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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 27

Coupled with the assistance of other modified automatic robots, although the number was not large, it also caused a certain number of injuries to the ground fire personnel.

Perhaps they should be thankful that the order given by Zhou Xiao was to control the lower area and not to host hostile ground fire…

Otherwise it is not injury, but death.

Shivaro, who was also a robot on the other side, really didn’t expect that Jarvis’s performance could be improved so much by Zhou Xiao’s transformation.

At this moment, he was even thinking about whether to let Zhou Xiao upgrade it.

all in all.

Under the siege of the automatons led by Seele and Swaro, Jarvis and other modified automatons were gradually defeated.

As far as the field of vision could be seen, a large number of automatic robots lost their ability to move amid the flames of war and ruins.

In a circle surrounded by a group of Earthfire members and Swaro’s followers.

Jarvis was half-kneeling on the ground, and the red earth around him was exuding scorching heat. This was the effect of the round of gunfire he had just experienced.

His huge mechanical body is now covered with various cutting marks and holes from cannonballs. It was originally a battle-damaged version, but now it has directly become a battle-damaged version. It originally had three hands, but now only one giant mechanical claw is left.

The high-load battle caused his mechanical body to ooze heat like a steam engine.

“Jarvis… take control of the lower area and complete the instructions…” Jarvis’s voice unit seemed to have something wrong, and the sizzling sound was like a worn-out tape, a little harsh.

“Jarvis…that’s it.” When Clara saw that Jarvis was close to being scrapped again, she really wanted to make Jarvis give up fighting.

“Complete…the order.” Jarvis still wanted to struggle. In his logic module, completing Zhou Xiao’s order and loyalty implemented his entire action logic.

“What nonsense are you talking to him about…” Xi’er raised the curled sickle and prepared to completely destroy Jarvis’s control core.

Before she could swing the scythe, she felt something was wrong.

Her whole body was seen floating in the air like a balloon.


A strong gust of wind blew across the battlefield. This strong air flow lifted up Jarvis’s mechanical body as if consciously and firmly protected the control core.

“Release the command to control the lower area.”

Not far away, Zhou Xiao’s voice sounded faintly on the streets of Panyan Town.

Zhou Xiao, who was wearing black clothes, was followed by the “turbulent” Natasha, and the two walked towards the center of the battle.

“Finally here! The real murderer behind the scenes!”

Seeing Zhou Xiao appear, Xi’er silently grasped the handle of the sickle in her hand.


Everyone in Earth Fire was hostile to Zhou Xiao, the wind-blaster.

“Brother Zhou Xiao…why do you want Jarvis and the others to fight…” Clara asked.

For Shivaro and Clara in the mechanical settlement, they did not quite understand the logic of Zhou Xiao’s behavior without warning.

“Doctor Natasha…how did you end up with Windrush? Did he kidnap you?!”

When Xier saw Natasha and Zhou Xiao coming together, she was just guessing.

“Oleg…let everyone stop.”

Natasha looked at Oleg who was holding a weapon not far away and said slowly.

Chapter Thirty-Nine Chapter Thirty-Nine: Challenge the entire area alone and give it a serious blow! (Second update!)


Xi’er was confused. She wondered if she had heard wrongly.

“Natasha, what’s wrong with you? He is the enemy! He ordered these automatons to injure so many of us…”

Listening to Xi’er’s words, Zhou Xiao knew that Dihuo and Shivaro were only temporarily united because of the cooperation with foreign enemies. If he wanted them to be obedient and sit down to have a good talk, he needed his push.

Use strength… to subvert Shivaro’s rational data calculations, and use strength to suppress Seele and other Earth Fire people. Human nature is complex and changeable.

“You’re right, I’m the enemy… Come on, stop me.”

Zhou Xiao’s calm eyes glanced at everyone present, including Swaro.

His arrogant tone undoubtedly ignited the anger of the Earth Fire and the people of Panyan Town who came to join the resistance.

“What are you crazy about!”

“So many mechas were attacked just now! I’m afraid you can’t do it alone!”

“Wait a minute…he is the Kunfeng Master…ah, that’s okay.”

“What’s wrong with Kun Feng Zhe? There are so many of us, how can he not defeat us even if he has only three heads and six arms?”

“That’s right! I’ve long been unhappy with that Kun Feng Zha! Kua Kua followed that Scott to make money! He deceived us!”

“Fuck him!”

Everyone present needed a vent, and Zhou Xiao, the “big villain” at the moment, naturally became the vent.

Kunfeng person…

Especially with this name.

Comes with resentment buff.

After all, Scott used Kun Feng Zhe to engage in many fraudulent gambling games that deceived people and did not benefit himself.

