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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 58

“The future is the future.”

Zhou Xiao wiped the blood stains on March Qi’s face and gently placed March Qi on the sofa in the sightseeing car.

Death seemed no longer so scary in his heart.

He looked at Yaliluo No. 6, which was about to explode, and the Lord of Extermination, and walked step by step towards the outside of the train.

Along the way…

He saw the body of train conductor Pam lying in a pool of blood. He saw the usually intellectual Jizi being pinned to death on the train carriage with a sharp long metal stick. He also saw Dan Heng whose limbs were chopped off and the missing person. The heart-broken star girl’s head rolled to the ground.

Although there was no Walter, the death of other members of the train crew was really ugly.

Lord of Annihilation…

Zhou Xiao stood on the star train and saw the huge body rushing towards him. He just wanted to greet the Lord of Extinction and the family of Nanook, the Star God of Destruction…

The anger in his heart has long been burning like a spark igniting a prairie fire…


If only I had a little more power…


If I were stronger…

Will the ending be different?

Zhou Xiao ended this extremely real illusion against the background of the crushing of the Lord of Extinction and the explosion of Yalilo No. 6 like fireworks.


Apparently not.

When Zhou Xiao woke up again, it was already a completely dark place, and a beam of light shone on him. He felt the pain of his brain swelling and got up from the ground.

Here…where again?

“Wake up, trash…”

A voice came into his ears. Following the voice, he saw a man who looked like him sitting on a pure white chair not far away, glancing at him with an arrogant look.

“Who…are you?” Zhou Xiao asked. He glanced around, his brain rapidly accepting the current environmental information.

“It doesn’t matter who I am… What’s important is… you’re such a waste.” The other party didn’t want to answer Zhou Xiao’s question and mocked Zhou Xiao backhand.

“Are you looking for trouble?” Zhou Xiao gradually realized that everything that happened on the Star Train seemed to be an illusion.

“Oh? Are you still unconvinced?”

The other party sat on a chair, stretched out his left hand to grab a human head from the void, and threw it on the ground. The head was exactly that of Xing Mei. He threw “Xing Mei” casually and rolled down in front of Zhou Xiao.

This was not over yet, he took another meal in the void, first Xingmei’s body, then Dan Heng whose limbs were cut off, then Ji Zi who was destined to die on the carriage, and finally he placed her on the sightseeing March 7 on the couch.

He threw it at Zhou Xiao casually, with that arrogant face seeming to say: Look at what these are?

“who are you?!”

The corpse thrown out casually by the other party seemed to have an entity, which made Zhou Xiao a little confused whether the scene he just experienced was an illusion…

ps: I beg for everything, please give me a little gift, my dears…

As for what I said about surgery yesterday, I was wrong. It was about opening and closing. If you have any pictures of people doing the knife, please post them in the comment area. I will see them…

Our main focus is crowdfunding to write books, Jiejie Jiejie.

Chapter 84 It was your arrogance that killed them! (First update!)

“The Lord of Extermination…”

Zhou Xiao felt that the person in front of him was probably the mastermind behind all this, the Great Lord of Extermination. However, this Lord of Extermination did not kill him immediately. Instead, he left him until the end…

“The Lord of Extermination?” Hearing this title, the other party sneered, and then nodded: “The Lord of Extermination is sitting here… What can you do?”

“Look at these…these companions, oh, and the people who love you are dying in front of your eyes…” He glanced at the fragments of train crew members scattered on the ground and continued to mock:

“What did you do again?”

Zhou Xiao clenched his fists when he heard the sound, and rushed forward, trying to punch him, but he missed. He disappeared instantly like a shadow, and then reappeared in another place.


“Want to kill me?”

“How can you vent your anger on me? You idiot…”

“You should think carefully…who caused all this?”

“Who is it?”

“Who cut a rift in the lower area for the so-called friend without a word of agreement? Destroyed the protective wall of Belloberg?”

“Who destroyed the Clipper Castle again because of a disagreement?”

“Who chopped up a corner of the star core and attracted Nanook’s attention?”

“It’s you…”

“It’s you idiot…”

His words surrounded Zhou Xiao’s mind like a spell, making Zhou Xiao have to think about what he did.

“Of course you can give yourself an excuse. For friends? For partners?”


“He” sitting on the white chair sneered and said: “Xiao Hao, right? He’s dead… You thought you were invincible on that planet, but what happened? You still didn’t even save a single child… .”

“And the… partners here? You think you are invincible, but what’s the result? This is also the result…”

“You could have avoided all of this…”

“Without your presence, that child would still be selling stones… living underground, and the Star Dome Train would successfully complete its mission and leave the planet… without encountering danger…”

Zhou Xiao’s expression changed according to what he said, and all kinds of emotions gathered and finally turned into doubting himself.

