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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 28

In a room in Panyan Town, in front of Zhou Xiao, a powerful enemy, Dihuo and Shivaro, headed by Natasha, sat together and calmly analyzed the current difficulties facing the lower area.

Because the main contradiction and bad situation were caused by Zhou Xiao, the mass conflicts in Panyan Town were also transferred from those directed at Shivaro and the Wanderers to Zhou Xiao.

Therefore, the lower-level district now has an unusually unified opinion, and there are fewer quarrels when sitting down to negotiate.

ps: Please help me get rid of the book shortage!

Chapter 40 Only the master’s stability can make me feel at ease!

“Based on the analysis of the current situation, the best way to deal with it is to seal the road leading to the large mining area first, temporarily delay the impact of the cold wave on the lower areas, and find new underground living places.”

Swaro gave objective suggestions for protecting the lower areas.

“Underground living place…” After hearing what Swaro said, Natasha lightly stroked her hanging hair with her left hand, and then objected:

“The underground near Beroberg has either been dug through by us, or it has been eroded by the rift. It is almost impossible to replace the underground living area.”

“So…” Swaro’s mechanical electronic eyes looked at Natasha: “So, do you Earthfire have a better plan?”

Natasha was silent for a while.

“I asked how variables are stored in lower-level areas.”

Seeing that Natasha couldn’t come up with a better plan, Swaro’s sound unit made a sound. The variable in his mouth was naturally Zhou Xiao.

“His answer is…the source of the cold wave is the star core. As long as the star core is sealed, the cold wave can be resolved. Although there is no data to support it,…the situation in the lower area is that looking for the star core and sealing it can be considered A conservation plan.”

“Star core?”

Natasha paused when she heard this unfamiliar name.

While Natasha was communicating with Swaro, Zhou Xiao was burying an old friend.

Zhou Xiao buried Xiao Hao’s body at the front of the Great Rift Valley. This location was very open, and he could see Beloberg and the gray sky of Yalilo 6 through the gaps in the rift valley.

“Xiao Hao…it’s nice here. It’s quiet. No one can disturb you. You can also see the outside world.”

“As for your wish…I will try my best to help you fulfill it before leaving Yaliluo No. 6.”

Zhou Xiao stayed with Xiao Hao for a while, then turned around and left, returning to Panyan Town. All the miners he met on the road got out of the way, with more or less fear in their eyes.

This fear that strikes their souls suppresses their impulsive thoughts of revenge…

A great villain, Zhou Xiao is already considered a great villain in the eyes of these people.

But Zhou Xiao didn’t care.

For him, his image in the entire lower-level district is irrelevant, so he will choose the simplest, direct and quickest way to temporarily unite the lower-level district…

accomplish the purpose.

Of course.

Just temporary solidarity.

Wherever there are people, there will be disputes, suspicions, and injustices… These factors will always be a barrier to human trust.

“We promise you…a world of peace, warmth, and order…”

“There is no war…. there is no hunger…”

In Clipper Castle in the upper administrative area, tawny-haired Cocolia sat quietly on a chair. There was not much emotion on her face, and she looked inexplicably like a “wife”.

This very bewitching voice sounded in her ears from time to time, and it kept affecting her thoughts.

“Lord Great Guardian? Lord Great Guardian…”

When she heard someone calling her, Cocolia came back to her senses and looked at the subordinate reporting below.

“Has the cause been investigated clearly?”

“Returning to the Great Guardian… The rift is formed by the geological changes in the lower area. We need to go to the lower area to investigate the specific reasons for the geological changes.”

“In addition, the wall in the eastern section is severely damaged… We are already trying to repair it urgently.”

Listening to the useless report from his subordinates, Cocolia, who had a strong “wife” taste, frowned at first, and then heard a very bewitching voice in her ears.

“Variable, underground, destruction.”

These three short words caused Cocolia’s expression to change slightly.

Xinghe had told her before that outsiders would affect the arrival of the new world, so she took advantage of the night to issue an order to lock up all those outsiders.

Those outsiders were not weak and could run very well, but it took some effort to catch them.

I originally thought that this would be nothing, but I didn’t expect that there were still fish that slipped through the net.

“Let Bronya take people to the lower area to investigate.” Cocolia said.

“Lord Great Guardian, the lower area…” The subordinate paused and continued: “The situation in the lower area is very complicated. Is it okay to ask Lady Bronya to go…”

“This is what she’s going to go through, let her be.”

“It’s…the Great Guardian.”

“Lord Great Guardian, Lord Great Guardian, it’s not good…”

At this moment, another subordinate walked in in a panic.

“Those outsiders… ran away.”


This is really not good news.

Cocolia’s brows furrowed even more after hearing this, and she felt a faint sense of uneasiness.

“Finally escaped!”

Breathing the free air, March Qi pinched her waist and couldn’t help but sigh. These days were the most uncomfortable pioneering journey she had experienced in so many worlds as a pioneer.

