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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 72

“By the way…you two really didn’t do anything? Last night…” Silver Wolf asked again.

“What are you thinking about? It’s all a misunderstanding. This ability… I can only let it go but not take it back.” Zhou Xiao glanced at Yinlang, paused, and then said:

“How about you try it too?”

“I won’t try!” Yinlang refused. She was not sick, so why bother provoking Zhou Xiao? If she had time, she might as well play more games.

“Know what’s interesting.” Zhou Xiao pointed at Silver Wolf and commented.

Not a moment.

Kafka had already changed her clothes and walked out very elegantly, as if nothing had happened before. She sat on a chair on the side and glanced at Zhou Xiao.

“Your ability… is very dirty.”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk.” Silver Wolf tutted three times, attracting Kafka’s attention.

“What’s wrong with you?”

“The speech spirit failed, and he was counter-controlled… He was in such a mess, Kafka, so pitiful.” Silver Wolf said that it was a pity that he did not see that scene.

“That was an accident… I was careless and didn’t dodge.” Kafka pretended to be calm and retorted: “This is A Xiao. If someone else had killed him directly, the illusion would have been broken, and what happened next would not have happened. matter.”

“It’s a really weird illusion ability…it seems like it can’t break the situation at all.”

Listening to Kafka’s words, Zhou Xiao shrugged: “Can’t break the situation? That’s a good relationship. I’ll let you go next time.”

Kafka: “…”

Seeing Kafka’s deflated expression, Silver Wolf found it funny.

“You kid…” Kafka directed his anger at Silver Wolf: “When will your kid leave?”

“Leave? Why should I leave?” Silver Wolf paused and then said, “Are you afraid that I will hinder your private life of loving each other?”

“Little Silver Wolf…”

Seeing that Kafka was about to get angry, Silver Wolf cleared his throat: “No more, no more, I won’t leave for now, I think…he is quite interesting.”

Yinlang said it was definitely not because Zhou Xiao was so lucky and she wanted to use Zhou Xiao more.

“What about your account number?”

“It’s not like I don’t have other game accounts…” Silver Wolf finished his breakfast, stretched out and prepared to go back upstairs: “I’ll go back and catch up on my sleep. Don’t call me if anything happens.”

With that said, she walked upstairs, leaving only Zhou Xiao and Kafka downstairs.

Silver Wolf quickly returned to the room and turned on the device to view the images on the first floor. She stretched just now to attach the micro monitor.

“Now that I’m not here, these two people should have revealed their true colors, right?”

Yinlang rubbed her palms, and she felt that there must be something going on between these two people, and it was definitely not as simple as Zhou Xiao or Kafka explained.

But it’s a pity.

The scene she wanted to see didn’t happen.

Zhou Xiao and Kafka were truly a “family that loves each other”, with no outrageous behavior or secrets at all. Yin Lang found it boring, and then he really went to catch up on some sleep.

“Here you go…this is Kunzi No. 3’s black market currency.”

On the first floor, Kafka, who had just been defeated by Zhou Xiao, silently gave Zhou Xiao some Kunzi No. 3 currency to prevent Zhou Xiao from doing some ridiculous “backstabbing” behavior.

“Thank you.” Zhou Xiao took it without ceremony.

The two fell into a brief silence again.

“That…” Kafka thought for a long time, and finally asked the doubts in his heart: “Is there really a way to break that illusion of yours? I tried to resist, but those things just kept getting… more.”

“Cracked?” Zhou Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this.

“The solution is simple…just kill me as you said.”


Kafka: Who knows about my family?

Kill Zhou Xiao…

That’s a player who can kill the Lord of Extinction…

How to kill?

Seeing that Kafka didn’t speak, Zhou Xiao shook his head and pretended to be profound, then slowly stood up and prepared to leave.

How does Gou Ba know how to crack it…

He even knew what this ability was by just testing it on Kafka… How could he know how to crack it?

As for how he woke up from that faceless girl’s dream, he could tell a story.

To put it simply, it’s open to the public!

To be more detailed, that is…firm your heart, and then let it go!

ps: I beg for everything, I beg for everything, the plot is about to transition to Luofu, I’m so afraid of being tricked by Mi and stabbed in the back!嘤嘤嘤

Chapter 104: Accumulated backstabs can penetrate stubborn rocks! (First update)


Silver Wolf turned over on the bed and slowly sat up. She yawned first, then turned on her phone and checked the time.

It’s… so late.

Silver Wolf rubbed his sleepy eyes and then walked out of the room.

