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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 48

Is there any new code I don’t know?

So Dan Heng silently put down the book in his hand and observed the sign language of Xingmei and March Qi. After watching it for a long time, he could not guess the mystery, which made him wonder if it was his own. question.

Looking at the title of the book “Are You Really Smart” on the cover? “The title of the book seemed to silence him as a question from the soul.


My brain is gone…

After some urging from Xingmei, March 7th finally summoned up the courage. Just as she was about to call out Zhou Xiao, the tram stopped before she could ask.

“We’ve arrived…” the tram driver’s voice sounded.

This forced them to get off the car and leave, and at the same time once again interrupted the courage that March Qi finally mustered up.

“Did you just call me?” After getting off the car, Zhou Xiao looked at March 71 and asked.

“Ah…” March 7 nodded, with a slightly stiff expression: “I asked you to get off the bus… We’ve arrived at the station. I thought you were asleep.”

“Oh, like this.”

I’m convinced…

Xingmei was confused.

Now she even wants to ask Zhou Xiao for March 7th.

She really didn’t expect that March 7th would be so timid in the relationship between men and women…

“Master, I want to ask you on March 7th…”

As soon as he heard Xing Mei’s voice, March Qi suddenly rushed over and covered Xing Mei’s mouth.

“Please… I can just ask myself. Why don’t you ask me what’s going on…” March 7 whispered in Xingmei’s ear.

“Then you have some time…”

“I’ll definitely ask tonight…at night.” March 7 said.

“Well…” Xingmei nodded.

“What?” Zhou Xiao heard someone call him again and turned around to look at Xingmei.

“What did you say?”

“Ah…she wanted to ask what to eat for dinner…” Before Xingmei could answer, March 7 covered Xingmei’s mouth and answered first.

“What to eat?” This question made Zhou Xiao think about it for two seconds: “It can handle two mouths…”

“Oh oh…”

Xingmei nodded to express her understanding.

Seeing that the crisis was over, March Qi breathed a sigh of relief, and then released his hand covering Xingmei’s mouth.

“You, you… Even if the master can like you, he has to be pulled by you to not like you…” Xingmei wiped her mouth and glanced at March 7, feeling like she hated iron.

This melon… She was very unhappy.

Listening to Xingmei’s scolding, March Qi didn’t know how she ended up like this. It looked nothing like her.

“It feels like… you know your master very well? Then do you know what your master likes?” she asked.

“I may not understand as well as you, but I know…Master will definitely not like you being so hesitant now…” Xingmei said that you have to be brave and you have to stand up.

Now you are so hesitant to even ask about your ideal type. In the future, if you confess your love, you will have to hesitate for ten or eight years?

Chapter 69 March 7: Do you like me? (Second update!)

After she hesitates, Zhou Xiao’s children will probably run all over the place calling Aunt March 7th…

For dinner, everyone just had a simple meal at the Goethe Hotel in the upper area. They also stayed in the hotel for one night, one room per person, four rooms in total. Zhou Xiao and March 7 were on the same side of the corridor, and Xingmei Yu Danheng is on the side behind the corner.

Lying on the bed, March 7 felt a little dizzy.

Because she lacked courage, she just drank two glasses of Belloberg’s special wine, which was quite strong. After all, drinking high-alcohol wine can keep out the cold in this ice and snow.

Of course.

She didn’t drink it by herself, she took Xingmei to accompany her…

Zhou Xiao…

Now my aunt can confront you head-on…

March Qi seemed to be drunk, and she laughed twice, then stood up from the bed unsteadily, opened the door, and looked at both sides of the corridor. Her little hand pointed to the right first, and then to the left. , as if determining the direction.

This way…

She confirmed the direction, and then came to the door of Zhou Xiao’s room. Facing the wooden door, with the blessing of alcohol, she felt that there was nothing to hesitate, so she knocked a few times. .


Zhou Xiao, who was in the room, was a little confused when he heard the voice. When he opened the door, he saw March Qi with a wine-red face standing in front of his door, swaying from side to side.

“I told you not to drink so much…you Gouba didn’t listen.”

The moment he saw March 7th, Zhou Xiao knew that March 7th was going to go crazy drinking.

“You take care of me…” March 7 burped, and then walked into the room.

“What are you doing? Go back to bed after drinking too much.”

“We have something to tell you…” March 7 raised her head slightly and looked at Zhou Xiao. Perhaps the distance was a bit close, as there was a height difference between the two. Her blurred eyes could only see Zhou Xiao’s Adam’s apple.

