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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 55

After eating, he followed his usual rhythm of life on the train, doing exercises and other activities…

This makes Xingmei call me stupid…

It felt to her as if Zhou Xiao didn’t take this anti-matter army seriously…

Dan Heng paused for two seconds, and then said: “I was just thinking that just one star core is worth bringing an entire anti-matter army here?”


this problem.

That’s a good question indeed.

This is indeed what Jizi and Walter are a little confused about.

There is more than just Yalilo 6 in the star core. Does the Antimatter Corps need to spend so much effort to get to Yalilo 6?

“Perhaps…someone among us has attracted their attention.” Dan Heng asked and answered himself. He looked at Zhou Xiao aside, as if the answer was the person in front of him.

I can tell that after reading the book “Are You Really Smart?” “After that, his IQ quickly took over the high ground, and he already had great wisdom to see through everything.

“Oh…what are you looking at me for?” Zhou Xiao was a little uncomfortable when Dan Heng looked at him: “Do you think that just because I chopped up a corner of the star core, I can attract an entire antimatter army? “

“Do they really have that much free time? Don’t do it… hurry up and meet the enemy.”

Zhou Xiao scratched his face and gave Dan Heng a “Don’t tease me” expression. He put the mask of the Windbreaker on his face, took out Kafka’s long knife, held it in his right hand, and shook it again. After making sure that the “little broken knife” was not scattered into pieces, he held it in his left hand.

In an instant… the green ghost swordsman with two swords appeared in front of everyone, losing a bit of his usual gentleness and replaced it with a dangerous aura.

His whole body had to make Ji Zi look at him twice…

[When the antimatter army reaches the first two systems of the planet Yalilo 6]

The dark Anti-Material Legion warships are already approaching Yalilo Six. Many Doomsday Beasts are coming with the Anti-Material Legion. This configuration is definitely more than enough to destroy one Yalilo Six.

Chapter 79: From Baicao Garden to Sanwei Bookstore! (Second update!)


It should be said that it is more than enough to destroy a galaxy.

When Zhou Xiao took the train’s spare small spacecraft and came to the front of the interstellar battlefield, he felt for the first time what a full antimatter army was.

The anti-matter Legion battleship headed by it is as huge as an asteroid, exuding a scorching temperature like purgatory. Countless void soldiers and doomsday beasts of the Anti-matter Legion are hovering in the battleship. This volume is also very different from the entire Yalilo 6 star. Not big anymore.

At the central core of this battleship is a “Gluttonous Mouth”, with layers of mechanical “minions” rotating like gears, making a dull sound, although this sound cannot be spread in the star field.

A large amount of matter is converted into propulsion power here, activating this mechanical “behemoth” to move forward.

Compared with this Anti-Material Legion battleship, Zhou Xiao’s small spaceship was like a small raft on the sea encountering a 10,000-ton cruise ship, and it was even difficult to attract the other party’s attention.

Zhou Xiao swallowed his saliva in the small spaceship and looked at the anti-matter Legion battleship. For the first time, he felt that he understood what the word “manchuan” meant. He turned to look at Walter and asked:

“Uncle Yang, are all the anti-matter corps… equipped with this configuration? The battleship… is this big?”

Hearing Zhou Xiao’s question, Walter pushed up his glasses: “Actually… not really. I think… we are in big trouble this time.”

Walter had seen many full anti-matter legions, but he had never seen a battleship as big as the one in front of him. The scene before him made him feel that what they encountered was not an ordinary anti-matter legion…

“Maybe… we might have encountered a Lord of Extermination.” Walter added.

Lord of Annihilation…

The Order of Destruction.

This is the only answer he can think of. Only when he encounters the anti-matter legion directly descended from the Great Lord of Extinction can such a configuration of combat power be possible.


Danheng was silent upon hearing the sound.

Zhou Xiao also fell silent.

The Order of Destruction…is okay.

This fucking feeling is like Zhou Xiao lost a three, but the Destruction Star God Nanook directly lost four twos…

How to fight this?

“Hello? Is it Jizi?” Walter has already contacted Jizi in the star train behind through communication.


After hearing Jizi’s response, Walter said again:

“I suspect that this full anti-matter army is stationed at the Lord of Extermination, and Yalilo Six is ​​likely to be destroyed… If we can evacuate as many Bellobergs as possible.”

“Lord of Extermination…” Jizi murmured to herself, and then replied that she understood.

Even a passing dog would be slapped twice by an antimatter army of this level, let alone Yalilo 6, a world that had been invaded by star cores.

Looking at Yaliluo No. 6 outside the car window, Ji Zi’s eyes were slightly sad.

“What a troubled world…”


As soon as the star core crisis was solved, they ran into the antimatter army headed by Lord Annihilation…

[1.5 systems before the antimatter army reaches the planet Yalilo 6]

Zhou Xiao, Dan Heng, and Walter were already fighting against the wavelet forces of the Anti-Material Legion in the Star Territory. Due to the power of Destiny, they had minimized the impact of fighting in the Star Territory, but the impact was still considerable. .

Zhou Xiao could fight a doomsday beast head-on with two knives and kill it with one blow. This long knife modified by Walter’s hand was really good. After he became proficient in using it, he could even control the built-in stance device to make it move at a certain level. Free fragmentation and aggregation within the range can produce unexpected effects.

