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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 85


“It’s still charged!”

“if not?”

“Damn it, I’m almost dead, can you just be a human being?” The girl had never seen Zhou Xiao like this.

“Then…a discount? Forty?”


family! Who knows… Today I went out and chatted a little bit, and then I met a man who cheated me of money! Real shrimp head.

Zhou Xiao happily took the money and returned to the Pigeon Inn.

Do you think he really lacks the forty?

Of course there is no shortage.

Then why do you want to collect the girl’s money? It’s purely to give her a chance to understand.

He wanted that girl to understand that most things in this world come with a price…

If you find an unfamiliar person to chat with you and gain physical and mental pleasure, you will definitely have to pay the price in money.

Similarly, if you really obtain the ability of immortality from Xianzhou, you must pay the price of possibly becoming a demon body…


This truth was realized by Zhou Xiaoming after the last time he experienced the illusion, when the nameless power surged and the power of the wind gradually weakened.

Back in the room, Zhou Xiao was just about to read an electronic book, but before he could read it, the screen was swiped by that guy from Silver Wolf.

Silver Wolf: Zhou Niuma!

Silver Wolf: Zhou Niuma, get out!

Silver Wolf: Ah ah ah, why is my account blocked? Zhou Niuma! ! !

Silver Wolf: Don’t pretend to be dead! I have your address!

Silver Wolf: You won’t reply to me, right?

Silver Wolf: Give me back my number!

Once you miss some numbers, you can never get them back.

Silver Wolf originally wanted to log in to see her results and see if Zhou Xiao had completed her daily routine, but before she could log in, she saw that the account was banned for one to seven days. She was petrified on the spot, and then immediately bombarded those who owned her game account. Zhou Xiao.

Little silver wolf…

Ridiculously funny…

Zhou Xiao looked at the message from Silver Wolf and shook his head.

If this doesn’t teach her a lesson…she really treats him like a cow.

He put his cell phone aside, then went downstairs to ask the innkeeper for a book on Xianzhou to read…

Not long after Zhou Xiao returned to the room, he saw a flash of imaginary purple light, and Silver Wolf sat down on his bed with a smooth plop.

“Zhou Niuma…I will fight with you!” Yinlang stared at Zhou Xiao and said through gritted teeth.

Zhou Xiao obviously did not expect Silver Wolf to appear in his room in this way.

A silver wolf descended from the sky? ?

“How did you come?”

“Why am I here? You didn’t reply to my message! I had no choice but to follow the network cable to find you!” Yinlang looked a little cute with an angry look. When he saw her, he stretched out his hand:

“Give me my number!”

“This is a small punishment for calling me Zhou Niuma.” Zhou Xiao replied calmly while sitting on the chair.

“Didn’t you say that yourself…what does it have to do with me.” Yin Lang said that the concept of cattle and horses was proposed by Zhou Xiao.

“Do you know…those numbers are all my flesh and blood…how much energy I put in…to ruin them all for you!”

“Just seven days, very soon.”

“Seven days…you know how I will spend the next seven days!” Silver Wolf said.

“You can live your life how you want to live… You can live your life, you can’t love it, and if you call me Zhou Niuma next time, I will report you for cheating.”

Hearing Zhou Xiao’s words, Yin Lang said righteously: “I, Yin Lang, did not cheat!”

“Oh? Are you sure?”

“Science fiction game! It’s normal for me to use some technological means!” Silver Wolf said solemnly.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk… go and file a complaint and see if the official believes your statement…”

Silver Wolf’s expression changed, his clenched fists trembled slightly, and he stared at Zhou Xiao, as if he had put down something.

“If you don’t bark, don’t bark! Stop playing with my account number! I will change the password in a moment!”

“Well, thank you.” Zhou Xiao responded calmly.

Seeing Zhou Xiao’s attitude, Silver Wolf frowned slightly: “Don’t play my games anymore! I won’t play games with you anymore!”

“All right.”

“You…!” Seeing that Zhou Xiao still looked indifferent, Yin Lang felt helpless and couldn’t help Zhou Xiao. He stepped on Zhou Xiao’s quilt and disappeared into the room.

After Yinlang left, Zhou Xiao looked at the two footprints on the bed and frowned.

She can take it out on the quilt…

The night is deep.

Zhou Xiao finished his bedtime routine and fell asleep soon after lying on the bed.

