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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 45

March 7:? ? ? Can this be said?

Himeko: Why can’t you say this? Xiao Sanyue, Xiao Sanyue, you have to hold on tight. If you don’t do it, I feel like another girl will have sex first…

Seeing this news, March 7’s mind went through the many girls around Zhou Xiao. A faint sense of crisis made her frown slightly, and then she looked at Xing Xing next to Zhou Xiao. sister.



March 7: Tangled jpg.

March 7: What should I do if I am rejected by Zhou Xiao? He never seems to like my style very much…

Seeing this piece of news, Ji Zi became interested.

Himeko: What kind does he like?

The other party is typing…

The other party is typing again…

The other party is typing again…

The other party is typing again… (This is really not a waste of words)

Jizi expressed doubts as she looked at March Qi who kept typing hesitantly and then deleted it in the chat box.

Himeko: Doubt jpg.

March 7: He seems to… prefer the big sister type? should…

Big sister type?

When she saw this news, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows slightly, folded her legs slightly, and changed her posture to sit on the sightseeing sofa.

Big sister type…

Mature, steady and intellectual?

Several words that may be related to the big sister type popped up in Jizi’s mind. These words were not consistent with the lively little girl March Qi, but they were… somewhat related to Jizi.

This, this, this…

Do not know why.

When she learned that Zhou Xiao might like the big sister type, she felt inexplicably in a good mood.

Although I didn’t eat the melon…but I’m still a little happy?

Maybe it’s because if Zhou Xiao was still single, he could find him to start a small business in the middle of the night?

Although Ji Zi had other ideas, she definitely couldn’t think about it any further at the moment. She had to first make it clear that there was really no way to deal with the relationship between Zhou Xiao and Yue Qi…

March 7: Jizi, what should I do… distressed jpg.

Jizi came back to her senses after seeing the message posted on March 7th.

Ji Zi: Have you really asked Zhou Xiao this question?

March 7: No…it’s just a feeling.

Himeko: You have to ask, what’s the use of just looking at feelings? You have to know exactly what he thinks of you. If that doesn’t work… you can just make innuendoes…

Seeing Jizi giving her advice, March 7th seemed to make sense.

March 7: What should I do?

Ji Zi: That’s your business. Leave him at Yaliluo No. 6 first. If he gets on the bus, you really have no chance…

March 7: I understand jpg.

March 7: Jizi, why do you feel like you are very experienced…

Ji Zi: Illusions are all illusions. By the way, even if there is no real progress, you must know clearly what type of girl Zhou Xiao likes…

Ji Zi said this is very important.

March 7: Well…

The chat between the two ended.

On the train, Jizi put down her mobile phone, picked up the cold coffee on the table and took a sip. She looked at the ice-covered Yaliluo No. 6 outside the train. Her thoughts seemed to have drifted far, far away. place.

Big sister type…

Diudiu diudi——

Just when she didn’t know what to think about, Pam walked over.

Seeing little Pam coming over, she asked a question: “Pam…do you think I am a big sister-type woman?”

“Big sister, Pa?” Pam stopped, straightened her conductor’s hat, then looked at Ji Zi up and down and thought about the question carefully.

“Well…it should count as a par, what’s the matter?”

Hearing Pam’s answer, Ji Zi unconsciously raised a smile: “Nothing… I’m just curious about my image in your eyes.”

“Oh.” Pam nodded: “It’s really strange. When will Zhou Xiao’s logistics staff come back? I miss him so much…”

“Do you miss him…or the delicious food he made?” Jizi asked.

“Hmm…I think so, they’re pretty much the same.” Pam cocked her head arrogantly.

“I guess… it’s almost over. The star core crisis of Yaliluo 6 is almost over.” Jizi stood up slowly, and her eyes were on Yaliluo 6 above the star field.

Yalilo No. 6, Beloberg area.

After finishing his chat with Ji Zi, March Qi put down his phone and looked at Zhou Xiao’s cold, emotionless face. His heart suddenly felt very confused.

She is a girl frozen in six phases of ice, and she understands the temptation and pull in Gou Ba’s relationship…

What should I say?

What should I do?

March 7 felt messy.

“After finishing…call it a day, we can finally get back to the train.”

Zhou Xiao moved his body. After the battle just now, he was a little tired.

I thought I could just go back to the train to rest, but I was glanced at by Nanook, the Star God of Destruction. Fortunately, I just glanced at him and made no next move…

“Dan Heng…are you going back?” He asked Dan Heng casually as he was about to go back with Walter.

