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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 62

While Zhou Xiao was negotiating with the star core hunters, the damaged star dome train shuttled across the star track through a jump to the star field near the Black Tower Space Station.

As for why he jumped back, it was entirely because Little Pam felt that the Black Tower Space Station might be safer, and could also supply and repair the Star Dome Train…

“I’m back…” Xingmei looked at the dark star field with a little loss in her eyes.

There are no antimatter legion soldiers all over the sky here, and there is no danger, which can give them a breath of relief, but there is no emotion on everyone’s face.

They were safe…but her master Zhou Xiao was facing an extermination king alone…life or death was uncertain.

“Master…can you come back alive?” Xingmei slowly asked this question.

Who can guarantee that?

That was the Order of Destruction, Foehn Feng, the most powerful among the seven Lords of Extermination…

“This guy…” Ji Zi was very angry. Her plump breasts trembled with her breathing. She was the one who brought Zhou Xiao to the Star Train… and it was she who witnessed Zhou Xiao with her own eyes. Rising in self-discipline…

Star Train cannot lose Zhou Xiao…just like the West cannot lose Jerusalem!

“Pam, take the train back…” Jizi said.

Even if she would die if she went back, she would still bring her logistics worker back…

“I’m afraid…it’s not going to work.” Little Pam said that the Star Dome Train had a large energy loss this time and the power unit was damaged to a certain extent. It would need to stop for a period of time before it could start the jump again.


Jizi punched the door. She calmed down her inner emotions, and then went to the logistics compartment to get the tools to repair the train’s power unit…


Seeing Jizi’s appearance, everyone was silent for two seconds, and then started to do things one after another. Some went to check the status of the train, and some went to treat March 7th…

“What conditions can we offer you?”

In the star field where Yalilo 6 is located, Kafka heard Zhou Xiao’s question and thought about it for two seconds, and then asked:

“what do you want?”


What do I want?

Zhou Xiao’s calm eyes flashed with a faint light.

If he had answered Kafka without hesitation before, he wanted money and the strength to save his life.

Although it is very tacky, it does seem like a demand put forward by ordinary people. After all, only with money can he buy more of what he needs.

But now…

After experiencing this crisis, he wants to know more about what he is? In other words…who is “him” in his body…

The “him” who imprisoned him on that white chair in that illusion.

Seeing Zhou Xiao staring at Kafka without saying a word for a long time, Yinlang raised his eyebrows slightly, then poked Kafka and whispered:

“Kafka, do you think he… wants you?”

“Me?” Kafka instantly realized that Silver Wolf was teasing her.

Her response to this was also very heart-wrenching.

“Well, it seems you’re not sad anymore. How many game accounts do you have left? I’ll see if you can get StarCraft to ban you if you report it…”

“???” Upon hearing this, Silver Wolf immediately felt that Kafka, a bad woman, was terrifying, even though she had felt that way before.

While the two were talking, Zhou Xiao slowly said:

“I want to know…what am I…”

Hearing this question, both Kafka and Silver Wolf were a little confused.


The logistician in front of me is also a member of the amnesia army?

“Or…I want to know the secret inside my body…”

Zhou Xiao said another way. He felt that he was not simple. Indeed, after all, being a time traveler and cheating was definitely not simple.

“That’s it.” Kafka felt a little difficult.

It would be easier if it were anyone else.

Zhou Xiao is the person who can’t see the future clearly in Elio’s script… This kind of person whose fate is uncontrollable… Who knows the secrets in his body…

Even so, Kafka still lied a few words.

“Our team, no, there will be someone in our team who can answer your question… But, not now, let’s do this… You join first, and we will talk about any secrets [in the future].”

“This is no loss for you, right? As for the Star Dome Train…compared with the logistics staff and the free star core hunters…I think the latter is more suitable for you. After all…the Star Dome Train can provide We can’t get the answer you want, but we… can.”


There is really nothing to lose.

But nothing was gained.

ps: I beg for everything, I beg for everything, can I ask for more good reviews for my birthday today… woo woo woo

Chapter 90 Two old men! (First update)

“So…how are the benefits for Star Core Hunters? Are they covered by insurance? The Star Dome Train provides it for us…”

“Paul…” Kafka frowned slightly upon hearing this.

“Is it safe?” Silver Wolf looked confused. This was the first time she heard that when a star core hunter asked if there was any insurance… Where could he get insurance for him…

Besides, they are all wanted criminals, who dares to insure them…

After a moment.

Zhou Xiao appeared on Yalilo 6 together with Kafka and Silver Wolf.

There are still some soldiers of the Antimatter Corps on the already-suffering Yalilo 6, but compared to the crisis of planet destruction, these minions are not a big threat.

