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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 53

The time on the train passed very quickly.

It didn’t take long for dinner to arrive. After everyone enjoyed Zhou Xiao’s cooking in the train kitchen, they went about their own business.

Dan Heng is busy organizing and updating the think tank’s data on Yalilo 6…

And Walter wants to study the magically changed broken knife…

It was rare for March 7 to stay in the train kitchen and offered to help Zhou Xiao wash the dishes and clean the kitchen, but Zhou Xiao declined.

After all, Zhou Xiao is different now. Now he has the robot Jarvis…

But soon.

Then he realized something was wrong.

This Jarvis… was designed from the beginning to take a bunch of mechanical materials of the automatic robot and assemble it into a combat-type mechanical body, and let it do housework and cleaning. The plate was crushed…

As for Kun Kunzi…

It was originally designed for investigation. Although it has a lot of “jade feet”, it cannot change that it is a “bionic” design!

Zhou Xiao looked at Jarvis and Kun Kunzi and touched his chin, suddenly feeling his failure.

“I must place an order for a housekeeping robot…for sure!”

After a moment.

After Zhou Xiao packed up everything and returned to the room to start completing his daily activities on the train again, he was about to place an order to buy something on the head office’s shopping platform, but suddenly realized that his mobile phone had not been found yet.


is a plant.

Zhou Xiao stood up silently and was about to go to Dan Heng to borrow his mobile phone to place an order for shopping. As soon as he walked out of the room, he heard some movement in the train kitchen.


Isn’t it March 7 again?

Without saying a word, Zhou Xiao walked towards the train kitchen, opened the door, and took a quick look, only to see March Qi sitting on a chair in the restaurant looking at the starry sky outside the window with a worried look on his face.

She was very quiet at this moment, without her usual carelessness, and the faint light refracted from the Yaliluo 6 star shone on her face, as if a mysterious veil was wrapped over her.

“Are you hungry again? I remember that what you ate at night was okay.”

Zhou Xiao’s voice sounded. March 7 turned her head when she heard the sound. When she saw it was Zhou Xiao, she suddenly felt nervous and uncomfortable. She replied:

“Not hungry.”

“Why are you coming to my train kitchen if you’re not hungry? Looking at the stars?”

Zhou Xiao thinks March Qi is weird. In fact, ever since March Qi told him that he likes her, he has always felt March Qi is weird.

“Can’t sleep… sit down for a while.” March 71 was wearing pajamas and holding a small Pam doll in her arms.

“you are sick?”

“No… just… I’m in a bad mood.”

March 7 also felt a little strange.

Maybe… Zhou Xiao didn’t give her an accurate reply that night, which caused some changes in her mentality and she would always have random thoughts.

“Then you still have something on your mind?” Zhou Xiao sat on the chair on the other side of March 7th: “Tell me and listen, it will make me happy…”


March 7 glanced at Zhou Xiao twice. She was speechless and didn’t want to talk to Zhou Xiao.

“Don’t talk? Want to be quiet? Okay, where’s your phone? Lend it to me. My phone is missing. I have to go shopping to get another one…” Seeing that March Qi didn’t care about himself, Zhou Xiao stopped stimulating him. March seven.

“Here…” March 7 unlocked his phone and handed it to Zhou Xiao.

Zhou Xiao took it over. He was not polite and started browsing the company’s shopping platform in front of March 7th.

Of course.

A gentleman like him would never look at the shopping cart on March 7th…

ps: Ask for everything, ask for everything, yah yah yah.

Chapter 76 March 7: Zhou Xiao, it turns out you are into pure love! (First update!)

Customized removable doll?

Customized pillow?

Customized poster pages?

What do I usually search for on March 7th…

“Gentleman” Zhou Xiao naturally didn’t look at the shopping cart on March 7th. He just saw a few keywords in the search history column of the shopping platform. These few keywords made him frown.


Zhou Xiao didn’t have any snooping habits. He first placed an order for a mobile phone on the head office’s shopping platform, and then checked the price of the finished household robot.

Black stockings… maid-type housework robot?

I’m crazy.

Can you also customize the image?

Zhou Xiao has seen a lot of good-looking and easy-to-use housekeeping robots, but the prices are also very attractive.


You have to do it yourself…

Zhou Xiao touched his chin and started ordering from basic mechanical parts.

Not far away, March 7 saw Zhou Xiao looking at her mobile phone so seriously, and her eyes shifted to it. When she saw Zhou Xiao was shopping for a lot of mechanical materials online, she raised her eyebrows slightly:

“Why did you buy these…?”

“Of course…keep making villains.” Zhou Xiao replied casually.

“Creating a villain?” March 7 frowned.

Realizing that he had made a mistake, Zhou Xiao corrected himself: “It’s to build a robot… I originally wanted to build a housekeeping robot in Belloberg, but conditions didn’t allow it, so I built a Jarvis… .”

