting benefits! Even without me! Fight Club! Star boxers will still exist in another way!”


Scott was right.

Underground, no, rather wherever there are people, there is humanity.

When a person has a small house, he will want a bigger house. When he has a bigger house, he will want a big house. He will try every means, including and not only He is limited to ruthless and benevolent and moral methods to plunder all the resources he can obtain.

Human nature has desires…and wanting to suppress human desires…

Zhou Xiao thought of Swaro. He remembered that Swaro said that if he wanted to protect the lower level, he must use extremely powerful force to let everyone suppress the ugliness of human nature.

He was a little scornful at the time, but looking at it now…it seems that the rational results calculated by the supercomputer are indeed reasonable.

Zhou Xiao looked at Scott, whose mocking smile made him feel a little harsh.

In this case…


In an instant, many of the automatic robots in the mechanical colony seemed to be controlled, and the electronic eyes of the machines turned completely red.

[The authority controller is changed to Dr. Zhou Xiao]

[Complete the current command and control the lower area…]

【Excuting an order…】

The mission objectives of these robots were all changed without exception, and a large number of robots flew from the mining area towards Panyan Town and the Fight Club.

A large number of automatic soldiers came out in full force, which was a different kind of shock.

“What happened?! Everyone…what did everyone do?!” Clara looked confused as she watched the automatons run away, and no one paid attention to her.

“Sure enough…variables are variables, full of uncertainties.” Swaro also walked out of the castle at this moment. He could know that many of the automatic robots under his control were no longer under his control.

These uncontrolled automatic robots all have one obvious characteristic, that is, they have been treated by Zhou Xiao, a cyber doctor.

“Mr. Swaro…”

“Come on, Clara, let’s follow and have a look.”

At the Fight Club, Xi’er was still squatting outside the Fight Club watching for Zhou Xiao to leave. But before Zhou Xiao left, the three-armed mechanical body of no less than Shivaro who came with Zhou Xiao outside the door seemed to have been obtained. It was like a summons, he activated his weapon and rushed towards the club.

Due to his large size, a large crack was visible to the naked eye in the door of the entire club.

“Jarvis takes over the Fight Club, no one is allowed to leave without authorization…” Jarvis’s sound unit made a sound, and everyone in the Fight Club and the machine were a little confused.

“Something bad happened!”

Xi’er outside the club felt something was wrong, and hurriedly took out her sickle with a new handle and rushed in.

“No entry!” Jarvis said when he saw that Xie’er was about to break in.

“Get out of the way!” Xi’er wanted to find Zhou Xiao. She felt that all this was definitely related to Zhou Xiao.

This will set you free~ This will set you free~

She couldn’t break through Jarvis’s defense despite a series of ultimate attacks. After Zhou Xiao’s transformation and upgrade, Jarvis’s three hands were very dexterous, and he could always sneak attack her…

“so troublesome…”

Xi’er was going to give it a try, but a member of the Earth Fire not far away stopped her.

“The boss asked us to support the mining area…”

“?” Xi’er raised her eyebrows slightly.

“Support the mining area?”

Xi’er glanced coldly at Jarvis who was blocking the door, and then ran towards the mining area.

Inside fight club.

Scott listened to the noise and noise outside suddenly disappearing, knowing in his heart that he would not be able to escape today, so he continued to say with the mentality that he would kill Zhou Xiao before he died to see if there was any chance of survival:

“What’s the point of killing him? Even if you have Tongtian’s strength, you can’t save that little Hao, and you can’t change everything!”

“Why don’t you continue to cooperate with me! You have the strength! I have the brains. We can dominate the lower area, no… the entire Beroberg is not impossible!”

“After hearing this, your brain is very good?” Zhou Xiao’s long knife cut open Scott’s neck without any warning. As the blade penetrated deeper, the brain tissue was gradually exposed. Zhou Xiao looked at it twice. , I found that the so-called good brain is just like that.

“Brother…Brother, this really has nothing to do with me!”

Seeing Zhou Xiao being so cruel and ruthless, the younger brother who just broke the news “plopped” and knelt on the ground, trembling and peeing in fear.

He just wants to live…

Everyone wants to survive.

Zhou Xiao thought for a while and did not kill him, but let him leave. As he rolled and crawled out, the sound of a howitzer hitting and exploding was heard.

Zhou Xiao suddenly thought that he was Jarvis outside giving the order not to allow anyone to leave.

Very sloppy.

But… just die.

Judging from the man’s behavior just now, he didn’t quite believe that he didn’t have a few lives on his hands.

Zhou Xiao glanced at the dim little room and the banknotes stained with blood. The pungent smell of blood filled the room, but he still didn’t feel anything in his heart.


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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