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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 31

“Oh, yes.”

Zhou Xiao remembered something and introduced to Shivaro the identities of Dan Heng and others as outsiders:

“These few are also outsider variables. He can help you by sealing the star core.”

After Zhou Xiao’s remarks, both Natasha and Shivaro from the lower area, as well as Dan Heng and Xingmei from the development team, all focused on each other.

“Do you…have a way to seal the star core?” Swaro’s sound unit made a mechanical sound.

“Of course…” March 7 took over.

“We are the star core that has sealed several worlds.”

“You can give it a try.” Swaro gave pertinent advice.

Natasha doesn’t have any objections. After all, for the current lower-class district, there are no risks that cannot be tolerated.

“Then…there is only one question left now.” Dan Heng glanced at everyone present.

“Does anyone here… know the specific location of the star core?”

As soon as this question came out, everyone present had no answer.

Natasha in the lower area pursed her lips. She didn’t even know what a star core was, let alone where it was.

As for Swaro, although he knows about the star core and has certain star core database information, there are certain deficiencies in his database and he does not know the specific location of the star core.

Not to mention March 7, Dan Heng and others, if they knew, they would not ask such questions.

So several people who were looking at each other unanimously looked at Zhou Xiao.

Seeing everyone staring at him, Zhou Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly: “What are you looking at me for? There is no answer on my face.”

“Since you said that the star core is related to Cocolia…why don’t you ask Cocolia about your wild guess?”



After being reminded by Zhou Xiao, everyone suddenly came to their senses.

“I have sent Xier and the others to negotiate in the upper area, but there is no news yet.” Natasha said.

“Xie’er…” Zhou Xiao heard the sound and touched his chin.

“I said I seemed to have forgotten something. It seems that Xi’er and your members of Earthfire are still lying in the hearth passage.”

Natasha: “…”

There is a saying mmp, I don’t know whether to say it or not.

“Then…how did you bring that woman down?” March Qi’s thoughts were always strange.

“Because she is the most beautiful…and she seems to be of some use.”


After a moment.

Xi’er, a group of Earthfire members, and Bronya’s escorts were taken from the hearth passage to Natasha’s clinic for treatment.

This makes the already scarce medical supplies even more tense.

Zhou Xiao: “Sister Ji Zi… I have completed my mission. Now I request to return to the train.”

Downstairs at the Goethe Hotel in the lower district, Zhou Xiao, the villain of the lower district, was holding Dan Heng’s communication equipment to contact the train crew.

Ji Zi: “Have you reunited with Dan Heng and the others? It’s not easy! Mission accomplished? Has the star core been found?”

Zhou Xiao: “Isn’t that the mission of the pioneering team? My mission is to collect specialty materials.”

After seeing this news, Ji Zi realized on the Star Dome Train that she had tricked Zhou Xiao into getting off.

Jizi pursed her lips at the thought, and then continued to send messages.

Ji Zi: “That’s right… Zhou Xiao, I know that you are very capable, and there is something wrong with Dan Heng’s sealing star core… so…”

Jizi: “Sorry jpg.”

Seeing this news, Zhou Xiao said that he had expected it when he just sent the message.

Zhou Xiao: “Sister Ji Zi, you know me, I am principled.”

Ji Zi: “Sister, I’ll give you more money… Your principled sister knows it.”

Jizi: “Don’t worry jpg.”

Zhou Xiao put down his phone and was silent for a while.

He really wanted to refuse, but Himeko said to pay more…

He is really short of money now. After all, he went astray in the lower class area and got some quick money. Later, he gave all the money he had to Scott in the Fight Club…

So much so that he is a bit poor now.

On the Star Train side, seeing that Zhou Xiao did not reply, Ji Zi felt that Zhou Xiao had compromised, so the smile on her lips became wider.

She felt that she seemed to have gotten Zhou Xiao’s correct way of using it…

“Xiao Sanyue, Xiao Sanyue…you are so angry.”