Looking at the ruins of Beloberg, Kafka touched her chin and said nothing. She came to Yaliluo No. 6 purely because of Zhou Xiao’s request.

“Zhou Xiao…Brother Zhou Xiao.” Clara and Shivaro saw Zhou Xiao’s figure from a distance, and Clara said hello in surprise.

Zhou Xiao nodded, then walked over and handed a letter to Clara.

“If Dan Heng, March Qi and the others show up here again, give this to them… Clara.”


Clara took the letter and carefully put it away and said hello to Zhou Xiao.

“Mr. Zhou Xiao…” When he saw Zhou Xiao again, Swaro already understood that the survival of Beloberg’s people this time had a lot to do with Zhou Xiao, the biggest variable.

“Take care of Clara, take care of Xiao Hao’s tomb for me, and the rest…I won’t agree to it even if you tell me, let’s go.”

Zhou Xiao didn’t stay too long. After explaining, he was ready to leave again.

Looking at Zhou Xiao’s leaving figure, Clara’s immature heart suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. She could feel that this time she was really going to be separated from this family member, and… they might never see each other again.

“Brother Zhou Xiao…don’t forget Clara.”

Clara shouted, and Zhou Xiao did not look back. He just stretched out his hand and waved it, and disappeared from Clara’s sight together with Silver Wolf and Kafka.


Clara felt so sad after losing so many family members. The surprise of seeing Zhou Xiao was washed away by the separation again, and she became a little sad. She looked at Swaro with her big eyes and asked slowly:

“Mr. Schwaro…will everyone leave Clara?”

Hearing this question, Swaro was silent for two seconds and replied: “There will be a day of death in life. This is normal…”

“So…will Mr. Swaro leave Clara one day?” Clara asked softly.


Swaro did not answer, his red electronic eyes continued to flash…

“It’s so boring…” Silver Wolf commented, not sure whether he was talking about this operation or the boredom of coming to Yaliluo 6.

Back on the small spaceship, Kafka stretched lazily. The peaks on her chest were at least two or three in March. She did not expect that this mission went quite smoothly. Zhou Xiao actually really followed them.

Although the mission went well, she was still not happy.


It hurts so much.

It hurts to lose her knife… (raises his eyes in ruins)

There will never be a knife that makes her feel so comfortable…

“Kafka, next…can I act alone?” Silver Wolf glanced at Kafka and asked.

From what I can see, the small spaceship is not very big. It is quite spacious for the two girls to sit in, but it will be a little crowded if Zhou Xiao is added to it.

“You… it’s up to you.” Kafka thought for a while and replied to Silver Wolf.

“That’s great…” Silver Wolf began to fiddle with his phone. Judging from the angle of the phone, it seemed that he was starting to play a game.

“What about us? Where are we going next?” Zhou Xiao adjusted his sitting posture and asked. This position was a bit awkward and difficult to stretch out.

If we look at the plot of the original work, the plot after Yaliluo No. 6 will be Luofu, but now, he can’t guarantee it. After all, there is no plot in the original work where the Lord of Extinction appears in Yaliluo No. 6.

“Hmm…” This question made Kafka think for two seconds. She turned her head and looked at Zhou Xiao.

“Go and change your clothes, whatever you want…forge a knife.”

It could be heard that the breakage of her beloved knife was a huge blow to her.

Kafka cannot live without his saber, just like the 3D zone cannot live without Tifa!

Change… clothes?

Zhou Xiao frowned, and then looked at himself. After the fierce battle just now, his clothes were in a very messy state, and even the upper body was leaking.

“That’s great… the card pool is open today.” Silver Wolf on the side seemed to have seen something and felt much better.

Card pool?

Hearing this, Zhou Xiao raised his eyebrows, and then glanced at the game Silver Wolf was playing.


This interface…

This character…

“What? You want to play too?” When the spaceship started slowly, Silver Wolf noticed Zhou Xiao’s eyes falling on her phone: “Add a friend?”


“Friend?” Zhou Xiao said he didn’t have a mobile phone.

His phone is probably still in transit…along with a bunch of mechanical stuff.

“Hey…what age are we in? There are no mobile phones…what about games? Do you want to play other games?” Silver Wolf asked again while complaining.

“Don’t play…”

Hearing Zhou Xiao’s response, Yin Lang’s brows furrowed even more.

“Boring, I can imagine how boring your life is…”

“That’s all, let you experience the fun of drawing cards.” Silver Wolf showed great mercy (zuo, e, duo, duan) and silently said in his heart that he would exchange the new member’s ten years of life for her with a small guarantee that he would not withdraw money…


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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