“Oh…” March Qi’s brows relaxed a little after hearing this. She looked at Zhou Xiao quietly without saying anything more, wondering what was going on in her heart.

“Okay… the download is over, please remember to pay for me, and I will transfer it to you when my phone arrives…” Zhou Xiao said bluntly without being polite.

“Is it so natural?” March 7 felt that it was super natural for Zhou Xiao to ask him to help.

“That’s…brother, of course it’s natural, I won’t let your help go in vain…”

In essence, Zhou Xiao seems to have not changed his mentality. He still treats March 7th instinctively as a comrade and buddy, and he does not have too many scruples about what he says.



Hearing this, a hint of disappointment flashed across March Qi’s beautiful eyes. She looked at Zhou Xiao, and the little Pam in her arms was slightly deformed in her hands.

“You…can you stop treating us as your buddies…”

“…” Zhou Xiao was slightly startled after listening to March 7th’s words.

“We… are also a girl. Can you treat me like a normal girl… like Hoshi, like Himeko… a normal girl?”

March 7th said seriously.

She knew that if Zhou Xiao was allowed to get along with her like a buddy again, she and Zhou Xiao would only end up as best friends, and it would be impossible to have a closer relationship.

Seeing Zhou Xiao’s silence, March Qi understood that maybe this was a sign that Zhou Xiao still had no feelings for her.

She slowly stood up from the chair, and the light refracted from Yaliluo No. 6 fell on her body. A smile appeared on her face and she said nonchalantly:

“You don’t have to be embarrassed…you know that we are carefree and speak freely. Although we were drunk yesterday…but what we said was from the bottom of our hearts. If you like it, you like it, and if you don’t like it, you don’t like it… .I will not hide my inner thoughts, and I hope you won’t hide them either…”

“As for you…you don’t have to worry about our fragile little heart. We are very strong. Even if you reject me…I want to hear your rejection clearly and personally, rather than…vaguely or unwillingly.” Accurate reply…”

Although March 7 looks carefree on the surface, she is actually very delicate on the inside. She will think about this relationship, and she will also think about the vague answer Zhou Xiao gave her in the dead of night.

Talk about it later…

Which future is it?


the day after tomorrow?

next year?

The year after tomorrow?

Perhaps she might not be able to wait for this answer at the moment she dies of old age.

She doesn’t want to be led by Zhou Xiao like this. She likes Zhou Xiao, but that doesn’t mean she wants to force Zhou Xiao to like her…

She knew it.

There are not so many perfect relationships in this world, where you like someone and that person happens to like you.

What’s more regretful in this world is that you like the other person, but the other person has no feelings for you… It’s that you have a crush on the other person, but the other person doesn’t notice anything…

She is brave.

Although it was with the help of alcohol that I talked about my secret love…

She felt braver now.

She was able to face her own heart calmly without the help of alcohol, and she also faced Zhou Xiao.

Social death or something…

Embarrassing or something…

It doesn’t matter to her at this moment, anyway, she looks heartless in the eyes of outsiders…

Once you take that first step, every step that follows is easy and full of courage.

She didn’t want to look at Zhou Xiao silently from behind…

Seeing the tearful look in March Qi’s eyes, Zhou Xiao had the idea of ​​pausing and rewinding. He wanted to rewind to just now. He heard the movement in the kitchen carriage and turned around to leave… instead of entering the carriage.

Faced with the question of March 7, Zhou Xiao still said the same thing.

“I used to treat you as a friend… Frankly speaking, you have to give me time to change my mentality. As you said, I will treat you as a girl… If you want to ask me how I feel about you now… .I can only tell you frankly, I don’t like it…”

“So… give each other some time, use time to judge whether you really like me and want to be with me, instead of being impulsive or lustful. As for me, I also use time to wash it away. The identity of a buddy in you has re-examined my heart…”

Zhou Xiao seemed very sensible.

It’s really hard to distinguish between liking something and lusting after it.

Seeing him touching March Qi’s little head, he said like a big brother:

“Fast food love is too pale. It has an unclear beginning and an unclear end. How long have you known me? Don’t disrupt the rhythm of your life because of me…”

As soon as Zhou Xiao said these words, the impact on March Qi’s heart was even greater. She felt as if she had seen a side of Zhou Xiao again. Different from the venomous tongue in the past, he was very gentle and full of stories…

At the same time, something suddenly occurred to her mind, and she said something out of nowhere: “Zhou Xiao… So you are into pure love?”

She learned this word from her mobile phone, but she didn’t expect to use it on Zhou Xiao.

Zhou Xiao: “…”

Chapter 77 One month period! (Second update!)

Where do these words come from?

Zhou Xiao really wanted to open March 7’s head and see what was inside.

“Okay…” March 7th responded as she wiped her eyes.

Although she didn’t get a definite answer, Zhou Xiao’s answer this time was obviously more sincere than the answer she got when she was drunk.

She couldn’t force Zhou Xiao to like her… and at the same time, she couldn’t force herself not to be tempted by Zhou Xiao.


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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