“Say it here.”

“We don’t…we have to go in and talk.”


Zhou Xiao was left speechless by March 7, who looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water.

After closing the door, March Qi plopped down on his bed.

“What do you have to say?” Zhou Xiao grabbed the chair beside him and put it in front of the bed. After sitting down, he looked at March Qi quietly and asked.


Hearing this question, March 7 suddenly stood up from the bed. She smoothed her messy short hair. Her blurred eyes were filled with a playful charm. She leaned in front of Zhou Xiao with a smile and tilted her head to look at Zhou Xiao. cheek.

“We want to ask you…what kind of girl do you like?”

March 7th had no hesitation at this moment, and there was no room for confusion in her current state.


Listening to March 7th’s question, Zhou Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly.

He wanted to know, is this a question you should ask on March 7th?

“How do you ask this question?”

“Don’t worry about me…” March 7th didn’t want Zhou Xiao to avoid this question, so he continued to press: “Say it quickly…”

“You can go back to sleep if you tell me?” Zhou Xiao asked.

“Yeah.” March Qi nodded obediently. She lay in front of the pillow and looked at Zhou Xiao with a pair of bright eyes. She was looking forward to this answer.

After receiving March 7’s approval, Zhou Xiao thought about this issue carefully.

What type of girl does he like…

Long-legged sister type?

Sweet loli? Can be punished.

It seems that he does not have a clear ideal type.

I think I have a better impression of the long-legged sister type…that’s okay.

The ideal type in his mind is vague.

“There is no ideal type. It depends more on feelings.” After thinking about it, Zhou Xiao replied.

“It feels like…” The drunk March Qi was obviously not very satisfied with this answer. She felt that Zhou Xiao was still avoiding her question.

“Then you…have feelings for someone like Sister Jizi?”

“Hey, hey, your question is too sharp.” Zhou Xiao said that the question has been answered and he can go back to sleep on March 7.

“The question is answered, you can go back to sleep.”

“don’t want…”

March 7 sat up, looked straight at Zhou Xiao and asked, “Do you… have feelings for me…?”

She went up.

After so many chapters, she finally reached a level.

Zhou Xiao was a little confused.

He really never thought that March 7th would ask such a question. This was not in line with March 7th’s carefree persona.


Zhou Xiao looked at March 7th up and down. To be fair, he regarded March 7th as a friend, teammate or, at most, a buddy.

It’s fun to bicker and bicker.

And this confused feeling is like your usual buddy suddenly wants to… and your friendship has gone sour!

I regard you as my buddy, but you want to be my wife? ?

Zhou Xiao strategically cleared his throat.

“You drank too much, you must have drank too much.”

“You’re still evading…” March 7th smoothed her hair and said with a slightly disappointed expression: “We know exactly what we are saying… and you are evading the answer… just answer it. “

“You…have no feelings for us?”


It feels like a hammer…

He had used his buddies before, so how could he have feelings for them?

What a joke.


He also didn’t feel that March Qi had any characteristics that he liked him.

Zhou Xiao recalled his daily life with March 7 on the train.

Bickering…being angry with each other…

He tricked March 7 into helping him wash the dishes…

In March 7th, he helped squeeze juice…

No matter how you look at it, there is no spark of love.

“Do you like me?” Zhou Xiao was a little confused, so he asked first.

“You can’t tell…yes, you shouldn’t be able to tell.”

March 7 asked and answered his own questions, and then said:

“You don’t know… I secretly photographed you one hundred and thirty-two times in the name of recording a beautiful life. Although you are not shown in each photo from the front, you are in every photo. You don’t know… We quarrel with you every day, just want to say a few more words…”

“You don’t know… I was tricked into washing dishes by you, not because I’m stupid… but because I really wanted to stay with you for a while longer…”

“You don’t know…we live with everyone…but we only have time with you. The purpose of why we left Xing and Danheng behind is just to keep you. I want to ask you. ..Do you like me or not?”

On March 7th, this was no longer a normal situation. She was now using a big move. Details that Zhou Xiao usually didn’t pay attention to were now pointed out by her.

She is a girl who has lost her memory since the six phases of ice. She does not understand the pull and temptation of love. She is very stupid and can only slowly feel the heartbeat of her heart towards Zhou Xiao, whether it is friendship or love.

Using those clumsy details to attract Zhou Xiao’s eyes little by little, he was able to stop on her for a moment…


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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