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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 33

In a dream.

Zhou Xiao had exhausted all the power of the wind in his body, and his ray of breeze was finally swallowed up by these bewitching people.

“Look at me, I’m beautiful…”

“Open your eyes…”

“You smell my fragrance…”

Zhou Xiao, who originally thought he would wake up, heard such a voice again when he regained consciousness.

When he opened his eyes, the tree was still burning, and a dozen faceless women were surrounding him, some showing off, some pretending to be elegant… and some pretending to be reserved…

This is not over…it’s not over.

Zhou Xiao, who had just experienced this plot, knew that he couldn’t fight. The bigger the fight, the more he would fight. The more he fights, the more irritated he becomes.

He didn’t want to have any more interactions with these faceless women.

It’s a dream anyway…at worst, I’ll continue to sleep in the dream.

Zhou Xiao ignored these faceless women and just looked at them, then closed his eyes again.

You can be as sexy as you like.

You see if I ignore you or not, that’s the end of it.

Adhering to this idea, Zhou Xiao entered a deep sleep state, no matter what those faceless women said or did, he remained unmoved.

Seeing that verbal seduction failed, those faceless women began to take further actions… but still to no avail.

When Zhou Xiao enters the calm “sage mode”, the temptation of these faceless women is ineffective.

When he no longer used his strong strength to destroy those faceless women, the scarlet energy material no longer appeared in his body in the real world.

Dong dong dong——

Along with the sound of knocking on the door, Zhou Xiao seemed to be rising from the deep sea, and his consciousness gradually broke free from the dream.

When Zhou Xiao opened his eyes and woke up, two golden streams of light flashed across his eyes.

I saw him slowly sitting up from the bed, the back of his clothes already soaked with sweat…

Chapter 47 Awakening! The second force appears!

This dream…

So weird.

Zhou Xiao felt strange after waking up.

Judging from his daily sleep, it is basically impossible for him to dream.

“Master, master? Are you in the room?” The star girl outside knocked on the door and asked in a low voice.

Star girl?

Zhou Xiao heard the sound and opened the door, only to see Xingmei looking at him expectantly in the corridor illuminated by a faint light.


“What…are you here for?”

Zhou Xiao had just experienced a strange dream, and Zhou Xiao was even more tired.

“Specialty supplies…” Xingmei said very simply: “Didn’t you ask me to come to your room at night to take a look…”

“I said…are you really here?” Zhou Xiao raised his eyebrows, obviously not expecting that Xingmei would actually come to the room to look for him at night because of his casual remarks.

“Ah? Isn’t that what you mean?”

Zhou Xiao sighed, then searched the room and threw a piece of marrow to Xingmei.

“Specialty supplies, you can see them.”

“Isn’t this… the essence of the earth?”

Xingmei looked at it carefully and found that this was a very ordinary earth marrow crystal. If there was any difference, it was that this earth marrow crystal was purer.

“Yes, in the lower area, ore is a specialty.” Zhou Xiao suddenly saw something again and threw another crystal stone to Xingmei.

“This is…?” Xingmei looked at the purple spar in her hand, which was as transparent as crystal and thought it was very beautiful.

“This is for you.” Zhou Xiao paused for a moment, and his expression changed slightly:

“It’s a souvenir.”


The crystal in Xingmei’s hand was bought from Xiao Hao.


March 7’s voice came from outside the door again.

“No, you really came to see Zhou Xiao. In the middle of the night, in the dead of night, alone, alone…”

March 7 just heard some movement at the door. When she came out, she found that Xingmei had actually come to Zhou Xiao’s room.

“What’s on your hand?”

“Ah? This…this is a spar, given by the master.” Xingmei said.




March 7’s eyes widened, she looked carefully at the crystal in Xingmei’s hand, and then looked at Zhou Xiao with a complicated expression.

After knowing Zhou Xiao for so long, Zhou Xiao has never given her anything…

This star has only been here for a long time… before he can have a gift.


It was obviously me who came first.

March 7:X﹏X.

“Why did you two come to my place without sleeping at night?” Zhou Xiao was very confused. Is his room a tourist attraction? It can attract so many people.

“We just came out for a drink of water, who wants to go to your room?” March 7 pretended to be reserved.

“That’s it.” Zhou Xiao scratched his head, and then casually threw a crystal to March Qi.

“Everyone who sees it has a share.”


March 7 took it over in a panic, and almost missed it when her hand slipped.

From what he could see, it was a sea-blue spar, with a little bit of fiery red inside.

It’s… quite nice.

March 7’s face remained unchanged, but in fact, she was already happy inside.

We also have…


“Okay, I’ve seen the things that need to be seen, given the things that need to be given, and you can go back to your own bed to sleep.” Zhou Xiao issued the eviction order.

“Hmm…good night, master.”

Xingmei waved her hands obediently.

The door is closed.

Without the interruption from outsiders, Zhou Xiao was more aware of the changes taking place in his body. He always felt strange in his body, as if there was an extra force.

Seeing him open his left hand, the power of the wind hovered in the palm of his hand, forming a small cyclone.

He opened his right hand again, and a scarlet power slowly seeped out from the fingertips of his right hand. An unspeakable force of evil and disaster occupied his right hand.

what is this?

Zhou Xiao was slightly startled, and he was surprised by the sudden increase of power in his body.

Is it related to that dream?

Zhou Xiao tried to use this power and found that this power and the power of the wind were mutually exclusive and entangled with each other.

Pulling out Kafka’s long knife, he tried to attach this power to the blade. In an instant, the entire blade seemed to be ignited with scarlet fire, and the splendor contained a sense of evil and lustful disaster.


It ignited.

Compared with the lightness and calmness of the force of the wind that reveals murderous intent when it is attached, the force that is attached now is nakedly aggressive and ominous.

Shouldn’t you try this?

Zhou Xiao was completely sleepless at the moment. He put on some clothes, held the scabbard in his hand, and put the Windbreaker’s mask on his cheek. His mind suddenly cleared.

Randomly select a lucky world-splitting creature.

Zhou Xiao was currently located in the eastern part of the Great Rift Valley and selected a rift creature.

When the long sword emitting scarlet light gradually burned and reflected on Zhou Xiao’s green ghost mask, the world-splitting creature wanted to escape as if it had a premonition, but to no avail.

The long knife attached with scarlet fire slashed smoothly on the body of the world-splitting creature. The extremely powerful blow caused the armor on the body of the world-splitting creature to explode, and then it fell straight to the ground like a meteor. The impact hit the cave, and the powerful impact shook the mountain.

As the scarlet fire burned, the body of the world-splitting creature gradually turned into nothingness before his eyes.

Good guy…

Zhou Xiao was surprised by the actual combat experience of this power.

If the power of the wind is like light wind, focusing on speed and agility, then this new power seems to give up speed in exchange for ultimate power.

This power seems like a destiny, but it seems that there is no such destiny among the known existence.

Double sword.

You must use two swords to achieve your best!

Zhou Xiao thought so.

Since the power of the wind is not very harmonious with this force, it is likely to become unstable if they are fused together.

But…where can I get a long knife of similar quality to Kafka’s knife?

this is a problem.

Food for thought.

Zhou Xiao touched his chin.

The night passed.

The next day.

Zhou Xiao woke up at the same time as usual.

Even though he had been in the lower area for so many days, he did not relax at all in his daily self-discipline training on the train. After seeing him wash up, he would do some simple training in the open space in front of the gate of the Goethe Hotel.



Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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