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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 67

Kafka sighed and did not refuse Zhou Xiao’s request.

Money is just a number to her, as cold as the number on her wanted poster. If she can use a little money to recruit the combat power that can tear the Lord of Destruction alive into the team of Star Core Hunters, it will be great. The right deal.

“Forge it for you…you will have to work for me in the next twenty years!” Kafka gave the boss Cheese a look and asked him to take Zhou Xiao to customize the request.

“Two knives?” Cheese touched his chin, glanced at Zhou Xiao first, and then looked at Kafka and asked.


Before Kafka could answer, Zhou Xiao interrupted, then stretched out his hand to make a sign of “three”.

“It’s three handfuls.”

“Three handfuls?” Kafka was silent for a moment: “Who should give the extra handful?”


“How many hands do you have?”

“Two, that’s exactly two swords.” Zhou Xiao said that this is reasonable. In the dual sword style, each hand has exactly one.

It’s a good thing he doesn’t have a handful in his mouth…otherwise he would have had four.

Kafka: “…”

After feeling helpless, she waved her hand and signaled three times.

“Come with me, let’s customize the materials and usage habits.” Boss Cheese said.

Since Kafka’s last knife was customized here, these usage habits and material types are recorded, but Zhou Xiao did not, so he had to do this extra step.

Zhou Xiao and Cheese entered the space behind the counter alone. After passing through a long corridor that was not too short, what came into view was a variety of metal raw materials, finished products, semi-finished products, and defective products, piled in the corner. The stove in the center is quite large, emitting some residual warmth.

“What are the material requirements?”

After listening to the boss’s inquiry, Zhou Xiao thought for a moment and replied: “As long as the material can carry my power.”

“Oh…” Cheese nodded, then rummaged through the leftover scraps from the last time he forged a knife for Kafka to synthesize metal and handed it to Zhou Xiao.



He still didn’t believe that Zhou Xiao in front of him broke the long knife he forged.

“Yes.” Zhou Xiao took it and first used the power of the wind in his body. An invisible air flow attached to the long knife and carried it steadily.

Originally, Kafka’s long knife could carry the power of the wind in his body, but now the power of the wind in his body is not as strong as before. There is obviously no big problem with the finished material in his hand.

“Huh?” Boss Cheese asked, with a look in his eyes that seemed to say: That’s it? That’s it? !

Zhou Xiao felt that this piece of material was a bit familiar, and then he switched to the main force in his body. A scarlet power instantly wrapped around the palm of his hand and adhered to the metal.


Not even a second passed, the metal in the hand seemed to have disintegrated internally, splitting instantly in front of Boss Cheese’s eyes, and then splashed out like a balloon exploding…

Chapter 97 It’s a backstab! The main thing is to have a clear conscience! (Second update)

Zhou Xiao: “…”

Boss Cheese: “…”

The scene was a little awkward for a while.

In fact.

The nameless force in Zhou Xiao’s body is already very powerful, and there are really not many metal materials that can attach it, let alone support Zhou Xiao in fighting.



Boss Cheese didn’t believe in evil, so he rummaged through boxes and cabinets looking for materials, and then handed them to Zhou Xiao piece by piece.

And Zhou Xiao, not surprisingly, smashed all the materials handed over by Cheese.

Looking at the metal fragments on the ground, Boss Cheese touched his chin and fell into deep thought. He now seriously suspected that Zhou Xiao was sent by other weapons shops and forging shops to destroy the place.

“Boss? Are you okay?” Zhou Xiao asked, seeing Cheese looking helpless.

“You…I suggest you go out and walk five hundred meters on the right hand side…that should be where you go.” Cheese said.

“Is there any material I can use?”


“That’s my competitor’s store…” Cheese said seriously.

Zhou Xiao: “…”


Cheese still tried his best to collect Zhou Xiao’s various knife-wielding habits and methods of exerting force. He spent several hours going back and forth.

After the collection was completed, Cheese slowly said: “I can only try my best to forge two knives within the scope of my capabilities. It is still unknown how much of your power it can carry. You have to be mentally prepared.”

“Well…” Zhou Xiao nodded.

“Are there any requirements for the long knife format?” Cheese asked again.

Zhou Xiao heard the sound and glanced at the semi-finished and finished weapons hanging on the wall in the area, and finally fixed his eyes on a long knife.

“Just that one will do.” Zhou Xiao pointed to the long knife that looked like a Miao knife hanging on the wall.


“Oh, by the way, boss, can you help me improve this scabbard? It should preferably be able to accommodate a new knife.” Zhou Xiao then took off the last gift Xiao Hao gave him from one side of his waist and handed it to cheese.

After the battle with the Lord of Extermination, the rough scabbard was in a very awkward state, and the bottom of the scabbard was even burned through.

“This…” Cheese looked at it carefully: “This material is very poor, are you sure?”

“Yeah… sure.” Zhou Xiao nodded.

“Oh well.”

Seeing Zhou Xiao and Cheese come out from behind the counter again, Kafka yawned and said, “It’s been so long…”

“It took a little time.” Cheese said and handwritten a number to Kafka as a bill.


