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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 82

Seeing Kafka’s image appearing on the Star Train, everyone’s faces showed varying degrees of shock.

“Well…” Kafka held up an umbrella and swaggered in front of the train crew members: “It’s good, everyone is here…”

“You bad woman! Return Zhou Xiao to us quickly!”

Before Kafka could say anything more, March Qi, who reacted, rushed towards Kafka with his weapon in hand.

But it is a pity that the Kafka in front of him is just a holographic projection. March 7 passed directly through the projection and did not cause any real harm to Kafka.

“Zhou Xiao?” Hearing March 7 calling Zhou Xiao’s name, Kafka smiled slightly and his lazy voice continued:

“Don’t worry, A Xiao is doing very well in our Star Core Hunters, very good…”

“He is happy now…”

“You fart!” March 7 couldn’t hear Kafka calling Zhou Xiao Axiao so intimately.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk…” Kafka glanced at March 7, who was about to break through the defense, and then walked over: “Little girl, are you in a hurry?”

“How is Ah Xiao’s life on the Star Dome Train? Let me think about it…a logistician, right?”

“He works hard every day on the Star Dome Train doing trivial things. For that little salary, hey, you should pay him a salary, right?”

Kafka paused for a moment and then said: “You are simply wasting his pursuit of life… Come to our star core hunters, we can give him greater freedom and better conditions to realize his pursuit. everything of…”

“Isn’t this happier than being on the Star Train? Little girl.”

“You…you are wanted criminals!” March 7 pointed at Kafka and called: “It is with you that Zhou Xiao will be led astray!”

“Bringing him evil?” Kafka heard the sound and sneered: “It is better to lead evil than to abandon him. Everyone on the Star Train just left A Xiao alone on Yaliluo 6 to face the Lord of Annihilation… “

“It’s really chilling… No wonder Ah Xiao chose to follow us so willingly…”

Leave behind…

Kafka’s words directly reduced March Qi’s momentum by half. She was in a coma at the time and was indeed unable to accompany Zhou Xiao…

“March, don’t listen to her…”

Jizi didn’t want to explain anything, and she didn’t need to explain anything to the star core hunter in front of her. Jizi looked at Kafka calmly and said:

“You showed up so struttingly on the Star Dome Train, are you really not afraid that we will arrest you and take you back to the company to collect the reward? Do you know how much reward you have in the company? That is an astronomical bounty, regardless of life or death…”

“I don’t really care.” Kafka shrugged. “It’s more of praise than notoriety. The bigger the number, the greater the praise. As for you guys who want to catch me… you might as well give it a try…”

“So… the Black Tower has also praised you highly. A madman who claims to be able to see destiny leads a group of lifeless madmen to chase the most dangerous things in the universe…”

Ji Zi’s tone was a little unkind:

“It’s really a wrong path for Zhou Xiao to choose to follow you star core hunters…”

“Wrong path…”

Kafka pinched her waist when she heard the sound: “Not necessarily, as for chasing the most dangerous thing in the universe… In this regard, you Star Train and I are the same kind of people, aren’t you?”

Chapter 117 Ji Zi: Ask me for help, why don’t you even say “you”! (Second update)

The two royal sisters, Himeko and Kafka, are like needles against each other at this moment, neither one is convinced by the other… There is a faint smell of gunpowder in their words.

As for the source of the smell of gunpowder, it is obvious that apart from his own different stance, it is Zhou Xiao.

“So…you came to our star train…just to provoke?” Jizi asked.

“Provocation?” Kafka shook his head: “Sorry, I don’t have that much time. I came to the Star Train to invite you…”

“Please change your destination…”

“Who do you think you are! If we are asked to change our destination, do we have to change it?!” March 7th said that she must refuse, but Kafka ignored her as a little girl.

“Everyone…have you ever heard of Louvre?” Kafka asked everyone while walking in the sightseeing carriage of the Star Dome Train.

When he heard the word “Luofu”, the expression on Dan Heng’s face changed slightly.

“I’ve heard of it…” Walter pushed up his glasses and continued: “One of the six giant ships of the Immortal Boat Alliance, the Immortal Boat Luofu…”

“Yes…yes.” Kafka nodded:

“Seventy-two system hours ago, a star core exploded on Luofu. It was an unreasonable disaster, right?”

“Star Core Hunter…what exactly do you want to say?” Walter frowned slightly.

“Well… it’s very simple to say. This star core has nothing to do with us, but Xianzhou Luofu has pinned the blame on us star core hunters. Such a big black pot is placed on our heads… This It’s an unreasonable disaster.”

Kafka sighed and waved his left hand slightly, and another male holographic projection appeared on the left. As the projection appeared, the expression on Dan Heng’s face became even more strange.

“Now… my companion Blade was taken away by the Cloud Cavalry Army. I want to bring him back to resolve this star core crisis and clear away our suspicions.”

“What does this have to do with us?” March 7 heard the sound and pinched her waist: “Whether you star core hunters are dead or alive, your reputation has nothing to do with our star train!”

“Tsk, this little girl has a very venomous mouth.”

Kafka glanced at March 7th: “Don’t forget, Axiao is also among our star core hunters now.”

“Is Zhou Xiao in… Luofu?” When Kafka said this on March 7, his face changed slightly.

If Zhou Xiao is really in Luofu…then it is necessary to go to Luofu.

“You may not believe it even if I say it.” Kafka said a trick:

“In short, if you just sit back and watch, it won’t have much impact. You can pass through the fairy boat through several jumps, but if time passes, the star core of the fairy boat will completely explode and pollute the star track… Then you will Still needs cleaning.”

“Xianzhou is such a big organization! Can’t it solve a star core?” March 7 expressed disbelief.

