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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 83

System time, eighty hours ago.

Zhou Xiao came to Luofu.

Since they were unscrupulous star core hunters and had no formal procedures, they were able to enter the Luofu Immortal Boat only by relying on the Silver Wolf to hack their way in.

At a port in the Xingcha Sea, Zhou Xiao and his group got off the spaceship.

“Well, it is estimated that this spaceship will be targeted by the people of Xianzhou soon. We have to hurry up…” Kafka stretched, and her proud breasts were slightly deformed due to her movements.

While she was stretching, “Brother Reward” came down from the spaceship tremblingly. He was squeezed all the way again, and now his calves are a little weak.


So cool.

Feeling a little numb with pleasure.

“Aren…are you okay?” Kafka asked concerned.

“The binding marks on my body are…” Blade looked at the binding marks on his wrists and a low voice sounded slowly.

“Aren’t we afraid that you would move around…” Zhou Xiao said casually after getting off the boat.

“Hmph.” Blade snorted slightly to express his dissatisfaction.

“Okay… the tasks have been sent to our respective mobile phones. When we enter the realm of Xianzhou, we have to separate… After all, the target is too big when we gather together, and those guys from the Yunqi Army can find them if they are looking for something. ..” Kafka said slowly.

It seems that everyone’s tasks are different, and they don’t seem to know what their respective tasks are.

Zhou Xiao was confused when he heard this.

“I don’t have a mobile phone?!”

“You didn’t get one… on the black market?” Kafka asked.


“Here… I’ll give it to you for now.” At the critical moment, Yin Lang was still reliable and handed her spare phone to Zhou Xiao.

“Is this… for me to use?” Zhou Xiao really didn’t expect Silver Wolf to be so reliable.

“For the time being…” Silver Wolf chewed bubble gum and then said:

“You do daily tasks for me every day, sign in, and play a game every day… Stay active and don’t be too good at it. If I’m reported and banned, I won’t be able to spare you…”


I knew it…

After listening to Yin Lang’s words, Zhou Xiao’s expression gradually became speechless.

There is no such thing as a free lunch…

“I have locked some permissions on the phone, so you can’t open it…” Silver Wolf obviously did a lot of tricks to be able to hand over the phone to Zhou Xiao for temporary use so freely.

“You need…a mission phone.” Zhou Xiao nodded to show that he understood.

Kafka then used an empty account to send the contents of his mission to his mobile phone.

Zhou Xiao took a closer look and saw that there were only a few large characters.

Lurking on Luofu, inquiring about any information, waiting for SMS notification of specific tasks…

“???” After reading this, Zhou Xiao raised his eyebrows, then looked at Kafka and asked, “What does this mean?”

“What do you mean? Of course it means information.”

Kafka replied with a shrug.

“you do not trust me?”

Listening to Zhou Xiao’s words, Kafka shook his head again: “A Xiao, you are overthinking it. You have been joining the Star Core Hunters for the shortest time and have the cleanest foundation. Only you can accomplish this task…”

“Tsk…what kind of mission is this?” Zhou Xiao touched his chin.

“No, no, no…compared to our mission, you are the most important…You are a special force, no one can guess who you are…No one can see your fate… As far as the future is concerned, you are both the only one and the variable.” Kafka reassured Zhou Xiao and then said:

“Okay… Ah Xiao, do you have enough money? If you want to eat something, just eat whatever you want. If you want to play something, just play whatever you want…”

“Do you think I have enough money?” Zhou Xiao held a pile of Kunzi No. 3 currency. For him, this black market currency is not officially recognized. In Xianzhou Luofu, it is just a pile of waste paper…

“I’ll give you some alliance credits…just treat it as a mission fund. It’s almost time. The signal shielding is about to disappear. It’s time for us to disperse…Axiao, keep in touch.”

The rich woman Kafka silently gave Zhou Xiao another mission fund, and then spoke softly to Zhou Xiao with a smile.

As soon as he finished speaking, “Reward Brother” Blade and “Video Game Girl” Silver Wolf disappeared from sight at extremely fast speeds. Kafka also waved to Zhou Xiao, then jumped and disappeared into the port.

“This is really…” Zhou Xiao looked at a handful of alliance credits in his hand, then looked at the direction Kafka and others were leaving, and then sighed:

“Paid travel…it’s quite a lot of money.”

“She’s quite nice.”

This handful of alliance credits is his salary for three to five months at Star Dome Train…

Zhou Xiao also knew that it was not advisable to stay here for a long time, so he quickly disappeared into the port. Not long after he left, a group of cloud cavalry troops arrived here according to the instructions.

“An illegal starship was discovered!”

Before they finished reporting, they heard the spacecraft explode with a “boom” sound, erasing all traces of the Star Core Hunter’s ride…

Chapter 119: Suspected to be happy? (Second update)


Silver Wolf: Kafka, can he do it alone?

Kafka: Doubt jpg.

Kafka: You’ve just been away for a while and you’re already worried? Little Silver Wolf, I’m so sad. You’ve never worried about me before…crying jpg.

Silver Wolf: Shit, I’m worried that his identity will be exposed…

Kafka: Oh, you are actually worried about someone who can tear the Lord of Annihilation apart with his own hands… What will happen even if his true identity is exposed? No one can say that Luofu Xianzhou is not enough for him… Instead of worrying about her, you might as well worry more about Ah Ren…

Silver Wolf: Thoughts jpg.

