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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 52

“Finally we can get back to the train…” Zhou Xiao felt that this trip to Yaliluo No. 6 was too tiring, even more tiring than killing an anti-matter army…

“Wait…” At this moment, Dan Heng, who had been silent for a long time, looked at his phone and called Zhou Xiao.

ps: Ask for everything, ask for everything… 嘤嘤嘤.

Chapter 74: Demonic Knife Thousand Blades Collapsing Iron Low Edition? (First update!)

“What’s wrong?”

Everyone stopped when they heard Dan Heng’s voice and turned around to look at Dan Heng.

“Mr. Walter said something happened at the Star Core…” Dan Heng said truthfully.


“What happened again?”

Because of this communication information, Zhou Xiao and his party changed their route from the lower area to the upper area and entered the Everwinter Ridge. When they arrived at the area where the star core was located, they saw Walter’s figure from a distance.

“Uncle Yang?!” March 7th waved towards Walter, but Walter didn’t bother her.

“Why are you here?” Walter pushed up his glasses and looked slightly confused when he saw them.

“Didn’t Uncle Yang send a message to Dan Heng asking us to come over?” March 7 scratched his head.

“No, I told him that there was something going on here at Xinghe and I didn’t ask him to bring you here…”

Listening to Walter’s voice, everyone’s eyes shifted to Dan Heng’s face. The latter showed a thoughtful expression, was silent for two seconds and then said:

“So that’s what it is…”

“You’re here… then take this back.” Walter handed a special metal box to Dan Heng.

“This is?”

“The fragments of Zhou Xiao’s long knife…” Walter pushed up his glasses again and said seriously:

“I found that these metal fragments were wrapped by the power of part of the star core and changed to a certain extent… This is also the unexpected situation I said…”

A degree of change?

Hearing that the client, Zhou Xiao, was a little curious and asked Dan Heng to open the box and take a look.

From what he could see, the metal fragment of the long knife that was broken into the star core was still rusty. Cracks were all over the broken blade. It looked like it was about to break, but it still maintained a stable state.

As for the handle of the knife, it is no different from before, and it feels ordinary.

“This knife…has really changed?” Zhou Xiao took a second look and felt that it was still nothing special.

“Didn’t you notice that the broken knife remained stable?”

“This…” Zhou Xiao paused for a second, and then touched the blade lightly with his hand. Before he exerted much force, he saw the long knife click and break into countless metal fragments scattered inside the box.


This sudden change surprised everyone present except Walter.

“It’s… unstable.” Xingmei said silently.

This knife… was “broken” by the master.

The person involved, Zhou Xiao, raised his head slightly and glanced at Walter: “Uncle Yang…this.”

“Don’t worry…just wait and see.”

Everyone was slightly confused when they heard Walter’s voice.

It’s all broken into pieces like this…why don’t you worry?

Everyone’s attention was focused on the fragments of the long knife in the box. Within a few seconds, the fragments in the box were able to locate each other as if there was quantum entanglement. They were attracted to each other and slowly returned to the original blade in front of everyone’s eyes. shape.



Can it still be like this? !

“Look…it’s stable.” Walter said very steadily.

“What’s the principle of this?” Xingmei’s eyes widened and her mouth slightly expanded to express shock.

“Anyway…it won’t be the Pythagorean theorem.” Walter replied seriously.

Zhou Xiao on the side looked at the broken blade for a long time, and he always felt as if he had seen the scene just now somewhere.

Thousand Blades of the Demonic Sword?

Bengtie low-end version?

He touched his chin and felt it was outrageous.

The train crew left and returned to the Star Dome Train.

When Zhou Xiao came, he came alone.

When leaving, Zhou Xiao took the two hand-rubbing robots Jarvis and Kun Kunzi with him. Looking at Jarvis not far away, Zhou Xiao said that someone would finally be able to clean the kitchen after he finished cooking.

This was one of his most satisfying gains from this trip to Yalilo.

In the building next to the ruins of Kleiber Castle, Bronya, who was busy discussing government affairs with Xi’er in the lower district, noticed a “shooting star” flying upward across the sky outside the window.

She could vaguely feel that the shooting stars were the departure of visitors from outside the sky…

“They left…there really was no goodbye.”

That annoying guy…is gone too, right?

The figure of Zhou Xiao flashed through Bronya’s heart. Although she was a little annoying, that person saved the entire Beloberg after all…

He shouldn’t have told anyone the secret, right?

Bronya suddenly thought of the social death incident in the hearth passage that Zhou Xiao had threatened several times.

Hearing her voice, Xi’er also noticed outside the window.

“Leaving now? That guy…” The guy in Xi’er’s mouth was obviously Zhou Xiao. After all, she was an acquaintance with the other members of the train crew.

He and Zhou Xiaona can be said to be “life and death friends”.

Zhou Xiaosheng, she almost died…

Make a fuss in the lower district, and save the upper and lower districts of Belloberg…

Kunfeng, Gale… Until now, Xi’er couldn’t tell whether Zhou Xiao was a good guy or a bad guy…

Somewhere in Belloberg, the purple-haired Sambo also noticed the departure of the train set. He scratched his head, always feeling that the performance seemed to be a little tasteless.


