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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 56


“Is it you?”

March Qi’s vision was now a little blurry, and she could only see a rough figure.

“You…this is?” Xingmei suddenly felt a little scary when she saw March 7’s current appearance. The bleeding from her orifices seemed to be the price she paid after seeing something indescribable.

“It… has woken up… it is the Lord of Extermination, run… run.” Xingmei pointed in the direction she was just looking at, with a hint of panic in her tone.

Xingmei heard the sound and looked over, only to see that what March 7 was pointing at was the antimatter Legion battleship the size of a planet…

All the Doomsday Beasts…the soldiers of the Antimatter Legion are the prelude before the ultimate power of destruction, the appetizer before the main meal, and the real destruction is full of power and beauty.

Fen Feng, the great lord of annihilation, expressed this.

How will this planet… experience destruction?

Foehn Feng belatedly arrived at Yalilo 6. He stared at the world. He wanted to give this planet the most magnificent experience of destruction…

Beauty…is what he seeks.

Is it the sun that ignites this galaxy, allowing huge amounts of radiation to bake its surface and turn it into glass?

Or will it set off a huge cyclone and tear the world apart?



Foehn felt that these previous actions did not respect the mission assigned to him by his master, the Destruction Star God Nanook, this time.


He suddenly forgot the specific mission assigned to him by his master, the Destruction Star God Nanook…

That’s all.

Destruction is the mission… As long as the destruction is completed in this star field, it will complete the master’s mission.


What’s this?

Star Dome Train?

Annoying bugs…

Since you won’t leave, let’s enjoy my masterpiece together…

Foehn decided to take the most powerful way to destroy the planet, which was to use himself to crash through the earth’s crust to the core, completely crushing the planet.

Although it lacks some visual beauty, isn’t extreme power also a kind of beauty?

He moved.

Moving his huge body, he ran towards Yaliluo 6, and the anti-matter legion and doomsday beast “parasitized” on him also followed his pace, approaching Yaliluo 6 even more.

“Everyone… pay attention, the battleship in front of you is the body of the Great Lord of Annihilation… He is not a battleship! He is alive!”

In the train crew’s communication channel, Xingmei told everyone about March 7’s discovery, and everyone was startled when they heard it.

Lord of annihilation?

So big?

you sure?

After the classic three-question series, Dan Hengduo glanced twice at the battleship that was as big as an asteroid…

Don’t say it.

It’s really possible.

The amount of energy spent to propel a planet-level battleship through space navigation is too huge, and it is simply not worth the gain… Then if this battleship is the Lord of Extinction… suddenly there is an inexplicable sense of rationality.

As for who the Lord of Extinction is in front of them… no one knows. After all, the Lord of Extinction is still mysterious. They have only heard about the Lord of Extinction on the radio, but have never seen it with their own eyes.

“He rushed straight towards Yaliluo No. 6!” Xingmei seemed to have discovered something and said in the communication channel.

“What is he going to do? Is he trying to crash Yalilo 6?”

This is a very reasonable guess.

At such a close distance, even if Yaliluo No. 6 has a large mass and will not be attracted by the Lord of Extinction, it will still have to be hit by a big explosion…

“It’s such a troubled world…” Walter pushed up his glasses and said very calmly.

Himeko also said this, which shows that both of them resonate with the ending of this world.

“Can you stop him? If he hits it…even if the train can move, it will have to be overhauled…” Dan Heng said.

“Stop… how to stop it?” Jizi turned the direction of the rail gun and fired a few more shots, but to no avail. She looked at Yaliluo No. 6 and then at the Lord of Extermination with a solemn expression and asked.

Chapter 81 Pam: Zhou Xiao, wake up… (Second update!)

One man and ten thousand troops…

She suddenly thought of the description of Foehn Feng among the seven Lords of Extinction in a certain text. If the “battleship” in front of her was the Lord of Extinction… wouldn’t one person be able to defeat ten thousand armies?


If it is really Foehn, that is very unfortunate news.

The seven Great Lords of Extermination naturally have their own strengths, and Foehn Feng is naturally one of the top ones…

At this moment.

Zhou Xiao did not know when he appeared on the right side of the Great Lord of Extinction. Looking at the huge body not far away, he wanted to use his power to slow down the pace of destruction of the Great Lord of Extinction and prepare for another train. Buy more time.

The power of the blast in his body was fully utilized, and the self-discipline light cone of the blaster in his pocket also shone to the extreme, which meant that all the power of the blast accumulated in its light cone was used.

Without any gorgeous special effects, the power of countless winds was attached to the long knife in his left hand in an ordinary way. The long knife from Kafka felt such a huge power for the first time, and its blade trembled slightly. , like excitement, more like a swan song before the curtain call…

And the slightly rusty long knife in his right hand suddenly ignited with a scarlet red light, covering the entire blade like a flame.

The blade that invaded the star core force collided and merged with this unknown force, producing the effect of one plus one greater than two. This resulted in the built-in stance device being unable to restrain the complete blade, and some hanging gaps appeared.

