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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 69

Although… it’s not good to peek into other people’s diaries…

But…she can’t be considered peeping now, she is looking openly!

The diary records the trivial matters of life, and there are not many secrets. After all, Zhou Xiao never writes secrets in his diary.

As time went by, March 7 gradually read through the thick notes, and the emotions on her face also changed with the contents of the diary until the last entry.

[I felt like I was caught in a deep conspiracy. Maybe… I shouldn’t have stepped into the kitchen car that night…]

This is the last diary entry Zhou Xiao has recorded so far.

After reading it on March 7, my face was a little angry at first and then gradually turned into a look of grievance. Tears rolled in my eyes and fell silently on the diary.

Zhou Xiao…bad.

How can he say we are poor…

We are obviously…

Not rich!

This bad guy finally gave us a chance and left…

March 7 wiped away her tears, sobbed twice, then took out a brand new notebook from the drawer and started writing something.

[It’s a serious diary of a serious person]

[Today… we peeked at Zhou Xiao’s diary. He was not here anyway, so let’s treat him as punishment for leaving without saying goodbye. In addition… I also decided to keep a diary. A diary can carry a lot of time, and it can also carry a lot of time. There are many memories, we need to record them carefully, from when he left to when he came back…]

[Today is the second day since Zhou Xiao left…]

[Lost Owl… The universe is so big, will he not be able to find his way back to the train? 】


Where is my diary? !

My diary is gone! How can I keep a diary?

Zhou Xiao, who was on Kunzi No. 3, was about to complete his bedtime routine. After noticing that all his wealth was on the Star Dome Train, he touched his chin and fell into deep thought.

It’s a small matter if the diary disappears, but it’s a big deal if the key contents in the diary are peeked by others.

This thing is like a black box like a browser’s browsing history…

“It should be… okay?”

Zhou Xiao thought about it carefully. As a serious person, he never writes anything improper in his diary, including secrets…

“That’s it, don’t be afraid, just get another book.” Zhou Xiao comforted himself.

It was quiet at night.

The sound of Yin Lang, an internet-addicted girl, playing video games could also be heard from the next room.

After Zhou Xiao continued to persevere in his daily routine, he gained a few points of self-discipline. Although it was a drop in the bucket, it could not withstand the accumulation that accumulated over time.

It’s time to get stuff out.

Zhou Xiao adjusted his sitting posture, and then bound the anti-injury totem he obtained in the system today to himself. In an instant, there was a burst of warmth on his back, and a blue-white light continued to flash, like a carving pen on his back. Something is drawn one after another on his back.

It doesn’t hurt!

When the blue-white light dissipated, two big characters appeared behind Zhou Xiao.


It just doesn’t hurt!

What a succinct and concise understanding!

In just two words, the core of the anti-injury totem is expressed.

Zhou Xiao didn’t see the person who was looking forward to this anti-injury totem before. After seeing the two words behind him in half of the mirror fragments in the room, he fell into a state of speechlessness.

It doesn’t hurt…

Unable to complain.


At any rate, you can draw any pattern, but what’s the point of just using the word “not painful”?

Zhou Xiao was not sad or sad. To his heart, which had experienced the illusion, this was all trivial.

He mobilized the energy to try to attack himself, but the anti-injury totem was really… useless at all, and didn’t even show any reaction.

Resistance Totem…

You are quite resistant to injury!

Zhou Xiao shook his head, suddenly feeling like “the pictures are for reference only, everything is subject to the actual object”.

The introduction of the system was astonishing, but when it came to his hands…it was just two words: “it doesn’t hurt.”

Make a fool of yourself.

Just a fool.

ps: Ask for everything, ask for everything, the humble author is online.

Chapter 100 Try the shades! (First update)

After binding the anti-injury totem, Zhou Xiao took the puppet container out of the system’s temporary storage space. In an instant, accompanied by a burst of strong golden light, a thunder and lightning general with a purple village girl’s head came into view.

