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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 63

Then he handed the phone to Zhou Xiao.

Drawing cards…fun?

Kafka, who was piloting the spaceship, “tsk” when she heard Silver Wolf say this. She still vaguely remembered the last time. Poor Silver Wolf smoked for a long time but couldn’t get the game character he wanted, and then became furious. He hacked into other people’s servers and gave himself 999.

Just when Kafka was thinking wildly, Zhou Xiao unceremoniously fired ten shots in a row. Along with a card drawing animation, Silver Wolf saw the golden light.



The lifespan of a newcomer is easy to use…


Not crooked.

He has decided to spend these ten years.

Um? ? ?

Silver Wolf saw the series of gold cards behind him were not crooked, and his brows suddenly tightened.

Ten consecutive…four golds?

Her eyes looking at Zhou Xiao softened a little.

This means…how many years of life have been spent?

“It seems… you are lucky?”

Zhou Xiao obviously did not expect this result. When he just drew the card, he was thinking silently that he would bet on Kafka’s ten-year lifespan in exchange for one withdrawal… and it turned out that it was not wrong, and there were several winnings.

Chapter 91 New rewards! Doll container? Raiden General! (Second update!)

On the inner thoughts of two old men…

If Kafka, who was driving the spaceship at this moment, could hear the voices of Silver Wolf and Zhou Xiao, he would definitely throw these two idiots out of the spaceship.

Who is a good person who plays games to draw cards on the lifespan of his teammates? ? ?

She simply treats Kafka as a human being!

“It’s… not bad.” Yin Lang cleared her throat without much expression. She just changed the number silently, and then continued to let Zhou Xiao smoke.

“Hey…Tap this and see…”


Zhou Xiao took it and took a look at it. He seemed to be the type to open the box and draw weapons. He didn’t think much about it and continued to open the box using Kafka’s ten-year life as a bet.


Don’t say it.

Really popular!

This makes Silver Wolf call me stupid, is this okay?

She had no idea of ​​betting on the lifespan of her new teammate just now, but she actually did it.

“Here comes this…” Yinlang said she didn’t believe in evil. She didn’t believe Zhou Xiao could be so lucky, so she changed several games in a row for Zhou Xiao to draw.

In the end, there were no exceptions, and they all produced good things. This made Silver Wolf immediately find the teammate in front of him very pleasing to the eye.

Damn Ou Huang!

With such luck, why would she go to a black man’s server?

Zhou Xiao also felt something was wrong.

He directly chose to enter the system lottery page and decisively dropped the self-discipline points he had accumulated. There was one advanced draw for 500 self-discipline points and two ordinary draws for 100 self-discipline points.

This is the amount of self-discipline he gained during his time at Yalilo VI.

Come up with something good!

[Reward Doll Container Obtained]

[Received the reward of injury resistance totem]

[Received the reward light cone: Fury]

【Doll Container】

[This is an unconscious doll. She/he will only obey the instructions of the shaper. She/he may be very powerful or weak. Everything requires the imagination of the shaper and the energy core given by it.】

【Anti-injury Totem】

[This is a totem, maybe… it can save the user’s life? 】

[Light Cone: Rage]

[Exclusive to the host, it can instantly detonate the energy in the host’s body and enter the explosive state. Strength, speed, and endurance will all be greatly improved. (Note: In this state, the sanity will be reduced, and the sense of pain will be lost. The body load will increase with the explosive state. Time doubled)】

European Emperor!


When Zhou Xiao saw the reward he had drawn, he immediately felt like a serf singing.

After so long, I finally had it once!

Let’s not mention the doll container obtained from the high-level lottery. Let’s just say that the injury-resistant totem and light cone from the ordinary lottery are things that the ordinary lottery could not even think of before.

Is this thing so useful?

Zhou Xiao touched his chin and tasted it carefully. Just now, he was silently thinking in his heart that he would exchange Kafka’s ten years of life for a European emperor.

I didn’t expect it to happen!

Of course.

You want to ask him, is it okay to use the lifespan of his teammates to draw a lottery like this?

