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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 26

Did you say you avenged Xiao Hao?

But Xiao Hao didn’t die directly on Scott’s body, and no one forced Xiao Hao to do this job…

Did it change the status quo?

It seems not.

If there is no Scott, there will be the next “Scott”. Where there are people, there will be disputes and man-made disasters.

Zhou Xiao knew that the gloom in his heart would not go away for a while.

ps: Ask for everything, ask for everything.

Chapter 37 Explosion is art! (Second update!)

After Jarvis’s order prohibiting everyone from leaving and entering was lifted, everyone in the Fight Club fled the place in droves. This time was usually the busiest time, but now it was empty.

Zhou Xiao slowly walked out of the fight club, Jarvis was quietly behind him, and the sound of mechanical parts rubbing against each other was very clear in this silent environment.

Zhou Xiao raised his head slightly and looked at the empty grotto above. A faint light flashed in his calm eyes.

It was hard for him to imagine how empty the image of the starry sky in Xiao Hao’s mind would be when he looked up at the underground environment.

Xiao Hao…

Xiao Hao…

He wanted to say something, but the words never came out, and he finally sighed instead.

Holding the scabbard customized by Xiao Hao for him, he tightened it slightly. He would hold it well. He took this scabbard to go to more places and see more scenery, so that the empty and barren land could A sea of ​​gorgeous flowers blooms…

Will you see it?

It should.

Zhou Xiao turned around and took a look at the now empty Fight Club. Even though everyone was gone, there were still a lot of valuable chips here. Maybe if you look hard enough, you could find a lot that Scott had hidden. money.

Bury them all.

I saw him pull out the long knife, and the force of the wind was attached to the blade. With every slash in the air, the air flow turned into the sharpest blade in the world, and passed through the wall of the fight club, along with half of the wall. Sliding to the ground, the entire fight club collapsed into ruins.

“Jarvis…do some art.”

Zhou Xiao put away his knife, turned around and walked out.


After receiving the order, Jarvis aimed the short-axis howitzer in his right hand at the ruins of the Fight Club, and then fired six or seven rounds. The explosion fire instantly illuminated Zhou Xiao’s body, and also illuminated his indifferent face with no emotional changes. , powerful heat waves and impact swept across like radiation, affecting nearby buildings.

Explosion is art…

This is Zhou Xiao’s command term, bring some art and some explosion.

Zhou Xiao called Jarvis again and prepared to go to Natasha’s clinic to bury Xiao Hao properly.

“Control the lower area…”

Jarvis’s sound unit sounded, and Zhou Xiao looked slightly sideways.

“You can go too, and come over after I bury Xiao Hao…” Zhou Xiao chose to let Jarvis go first.

After receiving the order, Jarvis turned on the reconnaissance mode. Two small drones expanded the field of view, and then he rushed towards the area with the most intense conflict.

Zhou Xiao was left walking toward Natasha’s clinic.

At the junction of the mining area and Panshi Town, the fighting that broke out at this moment can be said to be quite fierce.

The underground fire, miners, automatons, and wanderers are all fighting in a melee. The automatons ordered by Zhou Xiao have one purpose, which is to invade Panshi Town and control the lower area.

After Zhou Xiao’s transformation, they were much stronger than ordinary automatic soldiers, which made it difficult for the ground fire and miners to resist.

“Svaro! You can do 1v1! What’s the point of hiding behind!” Xi’er, who came for support, shouted to Swaro who was behind the automaton.

Swaro, on the other hand, disagreed.

After all, this riot had nothing to do with him.

Of course.

Although it doesn’t matter.

But he still hopes that force can control Xi’er and other underground fire resisters, so that the lower areas can be better protected, so he doesn’t mind helping Zhou Xiao push the fire again.

“Stop! Stop it! Stop fighting…” Poor Clara was about to drop the “little pearl” again. She pulled Swaro’s big mechanical hand and said with a cry:

“Mr. Swaro, can you please stop everyone? We will definitely have a more appropriate way to resolve the conflict…”

Hearing Clara’s words, Swaro was silent for a while, and then told Clara: “Klara, this riot was not my order, so I can’t stop them…”

“Maybe you should go find Mr. Zhou Xiao.”

“Brother Zhou Xiao?” Clara was slightly startled. She never expected that this matter had anything to do with Zhou Xiao.

“But why would Brother Zhou Xiao do this…”

“Perhaps you can only ask him this question…”


The man behind the scenes, Zhou Xiao, had just arrived at Natasha’s clinic. He gently picked up Xiao Hao who was placed outside the back door.

Looking at Xiao Hao, who showed serious signs of corpse transformation, Zhou Xiao was silent for two seconds, and then said quite gently: “Xiao Hao, your gift… I received it, I like it very much, thank you.”


He is so gentle.

If March 7 heard Zhou Xiao’s tone at this moment, she would definitely cover her mouth and shout that she didn’t dare to think about it. This was Zhou Xiao’s tenderness that March 7 had never heard or felt before.

“Rest well, my… friend.”

