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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 36

“Well…” After finishing his work, Zhou Xiao put away his tools and moved his body and responded.

“Shall we go meet Dan Heng and the others?”

“What are we gathering for?”

“Go to the upper area to find Cocolia and ask about the whereabouts of the star core!” March 7 raised a brow and then said: “Why don’t you go with us? No, didn’t Jizi say you would complete the mission with us? …”

“Yeah, but it’s almost break time now.” Zhou Xiao replied.

“Rest…time? Huh?”

Xingmei was a little confused when she heard Zhou Xiao’s answer. In her eyes, her master always had an image of being busy at work. This sudden statement that it was time to take a break immediately made her image of Zhou Xiao somewhat different.

“Aren’t you anxious to seal the star core???”

“Why should I be anxious…” Zhou Xiao raised his eyebrows in confusion: “Sealing the star core is our job, but now it’s time to rest.”

“No…the key seal star core is right in front of us. With one more step, we can save the world.” March 7 found this feeling very strange.

It’s like an advertisement is forced into you when the plot of a novel is about to reach its climax…it makes you feel anxious and itchy.

“Um…I’m not interested in saving the world.”

Zhou Xiao expressed this: “Besides, even if we rush forward and seal the star core, it will take decades or even hundreds of years for the cold wave of this world to melt… right? It may not feel like saving the world, right?”

“The star core is right there and it won’t escape. Why are you anxious? Work hard during working hours and rest well during rest time…recharge your batteries, you know.”

Zhou Xiao glanced at March 7 and then walked out.

Chapter 51: It was fine when I came, but I can’t go back! (Second update)

This is what a self-disciplined part-time job agency looks like.

No matter how hard Zhou Xiao works on the train every day, he basically doesn’t work unless there are special circumstances or during breaks.

As for the fact that he looked very busy on the train, that was entirely because the train was too boring, so he arranged his life to be too rich.

Work is work, life is life, this is Zhou Xiao’s working principle.

Is a month’s salary too little…

work overtime?

It is impossible to work overtime.

It is impossible to work overtime in this life.

Unless you add money.


Why do you value money so much, you ask?

Zhou Xiao could only answer with one word.


Of course.

He was poor, but he still had a bottom line, ah no, a bottom line. He would never do anything like Fight Club again.

“Recharge your batteries…”

Xingmei looked at Zhou Xiao’s leaving figure and suddenly felt that it made sense. They faced Cocolia with their current tired posture, so that if a conflict broke out, they would not have the upper hand.

“As expected of a master…he just has understanding.”


Hearing what Xingmei said in a low voice, March Qi’s eyes widened slightly and he looked at Xingmei: “Hey, hey, hey, what did you come up with again? How do you understand this?”

Seeing this, Xingmei smiled mysteriously, did not answer, and then walked in the direction Zhou Xiao left.


What is this all about…

Sooner or later this star will be led astray by Zhou Xiao!

March 7 sighed.

That night.

Bronya stood at the door of the Goethe Hotel, looking in the direction of the hearth passage with a complicated expression.

After reading the data provided by Swaro, she had countless questions and wanted to question Cocolia. This anxious desire to get the exact answer from her mother made her want to return to Clipperburg alone.

“Hey, you’ve been standing here for a long time! What’s wrong? Can’t you sleep?”

At some point, Xier appeared and leaned against the wall of the house, looked at Bronya and spoke slowly.


Bronya searches for the source of the sound.

“Here…” Xier walked out of the darkness.

Although she was also knocked down by Zhou Xiao in the furnace heart passage, it was not as serious as Bronya. After all, she didn’t float much and fell directly.

“It’s you…” Bronya frowned slightly when she saw Xi’er, and then relaxed.

As the saying goes, there is no acquaintance without fighting, but the two of them did know each other.

“Um…you pass this letter to them…I want to go up and confront Mother first, and we will meet in the upper area.”

“…” Xi’er heard the sound and took the letter and looked at it twice:

“Are you trying to escape? You don’t want your mother to think that you are in cahoots with us in the lower district?”

“No…that’s not the case.”

Bronya hurriedly denied: “I just faced it…faced it directly, and…I originally came from the lower class area, how can I be said to be complicit…”

“You? Lower area?” This was the first time Xi’er heard the news. She digested it for a while, then shook her head to sort out her thoughts:

“It doesn’t matter you, you can go as long as you want. Without you… we can still save the lower area. As for this letter… hum, either you give it to them personally, or you don’t give it to them…”


Listening to what Xi’er said, Bronya hesitated even more.

Tomorrow she can follow everyone to question her mother, but… she is always afraid that there will be a conflict.

Whether the group in the lower area was injured or her mother was injured, she didn’t want to see it.

Just as Bronya hesitated more and more, a mechanical spider the size of a basketball emerged from the darkness. Several electronic compound eyes rotated slightly, and finally locked on Bronya’s body.