The swords held in both hands, combined with the power of the wind and the nameless power, actually increased his combat power by one step, making him like a god of murder from “Baicao Garden to Sanwei Bookstore”, but he still could not change the status quo. .

Looking at the anti-matter Legion battleship that was crushing everything like a planet, even if he drained all the power in his body, he could not stop its advancement.

After all…

He is still a human, he is not a star god…

The C’tan can bend reality, but he cannot…

After killing another doomsday beast, Zhou Xiao took a breath. Through the green ghost mask, he saw Dan Heng and Walter nearby trying their best to eliminate the invading enemies, but with little success. There are only three people, and the opponent is a full anti-matter army…

He saw the planet-like battleship in the distance and the location that was approaching Yalilo 6 and the Star Dome Train…

At this moment, he suddenly felt that the trace of comfort in his heart was completely shattered.

Starting from the Black Tower Space Station until he arrived at Yalilo Six, he could deal with all the enemies he encountered. He could cut down Void Pawns, Doomsday Beasts, Black Fist Club, Swaro, Cocolia and even Star Cores. A corner.

This smooth sailing experience gradually gave him a sense of comfort in his heart. He thought that as long as he followed the rules and completed his self-disciplined life every day, he could continue to be so comfortable, and gradually forgot how dangerous this world was.

He once told Cocolia that reality is cruel, and he is reality…


He also saw reality, a very cruel reality.

Jarillo Six, Beloberg.

Looking at the increasingly approaching Anti-Material Legion warships that gradually obscured the sky, Bronya, Hill and others finally understood why the extraterrestrial visitors wanted them to leave their homes quickly.

“Is this…the enemy we will face?” Bronya said with some despair. Just before, she had told everyone that united as one, we would be able to overcome all difficulties.

But now that she saw this anti-matter Legion battleship, she only felt the fear of the giant thing.

She thought that what Belloberg would encounter next might replicate the hundreds of years of anti-matter army invasion, but she didn’t expect… this anti-matter army invasion would be so terrifying.

Will we get through this time?

Bronya asked her heart, but the answer she got was so pale…

On the Star Dome Train, Jizi had already adjusted the rail gun and began to intercept the huge battleship body of the Antimatter Legion. The beams of rail guns fired at the battleship, but they were all blocked by the battleship’s barriers.

“Tsk…it’s so hard…” Jizi frowned even more after seeing that the effect of the rail gun was not satisfactory.

She had heard on the radio that the Lord of Annihilation led the anti-matter army to destroy the galaxy, but she had never encountered it… The difficulties faced by the extremely huge battleship body had to make her doubt whether this anti-matter army had the power to destroy the galaxy. The Lord of Extermination is in charge…

After all, the antimatter legions encountered before… were never this powerful.

ps: Please give me some free gifts. It’s too bad. I won’t expose them anymore. Woohoo…

Chapter 80: Lord Fenfeng of Extermination! (First update)

[0.5 systems before the antimatter army reaches the planet Yalilo VI]

This distance is very, very close.

Countless anti-matter legion soldiers attacked like locusts towards the Star Dome Train and the planet Yalilo VI. Except for the train conductor Pam, who did not go to participate in the battle, the rest of the train was fighting with the anti-matter legion outside.

At this moment, Little Pam’s expression was very worried. He was worried that Ji Zi, Zhou Xiao and others would be injured. He was also worried that the antimatter army would destroy the power device of the train and eventually prevent the train from starting.

“It’s almost…just hold on for a while and it’ll be fine…”

Outside the train.

Everyone on the train crew has retreated to the point of nowhere, from blocking the anti-matter corps to the second train defense battle.

Ji Zi, March 7, and Xing Mei were in charge of the external power unit of the train. Ji Zi, March 7, and Xing Mei were responsible for long-distance fire support. The soldiers of the Antimatter Corps came.

As for the Anti-Material Legionnaires flying towards Yalilo 6… they were powerless and couldn’t get away…

It is not easy to defend the Star Dome Train with such attack intensity and frequency.

“We are really strong…”

March Qi, who was drawing a bow and shooting arrows, couldn’t help but sigh when he looked at Zhou Xiao, who was holding a pair of knives in the star field and could even slash the doomsday beast.

“Don’t take it lightly…” Jizi reminded, they could only guarantee the safety of the train without the Lord of Extermination taking action.


Just as March Qi nodded, he heard a strange movement spreading in the star field environment.

Is it a shock?

Pulse frequency caused by high-intensity vibration?

The sound made her eardrums hurt…

This kind of pain made her half kneel on the ground in pain, trying to block her ears with trembling hands, but it had no effect at all. Her vision gradually turned red and her eyeballs became bloodshot.

Something’s wrong…

Something is wrong.

Her somewhat blurry vision looked at the Anti-Material Legion battleship coming from a distance. She seemed to see the abyssal mouth in the center of the battleship rotating. Endless darkness was released from the abyssal mouth, accompanied by the sound of fire from hell. The wail of ghosts.

Indescribable fear…

Unbearable heat…

Imprinted on the heart…

Lord of Annihilation…

This is not a battleship!

This is the true form of the Great Lord of Annihilation!

March 7 felt like his brain was going to explode.

At this moment, a hand with the power to destroy her life gently touched her body.

It’s Xingmei.

“Are you okay?” Xingmei asked.

Perhaps it was because of Xingmei, or because of the star core in Xingmei’s body, that March Qi was pulled out of the abyss.


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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