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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 50

March 7 nodded, and then watched Zhou Xiao leave the room. After Zhou Xiao left, she looked at the room carefully to make sure it was her room.

Did Zhou Xiao go to the wrong place last night?

It shouldn’t be…

What happened last night?

March 7 I drank too much last night.

Her memory was intermittent. She shook her head and began to review her memories from last night when she returned to the hotel.

“Why…does your neck hurt?” When she shook her head, she felt the pain in her neck and was a little confused.

“I seem to be…”

She remembered that when she returned to the hotel last night, in order to be brave enough to ask Zhou Xiao questions, she drank two glasses of Beloberg high-alcohol wine, and then… returned to the room drunk.

After returning to the room…

It seemed that I had the courage to knock on Zhou Xiao’s door…

March 7 recalled this point and touched his chin with a somewhat nervous expression.

I actually asked…

How did he answer?

March 7th knocked on his head, trying to reorganize the fragmented memories.

“What type of girl do you like?”

“Hurry up and tell me…”

“You care about me…”

“Then you have feelings for people like Sister Jizi?”

“Don’t you have feelings for me?”

“You don’t know that you tricked me into washing the dishes. It’s not that I’m stupid…but that I really want to stay with you for a while longer…”

The conversation fragments flashed through March Qi’s mind, which immediately made her blush.

Is this…really what I said?

Can I say this? ? !

March 7th is messy.

She was like a candle in the wind, with only half a breath left. She didn’t know how to face Zhou Xiao.

She just wanted to go up and make an insidious attack. Who would have thought of using her ultimate move…

Drinking makes things worse. If you don’t drink, you still don’t have the guts…

On March 7, the cat was under the quilt with a dead expression.

By the way…

How did Zhou Xiao answer?

Compared with social death, she suddenly realized Zhou Xiao’s answer…

If Zhou Xiao refuses…what’s the point of lying on her bed?

So if Zhou Xiao agreed, wouldn’t it be a bit… too casual to lie on her bed?

For a moment, strange thoughts flooded into her mind, causing her to fall into thinking.

It seems… Zhou Xiao refused?


Talk about it later.

March Qi could only recall these two words in her mind, like Zhou Xiao’s answer.

Zhou Xiao seems to regard me as a buddy…

Is this a rejection?

March 7’s expression was a little disappointed unconsciously.

Talk about it later…

There seems to be some hope?

March 7 took a closer look at the four words “we will talk about it later” at the end.

Zhou Xiao did not reject her explicitly, but gave her a little room for imagination…

Have the opportunity.


March 7 licked her dry lips and her mood improved again.

This is how a beautiful girl feels…good for a while, bad again for a while.


How come I slept on the same bed as Zhou Xiao?

And these clothes… why did you change them? Who changed it for me?

These three questions still lingered in March Qi’s head, making her unable to recall them no matter how much she thought about them.

“What… happened???”

On the other side, Zhou Xiao had returned to his room. When he opened the door, the smell of vomit was overwhelming. He opened the curtains, only to see a few mosaic-like vomit pools on the bed and on the floor, emitting the smell.

He wanted to know what happened…

So he turned around and left the room, walked to Xingmei’s room, and knocked on the door. No one responded, so he increased his intensity, and Xingmei’s voice came from inside the room.

“I’m coming…”

Xingmei opened the door and saw Zhou Xiao’s indifferent face appearing in front of her eyes.


“Last night…what happened after I went back to my room? I need you to tell me…”

“Ah…” Xingmei rubbed her sleepy eyes, woke up a little from her sleep, and then said: “After you left, Yue Yue yelled that you were bad and that you were greedy for her body…”

“Skip this paragraph and talk about the key points…” Zhou Xiao reminded.


“Then I vomited in March… I vomited all over the bed and on the floor. I almost didn’t spit on my face…” Xingmei said aggrievedly:

“I took care of her, changed her clothes, and poured water for her… I told her that her drinking capacity is very bad… I can’t let her drink like this next time.”