Silver Wolf: That’s true.

Silver Wolf: Has Elio figured out his future?

Kafka: Elio can only see that he can affect the ending…but he can’t know exactly how it affects…Variables are full of uncertainty, which is why Elio asked me to play in this game. The reason why he is marginalized in the script is that it is difficult to guarantee that his appearance will not affect the next script… Just like the last time he was in the Black Tower Space Station…

Silver Wolf: Tsk, since he will have an impact, why not put him elsewhere to complete the KPI?

Kafka: Are you willing?

Silver Wolf: Hit you jpg.

Kafka: Sometimes… in the worst case, the emergence of variables can change the situation… He comes as an insurance…

Silver Wolf: Insurance… By the way, the last time the Lord of Extinction went straight to Yaliluo No. 6, it was not in the script, right? Is this a variable that changes the situation?

Kafka: Are you speechless?

Silver Wolf: Let’s just discuss the matter… But having said that, he can kill an extermination king so easily… Don’t you doubt where his strength comes from?

Kafka: That’s Elio’s business… Little Silver Wolf, what do you want to say?

Silver Wolf: I was wondering… could he be the incarnation of a star god or something…


Kafka: Do you think Star God is too idle? Disguise yourself as a Star Dome Train logistician…and then follow the Star Dome Train around…

While Kafka was reading the news, his mind suddenly thought of the rumored deeds of a certain star god.

Don’t say…

There really is such a free star god…

Silver Wolf: [Happiness] Aren’t the Star Gods quite free?

When she saw the news about Silver Wolf, Kafka knew that Silver Wolf wanted to get together with her.

[Happiness] Star God——Aha.

This star god is a real fun-loving person…

According to some rumors, the Happy Star God once turned into a mortal in order to play a trick on the pioneering star god Akivili and other followers of the Nameless Guest. He lurked in the Star Dome Train for more than a year and took the opportunity to destroy half of the train. The star train and a planet were blown into powder…

There are also some rumors that in order to tease the wisdom star god Bo Shizun, He once turned an insect into His messenger and gave it extremely powerful intelligence. The purpose of all He did was to make it possible Send a worm to the Genius Club…

What’s even crazier is that He gave all the power in his life to this insect! Later, when he found out that he failed to get recognition, he just let go and left, and the insect lost its life in an instant…

Suspected of joy…?

Kafka thought about it carefully and realized that the Happy Star God lurking in the Star Train had a criminal record!

Giving all the power of fate to a mortal… This would really give Zhou Xiao the power to kill an extermination king instantly… But if this is really the case, what is the purpose of the Star God?


Oh yes.

That star god simply cannot think about his behavior with normal thinking…

After thinking about it, Kafka still felt that it was impossible. Her two slender jade hands struck the screen.

Kafka: Ah Xiao is still Ah Xiao… If you think about it carefully, how can Ah Xiao have any characteristics of a happy person…

Silver Wolf: Yes…

Kafka: Stop thinking too much and do your job…

Silver Wolf: Oh…

Turning off the chat interface, Yin Lang silently looked at the map location of her backup phone in the phone’s positioning. Zhou Xiao’s every move could be reflected back to her phone through that backup phone.

“Hiss…how can I doubt him? How weird.”

Silver Wolf scratched his head, that was what he was thinking at that moment.

Judging from Ren’s lustful expression and his physical condition that looked like he had been rewarded afterwards…

This kind of exhilarating torture is really like the gameplay of the happy school…

It was a bit of fun…but not nearly enough, it seemed.

At this moment, Zhou Xiao, who was suspected by Yin Lang to be a suspected believer of joy, entered the center of Xingcha Sea. Looking at the houses and bridges with Chinese architectural style, and seeing the Xingcha flying in the air, he felt a little emotional.

so big.

So fast.

So spectacular.

I’m crazy.

But I am uneducated, so I can run away from the world.

He saw a starship passing in front of him at an extremely fast speed. The speed was in sharp contrast to the other starships.

Zhou Xiao didn’t say any more sighs, and walked towards the distance again. Not far away, he saw that the Xingcha just hit the bridge. Fortunately, there were not many people on the bridge, and the bridge was nothing at all. The shoddy project did not cause too many casualties.

There are thousands of roads…safety comes first.

The boating was not in a standard way…My relatives were in tears…

Zhou Xiao shook his head.

Walking in the center of Xingchahai, even though he was wearing different clothes, there was no sense of violation. After all, this was the port platform of Luofu. Many people in the same strange clothes gathered here to hang out and trade. The Xianzhou people unified these They are called Huawaimin.

Not Aboriginal.

In addition to these people with strange clothes and different images, who at first glance look like foreigners, there are also residents of the Immortal Zhou, as well as the Mingzhi Clan, Fox Clan…


A humanoid fox with long ears and a furry tail that walks upright…

Zhou Xiao walked all the way looking for a place to stay, and finally he stopped at an inn.

【Gige Inn】

Zhou Xiao directly chose this small inn as his place to stay. Even though he asked locals along the way, they all said that the Yuchen Inn is a famous hotel in Xianzhou… But he did not choose…


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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