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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 35


Zhou Xiao stood up slowly, then looked at Bronya on the bed and said:

“The evidence that proves the truth is standing outside right now… You can choose to go out and prove the truth, or you can choose to continue lying here to escape…”

Bronya thought for a second after hearing the sound, then stood up resolutely, glared at Zhou Xiao with her beautiful eyes, and then walked out.

Outside the clinic.

Shivaro, Natasha, Dan Heng, Xingmei, March 7 and the others were all waiting.

Seeing Bronya come out and gradually see the ancient truth with the support of Swaro’s database.

This history that was dusted by the Great Guardian was brought up in Swaro’s database, allowing people today to understand the separation and disaster between the star core and this world.

It has to be him…

Dan Heng crossed his arms and looked at Zhou Xiao who came out of the clinic, with a faint light flashing in his cold eyes.

After seeing this dusty history, Bronya’s worldview is being subverted.

It turns out…predecessors in history have already studied that the source of the cold wave is the star core. They have also been working hard to seal the star core, but they have not succeeded…


He knows all this…

Then why did she prevent this group of outsiders from approaching the star core… and try to seal the star core?

Bronya’s head was very messy.

This data caused her confusion about some of Cocolia’s decisions.

for example…

Blockade of upper and lower areas…

“I need some quiet time…”

At this moment, Bronya had too many questions to ask her mother, Cocolia.

“Who is Jingjing? Come on.” Xingmei said casually as the atmosphere seemed a bit too heavy.

“Hey, hey, at this time, please stop playing with homophonic jokes…” March Qi looked helpless.

In this atmosphere, playing this kind of homophonic joke…

It’s embarrassing.


“Leave it to you, Clara, let’s go.” Zhou Xiao called Clara.

“Oh? Oh, okay.” Clara nodded, and then followed Zhou Xiao outside with a cute look on her face.

With Clara gone, it was naturally impossible for Swaro to stay here and leave with Clara.

Seeing Zhou Xiao calling Clara away… March Qi felt that nothing seemed to be going on here, and Bronya said she needed to be quiet, so she said to Dan Heng and Xingmei:

“I’ll leave this to you! Let’s go first.”

After saying that, he followed Zhou Xiao.

When Xingmei saw that her masters had left and there was no need for her here, she gave Dan Heng a cheering gesture and ran in the direction where Zhou Xiao left.

There were a lot of people outside the clinic, but it suddenly became deserted.

Natasha touched her chin, then looked at Dan Heng on the side with an attitude of eating melon: “Zhou Xiao…is he very popular with you?”



Dan Heng thought about the attitude of everyone on the train crew towards Zhou Xiao, and then nodded silently.

“Why are you both following me?”

Zhou Xiao originally wanted to go back to the Mechanical Settlement to find materials to repair Jarvis, so he asked Clara to help find materials in the Mechanical Settlement. Unexpectedly, March 7 and Xingmei also joined in.

March 7: “Walking around.”

Xingmei: “Let’s see what the master is doing. Let’s learn.”

Zhou Xiao didn’t pay much attention to the two people’s different answers.

If you want to follow, just follow.

It doesn’t matter.

“Complete the order and come to the mechanical settlement.”

“Complete the order and come to the mechanical settlement.”

Jarvis dragged his broken and battle-damaged body to the mechanical settlement in accordance with Zhou Xiao’s previous order.

Seeing a mechanical body no less powerful than Swaro appear in front of them, March Qi and Xingmei were both startled.

Xingmei felt that something looked familiar, so she thought about it for a moment and said:

“I think I saw this big robot at the entrance of the hotel!”

After being reminded by Xingmei, March 7th also somewhat remembered it.

“It seems…that’s indeed the case.”

Zhou Xiao ignored the surprise of March 7th and Xingmei, looked at the battle-scarred Jarvis and slowly said:

“Jarvis…starts maintenance mode and reports the extent of damage to various parts…”

ps: I beg for everything, I beg for everything, please support me~

Chapter 50: Rubbing Kunkunzi with his hands, Zhou Xiao: I mean you have to pay more! (first update)

“Starting self-maintenance mode…”

Jarvis’s somewhat damaged sound unit made intermittent mechanical sounds.

“The left arm is 47% damaged.”

“The right arm is 82% damaged and the power component has lost its function.”

“The additional mechanical arm is 89% damaged, the power component has lost its function, and the control components are missing…”

“The left leg is 31% damaged.”

