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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 79

Kafka is very satisfied with Zhou Xiao’s current image.

Silver Wolf not far away was not as surprised as Kafka when he saw Zhou Xiao’s clothes.

to be honest…

She still hoped that Zhou Xiao would wear more simple clothes to reduce the sense of distance…

“Not bad…very satisfied.”

Kafka came up and touched Zhou Xiao. She didn’t know whether it was the material of the clothes or something else. She counted the currency while talking and handed it to the beautiful boss lady.

“Come often…”

The beautiful proprietress took the money and watched Kafka and his party leave, the smile on her face gradually fading.

So many star core hunters gathered on Kunzi 3…

What’s the purpose?

She pursed her lips and leaned against the door frame, thinking about the problem.

Because Kafka also entered the fitting room area just now, it was difficult for her to talk to Zhou Xiao.



Leaving the tailor shop, Kafka and his party came to the weapons shop called “Cheese Snow Leopard”.

“Cheese, is the knife ready?” Kafka asked straight to the point, asking the cheese on the counter.

“Hmm…” Cheese nodded, and then took out three boxes of wooden knife boxes from under the counter. He handed the top one to Kafka, and handed the remaining two boxes to Zhou Xiao.

Kafka took it and eagerly opened the knife case. A long knife that was almost exactly the same as before was quietly placed in the center of the knife case. The blade shone with a cold light under the light.

Kafka clenched the handle of the knife, felt the feel, and slashed twice in mid-air.

“Hmm… I’m very rusty and need to get used to it.”

“It’s normal…this is the first time…just get used to it and you’ll be fine.” Zhou Xiao opened his two boxes of knives while talking.

Kafka always felt that Zhou Xiao’s words were strange.

It’s like driving…

Can this broken road be driven?

Seeing Zhou Xiao’s two boxes of knives open, she focused on the long knives in the knives.

She saw two black knives appearing in front of her eyes. Even the handles were extremely uniform, a mysterious and low-key matte black. If there was a difference between the two long knives, it was that the pattern on the blades showed that one was hidden. cyan, while the other appears scarlet.

The navy blue one looks plain and simple…

And the scarlet one looks like it contains murderous intent…

Zhou Xiao held the knife in both hands. The metal handle conveyed a cold touch. The long knife was made of all metal and was quite heavy.

He tried to attach the little wind force in his body to the long knife in his left hand. In an instant, the cyan pattern on the black knife in his left hand changed from dark to bright, and became brighter and brighter. The blade, which was constantly loaded with power, gently Trembling, as if in response.

He introduced another force in his body to the blade in his right hand. Sure enough, the dark scarlet pattern on the blade of the long sword in his right hand also began to shine brightly, so brightly that no one had time to react.

“So bright…”

“This knife will have a endurance limit… take it easy.” Boss Cheese reminded him hurriedly, not wanting to see the long knife that he had worked so hard for two and a half days ruin so quickly.


Hearing this, Zhou Xiao took back his strength, and the patterns on the two long knives gradually darkened.

“Hmph, that’s all.” Blade, who had been standing aside for a long time, saw the long knives in Zhou Xiao and Kafka’s hands and commented on the craftsmanship of the boss Cheese.

As a former craftsman, when he saw these mediocre weapons, he couldn’t help but comment.


Zhou Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this, turned to look at Kafka and asked, “Is he going crazy again?”

Kafka: “…”


Coming out of the “Cheese Snow Leopard” weapon shop, Zhou Xiao already had two scabbards hanging on his waist.

The scabbard gift Xiao Hao gave him before was melted by cheese, and the metal was recast into two new scabbards.

Fully equipped…

“Well…” Kafka’s lazy voice sounded slowly: “It’s finally over. Now… we can start the next task.”

“?” Zhou Xiao raised his eyebrows when he heard this: “What mission?”

“You will know when the time comes…” Kafka pretended to be mysterious and said: “Okay, have a good rest tonight…tomorrow, we will officially set off.”

It was a peaceful evening.

Hidden in a dilapidated hut, ah, no, there were four star core hunters. When it was time for dinner, the star core hunter named Zhou was in the kitchen cooking delicious food.

The Last Supper.


It was on Kunzi 3…the last supper.

The famous hacker Silver Wolf was nesting in a corner on the rag sofa, playing video games with a calm expression. Her peripheral vision glanced at Zhou Xiao who was busy in the kitchen from time to time. Her ears listened to the sounds around her, and whenever Zhou Xiao made any movement , she can arrive as quickly as possible…

On a chair not far away, another star core hunter, Blade, was closing his eyes to rest, as if he was in trance, unaware of any movement. Faced with the fragrance wafting throughout the room, he remained unmoved at all. Occasionally, He opened his eyes only because there were a few annoying flying insects dangling in front of his eyes.

In a flash of cold light…

A few ignorant little flying insects sacrificed their lives, and the body that broke in half fell straight to the ground. Seeing this, the blade seemed to be satisfied, crossed his arms in front of his chest, and fell into a state of trance again.


Three star core hunters…

It seems like one is missing?

