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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 34

After Zhou Xiao finished practicing, Dan Heng also came out of the Goethe Hotel. He was going to Natasha’s clinic to check on Bronya’s condition.

“Yes.” Zhou Xiao nodded, then looked at Dan Heng and continued: “We haven’t seen each other for so many days. Do you want to compete with me? Let’s have a real fight.”



Dan Heng said that since the Black Tower Space Station, he has no mood to compete with Zhou Xiao.

Moreover, although he did not see with his own eyes the specific situation of Zhou Xiao carving out a large rift valley with his sword, but through hearsay and other people’s fear of Zhou Xiao… Zhou Xiao was obviously stronger than before.

He still had some idea in mind.

“If you see that I’m unhappy, just tell me… don’t make excuses like this.” Dan Heng’s arrogant jpg.

ps: Ask for everything, ask for everything.

Chapter 48: Go and invite the evil man Zhou Xiao! (First update)

What words, what words is this!

What does it mean to see you unhappy?

This is obviously a serious discussion!

Zhou Xiao felt that Dan Heng was weird.

Is he the kind of person who takes revenge in the name of sparring?

“I’m going to check on Bronya.” Dan Heng said slowly, changing the topic of discussion.


Zhou Xiao had no interest in this.

Seeing that he was not interested, Dan Heng went to Natasha’s clinic alone.


In Natasha’s clinic.

Bronya, who was “forced to shut down” by Zhou Xiao’s knife, woke up again. She felt the pain in her head getting a little deeper.

Not only that, a childhood past that had been buried deep in her memory gradually became clear, as if it had been opened by Zhou Xiao’s knife.

It turns out that Bronya was also an orphan from the lower district and the Rivet Town Orphanage. She was later selected by the Great Guardian Cocolia and brought to the upper district to become the successor of the next guardian.

In the process of continuous learning in the upper area, her memory gradually became fragmented, which eventually led to this memory being sealed in the depths of her memory.

“you’re awake…”

Natasha, who was very wifely, spoke very gently.

Since Bronya sneaked out yesterday, Natasha has put more energy on Bronya to prevent Bronya from escaping again without anyone noticing.

“Who are you…”

“I am Natasha, a doctor from the lower district. You are being treated in my clinic.” Natasha told Bronya the current situation.


Bronya felt that this name was very familiar. Just when she was recalling where she had heard this name, Dan Heng, an outsider, entered the clinic. After seeing her regaining consciousness, Dan Heng came forward and asked Natasha:

“How is she doing?”

“It should be…it’s okay.” Natasha gave a positive reply.

“But you still have to be careful, after all, your head is…”


Dan Heng nodded and organized some words to tell Bronya the plan he had discussed with Natasha and Swaro as well as part of the truth about the cold wave.

“The disasters your world has experienced are all caused by the emergence of a substance called the star core, and the purpose of our arrival is to seal the star core…”

“Your Great Guardian has always wanted to prevent us from contacting the star core, so… for the safety of your world, we need your help to lead us to negotiate with the Great Guardian…”

Dan Heng used the simplest language to try to subvert Bronya’s world view.

But it’s a pity.

Without evidence, Bronya could only doubt it, but she would never believe it.

What should we do in this situation now?

Bronya considered the current situation and chose an avoidance method.

“What are you talking about…who am I?”

Bronya: O_o

Seeing Bronya’s clumsy way of pretending to be stupid, Dan Heng and Natasha were startled at first, and then realized that Bronya didn’t want to provide them with any help.

“You have to cooperate so that we can solve the troubles in your world together. There is no point in pretending to be stupid like this. It will only make Belloberg completely covered in ice and snow.” Dan Heng also tried to reason.

However, there are no eggs.

Bronya still looked stupid, pretending to have amnesia with a stiff expression.

“Who are you? Go away!”

Seeing this situation, Dan Heng and Natasha looked at each other and went to the side to discuss the next step.

“I think Bronya refuses to believe the status quo because there is no substantial evidence… I had seen the information about star cores in Swaro’s database when I was discussing with Swaro before…” Natasha He spoke slowly:

“Perhaps if we let Bronya see the substantial evidence, she will be able to recognize the reality…”

“Hmm…” Dan Heng nodded and then asked a question: “What if he still refuses to recognize the reality after reading the information?”


Bronya kept pretending to be stupid, and there was nothing they could do.

Dan Heng touched his chin and thought about it seriously.

In this case, someone was needed to force Bronya to recognize the reality, and soon he had a candidate in his mind.

“In this case, you may have to invite Zhou Xiao to come…”

“The Great Evil” Zhou Xiao.