“What happens next?” Zhou Xiao finally solved a doubt.

“After that?” Xingmei paused: “After that, no one can live in your house anymore, so I will help her go to my room and squeeze in to sleep…”

“So… where is she?” Zhou Xiao asked about the soul.

“March?” Xingmei pointed to the bed, then raised her eyebrows: “Eh? Where is March? Where is she? Is she already awake?”

Really woke up…

It’s just that I woke up in the wrong place.

Zhou Xiao looked at the empty bed and thought to himself…

ps: Please give me everything. This book needs everyone’s support so that the author can continue to grow…

Chapter 72 Although it is outrageous, the facts are so outrageous! (First update)

After a moment.

The lobby of the Goethe Hotel.

March Qi, who was wearing Belloberg’s costume, pursed her lips with a very uncomfortable expression on her face. She sat on the sofa for a while, then got up and walked around. Dan Heng, who was looking aside, was a little confused.

“What’s wrong with you?” Dan Heng was still holding the book “Are You Really Smart” in his hand at this moment.

“It’s okay…” March 7 said casually.


How could it be okay!

After Xingmei helped provide memory fragments just now, she finally connected what happened after the showdown with Zhou Xiao.

She probably drank too much and vomited all over the bed. Xingmei felt that this room couldn’t sleep, so she changed her clothes and took her back to her room to sleep. She slept peacefully at first, but then she had to urinate urgently… .Just go to the toilet at the end of the corridor, and when you come back…

She didn’t realize that she was going back to Xingmei’s room to sleep, so she instinctively walked to her room, but Zhou Xiao happened to unlock the door in her room. In a daze, she used the small key to enter the room and lay down on the bed to sleep. Get off…I didn’t realize that there was an extra person on the other side of the bed…

Although it is outrageous…but the truth is so outrageous!

She just slept in the same bed with Zhou Xiao.

As for why Zhou Xiao wanted to sleep in her room, she could almost guess.

She fell asleep in Zhou Xiao’s room, so Zhou Xiao would definitely not be able to sleep in his own room… he would have to go to her room to sleep.


Extremely embarrassing.

March 7 At this moment, I can’t wait to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it…

What a gaffe.

It was because of this embarrassment that she didn’t know how to face Zhou Xiao, so she adjusted her mentality while Zhou Xiao went out for morning exercises and Xingmei followed him.

When nothing happens?


When nothing happens…

March 7 comforted herself that it was no big deal.

It’s all the fault of the wine. I drank too much and talked nonsense…

“You are back…”

Just as she was comforting herself, Dan Heng seemed to see Zhou Xiao and Xing Mei and said hello.

“Well, I’m back.”

Hearing Zhou Xiao’s voice, March 71 became nervous for a moment. He shuddered twice unconsciously and turned around. A smile forced his face onto his face, and he waved his hand to say hello:


“Morning.” Xingmei gave her a meaningful look.

“Are you awake?” Zhou Xiao asked.

“Well…” March 7 lowered her head slightly, and inadvertently put her hands under her chest to play with, as if she were a child who had done something wrong, waiting for a parent’s reprimand.

“Get ready to go back to the train when you wake up…” Zhou Xiao didn’t take the initiative to mention what happened last night, mainly because there was nothing to mention. He probably learned what happened from Xingmei’s mouth.

Pure misunderstanding plus misunderstanding…

As for sharing a bed… sharing a bed with a buddy is no big deal.

“Okay…” Seeing that Zhou Xiao didn’t mention this matter, March 7 nodded and acted as if nothing happened.

“I’ll go back to the lower area in a while…will you wait for me in the upper area?” Zhou Xiao glanced at everyone and asked.

“Ah? Go back to the lower area…” March 7 paused: “How about we go together? After all… we have never visited the lower area…”

Xingmei said she had no objection.

Dan Heng, on the other hand, obeys the majority.

The group of people reached an agreement and set off from the Goethe Hotel in the upper area back to the lower area.


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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