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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 32

Question trilogy.

Zhou Xiao said that he is a gentleman, how could he take advantage of others’ danger? Moreover, even if he really took advantage of others’ danger, he would definitely choose mature big sisters like Jizi and Natasha. How could he choose Bloo? What about Nia…

Furnace channel…

Zhou Xiao thought carefully again and suddenly thought of something and said:

“It’s obviously your spear that was stuck in the ground. When your foot slipped and you fell down, the butt of the gun poked your butt!”

He remembered that Bronya did have such an embarrassing incident at that time, and she made him laugh and cry for a long time…


Hearing this, Bronya’s eyes widened slightly, and she was stunned.

It sounds like…this is worse than being slapped on the butt by Zhou Xiao!

At least I can find someone to take revenge for being slapped on the butt by Zhou Xiao. I have a thought, it is purely my own embarrassment to be poked in the butt by my own gun!

Bronya touched her buttocks.


It does seem to hurt a little.

There aren’t many truths in this world, and a woman’s blush is worth more than a whole conversation.

Zhou Xiao’s naked truth made Bronya’s whole body turn red and warm, and her fair skin was rosy, as if it was on fire.


“Absolutely impossible.”

Bronya would definitely not be able to admit it. As the next successor of the Great Guardian, this past was a bit too embarrassing.




Seeing Bronya hemming and hawing for a long time but still not being able to explain clearly, babbling a bit, and a bit like dropping “little pearls”, Zhou Xiao couldn’t help but frown a little.

I have to force shut down…

Then send it to Natasha to have her brain repaired…

Zhou Xiao thought this, and then drew the knife with his backhand.

In an instant.

Bronya seemed to have seen the previous Great Guardian… spinning twice and a half in mid-air, and finally fell smoothly to the ground.

There is no sympathy, only pure simplicity and roughness.


Zhou Xiao patted the dust on his hands and nodded with slight satisfaction.

“Zhou Xiao…”

As soon as Zhou Xiao forced Bronya to shut down her phone, Dan Heng called him from behind.

Turning around, Dan Heng came over and said slowly:

“I discussed it with Shivaro and Natasha, and I think we have to use Bronya’s status to sneak into Belloberg and get close to the Great Guardian… try to avoid conflicts with the Silver Mane Guard…”


“Yes… I was planning to go to the clinic to see if she was awake. Don’t tell me, you made the right decision by bringing Bronya down. Maybe we can use this breakthrough point to get closer.” Dan Heng So said.

“I woke up just now…but now I’m fainted again.” Zhou Xiao pointed at Bronya beside her, who seemed to be more unconscious than before.

“Why…did you faint again?”

“You must practice with me…”

Hearing Zhou Xiao’s words, Dan Heng touched his chin. Seeing Bronya dying, he could only answer with silence.

“It’s better to send him to the clinic.”

“Dr. Natasha, look at…”

In the clinic, Natasha was startled when she saw Bronya being carried back by Dan Heng, and then looked at Bronya’s bed.

I was careless…

He actually ran out.

“What’s up with her?”

“Suffered some… trauma.” Dan Heng subconsciously glanced at Zhou Xiao standing aside.


Natasha checked Bronya’s condition and found that her concussion was more serious.

“I guess if I want to wake up… it won’t be until tomorrow at the earliest.” Natasha said slowly after checking.

PS: Ask for everything! Ask for everything!

Chapter 46 Thanks! The never-ending wind! (First update)

Since Bronya was still in a coma, the train crew, Natasha and others decided to wait for Bronya to wake up before returning to the upper area.

Dan Heng and others were arranged to rest at the Goethe Hotel in the lower district.

“Why is there a Goethe Hotel in the lower district…” March 7 was confused when seeing the name of this hotel.

“Ours is the real one…”

Upon hearing what March Qi said, the owner of the Goethe Hotel in the lower district emphasized, and then led March Qi and the others down the hotel corridor.


March 7 saw that there was only a simple bed in the hotel room and no other furniture. This simple environment made her silent for two seconds, and then sighed:

“This is really…an unobstructed view.”

