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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 68

“I’m going to cook.” Walter didn’t say much when he saw this. He pushed up his glasses and started making daily breakfast for everyone.

Walter can cook.

Before Zhou Xiao got on the train, he occasionally cooked. After Zhou Xiao got on the train, Zhou Xiao, who was a better cook, took on the daily meals of the train crew.

“I’m going to help…” Seeing this, Xingmei yawned and followed Walter. She took care of March Qi for a long time yesterday and waited until March Qi’s mood stabilized before going back to rest. Therefore, she took care of March Qi this morning. It was still a little difficult to get up.

Dan Heng and Ji Zi saw the somewhat messy dining area and began to tidy it up.

After they were almost done, Walter, who was busy in the kitchen, also made breakfast, which looked pretty good.

Everyone was sitting in the dining area, silently tasting the delicious food made by Walter.


how to say?

Obviously Walter’s cooking is also very delicious, but it seems to everyone that it is not as… delicious as Zhou Xiao’s cooking.

Ji Zi, who had eaten Zhou Xiao’s Xiao Zao, was the first to realize why she felt this way.

Zhou Xiao will remember each of their tastes and make adjustments to the meals.

For example, she likes to eat spicy food, so Zhou Xiao will give her more hot sauce every time to enhance the flavor…

This is a detail from a train logistician.

Seeing that the situation was so embarrassing, Xingmei wanted to adjust the atmosphere. After thinking for a long time, she took the initiative and said: “I will sort out the train’s logistical needs for the space station in a while… If you have any needs, you can tell me.”

After listening to Xingmei’s words, everyone with their own thoughts responded.

“Thank you for your hard work, Xing.” Jizi said to Xingmei after eating.

This was originally Zhou Xiao’s job. With Zhou Xiao gone, this job fell on Xingmei. Maybe this is called… inheritance?


God damn inheritance.

After everyone had breakfast, March Qi, who got up late, came to the train kitchen to eat breakfast. Xingmei, who was washing dishes, saw March Qi looking at the starry sky while eating. She was very afraid of March Qi. Mental state problems.

This March…

Pure love brain!

Xingmei expressed that Zhou Xiao had left. Although everyone on the train crew was sad, their reaction was definitely not as big as that of March 7. They felt as if they could not survive: “Xiaozi, Xiaozi, how can I live without you, Xiaozi. ..”

This is too exaggerated.

March 7 sat on the chair and chewed mechanically.

Her physical condition is much better today, but her mental state seems to be worse.

She had a dream last night.

I dreamed that Zhou Xiao ran away with that bad woman Kafka, leaving her world, completely leaving…

It was sad to wake up.

But after I found out it was fake, I wasn’t so sad anymore.

Xing said that Zhou Xiao would come back, and she also believed that Zhou Xiao would come back.



This category is as far away as “talk about it later”.

March 7… you have to cheer up.

Without Zhou Xiao, would you still be alive?

Weren’t you doing well before? Be optimistic, you are not the kind of person who is sentimental about men!

March 7 comforted herself. She tried to let herself put aside her thoughts about Zhou Xiao temporarily and think more about other things, or find something to do to divert her attention.

Don’t say it.

It’s getting better for the time being.

“Xing, let me clean it for you.” She took the initiative to help Xingmei clean up the train kitchen.

“Um…your body?”

“It’s okay, what kind of physique do we have? That’s someone who can stand out from the six-phase ice!”

March 7 seemed to be really getting better, and she was even able to make jokes. This contrast in emotions surprised Xingmei.

This is…

Great Enlightenment after Great Compassion?

Xingmei looked at March 7th’s work, touched her chin and thought.

for the rest of the time.

March 7’s performance was a little too normal, normal and even a little… abnormal.

She doesn’t know how to maintain the train, but she can clean the train cars, starting from the end car and cleaning one by one, without getting tired or dirty.

Seeing the carriage where Zhou Xiao used to train, she just paused for a moment, and then she sorted out the scattered equipment, wiped it clean, and arranged for damage.

Seeing the logistics compartment of one of Zhou Xiao’s main battlefields, she didn’t say much and began to rearrange the inventory according to the inventory that Zhou Xiao had recorded on the logistics compartment in the past.

