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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 64

“I said… In order to cover our retreat, the master stayed at Yaliluo 6 with the Lord of Extermination!”

Xingmei raised her voice again. For some reason, she felt that communicating with March 7 was a bit like talking to the deaf man downstairs.

It’s a bit laborious…

“…” March 7 was silent for a second, and then stood up: “How can we let him stay! That is the Lord of Extermination! We want to find him!”

“March… Calm down and recover well. The train has been damaged and needs maintenance. We will go back as soon as the maintenance is completed…”

Xingmei comforted March Qi’s emotions.

“Well…” March 7th seemed to be aware of his gaffe, and sat on the edge of the bed in a daze.

Obviously everything was fine yesterday…

They just agreed to meet for a month…

How did it become like this?

“Xing… can our eyes and ears… still recover?” March Qi said slowly, feeling as if the environment was covered in a layer of gray.


Xingmei did not answer directly. According to Walter’s inspection just now, the situation can only be said to be not very optimistic. This state of unclear seeing and hearing will be with March 7 for some time. As for the length of this period, it can only be said that the situation is not very optimistic. You can see more specific recovery treatments back at the Black Tower Station.

“It will get better…” Xingmei said softly.

“Attention, the Star Dome Train is about to jump again after maintenance. The jump destination is… Yaliluo No. 6! All passengers please pack up their weapons and equipment and go to the sightseeing car to assemble…”

Conductor Pam’s voice rang out on the train announcement. Star Girl was overjoyed when she heard the voice, and then realized that March 7 had heard the news.

“You have a good rest… March.” She said aloud.

But March 7th didn’t intend to obey. Her sweetheart’s life and death were still uncertain, and she couldn’t rest assured at all.

“Take us with you…Xing.”

March 7 looked at Xingmei. At this moment, Xingmei was a blurry figure in her eyes. She could only vaguely judge Xingmei’s location.

Xingmei: “…”


In the sightseeing carriage of the Star Dome Train.

Walter, Ji Zi, and Dan Heng were all arranging their weapons. When they saw Xing Mei walking over with March 7, Ji Zi with a serious face first showed a look of surprise, then frowned and looked at Xing Mei and said:

“Xing, please, please take her back to rest…”

“We won’t.” Before Xingmei could answer, March 7th answered first as if she had predicted: “We’re going… Our eyes are fine…”

Listening to March 7’s stubbornness, Ji Zi silently whispered: “March 7, where am I?”

March 7 seemed to have not heard anything and had no reaction.

“You said it’s okay…” Jizi shook her head and gave Xingmei a look. Xingmei also understood and stabbed down with a hand knife, forcing the phone to shut down cleanly.

The skill of this movement is a bit like that of her master Zhou Xiao.

Looking at March Qi who was gradually falling, Xingmei hurriedly held her up.


“Xing, what are you doing?” Ji Zi didn’t expect Xing Mei to be so simple and rude.

“Huh? Isn’t that what you mean?”

“I asked you to pull her back…”

“Ah, that’s it.” Xingmei scratched her head: “She refused, but she is still so efficient.”

“Well…” Dan Heng, who had been silent for a long time, caught a glimpse of Xingmei’s clean and neat technique just now, and he slowly said:

“This action is a bit like a person…Zhou Xiao.”

Walter: “…”

Ji Zi: “…”

“Okay.” Jizi asked Xingmei to send March 7 back, and then asked Pam to prepare to jump.

With the start of the jump again, the entire train once again transformed into a stream of light that shuttled through the darkness ahead.

The entire transition process didn’t last long.

When the battle-damaged car body of the Star Dome Train appeared again on Yalilo No. 6, everyone was ready to fight.

Ji Zi has already experienced thousands of situations in her heart. The worst one is that Zhou Xiao is killed in battle, Yaliluo No. 6 is destroyed, and the extermination king has not yet left.

Even in the best case scenario, Zhou Xiao is still fighting against the Lord of Extermination, and they take Zhou Xiao away by force…

What kind of situation awaits them?

When the stream of light ended, the imaginary scene did not happen before her eyes, and Jizi was a little shocked.

As far as the field of vision could see, Yalilo 6 still existed outside the car window, and the fighting had stopped long ago, leaving only fragments on the ground as traces of the battle.

it’s over?

it’s over…

Everyone has a very complicated psychology at the moment.

This kind of calmness in front of me is very abnormal…

Maybe Zhou Xiao defeated the Great Lord of Extermination?

This is indeed a possibility.

But…it’s hard to convince.

That is the Lord of Extermination! The Order of Destruction! Besides, Zhou Xiao’s previous slash failed to cause any harm to the Lord of Extinction. How could they defeat the Lord of Extinction after they left…

“Check the battlefield…” Himeko said slowly.

The others nodded.

After some inspection of the battlefield, the closer to the Yaliluo 6 star, the more obvious the traces of the battle were. There were many huge debris floating on the star field.

Walter checked for a long time before giving an answer. This was most likely the body fragment of the Lord of Extermination, which was stained with traces of… Zhou Xiao’s energy.

