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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 59

“Okay… hurry up.” Zhou Xiao’s eyes looked into the distance, where Yaliluo No. 6 was about to be hit by the Lord of Extermination.

At his urging, everyone got on the Star Dome Train. When Zhou Xiao saw everyone getting on the train, he casually waved his right hand, and a scarlet power sealed the door and enveloped the entire Star Dome Train to avoid antimatter. The destruction of the Legion.

The power has become stronger…

Got a lot stronger.

Zhou Xiao tried to put the mask of the Swift Wind back on, but found that the mask that fit his cheek perfectly before could not fit at all, and the self-discipline of the Light Cone in his pocket did not respond at all.

The power of the wind in the body is like a blocked spring, and no higher spring water can gush out.

If you want to gain more power… you must lose something. This is called equivalent exchange…

Zhou Xiao vaguely remembered what “he” had said before in the illusion.

It seems…I exchanged a lot of things…

Zhou Xiao stared at the Lord of Annihilation in the distance, his eyes already somewhat dead.

On top of the Star Dome Train.

When Ji Zi and others saw that Zhou Xiao did not get in the car, they suddenly panicked.

“Master! Master, get in the car quickly!” Xingmei tried to open the car door, but found that it couldn’t be opened at all. She kicked it twice again to no avail.

“What’s going on?” Dan Heng frowned.

“The train was wrapped in an energy… and sealed.” Walter checked the status of the Star Dome Train and gave the answer.

“Did Zhou Xiao do it?” Ji Zi frowned: “What did he want to do?”

“I don’t know… This power seems to belong to Zhou Xiao, but…” Walter pushed up his glasses, paused and continued: “But it is much stronger than before.”


“Himeko, the star track stability rate is finally good, the train can jump! In three minutes… it will jump out of here!”

At this time, Pam’s voice appeared in the communication channel. Since the stability rate of the star orbit was missing, the jump was very rapid, which was very consistent with the emergency state.

Little Pam was standing on tiptoes in the sightseeing car using the train communicator to inform the news. As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Ji Zi and others in the train corridor.

“Eh? Are you guys getting in the car?” Little Pam was a little surprised.

“No…you asked Zhou Xiao to inform us?”


“Is Zhou Xiao a logistician? No…” Little Pam shook his head. He just answered Zhou Xiao’s question and did not ask Zhou Xiao to convey…

After receiving Little Pam’s confirmation, Jizi suddenly pulled the train door twice, but it still couldn’t be opened. She was a little angry.

This guy Zhou Xiao… wants to show off…

“Pam! Terminate the train jump! Don’t leave Zhou Xiao behind!”

Ji Zi seemed to understand Zhou Xiao’s ambition and called out to Little Pam, but it was too late. The star train’s jump had already begun, and the entire train gradually transformed into a stream of light as if it were digitized.


Jizi clenched her fists, gritted her teeth, and punched the train door.

What’s going on!

When we came, we came together… When we left, we had to act separately… Let Zhou Xiao face the Lord of Extermination alone…

Above Yalilo Six.


The will of destruction has descended on this planet. Facing an antimatter army of this magnitude, Bronya, Seele, and neither the upper or lower areas can resist this level of invasion.

“Is this… the end of Belloberg?”

Bronya shot one of the antimatter legions to death. She stood at Beloberg in the midst of the war and looked at the huge “black ball” that was gradually falling in the sky, feeling a little unwilling to do so.

They have obviously passed through the cold winter… sealed the star core… and are obviously ready to welcome the spring flowers… They have struggled again and again in difficult and desperate situations, why is the ending still so tragic?

Could it be… is this the retribution for Mother after she gave up her will to protect her?

Bronya was so unwilling.

In the distance, Xi’er’s scythe was starting to smoke, but she still couldn’t stop such a large number of anti-matter legions. When she heard Bronya’s sigh, she cursed angrily:

“What kind of ending! It’s not destroyed yet! You crow’s mouth! You can’t hope for something good!”


She is more optimistic than Bronya, but she is only optimistic. She cannot change the fate of Beloberg’s destruction.


Under the protection of Swaro, Clara was also actively participating in the battle. Almost all the automatic robots were sent out. Many of these robots had been repaired by Zhou Xiao’s hands and had been transformed and upgraded, but they were also There is no escaping the fate of being destroyed.

Standing on Swaro’s giant mechanical hand, white-haired and jade-footed Clara glanced at the damaged automatic robots and the corpses of uncles and aunts in the camp. She felt very sad and sad.

“Mr. Schwaro…we lost, right?”

“Yes…” The Swaro mechanical sound unit made a sound, and he gave Clara the answer: “This itself is a war with no chance of winning…”

At this moment, Swaro suddenly felt some human emotions – regret.