“Kafka…” She tried to call Kafka, but no one answered. Looking at the dark corridor in front of her, Silver Wolf used the faint light of her mobile phone to find her way to the stairs. When passing by Zhou Xiao’s room, she Glancing inside, Zhou Xiao was not in the room.

Looking down, the first floor was completely dark, and it didn’t look like anyone was there.

“This couple of bitches…” Yin Lang complained, and then slowly walked down the stairs. Perhaps because there was no light, she accidentally stepped on the air, and then walked down the stairs with a “chirping” sound. Rolled down.


Silver Wolf was going to cry because he was stupid.

She slowly stood up from the ground. The ankle of her right foot seemed to be twisted when she went downstairs. It hurt every step she took, and then she touched her forehead.

Well, there is a bag.

She limped and turned on the dim light, looking at the empty room, feeling a sense of loneliness after waking up.

This is… nothing to her.

Before she became a star core hunter, she was alone.

“Bitch man and woman…” Silver Wolf complained silently again.

As soon as she finished speaking, the door was knocked open.


Silver Wolf saw Zhou Xiao’s face of ice through the miniature camera that was placed outside the house when she first arrived. She tried her best to stay calm and slowly walked to the door and opened it for Zhou Xiao.

“Are you awake?” Zhou Xiao did not expect that the person opening the door would be Yinlang.

“Well…” Yinlang looked her new teammate up and down, her eyes fell on the thing slipping in Zhou Xiao’s hand, and then asked:

“Where’s Kafka?”

“Who knew that I went out first and she wasn’t inside?”

Zhou Xiao walked into the house and put down his things. He had just gone out to buy some things on the black market, and he didn’t know when Kafka went out.

After Zhou Xiao answered, he noticed that Silver Wolf’s walking posture… seemed a bit abnormal.

“You… aren’t you injured?”


Silver Wolf obviously didn’t expect Zhou Xiao to be able to see it so quickly. He shook his head hurriedly and pretended to be calm: “How is it possible…”

“Oh…” Zhou Xiao touched his chin and then said: “You’re not hurt, just take two steps…”


“Take two steps…”

Under Zhou Xiao’s supervision, Yinlang gritted her teeth, and then really took two steps. The pain in her right foot stimulated her nerves, and then…

She has sprained her foot again!

And it’s still the same one that’s sprained!


Silver Wolf’s feet gave way and he fell down on the sofa.

“No…” Zhou Xiao frowned when he saw this: “You can even sprain your feet on the ground???”

“It’s all your fault!” Silver Wolf glared at Zhou Xiao fiercely, and then said: “You really have time to torture Kafka, why don’t you do it to me…”

“What does it have to do with me…” Zhou Xiao said, “Isn’t this because you are so stubborn?”

“…” Silver Wolf.

“Aren’t you pretty awesome? A master hacker…you showed off your skills last time, but haven’t you been this good in a few days?” Zhou Xiao vaguely remembered the last time Silver Wolf showed off his skills on the space station.

“Master hacker…can’t fall down? Can’t get hurt!” For some reason, Silver Wolf’s vicious tone seemed a little aggrieved.


Zhou Xiao nodded, and then asked Yin Lang to sit down on the sofa.

“What are you doing?” Yin Lang looked at Zhou Xiao suspiciously.

“What can I do? Can I still eat you?” Zhou Xiao came forward and checked the situation.

Yin Lang’s feet are still very well-proportioned, white and small, and the soles of the feet are pink and tender. The ankles seem to be swollen, which affects the white tops of the feet. When Zhou Xiao watched, Yin Lang silently retracted his feet. Several toes also curled inward due to her movements.


Jade feet.

It’s feasible, but it’s punishable.

“You…what are you looking at!” Silver Wolf frowned and resisted the urge to kick Zhou Xiao.


Zhou Xiao had a bold idea.

He first boiled water, and then scalded a towel. After feeling that the temperature was quite hot, he walked towards Silver Wolf.

“What do you want… to do?”

Seeing that Yin Lang was so nervous, Zhou Xiao comforted him: “Relax.”

After that, he sat on the sofa and rubbed the ankle of Yin Lang’s right foot. His hand was very warm and his movements were very gentle, which made Yin Lang unexpected…


This is?

Yinlang pursed his lips, and his usually expressionless little face became warmer.

Somewhat sensitive…

Especially this location.

“That’s it…you, hush-” As soon as Silver Wolf stopped her, she felt Zhou Xiao straighten her ankle to the left…

so weird?

Yin Lang had never experienced such a big battle. She looked at Zhou Xiao under the dim light. His calm and serious expression seemed to really give people a sense of satisfaction and security.

Are they still… weird?

Silver Wolf was a little confused inside.

Dim light.


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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