“It was your arrogance that killed everyone…” He appeared behind Zhou Xiao at some point, leaned slightly into Zhou Xiao’s ear and said these words.

This sentence was the last straw that broke the camel’s back, and it also broke Zhou Xiao’s inner defense.

“No! No! No!” Zhou Xiao slammed the back, but all he hit was air, and he stumbled and fell to the ground.


He disappeared again and reappeared again. He looked down at Zhou Xiao’s doubtful face. He could feel that Zhou Xiao’s inner defense was about to be destroyed.

He… really likes this expression on humans.


“Be angry…”

“Stay angry…”

“Ignite your anger… let it ignite completely, that will be your new source of power… your power to destroy everything…”

The bewitching words in his mouth were like the whispers of a black magician, awakening the most taboo evil power.

“No…” Zhou Xiao covered his head. He wanted to keep himself rational, but found that he could not control the anger in his heart. The endless anger was like a flood that burst a dam and could not be calmed down…

Annoying stuff…

His eyes flashed with displeasure, and then he hugged Zhou Xiao’s body from behind.

“All misfortunes in this world are caused by the lack of ability of the parties involved…”

“If you want stronger power, you must lose something. This is called equivalent exchange… Only strong strength in this world can prevent tragedy… right?”

“Don’t resist. Only you who have great strength are qualified to look down on all the ants in this world…” With his voice, he entered Zhou Xiao’s body like a fusion and disappeared from the place.

As for Zhou Xiao…

His eyes were a little hollow at this moment, and he lowered his head slightly. At some point, he actually sat on the pure white chair. He wanted to stand up, but found that he seemed to be firmly attracted by this chair. Hard to escape.

In this pure black area…the fragments of the train set disappeared with the wind like fine sand, and the same…took this area with him…


Zhou Xiao spit out a mouthful of blood and slowly opened his eyes. His eyes were slightly hollow, and they had turned scarlet at some point. He looked like a monster…

What you can see is a whale projection on the ceiling of the train’s sightseeing carriage…

“Logisticsman Zhou Xiao…you’re awake.”

A voice appeared next to Zhou Xiao’s ear.

Zhou Xiao turned his head slightly and realized it was little Pam.

“Logisticsman Zhou Xiao…”

Little Pam was startled by Zhou Xiao’s eyes and inadvertently took two steps back.

“You finally came to life…”

“So… was everything just an illusion?” Zhou Xiao stood up. Now he couldn’t tell which was reality and which was illusion. He glanced at the burnt black on his left arm, which seemed to prove that this was where he had fought before. battlefield.

After a little movement, he found that his originally useless left arm had returned to its original state…

He lowered his eyes slightly and saw the unconscious March Qi lying on the ground. Although it was not as miserable as in the fantasy, it was still very embarrassing.

Not dead yet…

It’s better not to die.

“Logisticsman Zhou Xiao…what are you talking about…”

Pam obviously didn’t expect what Zhou Xiao said after waking up.

“Pam… how long will it take for the train to leave?” Zhou Xiao did not answer, but asked Pam a question.


Zhou Xiao nodded after listening to Pam’s words:

“Pam… take care of her…” He touched Pam’s head one last time, and then walked out of the train.

“Logisticsman Zhou Xiao…”

Pam looked at Zhou Xiao’s leaving figure, and suddenly felt that Zhou Xiao seemed to have changed, but also seemed to have stayed the same… In short, the smell on his body seemed to be different.

“Zhou Xiao? Why did you come out!”

Several other people on the train crew who were guarding the train were confused when they saw Zhou Xiao coming out of the train safe and sound.

Everything is fine…

Seeing that no one died like in the illusion, Zhou Xiao breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at Ji Zi and the others and slowly said: “Pam said it’s almost time… get back to the train and prepare to jump and retreat… .”

“Is that okay?” Xingmei raised her eyebrows slightly when she heard what her master said.

Chapter 85 Yaliluo No. 6 ahead! The Lord of Annihilation is forbidden to travel! (Second update!)

Xingmei made great contributions when Zhou Xiao and March Qi were in coma. She also established a connection with the guardian star god Creeper and awakened new power. This flame spear is the best proof.

With her new power, she shared a great deal of firepower with Dan Heng and Ji Zi…


“Let’s go.”

Zhou Xiao confirmed.

Looking at Zhou Xiao’s face, Ji Zi had a vague feeling that something was not right, but she couldn’t tell what was wrong.

“You go in first…I’ll cover you.”

“Master? You? Is it really okay?” Xingmei asked worriedly when Zhou Xiao said this.


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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