The fun is gone.

On top of the Star Dome Train.

Zhou Xiao and his party finally returned to the Star Dome Train.

“Welcome back…” The long-legged Jizi and conductor Pam came over with a jolt, and they were very happy to see that everyone was safe and sound.

“How was it…how was your first pioneering journey?” Jizi looked at Xingmei with her beautiful eyes and asked: “Little Sanyue…there was nothing wrong?”

“Ji Zi… how reliable we are!” March 7th glanced at Ji Zi, who just looked at her with a smile.

“Hmm… not bad.” Xingmei thought for two seconds and gave these two words of evaluation.

She said this out of conscience…

“These two passengers are…” Rather than caring about the experience of Xingmei’s pioneering trip, Conductor Pam first noticed Zhou Xiao, and then saw the sizable heavy armor Jarvis behind Zhou Xiao. and Kunkunzi.

“Ah…my assistants, Jarvis and Kun Kunzi, say hello.” Zhou Xiao said casually.

“Hello…” The mechanical sound-producing units of Jarvis and Kunkunzi both made sounds. When Jarvis raised his hand, the dark short-axis howitzer lit up, making little Pam a little scared.

“Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid…” Seeing Little Pam’s reaction, Zhou Xiao came up and rubbed Little Pam’s head.

“Don’t touch me…” Little Pam dodged away and straightened her train conductor’s hat, looking at Zhou Xiao with an unhappy face:

“Logisticsman Zhou Xiao… I’m warning you, Pa, don’t touch the train conductor’s head casually… If you touch him again, I’ll kick you off.”

“I know, I know…” Zhou Xiao obviously didn’t take it to heart. He had heard Little Pam say this many times, but every time Little Pam would continue to warn him…

Chapter 75 Ji Zi: I won’t make it! (Second update!)

Could this be the preference of the train conductor?

“Okay, thank you for your hard work this time, go back and rest quickly…” After Ji Zi said that, his eyes shifted to Zhou Xiao’s face: “Zhou Xiao… you will follow me in a minute…”



When she heard that Ji Zi was looking for Zhou Xiao alone, March 7 was slightly startled, and then watched Zhou Xiao and Ji Zi leave.

After everyone dispersed, Zhou Xiao asked Jarvis and Kun Kunzi to wait in the kitchen car at the rear of the train, and then followed Ji Zi to the logistics car.

The two of them were talking to each other as if they were undercover agents. After checking to make sure there was no one there, Ji Zi silently took out an envelope and handed it to Zhou Xiao.

“This is your bonus for this mission…”

“Thank you, Sister Jizi. As for the specialty materials, I will ask Jarvis to find a place to put them properly later…” Zhou Xiao did not open it directly. He slightly touched the thickness of the envelope and felt it was a bit thin. After touching it carefully, it seemed that it was A card.

“Oh, by the way…this is for you.” After Zhou Xiao put the envelope into his pocket, he thought of something again, took out the crystal stone bought by Xiao Hao from the other pocket and handed it to Ji Zi.

“This is it?” Jizi took it and found that it was a fiery red spar with high transparency, like crystal.

“Souvenir…” Zhou Xiao did not forget this. After giving it to Xing Mei and March 7 in the lower area, he handed one to Dan Heng and Walter respectively when he saw them.

“Oh… you are quite thoughtful.” Ji Zi said this, and then asked about Zhou Xiao and Yue Qi’s situation like a melon.

“How are things going between you and Xiao Sanyue? I heard from Xing that Xiao Sanyue was drunk and made trouble for you…”


Hearing that Ji Zi asked about this topic, Zhou Xiao frowned immediately.

How can this big-mouthed disciple… be able to tell anyone about anything? ? ?

“It’s nothing… just like that, she drank too much and said some nonsense…” Zhou Xiao’s answer was very vague, and Ji Zi said as if she suddenly realized:

“That’s right…actually…sometimes what you say when you’re drunk may be the truth.”


Zhou Xiao thinks Ji Zi is weird.

“Sister Jizi…did you…know something a long time ago?”

Seeing Ji Zi’s appearance, Zhou Xiao finally came to his senses.

Why did Jizi use such lame excuses to use money to trick him into going on a mission on Yalilo 6… Why did Jizi ask him to help March 7 and the others complete the mission to seal the star core after he contacted the train…

Are the co-authors here creating opportunities for March 7?

“Me? I don’t do it.” Jizi scratched her hair, then interrupted:

“Are you thirsty? Hey, it must be hard to work at Yaliluo No. 6 for so long. Can I make you a cup of coffee?”

“I recently researched a new kind of coffee, and I think it’s pretty good…”


Changing the topic too abruptly.

Zhou Xiao glanced at Ji Zi twice more and said nothing. He only saw Ji Zi move a little bit and finally left the logistics car and disappeared from his sight.

March 7, the group’s favorite…no doubt.

Dude… do this.

Zhou Xiao shook his head and then left the logistics car.


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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