“So many?” Kafka said that one of Zhou Xiao’s knives was worth the price of ten of her knives.

“He’s quite special.” Cheese could only describe Zhou Xiao like this.

Kafka gritted his teeth, looked at Zhou Xiao and said fiercely: “You will have to work for me in your next life.”


Zhou Xiao shrugged.

His main specialty is backstabbing…and a clear conscience!

Just when Zhou Xiao backstabbed Kafka and Silver Wolf on Kunzi 3, the Star Dome Train had already made another jump and returned to the Black Tower Space Station for repairs.

Temporary stationmaster Esta looked at the battle-damaged version of the Star Dome Train with a confused look on her face.

How long have we not seen each other?

Is this Star Dome Train damaged in battle?

“Stationmaster Esta…” The ones responsible for docking with the Black Tower Space Station were Walter, Dan Heng and Xingmei. Xingmei walked behind Walter and others with March 7 on her back.

“Hello…” Esta replied.

“That’s right, Stationmaster Esta…” Walter briefly explained the purpose of coming to the Black Tower Space Station this time. Esta also said that there is no problem and the Black Tower Space Station will give its full assistance.

Immediately afterwards, the group sent March 7 to receive treatment…

March 7’s condition is not bad. After some treatment, although there is some damage to hearing and vision, it is not as serious as before. It is not a problem to recover to before with good cultivation.

March Qi woke up and looked at the unfamiliar environment around her. She felt that her neck was not very comfortable.

“Are you awake?!” Xingmei was very happy to see March 7 wake up.

“Well…” March 7 nodded. Now her ears are no longer so stiff, and the star girl in front of her is much clearer than before.

“here it is?”

“Oh, this is the Black Tower Space Station. The Star Dome Train will be repaired at the Black Tower Space Station for a while.” Xingmei answered.

“That’s it.” March 7 suddenly thought of something, his expression changed and he sat up: “Where is Zhou Xiao? Didn’t you say we would go together to rescue Zhou Xiao? Is Zhou Xiao safe?”


When she heard March 7 ask about Zhou Xiao’s news, Xingmei was silent for two seconds before telling March 7 the truth.

Paper couldn’t contain the fire, and she couldn’t hide March 7 either.

“Master should be safe, but he will not return to the Star Train for the time being and has followed Kafka and Silver Wolf.”


“What did you say?” March 7 obviously couldn’t believe this fact. She couldn’t imagine that Zhou Xiao would follow dangerous star core hunters like Kafka and Silver Wolf.

“March… Calm down your mood. The master only left the train temporarily. He will come back.” Xingmei comforted her.


What can she do to calm down?

After the battle with the Lord of Extermination, she fell into coma twice.

When she woke up for the first time, Xingmei told her that Zhou Xiao stayed on Yaliluo 6 and fought to the death with the Lord of Extermination, and his life or death was uncertain.

The second time she woke up, Xingmei told her that Zhou Xiao would not return to the train and left with the Star Core Hunter, her whereabouts unknown.

Although she has a certain psychological endurance.

But this does not mean that she can hear one after another that the life and death of the person she likes is unknown, and then the whereabouts are unknown.

“Let’s…” March Qi didn’t know what to say. She scratched her messy hair and looked around at a loss. She wanted to get out of bed but her legs went weak and she almost fell down. She was helped up by Xingmei. Finally, he broke down emotionally and looked at Xingmei, with some tears in his eyes.

“Xing… Zhou Xiao… really can’t be found?”

“March…” Seeing March Qi’s appearance, Xingmei could only hug March Qi gently to comfort her.

“It’s okay… The master is so powerful, it must be fine. The master can defeat the Lord of Extermination. He definitely didn’t do bad things when he went to the Star Core Hunter.”

“Why did it become like this…”


March 7 was still immersed in the pain of separation without warning, and she couldn’t listen to Xingmei’s comfort.

The first time Zhou Xiao stayed on Yaliluo 6 to buy time for the train to evacuate, she couldn’t stay with Zhou Xiao until life and death…The second time Zhou Xiao left with the Star Core Hunter, she had no chance to save him. .

Even if she couldn’t hold him back, she still wanted to hold Zhou Xiao and tell him personally: I can do it, I can go anywhere with you…even if I go wandering with you…

ps I want everything! I want everything! The humble author is online.

Chapter 98: Star Train: A day without Zhou Xiao! (First update)

Today is the first day without Zhou Xiao’s support staff on the Star Dome Train. Everyone on the train crew is beginning to adapt to the day without Zhou Xiao.

Strange to say.

Zhou Xiao obviously arrived at the train not long ago, but when Zhou Xiao got off the train, the feeling of detachment was indeed felt by everyone on the train.

Early in the morning, everyone who woke up went to the train kitchen to have breakfast according to their usual rhythm of life on the train. However, they found that the train kitchen today was so empty and deserted.

The fragrance of the past is gone, and the slightly busy figure of the past is gone…


Zhou Xiao’s logistics staff had already left the train.

Train conductor Pam, who had just complained that she was hungry, suddenly fell to the bottom of her emotions.


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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