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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 80

In his mind, he recalled the exhilarating feeling of killing in the fantasy world in the morning… This may be the best way to deal with the lonely night.

The blade silently looked at the stairs leading to the head. In the darkness, his eyes were a little bright.

He went up the stairs. He paused in front of Zhou Xiao and Yin Lang’s room, sniffed the air carefully, and finally locked onto the first room.

Everyone has more or less smells on their bodies, and Zhou Xiao’s smell was more obvious in the first room.

He thought about the slap he received in the morning, and then chose a peaceful way to knock on Zhou Xiao’s door.

In the room at this time, Zhou Xiao, who had just fallen asleep, was woken up by the knock on the door, which made him a little angry at being woken up.

Opening the door, I saw Blade appearing in the doorway.

“What?” Zhou Xiao asked.

“Come again…” Blade said.


Zhou Xiao was startled at first, as if he didn’t realize the meaning of Ren’s words. Then he thought of something and his expression changed a little.

“Why don’t you go to bed in the middle of the night to do this? Didn’t you just finish it in the morning?”

“Come again.”

Just these two words, “Ren”, are like a “little daughter-in-law” who is dissatisfied with her desires. If Zhou Xiao doesn’t give him a break, he will have to keep pestering Zhou Xiao.

“Go crazy…”

When Zhou Xiao saw Ren’s insistence, a wisp of scarlet fire appeared out of thin air in his right hand and threw it at Ren’s body. Then he closed the door mercilessly and returned to bed to sleep.

He had no reason to refuse Blade’s request…

After all…power banks really smell good.

The blade was immersed in the illusion this night. It was equivalent to hanging up and practicing for a night. He could gain more power, so why not do it?

The door is closed.

Blade watched as the scarlet fire on his body grew bigger and bigger. In this dark environment, he gradually became a source of radiant light…


Blade even has some expectations…

His consciousness gradually sank, and he once again appeared in the fantasy of lust. Facing these faceless women, he treated each of them as that person… venting all his pain…

A new massacre began…and energy gradually appeared on his body, and more and more energy floated towards Zhou Xiao inside the house…

Early the next day.

Yinlang woke up when she heard the sound of the alarm clock on her mobile phone. After being stunned for more than ten seconds, she changed her clothes, opened the door and walked out. She was startled before she even left the room.

The blade covered in scarlet fire that he could see in his field of vision seemed to have been sucked by a fairy, and his face was dull and dull as if he had received too many rewards. There were even some dents on his face…

Silver Wolf raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Last night… what happened? Why did this happen again?

ps: I beg for everything, I beg for everything, the cute new author is online.

Chapter 114: In this house, late risers don’t get breakfast! (First update)

After looking at the monitoring equipment, Silver Wolf silently touched his chin and looked at the blade that was still burning on the side.

Is co-authoring this initiative?



Silver Wolf ignored the blade and went downstairs to wash up.

Downstairs, Zhou Xiao was making breakfast, so he wasn’t too surprised to see her come down.

There was breakfast for three people on the rough wooden table…

After Zhou Xiao finished cooking, he started eating without waiting, while Yin Lang also sat on the chair and showed off after washing up. The two had no dialogue, but they had a complete tacit understanding.

“Kafka…” Zhou Xiao wanted to say something, but before he could finish his sentence, Silver Wolf interrupted him predictably: “Don’t worry about her, I’ll just eat her share…”

Little Silver Wolf…the main thing is not to suffer.

Yesterday Kafka ate two lunches in a row…she will do the same this morning…

As for questions like whether Kafka would be angry, Silver Wolf could only say that people who get up late in this house don’t get breakfast!

Maybe… maybe no lunch.

This is all the experience and exploration of Silver Wolf’s blood and tears…

Seeing Silver Wolf unceremoniously eating Kafka’s portion of breakfast, Zhou Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly and had to say with emotion that this was really a “deep sisterly love”.

After dinner, Silver Wolf washed the dishes as usual, and at this moment Kafka slowly got up and walked out of the room on the first floor.

Kafka rubbed his sleepy eyes, scratched his messy hair, smelled a hint of fragrance wafting from the musty air, smiled, and looked at Zhou Xiao: “Good morning, Xiao.”

“Have you all had breakfast?”

“Yeah.” Zhou Xiao nodded.

“Then… Ah Xiao naturally kept my breakfast…” Kafka went to the kitchen and took a look, but she didn’t see her portion after looking for a long time.