So… Zhou Xiao really defeated the Great Lord of Extinction?

After listening to Walter’s conclusion, it was difficult for everyone to believe this fact. At the same time, a greater doubt arose in their hearts, that is…where did Zhou Xiao go?

If Zhou Xiao really defeated the Lord of Extinction, then what he wanted to do most was to find the Star Train… and with Zhou Xiao’s road-crazy nature, the best way was to stop where they were and wait for them.

“Go to Yalilo Six!”

Ji Zi judged keenly.

If Zhou Xiao wants to wait for them, the best place is Beloberg…


The soldiers were divided into two groups.

Walter stayed on the train to take care of March 7 and survey the star field near the train to avoid further danger, while Ji Zi took Dan Heng and Xing Mei into Yaliluo 6 to look for traces of Zhou Xiao.

This last city standing on the snowy plains is shining like the afterglow of dusk at this moment. In the sky, you can vaguely see the traces of human buildings that once existed here. Losing the will to protect it, Beloberg… .It is just a very ordinary and ordinary city.

Under the leadership of Dan Heng, Ji Zi walked into Beloberg above the ruins.

Chapter 93 Undercover star core hunter? (Second update!)

At the moment, in Beloberg, Bronya is actively taking on the responsibility of the Great Guardian and leading the Silver Mane Iron Guard to rescue and resettle the victims. She and Seele are working together to balance the people in the upper and lower districts.

“Bronya! Xi’er!”

Bronya heard someone calling her, looked for the source of the sound, and saw one of the extraterrestrial visitors appearing in front of them again.




He seems to be Zhou Xiao’s apprentice.

Bronya and Xi’er came down from the heights of the ruins and saw Dan Heng, Xing, and a strange woman with red hair.

“Why… why are you back?”

“Looking for someone.” Dan Heng said calmly.

“Looking for someone? Who?” Xi’er was a little confused.

“Zhou Xiao…”

“Is Zhou Xiao in Beloberg?” Xi’er looked at Bronya and asked.

“I don’t know…I haven’t seen it either.” Bronya shook her head.

“He didn’t come back…”

When Ji Zi heard these two voices, her brows furrowed again. She began to guess that maybe Zhou Xiao got lost in the snowfield of Yaliluo No. 6 again.

“By the way… when the Anti-Material Legion invaded before, the big ball fell… did you help intercept it?” Xi’er described the Lord of Extinction like this.

Dan Heng and others were startled by this adjective, and then they opened their mouths to explain.

“That’s not a big ball, it’s the Lord of Extinction, the leader of the Anti-Material Legion… As for the interception… we tried to intercept, but we tried our best. In fact, we just retreated, but Zhou Xiao was there to cover We retreated and stayed with the Great Lord of Extermination…”

“If someone intercepts…it’s most likely Zhou Xiao.”

Listening to the explanations of everyone on the train crew, Xier and Bronya had some complicated emotions.

Zhou Xiao?

Did Zhou Xiao save Beloberg again…

Just when everyone was silent, a childish voice sounded from a distance.

“Big brothers and sisters…”

Clara’s voice came from far away, and Swaro was right beside her. After she just heard Swaro say that the variables appeared again, she hurried over and prepared to complete the task assigned to her by Zhou Xiao.

“It’s you… Clara.” Seeing Clara approaching, Xi’er was a little confused: “Does Clara have anything to do with us?”

“No… Clara is here to deliver a message to brother Zhou Xiao and his brothers and sisters.”

Clara said as she carefully took out the letter left by Zhou Xiao from her clothes, stood on tiptoes and handed it to Dan Heng. For some reason, she felt that the ice-faced brother in front of her had a closer relationship with Zhou Xiao than the others. Better.


A flash of surprise flashed across Dan Heng’s face, and then he leaned down and took the letter.

Under the gaze of everyone, he felt a little uncomfortable, and then handed the letter to Xingmei and said, “You are Zhou Xiao’s apprentice, come and read it.”


Xingmei didn’t refuse, she opened the letter and looked at it carefully. The expression on her face gradually changed from solemn to stunned.

“What’s written on it?” Xi’er asked curiously. She didn’t even know Zhou Xiao had been here.

“Master…” Xingmei organized her words and then continued: “Master said he won’t return to the train for the time being…”

“…” Jizi was silent.

“…” Dan Heng couldn’t help but frown a little.

Parting… is it so sudden?

“He said he met the Star Core Hunter… The Star Core Hunter invited him, and he wanted to infiltrate the Star Core Hunter’s interior… Undercover? It should mean undercover, right?”

Xingmei’s next words made Jizi turn from silence to shock, and her face with a somewhat mature charm revealed confusion that was difficult to understand Zhou Xiao’s behavior.

The star core hunter… actually appeared on Yalilo 6?

Zhou Xiao actually went undercover as a star core hunter?


“What exactly does he want to do?” Ji Zi pursed her lips, somewhat confused about Zhou Xiao’s operation.


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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