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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 70

Zhou Xiao could even see blood splattering everywhere, and his perspective also dropped from a high angle to a low angle. He seemed to have been beheaded.

“Weakness is the original sin…”

He vaguely heard the other party say something like this, and then… Endless darkness enveloped his body, and he also woke up surrounded by unknown fear.

“Who…is it?” Zhou Xiao took a few deep breaths, trying to adjust his breathing rhythm.

He felt that if he had such a dream a few more times, he would be in a trance.

who I am?

Or…what am I?

Or… who is he in my body?

These questions were like bombs that would explode at an uncertain time, hidden in his body, suffocating him like a pair of invisible hands.

This may be the price of gaining power…

It’s like opening Pandora’s box, and I don’t know what kind of monsters and monsters have been released.

Zhou Xiao recalled it, and it seemed that when he started having strange dreams, he got the Green Ghost Mask…

Mask of the Windbreaker…

Zhou Xiao changed into the green ghost mask that shimmered with green and black luster, and stared at it for a long time.

The Aoki mask… the golden mulberry tree, the voice that looked down at the bewitched, the person who gave me strength, and… myself.

Zhou Xiao felt that all of this was somehow connected.

But how could he be related to a time traveler like him?

After thinking to no avail, Zhou Xiao did not immerse himself too much in dream interpretation. He continued to complete the plan step by step according to his usual daily training on the train.


This time there was something strange.

There seemed to be a voice in his heart that was bewitching him.

Aren’t you tired of getting up early every day, training every day, and cooking every day? This is not the Star Dome Train, and you are not a Star Dome Train logistician now… Who can take care of yourself?

Why not sleep a little longer, lie down a little longer… and wait for something ready to eat?

This kind of lazy mood has appeared to Zhou Xiao before, when he first got on the Star Train and formed daily habits. Logically speaking, now that he has developed a biological clock and habits, he should no longer have such thoughts.

Chapter 101 Kafka: I’m going to be pissed off! (Second update)

Zhou Xiao also tried to refute this idea in his heart.

Only by adhering to self-discipline can you become stronger.

Then a new idea popped into his mind.

Obviously you can accept more power and become stronger directly…why insist on self-discipline?

The moment Zhou Xiao had this thought, he suddenly felt irrefutable.

Kafka slowly sat up from the bed, took off her blindfold, yawned and opened her sleepy eyes.

What does it smell like…so fragrant?

Her room was on the first floor, and through the cracks in the door the faint scent was intruding into the room through the obstruction of the door.

Kafka felt a little strange, then opened the door and walked out.

From what she could see, their new star core hunter was making delicious food in the shabby kitchen of this house. She leaned in front of the door and raised her eyebrows slightly, then walked over.

“No…this place is so dirty…can you do it?”

Zhou Xiao seemed to have heard the sound of Kafka opening the door just now. He casually placed a few secret sandwiches and replied:

“Bacilli and microorganisms, your breakfast.”

He handed the plate in his hand to Kafka. In addition to sandwiches, there were fried eggs, sausages and the like as accompaniments.

“?” Kafka, who was wearing pajamas, was a little surprised. She looked at the food on the plate and then looked at Zhou Xiao in disbelief:

“For me?”


“This…” Kafka seemed to feel this kind of treatment for the first time, which made her even more pleased with Zhou Xiao.

Facing the food in front of her, she thought for two seconds and then looked at Zhou Xiao: “You couldn’t have poisoned us, right?”

“Are you going to eat or not? If you don’t eat, you’ll fall down.”

“Eat…how can you not eat it.” Kafka picked up a piece of sausage, circled it twice around his mouth with a jade hand, and then popped the sausage into Zhou Xiao’s mouth at a speed that was too fast.


Zhou Xiao frowned and was a little angry at Kafka’s rough action.

“What are you doing?” Zhou Xiao chewed and felt that his sausage was fried just right.

“Try sister’s big sausage…” Kafka smiled. Seeing that Zhou Xiao was fine after eating, he started to eat happily.

“Hmm… your cooking skills are good…” Kafka praised after taking a few bites.