Just like this, from day to night, such a change made everyone on the train feel that it was a miracle.

“Is this March?” Jizi was shocked.

“Yes…” Dan Heng nodded. He said that March Qi was enlightened, and that making March Qi enlightened… maybe it was the same book as “Are You Really Smart?” 》has a certain relationship.

When you think about those non-human problems, you will find that… there are no problems in this world that can trouble them anymore…

This also includes so-called emotional issues.

“Yue San… are you really okay? Your body should rest more…” Ji Zi ignored Dan Heng and asked March Qi who was working.

“Me? We can’t be better…” March 7 wiped the sweat on his forehead and looked at Ji Zi with a smile: “Let us lie down but we can’t lie down… Okay, Ji Zi Son, don’t worry about us…just go and get busy.”

Ji Zi: “…”

After a busy day, March 7 took some time off after dinner, calmly drank juice and looked at the fruits of today’s labor.



She felt that her life was very fulfilling after her attention was away from Zhou Xiao.

Not empty at all.

That’s how it should be.


It must change.

Live life to the fullest and you won’t be sad anymore.

March 7 took a deep breath and brainwashed herself.


When she heard someone calling her, she turned around and found it was Xingmei.

“What’s the matter?”

“You can deliver it as soon as possible. Jizi asked me to come and sign for it.” Xingmei said, and then asked: “What did you buy?”

Chapter 99 March 7: A serious diary for a serious person! (Second update)

“Can I deliver it quickly?” March 7 was startled at first, and then began to recall what he had purchased recently.



I didn’t buy anything.

“Delivery is fast, everything is delivered quickly. Dear, is this Ms. March 7th? This is your package, please sign for it.”

Arriving on the platform of the space station, I saw a humanoid mechanical body holding a large package and placing it in front of March Qi.

“This…” When she saw the size of the package, Xingmei raised her eyebrows and fell into deep thought. She turned her head to look at March Qi and asked:

“What did you buy?”

March 7 did not answer her, but just signed for the express delivery.

“Dear – I am delivering No. 777. Please give me a five-star review. Delivery is fast. I can deliver anything quickly. I look forward to the next delivery.”

After saying this, the robot took the small spaceship and left the star field where the Black Tower Space Station was located.

“Help us move to my room.” March Qi said to Xingmei, obviously thinking of the contents of the quick delivery.


With the joint efforts of the two, this large object was moved to March 7th’s room. When I opened the box, I saw a large number of mechanical parts and doll parts. Looking at Xingmei, she called me stupid.

“Are you…wanting to transform into a mechanic?”


March 7 looked at the items on the ground and rubbed her fingers inadvertently.

The things Zhou Xiao bought using her shopping account arrived today…

“This… Zhou Xiao bought.”


Listening to March 7th’s answer, Xingmei, who was still in shock, suddenly felt reasonable.

This is very rivery.

“You should go back and rest first.” March 7 said.

“Yes.” Xingmei nodded, and then exited March 7th’s room.

After Xingmei left, the room fell into a deserted state. March Qi looked at the parts all over the floor and was in a daze for a long time.

She thought about that night again. When she was sober, she pressed Zhou Xiao to give her an answer… These things were supposed to be regarded as Zhou Xiao’s salary for that month.

It’s a pity that she doesn’t have enough money…

In the end, Zhou Xiao was allowed to tie the knot himself.

Not far away, the new mobile phone bought by Zhou Xiao was quietly placed there.

Without communication equipment, Zhou Xiao was like a kite with its string cut off, disappearing into the endless sky of the universe…

Zhou Xiao…

I still…miss you a little.

There are hundreds of millions of points.

Miss you.

She picked up a notebook from the table on one side, with a few words clearly written on it: “Not a serious diary for a serious person”. This was originally Zhou Xiao’s diary, but now that Zhou Xiao was gone, she secretly kept it Take it out.

She had long known that Zhou Xiao had such a mysterious diary, and she had always wanted to read it, but Zhou Xiao would not let him. Now that Zhou Xiao had left, she could finally take a blatant look at it.


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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