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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 7

Another surprise for him was… Kafka’s long knife.

The quality is really good.

The blade can carry the power of a certain intensity of wind. You must know that he also tried to attach the power of the wind to the blade, but most of the long knives were broken because they could not bear it.

Good knife.

Good light cone.

Although Doommon was destroyed and the train was not damaged much,…

His eyes looked at Xingmei not far away.

But the star core power in Xingmei’s body didn’t seem to be stimulated.

That’s all.

Whether it is stimulated or not has nothing to do with me.

Zhou Xiao thought so.

Since it would take some time for the train to return, the train crew returned to the main control cabin at Jizi’s suggestion.

Returning to the main control cabin again, Esta still looked so busy. Although the Doomsday Beast was solved by Zhou Xiao and Walter Yang, there were still many soldiers of the Anti-Material Legion who needed to be cleaned up in the space station.

“Thank you so much this time.”

Seeing everyone on the train crew arriving, Esta put down what she was doing and thanked everyone on the train crew, especially when she saw the unfamiliar face of Zhou Xiao.

She also saw Zhou Xiao’s knife blow just now through the outer viewing area of ​​the space station.

“You must be Zhou Xiao, you have been a big help this time on the space station…”

Esta looked at Zhou Xiao generously to express her gratitude, which made Zhou Xiao feel as if she was here specifically to help the space station.

I came to the space station to replenish supplies… I took Alan and the others out because I was in a hurry to get back to the train to complete the self-discipline achievement reward… As for the battle with the Doomsday Beast, it was also to prevent the train from being damaged too seriously…

Zhou Xiao briefly recalled the purpose of coming to the space station and the motivations for his actions that seemed to help the space station. He suddenly felt as if he had done nothing, and as if he had done everything.

It’s just weird.

Chapter 10 Xingmei: Shushu, I’m leaving!

When Zhou Xiao was silent, Esta showed some hesitation, then looked at Ji Zi and slowly said:

“Ji Zi, you train crew are all very skilled. I think… I would like to invite Zhou Xiao to be the defense consultant of our space station…”

“Defense advisor?”

Hearing this, Ji Zi’s expression changed slightly.

Only then did she understand why Esta had just wanted to see Zhou Xiao to express her gratitude in person.

It turned out that he was planning to poach people from under her…

As for saying it in front of her, it was in line with Esta’s character.

“Consultant? Me?” Zhou Xiao frowned upon hearing this.

It sounded a bit troublesome, as if he was being forcibly tied to a space station.

“No, no, Zhou Xiao is the train’s logistician.” Before Zhou Xiao could say anything else, March 7 shook his head subconsciously.

“Xiao Sanyue… I have to ask Zhou Xiao what he thinks about this matter…”

Ji Zi did not refuse for Zhou Xiao. She set her sights on Zhou Xiao. She had never interfered too much in the selection of train crew members. If Zhou Xiao chose to stay in the space station, she would not stop him.


Judging from her understanding of Zhou Xiao in the past few months, Zhou Xiao may not choose to be on the space station.

“Xiao Sanyue, Dan Heng, you and Walter go to the platform first to see if the train has returned… As for Xing, I have something to ask you…”

Ji Zi left space to Zhou Xiao and Esta. Under her arrangement, everyone gradually left the main control cabin…

“Zhou Xiao, I sincerely invite you. You can mention whatever conditions you want. As long as you come, I can equip you with a Star Destroyer.”

Esta fully listened to Alan’s suggestion and tried her best to retain Zhou Xiao.

Star Destroyer?

Good guy.

Hearing this, Zhou Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly and had to take a second look at the rich woman in front of him.

Although the conditions were good… he was unlikely to agree.

After all…he loves freedom more, like the wind, without restraint.

As for the defense consultant, he will take responsibility for this. If there is another invasion of the Anti-Material Legion or other crises, he cannot bear this responsibility…

It’s nice to be on the train.

It would be better if the salary was higher.

“Please allow me to refuse.”

Zhou Xiao did not politely reject the invitation from webmaster Esta:

“If you really feel sorry for yourself, why don’t you give a discount on the train’s supply of supplies at the space station or something…”

“As for the defense consultant… let’s forget it.”

On the way to the platform.

March 7 looked at Dan Heng and Walter Yang and asked a question: “Uncle Yang, Dan Heng, do you think Zhou Xiao will agree to stay?”

Walter Young: “I don’t know.”

Dan Heng: “I don’t really care. It’s his choice.”

Hearing the answers from these two people, March 7 frowned: “Hey, you don’t have to be so decisive in your answers…”

At the other end of the main control cabin of the space station, the real owner of the Black Tower Space Station, Black Tower, was discussing stars face to face with Jizi.