“Are you… afraid that I would poison you?” Zhou Xiao said slowly, ignoring Kafka’s praise.

“How can…you make breakfast for us, you should eat it first.” Kafka naturally would not admit it.

“Is it possible… that I drugged the sandwich?”


When Kafka heard Zhou Xiao’s words, she was startled while chewing her sandwich, and then she was about to spit it out.

“just kidding…”

After hearing what Zhou Xiao said, Kafka didn’t dare to eat, so she handed one of the sandwiches to Zhou Xiao.

Zhou Xiao didn’t refuse and ate directly.

Seeing him eating it directly, Kafka felt relieved again: “You can also make this kind of joke…”

“Well… maybe this is not a joke?” Zhou Xiao said again after seeing Kafka eating the sandwich.

“?” Kafka was a little confused.

“Is it possible… that I took the antidote beforehand?”



Kafka raised an eyebrow.

It suddenly felt sloppy.

“Ah Xiao, are you serious?”

“I paid you money, gave you a knife, and brought you to join a gang, no, it’s a team, and you treat me like this?”

“Don’t worry, eat it, it’s not poisoned.” Zhou Xiao felt that the time was almost right, so he comforted Kafka.

“Forget it…I won’t eat anymore.” Kafka put down the plate and glanced at Zhou Xiao.

“By the way…where did you get all this food? You don’t have any money, right? It’s not easy to get fresh food here…”

“Yeah…” Zhou Xiao saw that Kafka stopped eating, so he started eating himself.

“That’s why I use your name…”

“???” Kafka felt that things were not simple.

“Are you rich?”


“Then how do you buy it?”

“I’ll rob it in your name…” Zhou Xiao laid the groundwork just to make Kafka think that this matter is not that big.

“Impossible! Absolutely impossible!”

Kafka waved his hand: “Can they not see your appearance?”


“So I robbed him as Kafka’s boyfriend…and I also wore a mask…”

Zhou Xiao’s next words put a mask of pain on Kafka’s face.

“You can eat it with confidence…we will never poison it.”


It’s a backstab!

Star Core Hunters are so notorious…

There was no need for him to backstab Kafka again.

“No…they didn’t chase you?” Kafka was confused.

“Do you think… they can beat me? Can they catch up with me?”

Zhou Xiao’s rhetorical question made Kafka think so.

After all, this is a player who can tear apart the King of Destruction with his bare hands…

The essential…

What is this!

Kafka felt very messy.

Obviously Zhou Xiao joined their team of star core hunters the next day, so she had the urge to kill Zhou Xiao, even though she couldn’t beat him…

first day…

First, they cheated her out of her small money and bought her, and then they made fake news about her rumored boyfriend…

the next day…

Just destroy her reputation in Kunzi No. 3… How can she still trade on the black market from now on? ? ?

Kafka looked at Zhou Xiao with a look of resentment. Judging from the rise and fall of her chest, her mood swings should be quite large.

Wearing a mask…

But she picked it all off, and it was all Kafka’s fault that she took the blame for…

“Is this really a good thing for you?” Kafka asked.

“I have no money. Before I came here, you promised to give me benefits. Money is not an issue…”

Listening to Zhou Xiao’s answer, Kafka swallowed and said, “You have no money…will you not come to me?”

“I want it, but you didn’t give it to me yesterday… I went to ask for it this morning, and you slept like a dead pig. When I saw this… I might as well do something simple and direct. After all, you have done it before. You told me that things like murder and robbery also happen here…”

Hey, you kid.

Kafka was speechless by Zhou Xiao.

She suddenly felt that Zhou Xiao was suitable to hang out on Kunzi No. 3…

Are all the logistics staff on the Star Dome Train so arrogant?

“Don’t be angry, eat more… If you think about it carefully, you just lost some money and reputation, but what did you get in return?” Zhou Xiao comforted him.

“What?” Kafka was puzzled, but she got nothing.

“In exchange for a delicious breakfast…”


Kafka looked at the sandwich on the plate and then looked at the environment in the kitchen. She said that it was okay not to eat this breakfast!


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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