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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 37

“This is so efficient.” Zhou Xiao looked at the people who had been swept away and said calmly.

“Zhou Xiao…”


March 7 and others ran out of the passage. Looking at the calm look on Zhou Xiao’s face, Xi’er, who was good at sneaking underground, expressed doubts:

“I didn’t agree to sneak in, why did you rush up?”


Hearing Xi’er’s question, Zhou Xiao raised his brows slightly: “Yes, it’s infiltration. Have you ever heard that the most perfect infiltration is to drive the Wushuang and kill everyone so that no one can find out… “

At this moment, the expressions of everyone present had solidified. They were all a little overwhelmed by Zhou Xiao’s theory.

Co-author, how do you understand “infiltration”?

Just when everyone was sighing at Zhou Xiao’s understanding of infiltration, Clara carefully looked at the buildings on the ground.

She saw many strange-shaped buildings.

She saw the fountain not far away and the pedestrians wearing beautiful cotton clothes on the road in the distance…

“This…is the upper area.” Clara felt that everything on the ground was a little strange.

“Yes, Clara, this is the upper area. According to the data, this will be the first place to be buried by the cold wave.”

Shivaro’s sound-producing unit slowly made a sound, and the cold data calculations buried Clara’s beautiful fantasy about the upper area.

“Then…it’s still such a pity. It would have been better if there was no cold wave.” Clara whispered.

From what he could see, because Zhou Xiaokai Wushuang made too much noise, there was a certain degree of panic in Belloberg. Citizens fled one after another. Many silver-maned iron guards gathered over and gradually formed a circle to surround them.


“Now… we have to fight.” March 7, who was surrounded, sighed, then transformed into his long bow and came out, looking ready to fight.

“Everyone… retreat.” In order to avoid greater casualties, Bronya ordered the silver-maned iron guards to retreat.

“Lady Bronya, this…”

“Lady Bronya! If you are kidnapped, just blink! We will definitely rescue you!”

The Silver Mane Iron Guards present were very excited.

“As the acting commander of the Silver-maned Iron Guard, I order you to…retreat.” Bronya moved out of her position and spoke in a very serious tone.

Seeing what Bronya said, the silver-maned iron guards around them did not dare to act rashly and retreated silently.

Twenty steps…

Thirty steps…

Fifty steps…

He didn’t stop until he reached a hundred steps.

“Good guy…it turns out to be so simple.” March 7th was true. I didn’t expect that with Bronya joining, things would go so much smoother, and even a fierce battle was avoided.

“Let’s go…everyone.” Bronya calmed down while looking at Fort Kleb in the distance. The closer she got, the more panicked she became because she was worried that Cocolia would insist on stopping it. What would she do? manage.

Approaching Krieb Castle, there were even more silver-maned iron guards gathered around. Even the guard officer Jeppard rushed over from behind, but he did not dare to act rashly and could only watch Bronya take those The wanted man enters Clipperburg.

Dan Heng and his party entered the Clipper Castle. Where they looked, Cocolia, who looked like a “married woman”, was standing on the steps. A pair of cold eyes glanced at Dan Heng and others.

In addition to outsiders, she also saw people from the lower areas, and finally she set her sights on Bronya.

“Bronya…my daughter, are you standing with them?” Cocolia’s voice sounded slowly, with a hint of questioning in her tone, and an aura of superiority gradually rose up in her body.

Under this tone, Bronya seemed a little at a loss.

“Mother… I want to know the truth. Is the star core… really the source of the cold wave?”

Listening to Bronya’s question, Cocolia was silent for a second and responded: “Yes…”

“Then… why don’t we try to destroy the star core, but hide it from the people?” Bronya didn’t quite understand Cocolia’s approach.

“Bronya…my daughter, you are still too immature. Our ancestors have already used cruel history to tell us who come after us that the star core…cannot be destroyed, and the will to protect it gradually fades, and we It can only coexist with the star core.”

“As for hiding this matter from the people…that is inevitable. The current situation is the best way to deal with it…”

Cocolia tells the cruel reality, without any utopian fantasy, only the ruthlessness of reality.

They will be covered by the cold wave… Only by accepting the star core can they have a chance of survival.

“We can seal the star core. Professional matters must be left to professionals.” March 7th heard Cocolia say that the star core could not be sealed, and said bluntly with some discomfort.

“Yes…Mother.” Bronya also agreed. She didn’t understand why Cocolia stopped the pioneers.


Cocolia sneered.

Chapter 53 The cruel truth! Wanted again! (Second update!)

“I believe in the star core more than I believe in them.” Cocolia sneered at the train crew. He had never believed in the train crew from the beginning.

“Hundreds of years ago… foreign legions came to our world, bringing war and disaster to us. According to Belloberg’s historical records, successive Great Guardians led the Silver-maned Iron Guard to fight bravely, and we sacrificed a lot of people. The Warriors finally exchanged for the continuation of Beloberg.”

“And what’s the truth?” Cocolia turned her back and looked out the window at the gloomy sky.

“In fact, it was the power of the star core that prevented the invasion of foreign legions…Whether we admit it or not, this is the fact…”

History is written by the victors, and those too cruel truths have been buried by the former great guardian.