I was immediately locked up in a dark room for several days.

“Look, it has to be me. We never treat our friends badly.” Not far away, a man in purple clothes said with a smile while rubbing his hands.

“You still said! If it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t have been imprisoned.” March 7 looked at the man named Sang Bo with a complaining face.

It was their bad luck to meet old Sambo outside the city.

During the process of being wanted by the Great Guardian, they had a chance to escape, but Sambo appeared at an untimely time and threw several smoke bombs, causing them to fail to distinguish each other’s smoke.

This resulted in them being directly wiped out by the group.

Sambo’s behavior profoundly made March 7 and others feel what it means to be a pig teammate.

Pure manuscript.

The most terrible thing is… Sambo ran away in the end, and only their pioneering team was stunned and caught by the mist.

“Aren’t we here to save you…” Sangbo knew he was wrong and continued to laugh.

“What should we do now?” Yue Qi rolled his eyes at Sang Bo, and then looked at Dan Heng not far away.

“Meet Zhou Xiao. Uncle Yang has sent news before, saying that Zhou Xiao is in the lower area.” Dan Heng’s goal is also very clear. He will first meet Zhou Xiao and then go to find the star core together.

Zhou Xiao…

As soon as I heard this name.

Xingmei and March 7 both had some emotional changes on their faces.

Emotions were obviously even higher on March 7th.

Ever since she came to Yaliluo 6 and learned that Zhou Xiao was missing, she has been worried…

The star girl next to her felt like crying when she heard the sound.

I was finally able to meet the master.

Only the master’s stability can make me feel at ease!

Her first pioneering trip can really be said to be a series of twists and turns. It can be said that she went hungry for nine meals in seven or three days in March…

“Lower area?” Old Sambo became more energetic when he heard the lower area: “I’m familiar with the lower area. Come with me… I’ll take you to the side road.”

“You?” March 7 looked Sambo up and down: “Are you really reliable this time?”

“That’s inevitable! Come with me…”

Chapter 41 New rewards! Exclusive wonder! (Second update!)

Old Sambo, a reliable musician, led March 7 and his party to a collapsed passage. Looking at the collapsed passage, Old Sambo scratched his head and looked slightly embarrassed.

“What’s going on? I remember…it can go down here.”

“Don’t panic, everyone! We still have a way out.”

As he said that, he took March 7 and others to look for other ways to the lower area, but most of the passages were inaccessible due to the collapse of the Great Rift Valley.

“Sure enough! I knew it! You are very unreliable!”

March Qi looked at Sangbo who was again spreading her hands to show that she was in the wrong direction, and waved her fist, which seemed to mean that her patience was running out.

“Don’t worry, don’t worry… I guess there is no path leading to the lower area. You can only sneak through the main road on the side of the hearth. If your friends want to come up, they will probably have to take that road. What we call After eliminating all the wrong choices, the remaining ones…are the right ones, who knows…we can just happen to bump into him.”

Sambo laughed twice to make things right.

March 7 looked unbelieving when he heard this.

Xingmei scratched the hair on her head with a look of helplessness.

Dan Heng crossed his shoulders and glanced at Sang Bo.

No one seemed willing to take his word for it.

[You have persisted in using the sword for a hundred days, and you have achieved the achievement. My sword has long been thirsty, and you have obtained the exclusive rare item, the Mask of the Windbreaker]

Just when Sangbo was leading the train crew, he was in the lower area at this moment.

Zhou Xiao was looking for the way to the upper area according to the route given by Swaro, but what was uncomfortable was that he was a little road-crazy again.

He was looking for a way out when a belated system sound rang in his ears, causing him to stop.

Strange object?

Zhou Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly, then opened the system interface and took a quick look.

【Mask of the Windbreaker】

[Wearing a mask can greatly improve the wearer’s efficiency in using the power of the wind and greatly improve the wearer’s sanity]

Simple and clear introduction.

In the dark light environment, Zhou Xiao looked at the evil-looking cyan mask in his hand that was emitting bursts of cyan light. This mask was a metal mask, and its texture felt cool to the touch.

An exclusive item?

Zhou Xiao put the mask on his face, and a unique metal texture fit his cheeks. In an instant, he seemed to have opened up a new world.


Extremely peaceful.

After putting on the mask, Zhou Xiao felt as if nothing around him could cause his emotions to fluctuate. An indescribable extreme rationality occupied his brain, and his field of vision seemed to be wider. He could also see in this dark light environment. Able to see clearly.

It’s the wind…

Zhou Xiao gently stretched out his left hand, spread his fingers, and the weak airflow in the cave flowed through his fingertips.

It is indeed more sensitive to airflow.

Seeing him exerting a little force, the surrounding airflow seemed to have heard the order and instantly gathered together to form a vortex, constantly attracting the surrounding pebbles. As the vortex grew larger, more matter was attracted.

really not bad.


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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