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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 51

Bronya took over Cocolia and became the new great guardian of Belloberg, re-establishing the connection between the upper and lower areas. The cable car leading to the underground is planned to be opened, but because there are too many places in Belloberg that need repairs now, There are many, so the specific time when this plan will be opened is not yet known.

Zhou Xiao and his party could only go to the lower area through the hearth passage again.

“By the way, the upper area looks so busy. Bronya must be working hard…” March 7 mentioned a topic casually in the hearth passage.


Bronya was now starting to spin.

There were too many things to deal with in the entire Beloberg. Not to mention re-establishing connections between the upper and lower districts, the repair of the wall in Beloberg and the reconstruction of Klebburg. These two items alone gave her a headache.

From this point of view… Zhou Xiao, who caused the damage to these two buildings, is really one of the villains…

Zhou Xiao: I obviously didn’t do anything, but I feel like I did everything…

Lower area, Panyan Town.

The news that Cocolia was defeated and the connection between the upper and lower areas was reestablished was brought back to the lower area by Xi’er and others yesterday. The miners in the lower area who heard the news couldn’t believe that one day they would have the opportunity to return to the upper area. …

A ray of light penetrates the darkness and shines on this dark underground…rekindling hope. This may be a turning point for the lower area.

“What a fool! Kun Feng Zha!”

“Hurry and stay away…”

As soon as they came to the lower area, everyone in the lower area dodged when they saw Zhou Xiao. It can be seen that Kunfeng Zha’s prestigious reputation is still circulating in the lower area…

Zhou Xiao didn’t care, and there was nothing to care about.

He first came to the front of the Great Rift Valley and looked at the burial place of Xiao Hao.

Looking at the endless Great Rift Valley, which seemed to run through the entire Beloberg, March Qi and Xingmei both felt a little emotional.

“It turns out that this is the great rift created by Zhou Xiao. I said that when I went to look for the star core before, I saw such a long crack…”

“Quickly take a photo and record it…”

Perhaps March 7 thought that Zhou Xiao’s chop was worth recording, so he took out a small camera and took a photo. This time, without exception, Zhou Xiao’s profile was included in the photo.


Perfect. March 7 thought so.

Zhou Xiao, who was not far away, raised his eyebrows in confusion when he heard what March 7 just said.

He doesn’t quite understand… What’s so good about this?

Of course.

He didn’t say anything, and his eyes shifted and finally landed on Xiao Hao’s tomb. He stared at it for two seconds, and the memory of Xiao Hao inadvertently flashed through his mind.

The slightly rough scabbard was hanging on his waist…

“Brother is leaving… Your wish has been fulfilled for the time being. As for how long the lower area will be stable and united… I don’t know.”

Hearing Zhou Xiao’s voice, March Qi, Xingmei and others, who were still paying attention to the photo, realized that there seemed to be a tomb in front of Zhou Xiao.

Xiao Hao?

Xingmei and others took a closer look and found that the word “Xiao Hao” was clearly carved on the stone wall on the side. It was obvious that he was the owner of this tomb.

Are you Zhou Xiao’s friend?

March 7 and Xingmei looked at each other in confusion, but no one asked Zhou Xiao. At this moment, they also knew why Zhou Xiao came to the lower area and came to the Great Rift Valley first…

Chapter 73 White hair, jade feet, little lolita! (Second update!)

“Brother is gone…”

“I’m really leaving this time… I don’t know when I’ll be back. Have a good rest, little Hao. Just rest here and watch the ice and snow melt in Belloberg until the flowers bloom in spring.”

Zhou Xiao is not good at saying goodbye.

He also didn’t know how long it would take him to leave Beloberg and Yalilo Six this time before he could come back.

Perhaps one day, he would really return to Yaliluo No. 6. He hoped that after the great changes, he could still find Xiao Hao’s grave.


After Zhou Xiao finished speaking, he left here without looking back. However, Yue Qi, Xing Mei, and Dan Heng only took a few more glances at Xiao Hao’s grave, and then followed Zhou Xiao away.

As for Zhou Xiao’s next stop… it is the Mechanical Settlement.

“Brother Zhou Xiao…”

As soon as she arrived at the castle of the mechanical settlement, Clara, a little girl, greeted her enthusiastically. When she saw Dan Heng, Yue Yue Qi and others, she nodded politely and said hello.

“Um…Where’s Swaro?” Zhou Xiao asked, touching Clara’s little head.

“Mr. Swaro is inside… Shall I take you to Mr. Swaro?”


Under the leadership of Clara, Zhou Xiao and his party met Swaro again.

“Mr. Zhou Xiao…” Shivaro’s mechanical sound unit made a sound. When he saw the train set following Zhou Xiao, he paused and said:

“And all the mutants.”


March 7 frowned: “Hey, hey, isn’t it? You call him Mr. Zhou Xiao, and you call us the Variables? You are too real…”


A real batch.