In order to eat Kougua, Jizi said that she had helped a lot.

If Xiao Sanyue doesn’t gain some momentum…then there will be nothing she can do.

Ji Zi thought of Zhou Xiao’s figure.

When she thought of Zhou Xiao, she thought of the perverted spicy version of the large bowl of wide noodles that Zhou Xiao had given her that night.

Even though it had been a while, the feeling of spicy up and down still impressed her deeply…


Is it okay to keep the status quo?

When Ji Zi thought that if Zhou Xiao and March Qi were together…she seemed to be unable to ask Zhou Xiao to open a small stove in the middle of the night and eat Zhou Xiao’s cooking, she suddenly felt like there were ants crawling in her heart.


So weird.

Lower level, Natasha Clinic.

Bronya woke up from her coma in a daze, feeling pain in her head, and she slowly sat up.

I glanced at the surrounding environment. There were many hospital beds…crowded, and the environment seemed a bit rough.

Where is this place?

Why am I here?

Chapter 45: The dead Bronya! (Second update!)

After the classic self-questioning question.

Bronya gradually remembered something.

She remembers…

She followed the hearth passage all the way down and met a wanted fugitive. During the chase, she encountered people in the lower area who were shielding the wanted criminal.

Then the fight started.

Although the scythe girl was pretty good, she was even more powerful if she couldn’t hold her back, and the battle became intense.

And then there’s…

Encountering the so-called miner’s ghost, her men were frightened and retreated, and she wanted to break the rumors of the so-called miner’s ghost.

So I chased after him…


She was swept by a strong gust of wind, and many wounds suddenly appeared on her body. She was about to take a gun and shoot, but unexpectedly, the ghost of the miner suddenly appeared in front of her…

After that, she lost consciousness, and when she was vague, she felt as if she had been spanked by the ghost…

Too much!

When she thought of this, Bronya suddenly felt a little ashamed and angry.

She swears!

If she were to encounter that miner’s shadow again, she would definitely represent the builder’s will and stick the gun into that guy’s nostril!


She got off the bed and stumbled towards the door nearest to her.

While the clinic was busy, she escaped through the back door without anyone noticing.

Push the door open.

The landscape environment seen in the field of vision is very similar to the lower area… Cold and strong winds are howling in the town from the direction of the rift valley.

Bronya was barefoot at the moment, her legs were wearing coarse clothes and pants, her hair was disheveled, and she looked like a native of the lower class.

We have to go back to the upper area first…


Go back to the upper area and report to Mother the bad situation here…

She thought to herself, and then walked toward the hearth passage in the center.

She had injuries on her body and some concussions, so that she walked unsteadily, as if she had drunk too much.

Before he walked far… he bumped into Zhou Xiao, who had just finished talking to Ji Zi.

Bronya raised her head and happened to see Zhou Xiao’s indifferent face. The former’s calm eyes seemed to be like an abyss, constantly pulling her thoughts into it.

“Recovering very quickly.”

Zhou Xiao expressed surprise that Bronya could wake up so quickly.

This voice…

Bronya felt that the voice of the person in front of her was familiar, as if she had heard it somewhere…


Bronya covered her head and thought about it. As soon as she thought about it, the pain in her head got a little worse.

Lower area…orphanage.

Miner’s Shadow.

“Why are you chasing me when you have nothing to do?”

Bronya seemed to recall where she had heard this voice.

In the furnace heart passage, in the mouth of the miner’s shadow…

“You are the miner’s shadow!” Bronya pointed at Zhou Xiao’s nose and said.

“What a ghost of absenteeism.”

Zhou Xiao felt that Bronya had been “trickled” by him, and she was nagging.

“Landerer!” Just when he was about to force Bronya to shut down her phone, Bronya spat out an even more shocking name.


Zhou Xiao frowned at this title.

“what are you saying?”

“Shi Ke can’t be killed! Why are you slapping my butt in the passage!” Bronya said.



Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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