Milky knife…

There must be about three March 7th dates.

Zhou Xiao took a closer look and had to praise how realistic the Thunder and Lightning General was. If he had put on clothes… he would be exactly the same as the Thunder and Lightning General in the game next door.

Seeing the puppet container slowly opening its eyes, and seeing every trace of emotion in its purple eyes, she first looked around, then looked at Zhou Xiao.

“What do you need me for?” Her voice didn’t have much emotion and sounded cold.

Zhou Xiao looked up and down again, then touched his chin and took out the useless things he had obtained in previous draws from the temporary space of the system.

“Put it on.”

The Thunder General looked at the clothes thrown on the bed, and then started to change in front of Zhou Xiao.

This is a… maid outfit. It is a useless thing that Zhou Xiao took out when he was in trouble in the early stage. Unexpectedly… it has come in handy now.

The Thunderbolt General in front of her quickly finished changing. It is worth mentioning that her slender and straight legs were covered with black silk.

This black stocking comes from Bronya…it is also a useless item drawn from the system lottery.

Looking at the maid dressed as a lightning general in front of him, Zhou Xiao only felt a strong sense of contrast and disharmony.

That’s all.

It would be nice to have clothes to wear.

I have nothing to wear.

Zhou Xiao’s concentration was very good. He sat on the musty bed and looked at General Thunder.

“What…can you do?”

“It depends on what you want this body to do.” General Thunder said slowly.


Zhou Xiao thought for two seconds and decided to test the “depth” of the strength of this puppet container from the system that resembled General Thunder.

What’s going on next door?

Silver Wolf, who was playing video games, frowned when he vaguely heard the sound of hehehehehehehehe next door.

Is it that Kafka guy?

Or the new guy?

I stayed up most of the night, and it kept me playing games…

After a moment.

Zhou Xiao already knew the “depth” of General Thunder.

This thing is just a doll that looks like General Thunder?

Didn’t you inherit any of the strength from the Thor next door?

Just discharge…

Those who didn’t know better thought it was a massage…it felt numb.

Zhou Xiao lifted his pants and looked at General Thunder with a bit of disgust.

“This body’s strength… is so weak.” The Thunder General lowered his eyes slightly, as if thinking, and then touched his chest in front of Zhou Xiao.

“Here…there is something missing, the source of this body’s strength…”

Zhou Xiao heard this and thought of the previous reminder from the system, which said that the power of the doll container depends on the energy core…

Can this body…can hold a star core?

Zhou Xiao thought for two seconds.

If you can really dig into a star core…

That is Xingmei 2.0.

Zhou Xiao shook his head, and then silently took back the puppet container that resembled General Thunder and placed it in the temporary space of the system.

This thing… its current combat power is still too weak and needs to be adjusted slowly.

Zhou Xiao lay on the bed and thought about the two rewards obtained from the system.

A seemingly useless one…

The other one…has little use now.

It seems that there is still a long way to go before leaving Africa and joining the European Union…

Silver Wolf’s room next door.

When she heard the sound next door disappear, Yin Lang’s mood improved a little. At the same time, she was also curious about what Zhou Xiao was doing in the room just now…

Hey, hey, hey…


They’re all weirdos.

Silver Wolf commented on Zhou Xiao like this.

Nothing happened overnight.

Zhou Xiao woke up according to the time he usually wakes up.

When he woke up from his dream and opened his eyes to see the unfamiliar environment, he was in a trance.

He was dreaming again.

Judging from the profuse sweating on his head, this dream was not a good one.

He once again dreamed of an illusion, and his whole body was imprisoned in that white chair. He tried to break free from the shackles of the chair, but to no avail, and the “him” that merged with him appeared in front of him again. .

But this time “he” didn’t say anything more, and he didn’t change any illusions. “He” just used an extremely sharp blade to slice open his neck.


I killed myself.

That extremely familiar face killed him with his own hands.


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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