“The right leg is 38% damaged.”

“The main body damage is sixty-three percent.”

As Jarvis reported on his self-examination, Zhou Xiao frowned slightly.

This level of damage can basically be said to be a bit serious, which shows how intense the battle Jarvis has experienced before.

Zhou Xiao looked at Jarvis up and down, thinking about how to transform and upgrade Jarvis.

“Clara…help find materials.”

Zhou Xiao described several mechanical materials to Clara in a targeted manner. Clara nodded in confusion, then hesitated for two seconds and slowly said:

“Well… big brother, after repairing Jarvis… can you help everyone in the settlement repair it? In the last battle… everyone was somewhat damaged.”

“Well, okay.” Zhou Xiao responded without thinking too much.

“Then… let’s help too.” March 7 and Xingmei saw that Zhou Xiao wanted a little girl to help, so they offered to follow Clara.

“Thank you…” Clara looked up at March Qi and Xingmei, her face turned red as she thanked them.

With the help of Xingmei and March Qi, Clara quickly found the materials Zhou Xiao needed in the mechanical settlement and mechanical cemetery, and then carried them back by the automatic robots and stacked them next to Zhou Xiao.

Zhou Xiao looked at Jarvis for a long time, and he seemed to have an invisible upgrade blueprint in his mind.

“This place needs to be reinforced…”

“It would be nice if there was an artillery piece here…”

“The control logic unit also needs to be optimized.”

After Zhou Xiao thought about it, he started to repair Jarvis.

“Good guy! He really has this skill?!”

March 7, who was originally skeptical, saw Zhou Xiao operating on Jarvis, first on the left arm, then on the right arm, and then on the third hand and body reinforcement.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, Jarvis, who was originally damaged, gradually returned to his original body performance.

Rubbing the mecha by hand.

March 7th said that if Uncle Yang knew that Zhou Xiao had this skill, he would be very happy.

after all…

Uncle Yang likes mechas and stuff.

After Zhou Xiao took care of Jarvis, he looked at the remaining mechanical materials, went through blueprints and programming logic, and finally made a small reconnaissance robot that looked like a small mechanical spider and a basketball. It has six mechanical legs and doesn’t look cute at all. Instead, it has a cyberpunk style.

Several electronic compound eyes capture the surrounding environment and provide feedback to Jarvis and Zhou Xiao.

“Just call…Kun Kunzi!” Zhou Xiao thought for a few seconds and finally named the detective robot.

“Kunkunzi is at your service.”

“Kun Kunzi?” Hearing Zhou Xiao call him this, Yue Qi, Xingmei, and Clara all surrounded Kun Kunzi.

“Why this name? Master.” Xingmei asked.

“It’s nothing, I just want to miss my old friend.” Zhou Xiao scratched his hair and said that if he hadn’t been sitting on the toilet watching videos of his pigeons, he might not have been able to travel to this world.

“Old friend…” Xingmei nodded in understanding.

“I never thought you had such a skill.”

On March 7, he stood up and said to Zhou Xiao:

“Get us a robot sometime, I want it to be cute.”

It was obvious that she was really interested in this robot.

“Oh.” Zhou Xiao responded calmly: “The mechanical lives created by my hands are all my relatives and friends, and they are of great significance!”

“Ah? Is that so…forget it.” March 7th really didn’t expect Zhou Xiao to give him such an answer.

Looking at it this way…

It seems that Zhou Xiao is also a little emotional…

March 7th thought.

“No.” Zhou Xiao looked at March 7 seriously and said, “I mean… you have to pay.”

March 7: “…”

“Didn’t you say that everyone is like your relative or friend?” March 7 frowned and said.

“Yeah…” Zhou Xiao nodded and then said: “So we have to add money!”

March 7:-_-||

Star girl:-_-

Clara: ⊙﹏⊙

Who is this person!

After taking down Jarvis and Kunkunzi, Zhou Xiao opened a free mechanical clinic in the mechanical settlement. Many automatic robots restored their body performance in Zhou Xiao’s hands, and at the same time they also became Zhou Xiao’s hidden A member of the Mechanical Legion.

“Dan Heng sent a message saying that Bronya agreed to cooperate with us and take us into the upper area.” Just as Zhou Xiao finished repairing another automatic robot, March 7 checked the communication message and said to Xingmei and Zhou Xiao.


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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