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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 40

“I saw them…”

Dan Heng and others, led by Jarvis, located Kun Kunzi and found the location of Zhou Xiao and Bronya.

Because of the sudden heavy snowstorm, Kun Kunzi lost his vision, which made them unclear about the battle between Zhou Xiao and Cocolia.

When they came to this ruined square and saw Zhou Xiao and Cocolia, they were all startled.


What just happened?

What you see in your field of vision.

Cocolia’s face turned red, her body collapsed on the ground, breathing heavily, her yellow hair was a little messy, a few buttons on her top were unbuttoned, revealing a little bit of spring, and the black silk on her legs was torn several times. Zi, looks like… he’s been spoiled.

She looked up at Zhou Xiao with complicated eyes, as if… Zhou Xiao had turned her into this.

“You… hateful!”

Hearing Cocolia’s voice reprimanding Zhou Xiao again, a large amount of information flooded into everyone’s mind, and for a while people didn’t know what to think about.

Among them, March 7th was the most affected.

She was completely confused.

Did she miss some important scene?

The screen data returned by Kunkunzi did lose part of it when the wind and snow were heavy…

But only those few minutes.

In just a few minutes… everything was done?

Is Zhou Xiao so short and weak?

Obviously unlikely.

But…how to explain the humiliated look of Cocolia in front of me…

There were three people present.

Cocolia, Bronya and Zhou Xiao, as the only male among them, Cocolia’s appearance really made Zhou Xiao inexcusable.

Both she and everyone else present were very curious about what happened in the battle in the snow just now…

“You are shameless! You are despicable! You are vile! You have no moral ethics!”

Just when March 7th was forcibly accepting the amount of information, Cocolia seemed to have recovered some of her strength, stood up and uttered several words in a series that she felt were very bad.

She never thought that the outsider in front of her would play such a shameless trick and destroy her combat power.

If it hadn’t been for the voice of Star Core pulling her back just now, she would have completely fallen into it.

“What does it have to do with me?” Zhou Xiao was innocent.

He was also in a state of groping about his own power. Originally, he thought he should have almost done it.

Now seeing Cocolia’s appearance, he was suddenly confused again.


This has never happened before when testing abilities.

Zhou Xiao briefly recalled that when the world-splitting creature tried his hand before, the world-splitting creature was killed by him at once, and the scarlet fire directly burned it to ashes.


Is burning into ashes the power of the scarlet fire?

Zhou Xiao seemed to have caught a blind spot.

It seems that after the world-splitting creatures are destroyed, they themselves will turn into ashes.

Combined with Cocolia’s performance just now, he briefly analyzed his nameless power.

From Kokolia’s blushing face just now and the way she resisted out of thin air, he suddenly remembered the dream he had had before.

A group of faceless women seduced his dreams…


Zhou Xiao had reason to believe that Cocolia might have seen the same scene he had seen in his dream before.

The more you kill, the stronger the lust in your heart becomes, and in the end you will completely fall under the instinctive desire.


In addition to the ultimate power… is this ability also the power of lust?

The more you hit, the better it feels?


Too perverted.

Zhou Xiao felt that if that nameless power was really a manifestation of this ability, he would have to use it with caution.



He thought for a moment.

Lust, this kind of desire that comes from genetic instinct, if there is no external help to consciously control it, how can anyone control it on their own?

Even a self-disciplined person like him finally fell into trouble the first time he experienced the faceless woman’s dream…

Self-denial…Keep your nature.

Zhou Xiao again thought of the meaning of self-discipline that he learned after confronting Scott in Fight Club.

A world full of desires…Isn’t this lust a kind of desire?

Thinking of this, the child Xiao Hao couldn’t help but appear again in his mind.

Because of his greed… he indirectly killed a good friend like Xiao Hao.

This is an unforgettable grudge in his heart…

Star Core Voice: “Come…come here, you need stronger power.”

Just when Zhou Xiao was thinking wildly, the voice of Star Core sounded in Cocolia’s ears again.

I can tell.

Xinghe was afraid that Zhou Xiao would use his power to control Cocolia again.


After experiencing what just happened, Cocolia has more trust in the Star Core. Only the Star Core can save it.

She first glared at Zhou Xiao, and then said: “It has something to do with you! Shameless person! You will definitely be punished by me!”

