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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 38

Following Dan Heng’s low voice, several people present took advantage of the chaos and rushed outside Clipper Castle.

ps: Ask for everything, ask for everything, yah yah yah.

Chapter 54: My casual blow is already your limit! (First update!)

I am a star…

Just now I escaped from Kleiber Castle, and a large group of silver-maned iron guards were chasing me.

But I didn’t panic at all, because their horses, ah no, their feet couldn’t outrun me…

You want to ask me why I run so fast?




Why does the scene in front of me look so familiar?

Why am I so confident?


It turns out I’ve already experienced it once.

As a newcomer, this first pioneering trip is really… terrible. ——This paragraph excerpts the diary of Xingmei’s first development mission.

They chased and they fled. As everyone in the lower area left and the silver-maned iron guards pursued them, the huge Clipper Castle suddenly felt deserted.

When the smoke dissipated, the mood of Cocolia’s beautiful eyes changed slightly. Her eyes fell on the man below, and a cold voice slowly sounded:

“Here’s a turtle in a urn that’s not too smart.”


“What did you say?” Zhou Xiao looked at Cocolia, with no trace of fear in his eyes.

Just now, he didn’t take advantage of the chaos to escape with Dan Heng and others, but just stood there quietly.

Instead of escaping and waiting for the opportunity to find the star core, it is better to “torture” Cocolia here.

Since the negotiation is ineffective, a certain amount of force must be used. If the enemy does not cooperate, then let her cooperate obediently…

“Where is the star core?” Zhou Xiao asked.


Hearing Zhou Xiao’s straightforward question, Cocolia sneered:

“So what if I let you know the location of the star core? The power of the star core is beyond your imagination. Outsiders…you, the variables, will be buried here just like the legion that invaded Belloberg for hundreds of years. Under the storm, become the cornerstone of the new world…”


Before Cocolia could finish speaking, an invisible line passed by Cocolia’s curvy body at an extremely fast speed. A strand of hair slowly fell. Under Cocolia’s shocked eyes, the wind blade finally intercepted and slashed. Broken on a white pillar.

“Unlike them, I have the patience to listen to your nonsense…I’ll ask again…where is the star core?”

Zhou Xiao’s left hand was already placed on the black and white knife handle, and his index finger and middle finger tapped the handle regularly, as if if Cocolia said any more nonsense, it would not be a warning from the wind blade.

“Outsiders…are you threatening me? I admit that you have some strength, but it’s just some…you can’t fight against the new world…”


Cocolia hasn’t realized the seriousness of the problem yet. She doesn’t seem to take Zhou Xiao to heart. In her eyes, Zhou Xiao’s strength is the same as that of those train crews with extraterrestrial visitors trying to change the new world.


Zhou Xiao’s sword was unsheathed.

A straight slash struck towards Cocolia like an eagle. This time he did not deliberately avoid it, but attacked directly.

“Lord Guardian!” Jeppard, who heard the noise and returned to Fort Kleb, happened to see this scene, and saw the… weapon transformed from his piano case? Come sprinting.

The force field protection device hidden inside this weird weapon was turned on, and with the explosion of the power of fate, the huge ice shield turned into a shield that blocked Zhou Xiao’s random attack as much as possible.


Seeing the garrison officer of the Silver Mane Iron Guard arriving to escort him, Kokolia set his sights on Zhou Xiao:

“Don’t you want to know where the star core is? I’m leaving here now and taking Bronya to the location of the star core. If you can catch up, then come.”

It can be heard that she still doesn’t give up on her daughter Bronya, so she wants to take Bronya in person to witness the shock of the star core…to completely destroy Bronya’s remaining hope. , embracing the new world in the name of the mother of the new world.

“Geppard, I order you… to stop him.” Cocolia, who was already half crazy, gave another order to Geppard.

“It’s…the Great Guardian.”

Jeppard obeyed Cocolia’s order and locked his eyes on Zhou Xiao.

Watching Cocolia leave, Zhou Xiao did not stop and prepared to follow him. Before he could go out, Jeppard stopped him with his stubbornness.

“With me here today…you can never catch up with the Great Guardian.” Jeppard, who is known as the Iron Wall of Beloberg, stared at Zhou Xiao with a determined look on his face.

“Oh? So you’re very confident?” Zhou Xiao moved his wrist and glanced at Jeppard up and down with his calm eyes.

He didn’t understand the Langdao blood flowing in Jeppard. According to the vague plot in his mind, his image of Jeppard was that of an outstanding warrior, a respectable Bello who resisted the erosion of world-splitting creatures. Commander Berg…

That’s all…

“Confidence can’t be called…I will do my best to stop you.” Jeppard had golden hair and the armor on his body made him feel a bit like a classical knight. He said seriously.

Opposite him, Zhou Xiao was in a hurry and nodded when he saw his appearance.

The power of the wind in the body continued to overflow, and the surrounding airflow seemed to be driven up and converged on Zhou Xiao’s arm. The long knife attached to the power of the wind buzzed, like a beast roaring in attack.

Not far away, Jeppard suddenly felt that Zhou Xiao’s style in front of him seemed to have changed, and an unknown sense of oppression made him gather all his strength.

Ice and snow build this ambition and it will never end!

Jeppard used all his strength in one hand, and a dark blue ice point gathered in the palm of his hand, and then slammed it to the ground. In an instant, the power of extreme cold exploded, and countless solid ice occupied the two of them like ever-higher mountains. The field of vision froze half of the small palace of Klebsburg, including the exit.