In the dark room, Kafka, who was good at controlling people with the art of “word spirit”, was listening to the phone, and responded to the other end of the phone with “um, um, um” from time to time.


So peaceful.

It wasn’t until star core hunter Zhou Xiao started eating that he added a voice to this silent illusion.

After hearing the noise, Silver Wolf turned off the game and sat down at the table. Kafka had just finished communicating with the person on the other end of the phone and came over.

Blade still maintained a fixed posture sitting on the chair, unmoved…

“You didn’t bring Ah Ren’s share?” Kafka asked in surprise when he saw there were only three dishes on the table.

“Isn’t he not eating?” Star core hunter Zhou Xiao replied calmly.

“That’s true… but I ate a portion at least?”

“I advise you to save face…Kafka.” Silver Wolf, who was destroying the food, seemed to be on Zhou Xiao’s side and said to Kafka.

Chapter 113: Rookies pecking each other! It turns out to be the little Yakuza! (Second update)

“So sad…” Kafka felt that her little silver wolf was about to run away with Zhou Xiao. She pretended to be aggrieved and came to the silver wolf’s back and gently placed her jade hand on the silver wolf’s shoulder:

“It’s only been a few days…you and A Xiao are wearing the same pants? If A Xiao leaves the Star Core Hunter in the future, will you also have to abandon me, your best friend, and go away with him…?”

“Disgusting… why are you wearing a pair of pants?” Silver Wolf snorted and said, “I’m telling the truth… I didn’t even eat two servings…”


From her observations during the past few days of getting along with Zhou Xiao, it was recorded in “On Zhou Xiao” that Zhou Xiao cooks by head. As for the portion size, there will never be a second portion after eating.

Zhou Xiao’s cooking seemed not to fill their stomachs, but to seduce the greedy insects in their stomachs…

The portion of the lunch blade… was eaten by Kafka…

After a brief interlude, everyone’s attention was focused on the food placed in front of them. The quiet and peaceful atmosphere made this dinner feel like there was no dialogue, but it still gave people a sense of harmony.

What a family that loves each other…

After dinner, Silver Wolf washed the dishes obediently. After washing the dishes, Zhou Xiao played a game with her again, while Kafka pointed at her.

“Real food, real food… Little Silver Wolf, let me meet him!” Kafka immediately became interested when she saw Zhou Xiao was playing so well, and asked Silver Wolf to make room for her, and began to fight Zhou Xiao for three hundred rounds. .

Rookies pecking each other…

Feeding each other…

This kind of competition is the most interesting.

Kafka couldn’t beat Yin Lang, a master of the game, but how could he beat Zhou Xiao, a little loser?


Not to mention…

Really can’t beat it.

The expression on Kafka’s face changed from excited to a little solemn to very solemn to doubtful about life…

After seeing her lose another round, she silently set her sights on Zhou Xiao.

When I watched Zhou Xiao play with Silver Wolf just now… it didn’t have this effect.

Why was he beaten so badly?

Games are like this. From a third-party perspective, I always feel like “I can do it, too.” But after actually playing it, I realized…

This thing, the water is very deep, it is impossible to grasp it.

“Are you still fighting?” Zhou Xiao asked rashly when he saw Kafka looking at him.

To be honest, Kafka’s “I want to torture” energy really frightened him when he first played, but after playing for a while, he found that Kafka was not that strong at all.

I thought he was so confident, but in fact he was just a loser…

Seeing Zhou Xiao’s provocation, Kafka was naturally unconvinced: “Do it again!”

A few minutes later, Kafka lost this round. Out of anger, she turned her head to look at the “sitting corpse” of Blade in the distance and shouted: “A Blade! Come here and let me torture you twice.”

The named Blade slowly opened his eyes: “?”

The strong draw their swords to face the stronger, the weak draw their swords to face the weaker…

Silver Wolf, who is the strongest player in the game, is keen to break the game record, while Zhou Xiao, Kafka, and Blade, who are in the black hole of the game, know how to peck each other as novices.

“You guys fight, I’m busy with other things.” Zhou Xiao said and got up and went upstairs.

Kafka raised an eyebrow when she saw Zhou Xiao going upstairs: “What is he busy with?”

“Well…read a book, do some simple exercise, write something, then wash up and go to bed.” Silver Wolf answered Kafka without even thinking too much.

Her answer surprised Kafka: “So you know him so well? You couldn’t be… spying on him, right?”

“What?! That’s observation…” Silver Wolf corrected.

Zhou Xiao’s daily schedule for going upstairs was completed step by step just like Yinlang said.

After finishing his daily routine, he planned to go to bed and ignored the star core hunters downstairs.

The star core hunters downstairs naturally left after playing for a while and went back to their own rooms to sleep. It is worth mentioning… Since this house only has three rooms, Ren was sitting on that chair. Rest in concentration.

Late at night…

The heart of the blade is itchy…

Such a lonely night is suitable for doing some… “wonderful” things.

It’s hard for him to fall asleep, which leaves him trapped in painful dreams…


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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