Although the star core in Xing Mei’s body was not activated due to Zhou Xiao’s appearance, Black Tower still felt the star core in Xing Mei’s body.

“Gotta test it…”

Heita touched his chin, looked at Xingmei with his eyes and said this.

“Test…how do you want to test?” Jizi expressed doubts.

After a long time.

An explosion suddenly occurred in a corner of the space station, and the violent vibrations caused the staff in the space station to panic again, thinking that the antimatter army was attacking again.

“It’s confirmed this time! The star core is in her body, and the condition is quite stable. It’s interesting, really interesting.”

In the Black Tower’s secret laboratory, Heita looked at Xingmei, who was blooming with the power of the star core, with a very interested look in his eyes.

Outside the messy laboratory, Jizi looked at the crazy black tower in the laboratory and the star girl wrapped in the power of the star core. A look of determination appeared on her calm face.

This little girl named Xing must not stay in the space station…

The Black Tower’s experiments are too dangerous…

Just now, she saw with her own eyes how the Black Tower used external forces to forcibly activate the protection of the star core. Although there were protective measures, it almost hurt the star.

If Xing is left alone in the space station, who knows if Black Tower will become interested one day and want to know why Xing’s physique is so special and slice the star directly…

Xing fell into a coma, and after being tested by Black Tower, he fainted from exhaustion, and there was nothing serious.

When Xing woke up again, Xing also faced two paths, one was to join the Star Dome Train Group, and the other… also joined the Star Dome Train Group.


How come these two roads are the same?

That’s inevitable.

Who will stay on the space station?

Xingmei, who had just fallen into a coma, had a strange dream.

It was a very real dream, like a precognitive dream.

In the dream, she was also faced with the choice of staying in the space station or following the train crew. In the dream, she chose to stay in the space station. From the beginning, she was helping the Black Tower with scientific research and exploring the differences in the body.

Black Tower’s experiments were relatively dangerous, but fortunately she survived.

As the days passed, the train crew would return to the space station every once in a while, but the frequency became less and less, and the Black Tower gradually lost interest in her, and finally…

She became an ordinary space station clerk working “9 to 5” on the space station, and lived in this capacity until her death…

This dream was too real, so real that it made her feel terrible. The boring work day after day had wiped out all her enthusiasm…

“I choose to join the Star Train.” Xingmei said firmly.

“Actually, you don’t have to be so anxious. You should think about it first.” Jizi obviously didn’t expect that Xingmei would make such a decisive and quick decision.

“No need to think about it, I’ve already figured it out.”

After the extremely real dream just now, Xingmei’s choice was extremely firm.

“Hey, are you scared by the experiment just now?” Heita definitely didn’t want his “guinea pig” to leave. Seeing her continue to speak:

“I just tested whether the star core is really in your body. I guarantee that future scientific research will never be so dangerous…”

Faced with Heita’s sincere efforts to retain…

Of course Xingmei chose to decline.

Xingmei said, “Zhushu”, I’m about to leave.

“This guy… really pisses me off! You have to know that Interstellar Peace Company has spent a lot of money to get my help…” Seeing that Xingmei was still so resistant, Heita was a little angry.

“Heita, it’s not like the train will not return to the space station… Your research can still be carried out as long as it can ensure her safety and obtain her consent.”

Ji Zi stood up and tried to smooth things over.

Chapter 11 March 7: Ji Zi! bad!

“That’s true. This can ensure my freshness to some extent…”

Hearing the steps given by Jizi, Heita borrowed the donkey from the slope and stopped making things difficult for Xingmei. Looking at Xingmei in front of her, she said again:

“Remember to come back often when you leave. Make an appointment with Esta so that I can have time to study you.”

Xingmei agreed. After all…this was her best choice at the moment.

On the platform.

The Star Dome Train once again slowly came from the distant star field and stopped in the space station.

“I’m so tired Pa.”

Little Pam, who was wearing a train conductor’s uniform, got off the train, nodded and looked at March 7 and his group standing on the platform: “You have all left, leaving me alone to control the train…”

“I shouldn’t have come back to pick you up…”

Little Pam snorted to express her anger.

“Thank you, Conductor Pam…it was an emergency…”

Walter Young said very steadily. Originally, he was supposed to accompany Pam to start the train, but his help was really needed outside.

“That’s all, I’ll forgive you this time.” Little Pam chose to forgive. When he glanced around at the people present, he raised a new question:

“Why are there only a few of you… Ji Zi and Zhou Xiao?”

“Ji Zi… Ji Zi took the girl named Xing to talk. As for Zhou Xiao…”

Zhou Xiao paused when he mentioned March 7th: “He is going to be poached.”


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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