The people in Dihuo and Panyan Town were filled with resentment, while the mechanical settlement was completely silent. As automatons, they were more interested in studying Zhou Xiao’s behavioral logic.

“Look…” Zhou Xiao turned to Natasha:

“Although you are the highly respected No. 1 doctor in Panyan Town and have saved countless lives… But now? You still can’t get everyone to stop. Even… Oleg didn’t listen to you…”

Natasha: “…”

Seeing that Natasha didn’t answer, Zhou Xiao looked at Swaro in the distance again:

“Swaro… use your data to analyze and analyze. What is my winning rate against the entire Earthfire and your mechanical settlement?”

When Shivaro heard the sound, he actually made some calculations.

“From the current point of view… your victory rate against Dihuo and others is 70%, with an increase or decrease of no more than 5%.”

“Including the mechanical settlement…the combat success rate is fifty percent,” with an increase or decrease of no more than five percent. “

One asked, and the other dared to answer.

Shivaro’s calculations were vague. After all, Zhou Xiao in his database did not use all his strength at all.

Add in the mechanical settlement, and it’s a 50-50 split.

Zhou Xiao nodded when he heard the sound, and the self-discipline of the windbreaker in his pocket faintly glowed. With the help of the light cone, an extremely pure power of the wind was fed back to Zhou Xiao.

Invisible air currents swirled around him and finally attached to the long knife in the scabbard, causing it to buzz and vibrate.


The long sword was unsheathed. Zhou Xiao’s speed reached the extreme. The muscles of his left hand holding the sword tightened to send out every word.

In an instant.

Xierwei, who was still struggling with the airflow, felt a strong wind blowing past her side, making it difficult for her to breathe.


As the earth shook and the mountains shook, the cave where Zhou Xiao was facing collapsed. The strong air flow was like a sharp knife carved in the hands of nature, adding a touch of color to the ice-covered world.

Everyone around them hurriedly grabbed the bunker to prevent themselves from being blown away.


After the dust settled, the cold current of ice and snow slowly penetrated from the ground to the underground, making people feel the chill.

“I’m so stupid…”

“This…is something a human can do?”

Xi’er, who was still held up in the air, looked at the great rift valley that appeared in front of her. The expression on her face was frozen. She rubbed her eyes, but she still couldn’t see the other end of the abyss in front of her.

Natasha, who was next to Zhou Xiao, opened her mouth slightly and looked at the canyon in front of her in disbelief, and then looked at Zhou Xiao, the author of the canyon work.

She who was closest to Zhou Xiao knew exactly what had just happened.

Waves of strong air currents radiated and spread like ripples, and she couldn’t even suppress the hem of her skirt that was floating…

If she wasn’t behind Zhou Xiao, she had every reason to believe that she would be blown away.

“Big brother…” Clara almost didn’t fall into the rift just now, but luckily it was Swaro who pulled her up.

Clara, who stood carefully on Swaro’s giant hand, looked at the miraculous craftsmanship in front of her. This shock was definitely something she would never forget in her life.

“The winning rate…is less than 10%, and the variables…are full of uncertainty.”

Shivaro looked at Zhou Xiao. He first updated his winning rate estimate, then shook his head and said that Zhou Xiao’s variable would increase the probability of deviating from the accuracy of the data.

After this beheading, everyone’s eyes changed when they looked at Zhou Xiao. From the initial shouting that Zhou Xiao had no good juice to eat, now they are full of fear in their eyes and fear in their souls.

Calm down.

All calmed down.

No one dared to say another word.

It turns out…I have become so strong.

Zhou Xiao moved his left arm. The knife he just swung put a heavy load on the muscles of his left hand.

Looking at the masterpiece he had created, he was a little surprised. He had just used the light cone to swing the knife seriously.

I didn’t expect it to be able to cause such destructive power.

What should this move be called?


The name seems okay.

After a major shock, a large rift valley appeared in Panyan Town, which happened to pass through one side of Beloberg outside the city, leaving a huge gap in Beloberg’s city wall.

The cold air flow goes deep along the rift valley, causing the temperature in the lower area to drop a bit.


what’s going on?!

Upper area.

The Silver Mane Iron Guards stood on the upper level of the rift valley, overlooking the bottom of the rift valley. They wanted to know what was happening.

But no one can tell them the answer.

“The temperature in the lower zone of the rift valley will drop by about 11 degrees, and the temperature drop is expected to be no more than 9 degrees.”

“The preservation plan is to seal the road leading to the large mining area, build a sealed passage with a length of about 150 meters to resist the cold current, and re-explore the direction of the marrow veins…”

“Preservation plan 2, move to a new underground living place…”


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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