She said and ran away.

Since she had just experienced a wave of mental violence, she was definitely not as quick in action as before. In order to delay time to obtain more star core power, she summoned a blizzard to try to hinder Zhou Xiao and others.

This time…

She didn’t even bring Bronya with her, which showed that she was in a hurry.

“You just…ran away?” Xi’er raised her eyebrows, glanced at Zhou Xiao and asked:

“Hey, what did you do to her? To make her hate you so much.”

With Cocolia’s resentful look and resentful tone just now, an uninformed person might really think that Zhou Xiao had let him down.

“Me? I just gave her a knife.” Zhou Xiao responded casually.

“Chasing…” Dan Heng didn’t ask too much about this matter. While he could still see Cocolia, he hurriedly interrupted everyone and chased forward.

“Yuyueqi… don’t be in a daze, let’s go.” Xingmei saw that Yueqiu Qi was worried and said.

“Well…” March 7 put the thoughts in his mind for the time being. After all, finding the star core seal is more important at this time.

The group of people searched for Cocolia in the blizzard, and finally arrived at the boundary of Everwinter Ridge.

“The cold wave here is the most severe… It seems that we have found the location of the star core.” Dan Heng slowly said to everyone as if he sensed the star core above.

Star core?

The star core I have been looking for for so long is finally here.

Everyone’s morale suddenly rose.

As long as the star core is sealed… the world will slowly get better. This is the motivation for everyone in the lower area to come here.

“Star core…”

Zhou Xiao looked at the wind and snow in the distance, a faint light flashing in his calm eyes.

ps: Please give me everything. If you think it’s good, please help us by recommending the book and getting free gifts to support us.

Thank you all…

Chapter 58 This is a mecha! (first update)

On the way to pursue Cocolia, Zhou Xiao had been thinking about a question.

That’s where his nameless power comes from.

After thinking about it all the way, he gradually got some ideas.

This power may come from his heart, from desire. This desire may not only be lust, but also include many things. After all, he is not a womanizer.

Such as greed.

Such as the extreme desire for power.

This force is like the opposite of self-discipline. The more self-disciplined and self-denial you become, the harder and calmer your heart becomes. This force from desire will become more powerful, and it will have the intention to let you indulge and accept your desires.

When his heart can control desire, then he can master the power that comes from desire.

But when his heart is not strong enough and is driven and controlled by desire, then he will become Cocolia who was about to be enslaved by lust.

Whether he can control this power and use it well depends more on his heart.

As for why he was able to awaken this power, he couldn’t figure it out.

He could only speculate that it might have something to do with the mask of the Windbreaker… The reason was that he had never shown any signs of this power before obtaining the strange object.

“You guys are really…haunting.”

On the Everwinter Ridge, Cocolia, which was close to the star core, seemed to be recharged. It trembled all over and felt refreshed.

Feeling the surging star core power in her body, Cocolia felt like she was walking together again.

She looked down at the people under the altar, and when she saw Zhou Xiao, she glared fiercely, as if she had sworn hatred.

Although there are many people on the opposite side, she is very confident and accepts the power of the star core. There is another big killer hidden here. This time she will definitely destroy the entire rebels and make them sacrifices before the arrival of the new world. .

Her eyes glanced at Bronya and said:

“Bronya! My daughter, look, this is the star core, an irresistible force. I will give you one last chance. Either follow me and become the mother of the new world, or be buried with them and become the mother of the new world. Sacrifice.”

She really, I cried to death, has not forgotten Bronya in this situation.

But unfortunately, Bronya did not appreciate it, and she still rejected Cocolia.

In Cocolia, all she saw was madness and paranoia, and the image of an intellectual mother in her memory was no longer there.

“Mother, turn back.” Bronya turned around one after another, but in fact she had already taken out her long rifle and prepared to fight.

She knew that she couldn’t persuade Cocolia, so she could only use the “physical turning back method”.

“Okay, very good, very good. It’s a pity that Bronya, you, and all of you can’t break through the shackles of your thoughts… You guys like this will never be able to save Beloberg…”

Cocolia said three good words in a row, and her aura also increased.

Perhaps in her eyes, she is already the savior of the world at this moment, and what is below is just a group of villains preventing her from saving the world.


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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