He regretted not forcing Zhou Xiao to take Clara away… Although that might have been cruel to Clara, at least Clara was safe now…

“Mr. Schwaro… Clara is not afraid. If she can die with everyone, Clara will not be afraid…” Clara said.

The whole family is neatly…

Not only their mechanical settlement, the entire Yaliluo No. 6 is neatly organized…


As the extermination king approaches, huge traction gradually acts on Yaliluo 6. The ice sheet breaks apart, the mountain peaks collapse, and the cave collapses. The ending of Yaliluo 6 that Zhou Xiao saw in the illusion will once again happen. Reappear in the real world.

Lord of Annihilation…

Zhou Xiao appeared on the side of Yaliluo No. 6 at this moment. Scarlet power wrapped around his fist and continued to accumulate…

ps: Yaliluo No. 6 ahead! The Lord of Annihilation is forbidden to travel!

Have some fun.

Jie Jie Jie Jie.

Ask for everything, ask for everything!

I beg you all, woo woo woo.

Chapter 86: The King of Extermination: Does anyone say anything? (First update!)

It’s you little bug again…

Is life so tenacious?

Foehn Feng naturally noticed Zhou Xiao, the little bug that broke his defense.

Are you standing in front of me because you want to save the world?


Foehn increased his speed, trying to crash through Yalilo 6 and knocking Zhou Xiao into cosmic dust.

Facing the approaching Lord of Extermination, Zhou Xiao’s eyes flashed with a faint light, and his fist that had accumulated strength was violently sent out.

One punch.

Just one punch.

That seemingly innocuous punch actually exploded with extremely powerful force, and the scarlet shock wave streaked through the dark universe like a meteor and collided with the foehn wind.

At the mere moment of contact, the parasitic anti-matter legionnaires on Foehn Feng’s body were instantly cremated in front of his eyes with a crackling sound like insects encountering raging fire.

Foehn Feng’s huge body was collapsed without any warning.

This was something Foehn Feng didn’t expect.

It was also something that shocked the entire Beloberg people.

Such a big ball…

Just shot away?

“What happened?” Bronya looked confused.

“I want to know too…” Xi’er looked confused.

“Could it be that we, Belloberg, have some kind of patron saint?”

“Patron Saint…?” The first thing that came to Bronya’s mind was the city builder.


Outside Yaliluo No. 6, Zhou Xiao was very satisfied with the power of this punch.

The damage caused by the double knives that he had used all his strength to chop seemed to be less rapid than his casual punch.

Anger will be your source of strength…ignite your anger, ignite it completely…

Zhou Xiao’s mind suddenly thought of what “he” had said in the illusion before.

If the source of his strength at this moment comes from anger… then he really has a lot of “fire” and needs to let the Lord of Extermination in front of him vent his anger…

How can this be?

Foehn Feng was knocked unconscious by Zhou Xiao’s punch. It took him a lot of effort to offset the inertia generated by Zhou Xiao’s punch and stop on the star field.

Looking at the insect walking towards him leisurely, he was a little confused as to whether this insect was the one that had just stabbed him behind.

It doesn’t matter… Bugs are bugs, even if they are a little different, they are just bugs.

Foehn Feng said that he was careless just now and did not dodge, which was why he was in such a mess.

The huge abyss mouth in the center began to rotate again, and scorching heat spurted out from the mouth again, sweeping in the direction of Zhou Xiao.

“Squirting… Do you like squirting very much?”

Seeing this, Zhou Xiao stepped forward and instantly formed a huge scarlet energy ball in the palm of his right hand. He thrust it into Foehn Feng’s mouth abruptly, stopping the heat wave that was about to spurt out.


Two powerful forces collided in Foehn Feng’s mouth in an instant, and the impact caused Foehn Feng’s abyssal mouth to explode.

Foehn Feng was in pain again, but Zhou Xiao, who was in the center of the shock wave, didn’t seem to be in pain or itching. His calm eyes looked at Foehn Feng and he was still so lifeless.


Foehn Feng was really angry, and his voice even reached Zhou Xiao’s ears.

He used his true strength, and a force that came from the path of destruction instantly enveloped Zhou Xiao’s body to form an invisible energy shield. Under this power that wiped out everything, he wanted to completely crush Zhou Xiao’s insect. .

“Only…to this extent?”

Zhou Xiao felt the huge destructive energy around him, but his body did not collapse and shatter due to this force.

A flash of disdain flashed across that calm face, scarlet power clung to his hands, and then he easily opened the energy shield in front of Foehn Feng and walked out.


No…that’s a bit outrageous.

Just walked out like this? ? ?

“Who…are you?” Foe Feng felt that things were suddenly beyond his control.


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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