“Stop looking for it.” Silver Wolf, who was washing dishes at the side, said in a very calm tone.

“No more… in this house… there is no breakfast for those who get up late.”


Kafka frowned slightly when he heard this, and then looked at Zhou Xiao: “A Xiao…are you serious?”

“How did you know I would get up late…”


In order to prevent Yin Lang from throwing the pot on him, Zhou Xiao slowly said: “Been eaten by Yin Lang.”


Two servings per person!

Kafka reacted immediately after hearing Zhou Xiao’s words.

She just said…

How could Zhou Xiao not leave it for her… After all, this was her first night to get up late.

“Little Silver Wolf…you are a bad learner!”

“It’s okay.” Yin Lang finished washing the dishes and wiped his hands without much emotion.

“Then what should I do?” Kafka looked at Zhou Xiao with a slightly aggrieved look.

“Ah Xiao…”

“Don’t think about it, it’s impossible for him to make you a new one…just stay hungry.” Silver Wolf made a stab at this time, which undoubtedly made Kafka very angry.

“Little Silver Wolf… stop, I won’t be here for a few days, and you won’t even wear a pair of pants with me!” Kafka said and wanted to get intimate with Silver Wolf.

But Silver Wolf dodged very quickly…

After some fun, Kafka noticed that there seemed to be someone missing from the chair where Blade was sitting last night…

“Where’s the blade?” she asked.


“Upstairs?” Kafka raised his eyebrows when he heard Silver Wolf’s answer.

Are you taking a rest upstairs?

There are only two rooms upstairs…who can he sleep with?

Ah Xiao?

Kafka looked at Zhou Xiao while thinking about it.

Do not know why…

She vaguely felt that the blade seemed a little dangerous.

So she hurried upstairs to check…

as expected.

The way Ren looked like he was “rewarded” at the moment made her instantly confused.


She wanted to imitate Zhou Xiao and force the blade to shut down, but she was afraid that her body would be contaminated by the scarlet fire of the blade. The two of them stood together, so she could only go downstairs to find Zhou Xiao again.

“Save the child quickly. What did you do wrong? I apologize to you.” Kafka took Zhou Xiao’s hand with a sincere expression.

“He asked for it himself…”

Zhou Xiao said very calmly.

The energy provided by the night blade this time was quite considerable… which made him a little surprised when he got up in the morning.

Of course.

He had seen Blade transform into “Bonus Brother”.

But he didn’t take action.

After all…this is Blade’s own choice.

“Did you ask for it?” After hearing Zhou Xiao’s answer, Kafka looked a little complicated.

This blade…does it have such great physiological needs?

“We can’t go on like this…”


At Kafka’s request, Zhou Xiao went upstairs and gave the blade a “big fight”. The blade made five more circles and a half in the air and finally fell to the ground. The scarlet fire on his body gradually faded away. Some dissipate.

“It’s done…” Zhou Xiao, the God of War, shook his right hand and looked at Xiang Ren with a trace of regret in his eyes.

This power bank… It would be great if I could be trapped in an illusion forever…

Silver Wolf on the side looked at Blade and then at Zhou Xiao.

She always felt that Zhou Xiao would destroy the blade sooner or later…

This big pussy fight followed another big pussy fight…it seemed like the fans were getting more and more energetic.

After rescuing Blade, Kafka, Silver Wolf and others began to pack their things and prepare to leave when Blade woke up. Blade didn’t let everyone wait for too long, and he woke up not long after.

But this time I woke up, the feeling of exhaustion was stronger than the last time I woke up…

The legs were a little weak and trembling, the sharp eyes were a little blurry, and the two slight coughs gave people the feeling that they might cough to death at any time.

“Can he complete the next mission like this?” Silver Wolf expressed deep doubts.

“Of course… no problem.” The blade said that he recovered quickly. After the release last night, he had achieved the achievement of “killing 100 million people”. The absolute release made him terrifyingly calm now.

“Aren… you have to control yourself.” Kafka pursed her lips and patted the blade on the shoulder to dissuade her. Although she couldn’t stop the blade from being… released in the illusion, she couldn’t release it like this.

Xiao Jin Yiqing.

Big advances hurt your health.

Qianjin will be wiped out…

Although Blade’s wish is to die, now is not the time for Blade to die…

When Zhou Xiao heard Kafka’s dissuasion, he also deeply agreed.


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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