Swaro’s understanding of the train set was definitely not as deep as Zhou Xiao’s.

After all… Zhou Xiao is his variable partner to chat with every night…

“Don’t blame…”

“That Shivaro, I came to you this time to ask you to do me a favor…” Zhou Xiao said.


“Well, there is a tomb on the other side of the Great Rift Valley… The location is probably in this area. If you have nothing to do every once in a while, just send a soldier or something to take a look.” Zhou Xiao said the content of the request.

When hearing this content, March 7 and Xingmei showed obvious surprise.

They once again lamented that Zhou Xiao had a close relationship with the tomb owner named Xiao Hao… and even arranged for Swaro to take care of him before leaving.

He is like this to his friends… but what about the people he likes?

March 7 pursed her lips and looked at Zhou Xiao, thinking wildly in her little head for a second.


Shivaro paused for a moment as if checking the coordinates provided by Zhou Xiao.

“Yes, I will.” Swaro agreed.

Seeing that Shivaro agreed, Zhou Xiao didn’t say anything more. He just said thank you, then turned to leave. It seemed that he returned to the lower area this time not to stay, but just to explain some things.

“Mr. Zhou Xiao…”

Seeing Zhou Xiao was about to leave, Shivaro’s mechanical sound unit sounded.

“Huh?” Zhou Xiao turned around when he heard the sound.


“Are you leaving Belloberg?”

“Yes, the star core crisis is over, and I and they will naturally leave.” Zhou Xiao replied.

Hearing Zhou Xiao’s answer, Swaro paused and said: “I would like to ask you to take Clara away too…”


Clara was startled when she heard the sound, then raised her head and looked at Swaro with a cute little face: “Mr. Swaro… Clara doesn’t want to leave…”

“Klara…” Swaro’s eyes shifted to Clara and then said: “The outside world…you yearn for more…”

“No…no, Mr. Swaro…” When Clara heard that Swaro didn’t want her, she blinked her big eyes, and it seemed that the little pearl was about to fall out again.

“Compared with the outside world…the family that Clara wants more is Mr. Swaro, and everyone in the Mechanical Community…”


Zhou Xiao: “Uh…”

It was a touching scene, but he just felt a little embarrassed.

In fact, after hearing Swaro’s request, he had no intention of taking Clara into the car.

There is no other reason… He is not a nanny. Clara is so young. She cannot take on the logistics tasks in the car, nor can she be regarded as a combat force to follow the pioneering team to perform tasks…

As a mascot?

There is already Conductor Pam on the mascot train…

Of course.

If Swaro gets in the car with Clara, he might consider it.

“Whether you want to get on the train or not…it doesn’t matter what we say, you have to ask the conductor, besides…Klara can’t bear to leave you, so let’s do it…” Zhou Xiao moved out Jizi and rejected Shivaro’s request. .

He admitted that Clara was cute.

White hair, jade feet, little lolita.

But you can’t eat cuteness…

In addition to getting on the train as a guest to visit the train, otherwise you have to work when you get on the train…

“Thank you…Brother Zhou Xiao.” Clara wiped her tears, looked at Zhou Xiao and added: “You are really a good person…”

Zhou Xiao: “…”

After coming out of the mechanical settlement, Zhou Xiao exhaled.

Everything that needs to be explained has been explained, and he can rest assured that Xiao Hao will sleep here.

“Let’s go, things are done, let’s get back to the train…”


Hearing Zhou Xiao’s words, Xingmei raised her eyebrows slightly: “Master… why don’t we go see Xi’er and the others?”

“Oh? Are you going to see them?” Zhou Xiao asked.

“Didn’t you come down to say goodbye to everyone?”

“Who said goodbye to them… I came down purely to explain some things, and I left after the things were done… No one really thinks that I will say goodbye to the lower area, right? No, no, no… “

Zhou Xiao looked at Xingmei, paused for two seconds and said:

“Now the people in the entire lower district want to stay away when they see me. In their eyes… I am a big bad guy. To say goodbye… it would be nice if they don’t celebrate my departure.”


Xingmei didn’t know what to say when she heard this.

Obviously, Zhou Xiao saved the entire Belloberg, first killed Cocolia and then cut the star core… to resolve the star core crisis of Yalilo 6… As a result, in the eyes of all the Belloberg people, he became Beloberg’s saboteur.

And Cocolia, who was bent on taking Beloberg into the abyss and tried to build a new world on the ruins, became a positive figure in the fight against the star core…

But it doesn’t matter to Zhou Xiao. He didn’t come to Yaliluo No. 6 to save the world.

Do everything from your heart.

When he is in a good mood (definitely not because of the small money), he can take action to kill the big boss and save the world.

If he is in a bad mood, he can also set up a fight club and cut a big rift out…

He never cared about reputation.

What does the bad deeds done by Kun Feng have to do with him, Zhou Xiao?


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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