“Target found…”

Kunkunzi’s real-time picture data was immediately fed back to Jarvis’s data terminal. After Jarvis received the data, he immediately started to rush to Bronya’s location step by step.

“What’s going on?” Bronya and Xi’er both heard some kind of sound.

A few seconds later, Jarvis’s huge mechanical body walked out of the darkness and appeared in front of the two of them. The thick, battle-scarred armor made people feel safe.

Seeing that Jarvis had been “resurrected with full health”, Xi’er was a little surprised: “The repair is quite fast…”

Jarvis ignored Xi’er. His sound-producing unit made mechanical sounds as Zhou Xiao had preset.

“Bronya, you don’t want others to know about that…”

“Bronya, you don’t want others to know about that…”


Hearing Jarvis repeat these words twice, Bronya immediately realized that this was what Zhou Xiao was conveying, and her expression suddenly changed.

“Stop talking…”

“It’s late at night, have a good rest…Bronya.” Jarvis’s mechanical voice slowly sounded, saying according to Zhou Xiao’s order.


“What’s going on?” Xi’er was very confused by Bronya’s reaction.

Could it be that Zhou Xiao has some leverage?

“Don’t ask.” In order to prevent the matter from leaking out, Bronya shook her head and rejected Xi’er’s inquiry, and then went to the Goethe Hotel.

A peaceful night together.

The next day.

After Zhou Xiao got up and saw the action logs of Kun Kunzi and Jarvis, he immediately knew that Bronya wanted to go back to the upper area alone at night.

Fortunately, he made arrangements in advance and asked Kun Kunzi and Jax to patrol and look for Bronya to prevent Bronya from going to the upper area in advance and being kidnapped by Cocolia.

After simply washing and tidying up, everyone gathered at the entrance of the Goethe Hotel.

Since the mission is to sneak into the Beloberg administrative area and avoid a head-on conflict with the Silver-maned Iron Guard, it is best to use Bronya’s identity to sneak into the heavily guarded Kliber Castle and confront Cocolia again.

Therefore, not many people went to the upper area this time, except for a few people from the train crew, Xi’er, Sambo, Clara, Swaro and others.

There are not many people, but the best is the elite.

“Set off…”

Everyone entered the heart of the furnace passage in a mighty manner and headed to the upper area.

Once alive, twice familiar.

This time, under the leadership of Sambo, the train crew quickly approached the entrance to the upper area of ​​the hearth passage.

As a reconnaissance robot, Kun Kunzi was the first to pop up a small head from the entrance of the passage, and its compound eyes rotated slightly to lock onto the situation outside the passage.

Judging from the screen data fed back by Kun Kunzi, there are a large number of silver-maned iron guards gathering outside the heart of the furnace, and Yeran looks like he is fighting.

“This…how come there are so many guards suddenly?” Sambo said with a little surprise.

You must know that when they returned to the lower area the day before yesterday, there were not so many guards, so it was easy to sneak in. What they didn’t expect was… they were fine when they came, but… they couldn’t go back.

Isn’t this Barbie Q?

ps: Please do everything together.

Chapter 52: Sneaking in? Aren’t you driving the Wushuang to kill all the enemies?

“This shouldn’t be surprising, right? During the battle in the heart of the hearth passage, many Silver-maned Iron Guards fled back. Naturally, the upper area also knew that I was taken to the lower area.”

Bronya said slowly.

“That makes sense…” Sambo, the fun-loving man, scratched his head: “Then what should we do now?”

“What to do? Didn’t you say sneak in? Then sneak in.”

Zhou Xiao’s calm eyes glanced at the screen data returned by Kun Kunzi.

Although it seems that there are many people on the other side, it only seems…

“Yeah… sneak in.” Dan Heng agreed in a low voice:

“Pretend that we were caught by Bronya and sent back to the upper area, and then follow Bronya out…”

“Is this really feasible?” Xingmei asked uncertainly. She was a little worried that they would be directly taken over by the Silver Mane Iron Guards when they reached the upper area.

“Wait a minute…do you feel like there’s one person missing?” March 7 silently asked this question after counting the people present.

“Well…” Xingmei touched her chin and thought for a while, then raised her eyebrows and asked, “Where is the master?”

Zhou Xiao, who was still here saying “infiltrate” just now, is no longer there. Looking at the picture data fed back by Kun Kunzi, Zhou Xiao’s figure appears at the exit of the furnace core passage.

“Master…go out first!”

“Who is it?” The silver-maned iron guard guarding the passage immediately noticed Zhou Xiao slowly walking out of the passage.

Zhou Xiao did not respond to the questions of these silver-maned iron guards. He slowly stretched out his left hand, and a strong air flow swept from behind him, forming a cyclone and gradually forming a tornado, sucking these silver-maned iron guards into it.


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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