Double-sword version… Take a serious stab at it and face the Order of Destruction head-on.


“That’s…Master?” Xingmei noticed Zhou Xiao’s figure keenly.

“Master is red! I’m so stupid!”

His voice turned red, and everyone except March 7 focused their attention on the star field where Zhou Xiao was.



But why is it white again?


It turned out that the knife was red…

“Is he trying to kill the Great Lord of Extermination?” Dan Heng knew Zhou Xiao fairly well, and he could tell Zhou Xiao’s intention at just one glance.

As soon as these words came out on the communication channel, everyone was stunned.

not sure…

It really looks like something Zhou Xiao can do…

Zhou Xiao moved.

He quickly approached Foehn with the help of several anti-matter Legion soldiers as a springboard, and at a certain moment, he slashed out with the long knife in his hand.

Just one knife…

In an instant, everyone saw two flashes of light, one red and one white, leaving behind two long comet-like tails of light on the dark star field, passing through the action route of the Lord of Extinction… .

Zhou Xiao broke through the defense of the Lord of Extermination. Kafka’s long knife had broken, and the broken knife that had been sublimated by the star core turned into countless sharp fragments, moving at extremely fast speeds like fragmentation grenades. It shot into the body of the Lord of Extermination and penetrated out.


Zhou Xiao felt as if every drop of power had been squeezed out of his body by several juicers, and saw the Lord of Extermination stop his movements. He guessed that his two swords had an effect.

One knife breaks the defense, the other tetanus…

The most important killing move is that after breaking through the defense, the broken knife fragments contaminated with nameless power can be shot into the body of the extermination king in front of him.

Did he really kill an Order of Destruction?

It’s obviously impossible.

Even if there is no defense, if you want to kill the Lord of Extinction of this magnitude, you will definitely not be able to penetrate it with just a few blade fragments, but it is undeniable that this attack really frightened Foehn Feng. It hurts, but that’s about it.



Foehn was annoyed.

He was bitten by an insect he normally wouldn’t care about.

This gave him the urge to crush the bug repeatedly.

Only to see him change direction, the huge abyss mouth in the center began to rotate, and a hot temperature spewed out from it like a volcanic eruption, instantly sweeping through everything in the direction of Zhou Xiao. The area was huge, and the scope was huge. An ominous trace like a devil’s eye was left on the star field.

Zhou Xiao tried his best to dodge, but he was still affected by the power… The hot temperature made his left arm lose consciousness instantly, and the broken knife in his hand melted…

“Zhou Xiao!”

Everyone panicked when they saw this, and Walter was the first to rescue.

Walter rushed to Zhou Xiao’s position very quickly and threw a mimic black hole backhand to confuse the audience. He glanced at Zhou Xiao, who was slightly unconscious, and then took Zhou Xiao back to the star train.


“Zhou Xiao…”

In the blur, Zhou Xiao seemed to hear the calls of Xingmei and Jizi. He was a little tired.


“First the passengers on March 7th, and then the logistics staff Zhou Xiao… What should Pam do?”

On the Star Dome Train, little Pam looked at March 7th and Zhou Xiao who were brought back, and she suddenly wanted to drop her little pearl. Since everyone still had to protect the train, the heavy responsibility of taking care of the wounded was placed on him, the train conductor. on the body.

From what he could see, March Qi was unconscious, his little face was stained with blood, and some blood was also flowing from his ears… while Zhou Xiao’s left arm was completely burnt black, and there was even some smell of meat, and he didn’t know it. Can this left arm be saved?

Blood oozed from an unknown wound on his body and pooled on the spotless floor of the sightseeing carriage that had been cleaned in the past.

Pam first got in front of Zhou Xiao and shook Zhou Xiao’s body. After seeing no response, he checked his breathing again. He didn’t feel Zhou Xiao’s breathing. He immediately thought that Zhou Xiao was cold and his tears were disappointing. ‘s fell down.

“Logisticsman Zhou Xiao… wake up. This conductor orders you to wake up… you can’t die yet…”

“Don’t you like to touch Pam’s head the most? Touch it quickly. I won’t tell you this time, but you can touch it again…” Pam raised Zhou Xiao’s arm with great effort to try to let Zhou Xiao Touch him again.

He remembered… Zhou Xiao once asked him why he liked to touch his head so much. Zhou Xiao replied that no matter what troubles happened, as long as he touched his head, his mood would get better and he would feel that everything would be fine. The feeling of getting up…

Although he didn’t believe it at the time and continued to warn Zhou Xiao not to touch his head again, at this moment… he really hoped that what Zhou Xiao said was true…

Just touch it…and everything will be fine.

The hand stained with blood and still warm touched Pam’s little head under Pam’s movements, but unfortunately… everything did not get better.

Zhou Xiao was still lying on the ground dying, and March 7 was on his side, and the situation was also not optimistic…

“Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu…Logisticsman Zhou Xiao, you are lying…you are not getting better…and neither are the passengers on March 7th…”

Pam lowered his head in depression, and his train conductor’s hat also fell into the pool of blood, stained with the warm and residual blood…


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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