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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 42


The mechanical body of the Creation Engine turned into two halves. The control terminal was cut off and it lost its supply. The upper body slowly slid down and fell into the depths of Everwinter Ridge, falling into the endless darkness.


Everyone was a little confused by the grace of this attack. When they saw them mechanically raising their heads, they saw that the hazy sky covered with clouds on Yaliluo 6 was actually cut into a seam by Zhou Xiao’s attack.

The clouds… split!

Obviously this cut had no shape or color, but it left an extremely shocking and brilliant mark on Yaliluo No. 6.


March 7 waited for a long time, and the scene before her eyes reminded her of the scene when Zhou Xiao slashed the Doomsday Beast on the space station.

The same knife…

But the style of this sword is far better than the original one.

Zhou Xiao became stronger, but he was not bald.

Xingmei, who was not far away, was even more surprised when she saw Zhou Xiao’s attack.

This little long knife can actually achieve this kind of effect?

Xingmei looked at the baseball bat in her hand, then at Zhou Xiao’s long knife in the distance, and touched her chin.

No… give up the stick and learn the sword?

It’s not impossible…

Compared with the members of the train crew, everyone in the lower area was obviously much less shocked.

After all…the large rift valley in their lower area has not yet been filled in, and it exists quietly there.

“This…” Cocolia looked at the creation engine that had been split open and was startled for a moment, then quickly adjusted.


There must be some strength.

This was true for the original anti-matter corps, and it is also true for everyone on the current train crew.

But it doesn’t matter.

She didn’t expect the Creation Engine to really destroy everything.

Zhou Xiao stood quietly on the spot with knives in both hands, silent for two seconds, and then slowly walked towards the star core.

Star Core Voice: Stop him…Stop him quickly.

The voice of the star core rang in Cocolia’s ears, giving Cocolia more power.

Feeling the more surging power in her body, Cocolia’s body gradually showed the characteristics of dividing the world.

“Listen…this power is surging and singing! The promise given to me by the Star Core is the only hope to save this world…”

As Cocolia murmured to herself, her body turned into a pitch-black shadow dotted with stars in the sky, her yellow hair turned into silver-blue, and the ice turned into armor and enveloped her graceful body.

Four rotating ice-edge blades hovered on both sides of her body, like a pair of wings.

“Mother… mother?” Looking at the half-deformed Cocolia, Bronya felt even more uncomfortable.

What turned her intellectual mother into the monster she is now?

“Bury me…in this blizzard!” Cocolia sang softly, and the blizzard covering the Everwinter Ridge grew larger and larger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing that Zhou Xiao was still walking towards the star core, Cocolia immediately transformed five or six ice edges and launched them towards Zhou Xiao’s location, but they were all shattered by a strong wind.


Zhou Xiao looked back and looked at Cocolia above with a pair of cold eyes through the green ghost mask.

Cocolia looked like “I have become a god” and could dominate everything from above, which made him silent for two seconds.

After thinking about it, the rusty long knife in his right hand suddenly burned with a scarlet “flame”, and this second ultimate power was attached to the blade by him.

The scarlet color makes this knife very conspicuous in the vast snowstorm.

Kafka’s long knife in his left hand also gathered the power of the wind. Two long knives, two kinds of power.

Zhou Xiao was holding a long knife at the moment, looking like an assassin killing people in the snow.

When he was not moving, he was like an old monk meditating in a snowstorm.

When he moves, he attacks the enemy’s weak point like a wild beast.


As the blades of the two long knives vibrated to the extreme, Zhou Xiao moved. His figure was so fast that his movements could not be found in the snow. Only a straight line of forward sprint traces could be seen on the snow.

At another glance, the rusty long knife in Zhou Xiao’s right hand was already inserted into the star core.

The hard shell of the star core was somewhat difficult to hold up when Zhou Xiao used his second ultimate strength, and a corner was broken. Scarlet flames invaded the star core, and the blade of the long knife penetrated directly into the star core.

But it is a pity that this rusty long knife is not a creation weapon after all. It was somewhat broken when it first accumulated strength. After experiencing such a powerful attack, it suddenly broke and shattered inside the star core.


Everyone on the train crew was even more confused.

“We… must have read it correctly, right?” There was a hint of horror in March Qi’s tone.

“The star core…has a corner broken?”


A corner was broken.

They could clearly see that one corner of the star core was broken, and some fragments of Zhou Xiao’s rusty long knife were inserted into the interior of the star core.

Dan Heng was completely stunned.