After Zhou Xiao returned to the hotel with Dan Heng and others, he simply completed his daily routine and then lay on the bed.

Perhaps he was too tired these days, so he quickly fell into sleep.

The mask of the Windbreaker in his pocket flashed a blue-black light very regularly.


The never-ending wind…

Please blow through the divine leaves of the Edsan tree…bring His blessings to us.

Thanks to the sacred tree.

Gratitude…the never-ending wind.


Endless chanting.

In the singing of this unknown language, Zhou Xiao slowly opened his eyes in his sleep.

At this moment.

He stood quietly under a big tree in the sky wearing the mask of the Windbreaker. His upper body was naked, and there were cracks of different sizes on his upper body. His well-defined abdominal muscles were very eye-catching.


where is this?

Zhou Xiao scanned the surrounding environment, and the first thing that caught his eye was the sacred tree in front of him.

The trunk of this sacred tree is very thick, which may be the reason why the sacred tree is so lush and leafy. Its leaves are very special, they are golden, and they have the visual effect of golden scales under the sunlight.

Looking further into the distance, the endless grassland is also a golden ocean. The golden grass blades make up the tenacious life of this grassland. The breeze blows through the grassland, reflecting different colors, with a sense of helplessness. Describe the scent in words.

Raising his hand slightly, the wind on the grassland gathered and dispersed as if it had been summoned.

Sometimes it feels very comfortable to be caressed by a woman’s soft hand, and sometimes it is like being cut by the sharpest blade in the world with just a slight touch.

Zhou Xiao walked around casually under the sacred tree. For some reason, as long as he was here, he felt surprisingly calm in his heart, without any fluctuations.

He closed his eyes and gently touched the trunk of the sacred tree with his left hand. A warm current flowed back to his left hand, as if he could hear the call of the sacred tree.

“Look at me, I’m beautiful…”

“Open your eyes…”

“You smell my fragrance…”

There was a sound of female laughter in my ears, and the sound was very seductive.

Zhou Xiao opened his eyes again. At this moment, he was already stepping on a piece of scorched earth. The golden sacred tree was ignited and turned into a huge fire tree, burning crazily on this dark grassland.

At another glance, he saw countless alluring bitches of all kinds leaning on him, as if they wanted to eat him.

These women can’t see their faces, but they have great figures, with a body size of five to six months, three months to seven months.

Very dirty…

Zhou Xiao frowned. Although there was no in-depth communication, he instinctively felt that these things were very dirty. Seeing his fingers spread out, countless invisible wind blades enveloped him like a shield, radiating and spreading around him. Those bewitching people disintegrated the moment they came into contact with the wind blade.

Such a decisive murderous intention was something that those charming people did not expect.

“Why are you trying to kill me?”


The more his wind blade harvested, the faster those charming people were resurrected, and the more ferocious and terrifying they became, crawling on the ground at all four corners, crawling towards him like strange species.


How weird…

It’s like being unkillable.

The more you kill, the more you kill.

Zhou Xiao was a little strange.

For some reason, he felt that every time he killed a charming person, the desire in his body accumulated.

By the end, this grassland was already an “ocean” of bewitching people. They didn’t say a word, and Zhou Xiao’s ears were surrounded by 3D explosions.

The most amazing thing is that he now looks at these charming people with clear features…

Those coquettish people who were originally faceless were now all in his aesthetic point.

Fake…all fake.

It’s all a dream.

Kill me!

Zhou Xiao felt that he couldn’t stop. Once he stopped, he would be swallowed by this seductive ocean.

Countless wind blades harvested everything in his sight again and again…

In the lower area of ​​reality, the flickering light of the Windrunner mask in Zhou Xiao’s pocket changed into a scarlet color. Countless scarlet threads emanated from Zhou Xiao’s body and poured into the mask, and then fed back to Zhou Xiao’s body. .

Between swallowing and vomiting, Zhou Xiao seemed to be missing something in his body, but there was something extra in his body.


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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