“I can tell you clearly what will happen in the future… If you had not gone to Luofu, the pollution from the star core would have spread to the entire Fairy Boat, and at least half of the residents of the spaceship would have died…”

Listening to what Kafka said, March 7 immediately reacted: “Hey! You are kidnapping us morally, right?”

“Moral kidnapping? It’s a magical metaphor. The brave and fearless pioneers, the unknown guests who are doing good by nature, will you just sit back and watch?”

Kafka pinched her waist and looked at everyone present. It must be said that her calm expression, coupled with her lazy tone, gave people a very arrogant feeling, which made everyone feel very unhappy.

“You star core hunters asked our train for help… didn’t you even say a word about you? There was a burst of cynicism and provocation. Is this your attitude towards asking for help?”

Himeko asked rhetorically.

Jizi’s words made Kafka raise his eyebrows slightly: “Want to hear it? Oh, think about it.”

Naturally, Kafka did not obey Himeko’s wishes and lowered her head. She still continued to speak in the same manner:

“I might as well tell you that Zhou Xiao is also on the Luofu Immortal Boat now… These are the coordinates. The decision is up to you…”

As she spoke, she disappeared from the star train. As her holographic projection gradually disappeared, different expressions appeared on everyone’s faces.

After a moment.

The train crew discussed the unexpected situation.

“If Zhou Xiao is really in Luofu… I personally think we should go to Luofu…” Everyone was sitting on the sofa in the sightseeing carriage. Ji Zi was the first to break the silence and speak.

“No matter what… we have already abandoned Zhou Xiao once. Zhou Xiao followed the star core hunters and gradually went down the wrong path. As a friend and colleague, I think we should get our logistics personnel back… Avoid making the same mistake over and over again.”

“I agree, I agree.” Little Pam agreed deeply. He missed Zhou Xiao very much. Now that he knew Zhou Xiao’s whereabouts, he was naturally a little happy.

As for the planned next stop… you might as well make plans after going to Luofu.

“I also agree…” Seeing Ji Zi say this, March 7th also expressed his attitude.

From the perspective of the train, no matter what other star core hunters are like, Zhou Xiao…is something that their star train cannot just sit idly by.

After all… Zhou Xiao paid too much for the train.

From a personal emotional point of view, she didn’t want Zhou Xiao to follow Kafka, a bad woman!

“I agree…Although the Star Core Hunters put out a lot of smoke bombs, there is a reason why we have to go to the Fairy Boat Luofu.” Walter said this.

Not to mention the star girl on the side.

“Go to Luofu! Save the master!”

“In other words, we still have to go to Luofu with the mentality of solving the star core, mutual benefit and mutual assistance, and implement the pioneering path of exploration, understanding, establishment, and connection.” Walter corrected Xingmei’s statement.

“Sorry, sorry, I want to save the master so much.” After hearing Walter’s words, Xingmei suddenly felt that her consciousness was low.

Ji Zi keenly noticed something was wrong on the complicated expression of Dan Heng, so she asked: “Dan Heng, what do you think?”

“I…” Dan Heng, who was named by Ji Zi, was startled at first, and then hesitated a little.

“Of course I want to rescue Zhou Xiao, but I don’t really want to go to Luofu…”

Luofu, as well as the blade in the holographic projection just now, these people or factors are triggering the gears of his memory and affecting his inner peace.

“Dan Heng…”

Seeing this, March 7 and Xingmei couldn’t help but worry about Dan Heng’s condition.

“It’s okay, Dan Heng. Trains have always been the destination for democratic voting.” Ji Zi comforted Dan Heng and then said: “Five votes to one, well, let’s go to Luofu.”


Democratic indeed.

One vote cannot change the outcome at all.

Dan Heng was not too surprised when he heard this result. He just felt confused. He looked at March 7 and asked:

“In March, is that copy of “Are You Really Smart” still there? I want to take a look.”

ps: I want everything, I want everything, the sexy author wants everything online~

Chapter 118 Zhou Xiao: She’s such a weirdo! (First update!)

Dan Heng needs that book to make himself quiet.

When March 7th heard this, she was slightly startled, her brain spinning rapidly. She remembered that book… that book…

“I’m sorry, Dan Heng, it seems that the book was destroyed in the battle… We only saw half of the remaining book…”


Upon hearing the unfortunate news, Dan Heng touched his chest.


It hurts so much.

Sorry to lose my book!


Dan Heng walked toward the room in despair.

Everyone watched him leave. Ji Zi asked March Qi with a little worry: “Yuyue Qi, is that book… very important to Dan Heng?”

“Hmm…” March 7 was silent for two seconds: “Maybe…should?”

“I know, I know!” At this time, Xingmei, who was an insider, stood up and said: “That book was bought at the bookstall in Yaliluo No. 6… It was recommended to Dan Heng by my master at the time. “


Everyone was speechless after hearing Xing Mei’s words.

Did Zhou Xiao recommend it to Dan Heng?

There must be deep emotions involved…

Dan Heng’s unspoken and secret worry… what kind of tangle is it in his heart?

After thinking about it for a while, Ji Zi said to Walter and others: “Then Dan Heng will not be allowed to go on this pioneering journey…”

“I’ll lead the team.” Walter pushed up his glasses. He had been waiting for a long time.

“Well…” Jizi nodded, then looked at the platform of the Black Tower Space Station outside the train and sighed:

“I don’t know when Zhou Xiao went to Luofu…if he was implicated by the star core hunters…”

She was worried about Zhou Xiao.

In fact.

Although she pretended to be calm on the surface, in fact, from the moment Zhou Xiao got off the bus to delay time with the Lord of Extinction, she was always worried about this “little brother” who was brought onto the star train by her…


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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