Zhou Xiao could only answer that he might not be good.


So delicious.

After all, he is really unfamiliar with the Star Core Hunter… and the Star Core Hunter is not a good person.

Doll container…

The first thing that came to Zhou Xiao’s mind was the Thunderbolt General from a certain god…a doll with a purple village girl head and a beautiful face…

【Doll Container——Thunder General】

[Doll Category: Realistic]

[Current status of the doll: sleeping]

The moment Zhou Xiao was thinking about the puppet, the unknown puppet container actually pulled out General Thunder and Lightning based on the thoughts in his mind.


Zhou Xiao frowned slightly and fell into deep thought while looking at the information given by the system.

General Thunder…

Is the combat power in this world… really enough?

This is a problem.

Energy core?

Zhou Xiao carefully studied the introduction of the doll container and seemed to have grasped the key point.

The puppet container produced by the system only looks the same as General Thunder. As for how to adjust it later, ahem, how to adjust it is his business. You cannot use inherent thinking to think about the combat power of this puppet.

Energy core…

Get a star core and put it in, it will definitely be enough.

As for where to get it on the star core…

Zhou Xiao can only say that he is already a damn star core hunter, but he still can’t get a star core?

Seeing that he took a second look at the puppet that was exactly the same as General Thunder in the system backpack, he did not choose to bring it up. After all, he was on a small spaceship at the moment. He just brought out the reward light cone.

The scene above the light cone is the scene of him tearing apart the Lord of Extinction with his hands. He grabbed the crack with both hands, and the shell of the Lord of Extinction instantly cracked under the huge force.


This seems to be more suitable for my current situation…

Zhou Xiao touched the Wind Rider’s Self-Discipline in his pocket. The current light cone also lost a lot of combat power due to the reduction of the wind power in his body.

The last reward – the anti-injury totem is more like a tattoo. Once bound, it will appear on the body. Zhou Xiao plans to make plans after landing.

The small spaceship suddenly became a little quiet. After using Zhou Xiao’s Silver Wolf, he was very happy to experience the new character. On the other hand, Zhou Xiao was immersed in the rewards obtained by the system lottery. Only Kafka was driving the spaceship with peace of mind. At this moment Kafka is also a bit strange.

The two of them were quite excited just now, but how come there was no sound in the blink of an eye?

“Cough cough cough.”

For some reason she coughed twice more, and suddenly she felt a little uncomfortable in her body, but she couldn’t tell where it was.

How strange…

really weird.

Could it be that I am overly sad because my beloved knife broke? Kafka thought so.

the other side.

The star field near the Black Tower Space Station.

Inside the Stardome Train.

March 7 gradually woke up under the treatment of everyone. She felt that her eyes were slightly double and she could not see clearly. Her ears seemed to be old and she could not hear sounds clearly.

This feeling made her uncomfortable.

“Is there anyone there…” She felt very insecure in this medical space.

Hearing that Xingmei came in from outside, she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw March Qi wake up.

“You finally woke up.”

“What did you say?” March 7 obviously didn’t hear clearly what Xingmei said. She seemed to have tinnitus in her ears.

“I said… you finally woke up!” Xingmei raised her voice.

“Oh…” March 7 nodded, and then recalled the messy memories in her mind. It seemed that she knew how she had become unable to see clearly and hear clearly. Suddenly her face changed, as if It’s like remembering it.

“That! Lord of Extermination! Is everyone okay?!”

Due to some hearing loss, March 7’s volume increased a bit at this time.

“We… escaped.” Xingmei first answered March 7th’s question, then paused and continued with a somewhat depressed expression:

“It’s just that… in order to cover our retreat, the master stayed in the Yaliluo Sixth Star Territory with the Lord of Extermination…”

ps: Ask for everything, ask for everything, the humble author is online.

Chapter 92 Return to Yaliluo No. 6! (First update)


After hearing the news on March 7, he paused for a moment and then said loudly: “What did you say?”

I don’t know if she really didn’t hear it clearly or if she couldn’t accept this fact.


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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