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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 8


Little Pam’s eyes widened slightly when she heard this: “Who? Who dares to poach our train conductor’s support staff…”

“Don’t say that… Stationmaster Esta just invited Zhou Xiao to be the space station’s defense consultant…”

Walter spoke out and elaborated on the matter of “poaching”.

“Oh, Pam works as a defense consultant on the space station.” Little Pam didn’t quite understand what a defense consultant was. He just wanted to know one question:

“Then if Zhou Xiao becomes a defense consultant, will he have to stay on the space station…”

“This…” Walter pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose: “I can’t say that, but judging from Stationmaster Esta’s look, she should really hope that Zhou Xiao can stay and work on the space station…”

“That’s not poaching people from under this train conductor.” Pam finally understood. There was nothing wrong with what March 7 said. This was poaching people.

Don’t worry, even though stationmaster Esda invites you, Zhou Xiao may not agree. Let’s go back to the train and wait for Jizi and Zhou Xiao…”

At Walter’s suggestion, Dan Heng and Little Pam returned to the train, while March 7th looked at the train, then at the platform, and then decided to stand on the platform and wait for Zhou Xiao.

“You guys should go back and rest first. We are very energetic. Let’s sit here and wait for them.”

March Qi showed a very energetic look and waved her hands towards Dan Heng and others, and then waited on the chairs on the side of the platform.

how to say?

Although Walter and Dan Heng both said that Zhou Xiao would not stay on the space station, she still wanted to sit here and wait for Zhou Xiao.

Deep in her heart, the moment she heard Stationmaster Esta invited Zhou Xiao, she began to think about what if Zhou Xiao really chose to stay on the space station?

Even though it wasn’t a choice that had much to do with her… it was something she would think about.

Why do I care a little about Zhou Xiao’s choice?

From what perspective?

While waiting, March 7 couldn’t help asking herself this question.

A partner?

March 7 felt that if Dan Heng got off the bus one day, she would also be sad, but not so strongly. After all, Dan Heng rarely talked and his personality did not suit her.

And Zhou Xiao…

We bicker and complain every day, and occasionally give Zhou Xiao a hand…

Zhou Xiao’s mouth is a bit venomous, but…she seems to be somewhat used to Zhou Xiao being able to respond to her “nonsense” on the train.


How strange.

March 7, what are you doing…

March Qi patted her cheeks with both hands, trying to wake herself up. She shook her head to divert her attention.

It was a good thing that it didn’t shift. Once it shifted, she noticed a shallow cut mark on the platform in the distance.

This cut mark… was not left when Zhou Xiao killed the Doomsday Beast, because it was too “shallow”. The power that could cut off the Doomsday Beast’s body would never leave such a shallow mark.

It’s what’s left by that invisible wind wall…

March Qi’s mind recalled the memory just now, and that location seemed to be the area where she was almost sprayed by the Doomsday Beast’s “atomic breath”.

Although Zhou Xiao is unreliable most of the time, at critical moments… Zhou Xiao can still be “handsome”.

Now he is so handsome that he looks like the “Xinba” of March 7th.

The slowly stretched out left hand really touched March Qi at a certain moment.


Just that moment.

Later, Zhou Xiao’s left hand gradually opened, completely destroying her other thoughts.

“Little March…”

There was a calling sound from the passage to the platform in the distance, which made March Qi wake up from his random thoughts, and stood up with a “whoosh”.

However…she didn’t see Zhou Xiao’s figure. What came over was a beautiful “landscape”.

The long legs are very dazzling.

It’s Jizi.

“Ji Zi, you’re back.” March 7 quickly adjusted his emotions and said with a smile.

“Um…are you waiting for me?”

Jizi is a smart person, and she knows very well that she is not the only one in March 7th, but she just asked.

“Of course.” March 7 nodded. She was also waiting for Ji Zi.

“Oh~ The person you are waiting for will be waiting for you. Get in the car and we are ready to go.” Ji Zi decided to tease March 7 and said this deliberately.

“Eh?” March 7 was obviously stunned for a moment, and then looked at Ji Zi:

“What about… Zhou Xiao? Is he really staying on the space station?”

Faced with March 7th’s question, Ji Zi did not answer directly and asked instead:

“What? Don’t you like Zhou Xiao always talking about you the most?”

“Having said that…but we still…” March 7th suddenly felt a little depressed.

Seeing March 7’s disappointed look, Ji Zi touched her head:

“Okay, Xiao Sanyue, Zhou Xiao is not staying at the space station. I just saw him, don’t worry.”

“Ah… Then you.” March 7 saw Ji Zi’s gradual smile and knew that she had been deceived by Ji Zi.

“Jiko, bad!”

March 7 never expected that Ji Zi would tease her like Zhou Xiao did.

“I didn’t expect, Xiao Sanyue, that you care so much about Zhou Xiao.”

Ji Zi was a little surprised by the word “bad” on March 7th.