Unspeakably shocking.

The ice shield covered with solid ice blocked Zhou Xiao and Jeppard. This was Beloberg’s most powerful “iron wall” and the last gate to protect Beloberg.


Zhou Xiao’s long sword was unsheathed again, without any gorgeous special effects or dazzling prelude.

That’s everything…

An ordinary strike and a cutting strike.

What will be the result of the blade energy erupted from the long knife that gathers the power of the wind when faced with the hardest iron wall of Beloberg?

The strongest spear meets the strongest shield?



There was no close match as imagined, only silent instant kills.

The seemingly indestructible ice shield was like paper, and was chopped into pieces by Zhou Xiao’s blade energy without any difficulty. It turned into countless tiny ice fragments and fell to the ground.

Perhaps in Jeppard’s eyes, he had just blocked Zhou Xiao’s slash, so he could give Zhou Xiao a try, but what he didn’t know was… the slash he blocked with all his strength, It was just a random test by Zhou Xiao.

Chapter 55 Zhou Xiao: Even if I give you a chance, you’ll be useless! (Second update!)

Exhausted, Jeppard half-knelt down on the ground and gasped for breath. Not far away, Zhou Xiao slowly walked towards him. The strong sense of oppression made him feel like he was facing a formidable enemy. Faced with his weakness, Zhou Xiao turned a blind eye. Just walking outside of Fort Cribb.

Seeing this situation, Jeppard gritted his teeth and stood up, limping after Zhou Xiao’s pace. Seeing him suddenly speeding up, he tried to knock Zhou Xiao down as a final stop, but it was a pity. He didn’t succeed. Instead, he fell into the mud.

“Why bother?”

Zhou Xiao stopped, glanced sideways at Jeppard, then shook his head and continued walking out.

He admits that Jeppard is loyal to the Great Guardian… but to what point?

Will Cocolia remember his loyalty?


Maybe, maybe there will be Jeppard in the new world.

Judging from Jeppard’s persistence, he must be at the level of a world-splitting mini-boss.

The moment Zhou Xiao stepped out of Clipper Fort, the entire Clipper Fort shook violently, and the structure collapsed. Then a series of cracks with very even cutting surfaces appeared, gradually disintegrating the magnificent building in front of him. .

The huge noise naturally attracted everyone in Beloberg.

Both the civilians and the silver-maned iron guards had varying degrees of panic on their faces.

What happened…

Why did Fort Krieb collapse?

“Fortunately, we ran fast… Let’s just say, without pig teammates this time, we will definitely be able to get rid of those chasing soldiers.” March 7 said slowly, wiping the sweat on his forehead in a decent manner.

“No way… Our Sambo is so reliable, how can we call him a pig teammate?”

Sambo ran the fastest, so he was also the first one to get here.

“Hey, I didn’t tell you about you, so how come you’re right?”

From what I could see, the train crew, the people in the lower level and others ran past separately, and finally gathered at the exit of the hearth passage.

“Let me know who hasn’t arrived yet.”

While March 7 was talking to Sang Bo, Xingmei glanced at everyone. Before she could see them all, Dan Heng said calmly:

“No need to look, I’m sending you Zhou Xiao and Bronya.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the huge sound of “demolition” of Fort Clipper in the distance attracted everyone’s attention.

“Could it be…Master?” Xingmei asked cautiously.

If this is really Zhou Xiao’s handiwork, then I can only say…it’s crazy.

Kleber Castle symbolizes the will of the builders of the city. If this were cut off, wouldn’t it be like pulling the will of the builders from the hearts of the Beloberg people…

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of everyone present were very solemn. They felt that this was very possible.

After all, Zhou Xiao had already cut a large rift valley in the lower area, and cutting up Kleiber Castle was not an easy task.

“Let’s go and have a look.”

As Dan Heng issued the next move, many soldiers of the Silver-maned Iron Guard were already lying down in the administrative area. Jarvis, who was heavily armed in the center of the administrative area, was like a God of War, crazily punishing the Silver-maned Iron Guards visible around him. guard.

“Jarvis…” Clara couldn’t help but be a little scared when she saw Jarvis’s appearance as a war machine.

“Perfect infiltration completed.”

The mechanical sound unit said slowly after Jarvis finished cleaning up the Silver Mane Iron Guards near the administrative area.

Perfect… sneak in?

Why is it that Jarvis’ perfect infiltration in his logical setting is so similar to Zhou Xiao’s idea?

Is it true that there are just as many kinds of robots as there are manufacturers?

March 7 and others looked for Zhou Xiao and found that Zhou Xiao was not there.

“Jarvis…where did Zhou Xiao go? Do you know?” March 7 knocked on Jarvis’s mechanical body in an attempt to get Jarvis to give an answer.

“Scanning the owner’s location…no feedback has been received.” Jarvis responded.

“Kun Kunzi’s real-time location has been located.”

Jarvis still has simple thinking logic. He cannot search for Zhou Xiao’s location through his port, but he can locate Kun Kunzi’s specific location within a certain range through the screen data fed back by Kun Kunzi.

“Eh? Isn’t this Bronya?”

Through the screen data fed back by Kun Kunzi, March 7 was surprised to find that in addition to Zhou Xiao, there were Cocolia and Bronya in the screen.


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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