Back to the train?

Catching the key words, March Qi, who was still confused, suddenly woke up, and his voice could not help but rise a little higher.


Chapter 65: It will get better tomorrow (Second update!)

“No! Absolutely not!”

March Qi’s voice immediately stopped everyone in their tracks and turned their heads to look at her.


Being stared at by everyone on the train crew, March 7 was a little embarrassed, and her little face suddenly turned red and warm, like an apple that was visibly ripe with the naked eye.

“What? Are you okay?” Zhou Xiao glanced at him and asked.

“…” On March 7, the CPU in my brain was almost burning.

“Now… we can’t go back yet. After all, this is our first time coming to Belloberg… and we haven’t had a good stroll yet.” She found a reasonably reasonable reason.

“Then what? Just go shopping by yourself.” Zhou Xiao said that he was going back to the train.

“How can that be done… We are a team, and besides… this is Xing’s first pioneering trip. There must be a lot of Belloberg checking in, right Xing.” March 7’s gaze Looking at Xing, it seems that Xing is going to step down.

But at this moment the star is just thinking.

“What does it have to do with you being a pioneer team and me being a logistics person?” Zhou Xiao yawned.

“But you…” March 7 was confused by Zhou Xiao’s words and didn’t know what to say.

“But you are…you are Xing’s master. You are already a master. Can you not accompany your little apprentice?”


Xing looked confused.

But she also wants to get back on the train…

“Isn’t that right, Xing…” March 7 hurriedly approached Xing and whispered a few words.

When March 7th said this, Xingmei could only nod her head: “Yes, yes, master, let’s go shopping…”

In this way, Zhou Xiao stayed in Belloberg temporarily. He happened to plan to visit Xiao Hao again before leaving, and Dan Heng had no choice but to stay in Belloberg.


After temporarily stabilizing Zhou Xiao, March Qi sighed softly when no one was paying attention to her.

Because Bronya returned to the upper area and lifted the wanted order for their train set, this allowed them to freely enter and exit various areas of Beloberg.

The weather in Belloberg today is pretty good.

Perhaps it was because the star core was stabbed by Zhou Xiao. It seemed that the temperature in Belloberg today was a little warmer than usual. The sky was a little blue and the clouds were not very thick. It was suitable to find a chair and relax in a daze.

This is the first time Zhou Xiao has taken a serious look at the upper administrative area of ​​Belloberg. The streets are reasonably planned. The small manned tram is driving slowly on the track. When he sees someone on the track, he will make a clanging warning sound. , very crisp, and there are floor heaters everywhere on the road to provide a certain temperature.

how to say?

The buildings are all pretty good, and if the Klebsburg Castle not far away didn’t collapse… it would be even better.

“Master…were you really responsible for destroying Fort Klipper?” Star Girl pointed at the ruins of Fort Klipper that were blocked by the silver-maned iron guards and asked.


Zhou Xiao glanced at it and frowned slightly: “What words? What are these words? It was obviously broken by Cocolia himself during the battle, and it has nothing to do with me.”

Zhou Xiao said that the blame lies with Cocolia. After all, he fought to save Beloberg…



Everything is for Beloberg, for Yalilo Six…

“Okay, hurry up and go back to the train after shopping.” Zhou Xiao cleared his throat and changed the topic. He inadvertently glanced at March Qi who seemed to be worried.

“Didn’t you say you wanted to go shopping? Why don’t you feel that you are not very interested? What are you thinking about?”


“Ah! No way.”

March 7, who was told by Zhou Xiao, came back to her senses: “Let’s go, let’s go, I have to take pictures and check in…”

She pretended to be calm and shook the small camera hanging on her waist, then took the star girl and started taking pictures here and there.

When Zhou Xiao saw this, he didn’t follow him. He just glanced casually, found an unoccupied chair and sat down quietly.

The cold wind carrying fine snow was still very biting, but it was still very gentle to Zhou Xiao, the free wind. Looking at the passers-by not far away, his expression was still so calm.

Although Belloberg suffered a wave of blows, people in the upper-class area still lived their lives as usual after the blow.

Yell when you should shout, sell newspapers when you should, work when you should do…

They have adapted.

In other words… I’ve become numb.

After all, before today’s attack, things like Rift’s invasion of Beloberg and Rift’s creatures roaming had happened many times.

They panicked, but after the panic… they still chose to believe in the Great Guardian, and believed that the Silver-maned Iron Guard could protect Beloberg…

Of course.

There is nothing they can do.


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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