He is the person in this pioneering team who knows the star core best, so he naturally knows how difficult it is to destroy the star core through external force.

If the shock that Zhou Xiao had when he split open the Creation Engine with his sword was as high as a storey, then the shock when he destroyed the star core with his sword now was as high as five or six stories high.


So weird.

Dan Heng becomes more and more confused about Zhou Xiao’s true strength…

Judging from these battles.

I can’t see the limit at all…

As a corner of the star core was broken, the structure of the star core, a special energy body, changed, and a large amount of energy seemed to find a vent and spewed out toward this opening.

“Star core…Star core! No!” Cocolia suddenly felt even crazier when she saw the star core shattered. She could not tolerate Zhou Xiao’s destruction of the star core.

That’s hope!

That is the hope of a new world!

“Unforgivable, unforgivable!”

Cocolia roared, then raised her hands above her head, gathering the power of the star core in her body. The huge power gathered here, she wanted to give Zhou Xiao a “big” wave.

Chapter 61 Zhou Xiao: Reality is cruel, unfortunately I am the reality! (Second update)

As her energy gathered, a huge golden-black ice prism appeared from the clouds, streaking across the sky like a meteor and hitting the direction of Zhou Xiao and others.

“You’re going to get hit…get out of the way.”

Everyone in the lower area and the train crew dodged, but Zhou Xiao stood quietly on the spot, glancing back at Cocolia in mid-air.

Just now…he wielded two knives…

A knife with nameless power struck Xing Core, so where did the other knife go?


Before the huge ice prism fell to the ground, a flash of cold light suddenly flashed in mid-air, and the invisible blade wind cut across the ice in the blink of an eye and split the huge ice prism into two.

The sudden delayed attack gave Cocolia no time to react, and she suffered all this.


“Great pain.”

When a crosscut cut through Cocolia’s body and passed through it, she felt a sharp pain, which made her recover from her crazy state.

Most of her body was torn apart, and the wing-like ice edges on her back lost their energy and led her to fall onto the snow of Everwinter Ridge.

Maybe she already felt that she was awesome and could dominate everything, but she was just like that in front of Zhou Xiao.

It’s not that Zhou Xiao is so powerful.

But Cocolia… a real dish.

The seemingly powerful star core power injected into her body was only an external force. The efficiency of her use was actually very poor. After all, it was not her real power.


Seeing Cocolia being chopped down by Zhou Xiao in mid-air and falling straight to the ground, Bronya rushed out instantly to check on Cocolia’s situation.

The spot where Cocolia fell from his field of vision was already oozing with bright red.

Cocolia felt the power of the unstable star core in her body and became a little restless.

When she was dying, she looked towards the core of the star, towards the light of hope that could save Beloberg.

“We… promise you a new world where there will be no suffering, no hunger, and no death… Why do you have to hesitate? Look at your devastated world? It won’t last long.”

“No…we must have another way.”

Many memory fragments suddenly flashed through her mind, and her past conversations with Xinghe seemed to be ringing in her ears.

“You have seen… They live very well, they have no pain… As the great guardian of Beloberg, you can understand that leading the world in this way will only lead to destruction…”


“But this is against ethics.”

“The morals and ethics of the old world will eventually be replaced by the new world, and you will lead them to formulate a new order…”


“Lord Great Guardian, the invasion of world-splitting creatures on the front line has become more serious. The Silver Mane Iron Guard’s defense line cannot withstand it. Many soldiers have died…”

“Look…how many of your people have been sacrificed by your hesitation? Beloberg’s demise has already meant settlement, and you must make a new choice…”

“I…I’ll consider it.”

“Can what you say be true?”

“Our promises…are never false.”

“I… am the great guardian of Beloberg, Cocolia. On my shoulders, I carry the responsibilities and obligations of the entire Beloberg people. The old world is hopeless… the new world will Restart everything.”

“This process may be difficult, and I may be confused, misunderstood, and opposed by many people, but I have to do it because we have no other way.”

“Even if I accept all the infamy, I will try…because I am the great guardian of Beloberg. As a leader, I want to let Beloberg continue in the new world…”

Cocolia thought of herself and the nights she stayed up all night considering Star Core’s proposal. She was ready to bear the infamy.

She…can’t fail.

She…can only succeed.

“Star Core…listen to my call…please grant me the power to burn life once again.”

The pale Cocolia stared at the location of the star core. She was already at the end of her life, with not much life left, but she still stubbornly believed in the star core. Even if she burned her entire life, she would restart the world.


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
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After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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