Not only did he kill Bronya once in the hearth passage, but he also killed Bronya again when she was escaping. Maybe Zhou Xiao had a way to stop Bronya from pretending to be stupid.

“Zhou Xiao?” Natasha seemed unable to understand the logic.

Seeing that Natasha and Dan Heng had nothing to do with her for the time being, Bronya breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, I was fooled.

Although she was temporarily relieved, she was thinking about what Dan Heng had just said.

Star core?

If there really was such a star core that caused the cold wave, then why did Mother want to stop them? It’s not a bad idea to try it…

Bronya thinks jpg.

“What? Do you want me to negotiate with Bronya?” Zhou Xiao heard the news and said it from Dan Heng’s mouth. His expression was like an old man on the subway looking at the emoticons on his phone.

“How can I negotiate with her…” Zhou Xiao said that Bronya should be scared to death of him now.

“I thought about it carefully, and you are the only one among us who is suitable.” Dan Heng said seriously.

“Then isn’t there information about the star core in the Swaro database? Let Bronya take a look and accept the reality.”

“It’s been arranged…but I’m afraid she still won’t accept the reality, so we need a big villain…”


Big villain?

When he heard this title, Zhou Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at Dan Heng in disbelief:

“Me? A big evil person? Have you ever seen a big evil person like me? I am on time every day, complete my work conscientiously, and arrange my life so that I have almost no time…”

“How can I be a villain like this?”


“People in the lower area seem to think you are a great evil person.” Dan Heng said.

“Do you know what worldly perspective is?”

“Oh…” Danheng was cold jpg.

After a moment.

The cold-faced Zhou Xiao followed Dan Heng to the clinic in the lower area. Bronya, who was pretending to have amnesia, saw Zhou Xiao appear, her whole body was like a frightened kitten, and her hairs stood up.

Why is he here…

In a daze, Bronya felt that her head seemed to hurt more.

First, he was hanged and beaten in the heart of the furnace, and then he was caught by Zhou Xiao and given a blast by Zhou Xiao during his escape…

Why is he… still haunting?

“Oh! I’m really awake.” Zhou Xiao came over and looked down at Bronya, who was sitting on the hospital bed pretending to be stupid.

ps: Ask for everything, ask for everything, yah yah yah.

Chapter 49 Ms. Bronya, you don’t want others to know about this either, right?

“You…who are you?”

Bronya was like a little white rabbit at the moment, and Zhou Xiao was like a big bad wolf, one was soft and weak, and the other looked like a pervert.

“You don’t need to know who I am…”

Zhou Xiao asked Dan Heng and Natasha to leave for a while, then picked up a chair with one hand and placed it in front of the bed. He looked up and down at the frightened Bronya with a pair of calm eyes.

“Ms. Bronya…you don’t want the people in Belloberg to know about the butt of your gun being poked in the butt, right?”



Bronya was shocked when she heard the sound. She was startled at first, and then her brain suddenly shut down.

If everyone in Beloberg knew about such a shameful thing…how could she still hang out in Beloberg!

“Tsk, looking at your expression, you haven’t lost your memory at all.”

Zhou Xiao flexed his wrist and then said: “So, if you don’t want this matter to be publicized, you should cooperate with me… No, cooperate with them.”

“You…you are despicable! You are shameless! You are vile! I will stick a gun into your nostrils on behalf of the builders of the city!”

Bronya finally stopped pretending.

Being so irritated by Zhou Xiao, she even learned more vocabulary without a teacher.


When Bronya said this, Zhou Xiao frowned, and then said seriously: “Let’s not talk about whether your spear penetrated my nostril or not, but the fact is that your spear did poke your butt. “

“You!” Bronya’s little face instantly turned as red as an apple.

“What are you…”

Zhou Xiao looked at the angry Bronya and then said calmly: “Actually, you should have a certain understanding of this matter in your heart. Instead of doubting whether it is true or not, why don’t you go and confirm it. “

“After all… you are like fish on the chopping board now, and you have no other choice. You can choose to take them to the ground and turn them back. You can also pretend to cooperate to see if things are true and become an undercover agent. But But you chose the stupidest way, pretending to be stupid and wasting time…”

After Zhou Xiao said this, Bronya gradually calmed down and thought for a while. Just as she was thinking, Clara brought Swaro to Natasha’s clinic.

“Brother Zhou Xiao…” Clara walked in barefoot. Due to Swaro’s huge size, the door of the clinic could not accommodate him, so she waited outside.

“Here, Clara, where is Swaro?” Zhou Xiao turned around and saw Clara.

“Mr. Schwaro is waiting outside…Sister Natasha did not let him in. She only asked Clara to come in to see the situation…”


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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