When this period of history is brought up again, people can only feel a sense of despair.

“But… the cold wave brought by the star core will eventually overwhelm Beloberg.” Bronya said after listening.

“Yes, so… the star core promises us a new world where no one will die, no one will be hungry, and everything will last forever…”

“But before that…the lingering old world needs to be reformed and completely embrace destruction in order to rebuild a new world on top of the ruins.”

Cocolia had completely accepted Star Core and became Star Core’s lackey. She looked at Bronya and said:

“Bronya, my daughter, you already know the truth. There will be a place for you in the new world… Come on, come and embrace the new world with your mother.”


All crazy.

Is this still the mother I knew?

Bronya looked at the strange Cocolia in front of her. It was difficult for her to combine the mother who once had an intellectual light with the crazy and stubborn woman in front of her.

Regarding Cocolia’s remarks, the expressions on the faces of other people present changed to varying degrees.

Several people on the train crew said that Cocolia was just farting.

They have seen many worlds eroded by star cores, and without exception, disasters and world rifts have occurred.

Accepting the star core…what’s the difference between that and opening it directly?

Xi’er in the lower area frowned.

She didn’t understand the historical truth behind Beloberg’s being hidden. She only knew that the great guardian of Beloberg in front of her was not worthy of being a great guardian.

There is no great guardian who does not protect but instead leads his people to destruction.

Rather than letting such a great guardian lead Beloberg to destruction, it would be better… let everyone work together to find a solution to the problem.

Zhou Xiao, who was not far away from Xi’er, yawned. He felt a little bored.

After listening to Cocolia talking for a long time, he seemed to have guessed what the new world was.

The existence of the star core will bring about the phenomenon of rifting, and the rifting erosion phenomenon in Belloberg’s upper and lower areas is becoming more and more serious.

So…it’s not hard to guess that the so-called new world is the Split World.

As for the no death and no hunger, it is somewhat believable. After all, if there is no external force to clean up, wouldn’t the world-splitting creatures have a longer lifespan…

Such a new world… will undoubtedly turn Yalilo Six into a hell on earth.

“Mother, I refuse at the same time… I will not allow you to go down this path, I will stop you.”

After thinking about it, Bronya had made up her mind. She wanted to stop Cocolia’s crazy idea.

“Exactly! Why should the fate of the people of Beloberg be left in your hands alone? Have you asked us! You are doing it entirely for your own selfish desires!”

Xi’er echoed, while condemning Cocolia.

“Great Guardian… We have the ability to seal the star core. It’s not too late to turn back now. As long as the star core is sealed, the cold wave and the world rift will get better…”

Dan Heng tried to dissuade him with a cold face. His principle was to avoid fighting if possible, and he still tried to get Cocolia to cooperate.

“Turn back…turn back.”

Cocolia repeated it twice, sneered and shook her head.

It’s too late.

The gears of destiny have been started. No one can stop Beloberg from restarting, and the new world will surely be rebuilt on the ruins.

“Bronya, my daughter, I am very disappointed in you. You don’t understand the suffering we are going through…”

Cocolia looked down at Bronya who looked determined and said slowly, then issued the Great Guardian Order.

“As the Great Guardian, I order the silver-maned iron guards in Belloburg to come to Kriber Castle to capture the wanted criminals!”

“In addition… Bronya, the former commander of the Silver Mane Iron Guard, has been suspended from all positions for conspiring with a wanted criminal to disrupt the stable order of Beloberg. She is also a wanted criminal!”

The order of the Great Guardian of Cocolia was issued from Kliber Castle to the entire upper area of ​​Beroberg.

As the order was issued, the entire Belloberg City became tense.

“Lady Bronya…rebellion?!”

“Impossible! Absolutely impossible! It’s impossible for me to rebel against Lady Bronya!”

“Is there any mistake?”

“How is that possible! That is the Great Guardian Order!”

“Is it possible that…the Great Guardian made a mistake?”

“How dare you question the Great Guardian…”

People everywhere in Belloberg are talking about this Great Guardian Order. Pedestrians on the street have fled into the buildings. Through the windows, they can see a large number of well-equipped silver-maned iron guards entering the administrative area.

“Come after me!”

Outside Clipper Castle, the garrison officer Jeppard ordered the Silver-maned Iron Guard outside to rush into Kliber Castle without saying a word. As the garrison officer of the Silver-maned Iron Guard, he would choose to carry out the orders of the Great Guardian.

In an instant, a large number of silver-maned iron guards poured into Klipper Castle.

The train crew and everyone in the lower area were surrounded by silver-maned iron guards.

“There are so many people…” March 7 felt something was wrong.

This feeling that something was wrong had occurred to her the first time she was wanted.

They were obviously here to save the world, so why did they become the public enemy?

“It still doesn’t work…” Dan Heng compared the number of people. It seemed that they must be the ones who suffered if they spent so much time here.

“Got to plan again, Sambo…throw a cigarette bomb.”

“Ah? Oh.” Seeing that the situation was not right, the fun man Sang Bo was originally planning to run away, but after being called out by Dan Heng, he could only laugh twice, silently took out a few cigarette bombs from his pocket and threw them away. Got out.

A moment.

The smoke from the bomb suddenly spread out, blocking everyone’s sight.



Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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