“No way, it’s too late for us to hate him… Oh, I won’t tell you anymore.”

The little face on March 7 gradually became “red and warm” and I couldn’t explain it, so I chose to turn back to the train and go straight to my room.

There are melons…

This is definitely interesting.

Looking at March 7th’s figure hurriedly escaping onto the train, Jizi touched her chin with her left hand, a very intriguing expression on her face.

Chapter 12 Night encounter in the kitchen!

It is human nature to eat melons.

Himeko is no exception.

“Thank you, Alan. Even though you are injured, you will arrange for someone to help carry supplies to the train.”

After a while, Zhou Xiao came to the platform under the leadership of Alan.

Behind them, some of Alan’s men drove transport vehicles similar to forklifts to deliver the materials needed for the train to the train.

“It’s okay, this is all the arrangement of the young lady.” Alan said very calmly.

It was indeed a pity not to be able to win over Zhou Xiao as a defense consultant, but the policy of having a good relationship with Zhou Xiao and Train was definitely the right one.

“Then… thank Station Master Esta for me.”

Zhou Xiao honestly didn’t expect Stationmaster Esta to be so generous and directly exempt the train from purchasing materials at the space station this time.

Sure enough, the rich woman is the yyds.

“You’re welcome. The Star Dome Train and the space station are both one family. We will come to the space station often in the future.”

“no problem…”

As Alan watched, Xiao Xiao returned to the train next week.

In the sightseeing carriage, Ji Zi was sitting on the sofa quietly sipping the fragrant coffee in her cup. When she saw him walking in, she looked over with her beautiful eyes.

“came back?”

“Back, Sister Jizi.” Zhou Xiao glanced at the sightseeing car. In addition to Jizi, there were Walter and little Pam.

“Zhou Xiaopa, you are finally back. I thought you were really poached.” Little Pam walked over staggeringly, showing her reluctance to leave Zhou Xiao.

“how can that be possible.”

Zhou Xiao took the opportunity to rub Little Pam’s furry little head a few times. This rude action immediately made Little Pam step back. Seeing him straightening the conductor’s hat, pretending to be very serious, he cleared up. Clear your throat:

“Ahem, since you’re not leaving, you have to abide by the rules on the train. You’re not allowed to touch the conductor’s head.”

“Okay, got it, Conductor Pam.”

Zhou Xiao chatted with Ji Zi and Walter for a while. After learning that everyone had had dinner and praised his honey carrot fried meat, he also returned to his room.

From what he could see, his room on the train looked very plain. There were many dumbbells and other equipment placed in the corner on one side, and several weapons were hung on the wall on the opposite side of the corner.

The house seems chaotic, but it gives a visual effect of order within chaos.

Zhou Xiao didn’t rest directly when he returned to the room. According to the daily plan he set every day, he first wrote a diary and recorded what happened today.

【Not a serious diary of a serious person】

This is the name of the diary.

He had the habit of keeping a diary in his previous life, so he would naturally record some after traveling through time. After recording a few hundred words, he put the diary in the drawer under the table.

As for whether the diary would be discovered and peeked at, he didn’t care too much. After all, after his parents peeked at his diary when he was a child, he would never write down his inner thoughts in the diary again.

Who writes what’s on his mind in a diary?

Is it true that what is written is what is in the heart?

Zhou Xiao said that his diary contained content that he could accept for others to see.

[You have completed the habit of keeping a diary today and gained three self-discipline points]

Hearing the system’s reminder sound, Zhou Xiao stretched and looked at the time. It was almost time to go to bed, so he went to wash up and get ready for bed.

As soon as he came out of the room, he heard something in the train kitchen. The sound was not loud, but because his room was very close to the train kitchen, he still caught it.

“very hungry…”

“If I had known better, I wouldn’t have been so harsh.”

“They really didn’t leave any food for us…”

“Shaking out of breath.”

In the train kitchen, a pink-haired figure was tiptoeing around in the kitchen looking for food. When she found that it was all raw materials and semi-finished products, she sighed silently and lamented that life is not easy.


With the sound of the train kitchen door being pushed open, March 7 instantly squatted down, hiding in the gap under the kitchen counter, holding her breath nervously.

This is like being a thief…

March 7 said it was definitely not her intention, it was mainly because it was too embarrassing…

While waiting for Zhou Xiao, Ji Zi teased her, which made her a little embarrassed. After returning to the train, she went straight back to her room and was embarrassed to come out. When Ji Zi and the others were eating, she knocked on the door and called her, and she also Did not go…

I wasn’t really hungry at first, but…at this time, I was hungry.

I swear… I won’t be harsh next time. March 7 was about to cry, but deep down in her heart she could only hope that the person who opened the train kitchen door would leave quickly.

Zhou Xiao opened the train kitchen door and turned on the kitchen light. The kitchen suddenly became much brighter.

The moment she saw the lights turn on, March 7’s little beating heart suddenly hung in her throat.


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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