Natasha, the leader behind the ground fire who was preparing to go to the front line to support the battlefield, heard something moving at the back door, so she opened the back door and prepared to go to the front to support the conflict.

As soon as she went out, she saw Swift Wind holding the dead Xiao Hao.

“When he was sent here… he could not be saved.” Natasha was startled when she saw this, and then said slowly, as a doctor and a person who likes children, she was right Even though Xiao Hao was able to be rescued, he felt very uncomfortable.


Zhou Xiao didn’t say much.

The “doctor” in front of me has no responsibility for this matter.

“The sound of the explosion just now…” Natasha seemed to smell the smell of gunpowder on Zhou Xiao’s body.

“I did it. The Fight Club has exploded and Swart is dead.” Zhou Xiao said very calmly.

“Is that so…” Natasha did not say any words of blame, but asked:

“Originally, our underground fire was planning to close the net today and seize the fight club to arrest Scott. By the way, does Scott’s star boxer plan… really have anything to do with you?”

“It started with me, and it ends with me.” Zhou Xiao simply said, and then glanced at Natasha:

“Is the Earth Fire trying to catch me?”


Then you must have this strength!

Natasha pursed her lips and then shook her head: “We Earth Fire still don’t want to have a direct conflict with you. Besides… you have helped our Earth Fire solve a problem.”


Listening to Natasha’s words, Zhou Xiao nodded, and then said: “Perhaps you Earth Fire will still arrest me. After all… the conflict outside the mining area is directly related to me.”


Natasha frowned slightly when she heard this, and her eyes towards Zhou Xiao also changed slightly.

“Are you and Swaro really a team?”

ps: Second update, please ask for everything!

Chapter 38 Zhou Xiao appears! (First update!)

“Are you and Swaro really a team?!” Natasha raised her eyebrows slightly.

She did receive feedback from the Earthfire members, saying that the Stormtroopers often went to the Mechanical Settlement to provide free clinics for the automaton soldiers.

She was still a little shocked that Windrush still had this skill.

“We can’t call them a group. It’s nothing more than an exchange of interests.” Zhou Xiao’s face was still so calm.

“Didn’t you promise me not to harm Panyan Town?”

Listening to Natasha’s question, Zhou Xiao disagreed. He did not harm Panyan Town.

“I’m just giving this chaotic, divided lower district a chance to come together.”

This is a high-sounding reason, but it sounds very unreliable.

“A chance to unite? Is this what you gave me?” This was the first time Natasha had seen such rhetoric that united the underground.

“If there is a bigger external conflict, then the internal conflicts will be temporarily put aside and we will jointly fight against the foreign enemies…” Zhou Xiao slowly began to explain his thoughts.

“In fact, it is best for this external conflict to be in the upper-level area, but it is a pity that the conflict between the upper- and lower-level areas cannot break out yet, so a new external conflict is needed.”

“This person can be an outsider like me.” Zhou Xiao said as he glanced at Xiao Hao, who was a little stiff in his arms.

“Swaro cannot control the influence of external variables, and you Earth Fire cannot control the complexity of human nature, so it will be up to me, an outsider, to unite you, even temporarily.”


After listening to Zhou Xiao’s words, Natasha’s eyes changed slightly when she looked at Zhou Xiao.

Using outsider variables to tip the balance…

“What does this mean to you?” Natasha didn’t quite understand that Zhou Xiao had made such a big move.

He became a well-known underground blaster through black boxing, became a cybernetic doctor of the mechanical colony, blew up Scott’s boxing club, and finally intervened in the lower areas…

With such a big circle, she didn’t understand what Zhou Xiao was planning.


Upon hearing Natasha’s words, Zhou Xiao’s calm eyes flashed with a faint light, and a slightly childish voice sounded in his ears.

“What do I want?”

“I want a lot…but what I want most is…that the entire lower district can unite and settle down…”

“Yes, this is my wish, for unity and stability in the lower districts!”

For him, Zhou Xiao, it makes little sense to unite the lower class.

But for Xiao Hao, this is the biggest wish in Xiao Hao’s heart.

Let the lower-level district unite and settle down… This is the gift Zhou Xiaolin wants to give to Xiao Hao before returning to the train.

“Control the lower area…”

Outside Panyan Town.

The modified automatic robots supported by Jarvis successfully entered Panyan Town.

The members of the Earth Fire, plus Shivaro, who was requested by Clara, tacitly became comrades fighting side by side, jointly fighting against the modified automatons controlled by Zhou Xiao.

“This big guy! Why is he so difficult to deal with! Swaro! Fuck him!” Xi’er’s sickle almost chopped into pieces but failed to cut into Jarvis’s core.

She was really shocked by the combat effectiveness of these automatic robots, which were much more powerful than the previous ones.

When she heard that these automatic robots were modified by the Windbreaker Zhou Xiao, she was amazed by Zhou Xiao’s transformation ability.

She had fought Jarvis two or three times. The three-armed mechanical monster in front of her was strong and had high attack power. He was a heavy-armed warrior. Fortunately, he was not very agile, otherwise he would have been more difficult to deal with.


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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