In a hidden corner of the Luofu Fairy Boat, Kafka yawned, then looked in a certain direction, and the lazy voice slowly sounded:

“Well…according to the script, it’s almost time…”


Next to her was Yin Lang who was still very angry. Seeing Yin Lang being so angry, she sighed:

“My dear friend, your account has been blocked by Axiao Wan. He looks so pitiful and crying…”

Kafka really didn’t miss every opportunity to make fun of Silver Wolf.

Silver Wolf heard the sound and responded unceremoniously: “Hello, you are fine. Your speech spirit has failed and you have been counter-controlled. You are in such a mess. You are so pitiful!”

Kafka: “…”

Is it impossible to get over this matter?

Will this become a stain on my Kafka life?

Kafka felt a little uncomfortable: “Can I not mention it?”

“Who told you to tease me…” Silver Wolf snorted coldly.

As the saying goes, one thing defeats another. Judging from the relationship between the star core hunters currently on the Luofu Immortal Boat, Zhou Xiao restrains Kafka, Silver Wolf, and Blade, Kafka restrains Blade, and Silver Wolf and Kafka And restrain each other…

ps: Ask for everything, ask for everything, Big Bird author wants everything online!

Chapter 122: There is one person, and there are seven prices, and greed is one of them! (First update!)

Zhou Xiao was dreaming again.

This time he did not dream about that fantasy, but dreamed about Xiao Hao in a very down-to-earth manner, dreamed about the lower area of ​​Yaliluo No. 6… dreamed about Fight Club, dreamed about the night when Xiao Hao was killed…

He ignored everything from the perspective of another “him”.

It was as if God had given him another chance, letting him return to this night to save Xiao Hao’s fate.

Woke up with a start, then rushed to the fight club… made a scene in the fight club, saw Xiao Hao’s body… failed to save.


He woke up, rushed to the fight club, and made a scene in the fight club… saw Xiao Hao’s body again, and the rescue failed.

Although this dream cycled again and again, he still couldn’t change Xiao Hao’s ending.

The Windbreaker, who possesses the speed of wind, is always one step too slow…

Zhou Xiao looked at his once weak self quietly, his eyes filled with calmness.

“What are you pretending to be! Don’t you feel great when you get money? Everyone has the right to criticize me, but you are not! But your hands are stained with the same dirty money as me…”

“Didn’t you stand up for that little Hao! I’ll tell you! Little Hao died in the club! You can’t escape the relationship with you who took the dirty money!”

The figure of Scott who he had killed appeared in front of Zhou Xiao, and the words that pierced his heart rang in his ears again.

Scott’s old face pointed at the Windbreaker on the ground who was always a step late.

He laughed, as if he was laughing at the man in front of him who thought he was noble, but was touching the dirty money just like him, Scott.

And the windbreaker in the dream was angry. The fierce wind was like the most ruthless and sharp blade in the world. Thousands of blades instantly cut Scott’s body, turning it into countless flesh and blood tissues and piled up into a mass like “Oli.” The thing “given” was squirming on the ground.

Even though it looked like this, this thing still didn’t stop mocking Zhou Xiao…

What good could this do?

Zhou Xiao looked at his anger from a third perspective and shook his head.

“Brother Zhou Xiao…”

“Brother Zhou Xiao, it hurts so much…”

“Brother Zhou Xiao…can you save me…”

The dead Xiao Hao seemed to be alive, dragging his bloody body towards the Windrusher in the dream… These scenes all reminded “him” of the chain of greed created by him. reaction.

Self-denial and discipline.

This is the meaning of self-discipline that Zhou Xiaoming realized at the beginning.

And now he has a new understanding of the meaning of self-discipline that he once clearly understood.

Greed, or greed for everything in the world…isn’t this part of human nature?

To restrain oneself…is undoubtedly to strip away one’s natural desires.

But can that desire really be easily stripped away?

Just like this greedy desire.

The more you force yourself and restrain yourself, the more likely you are to fall into misunderstandings and breed inner demons. Hidden under the appearance of integrity will be greater desires…

This desire may not only be material, but also spiritual.

Self-restraint and morality, how difficult it is to stick to these four words…

The first thing to do is to face yourself and accept everything you want.

Look down on your instincts…let nature take its course.

Zhou Xiao’s eyes flashed with a faint light.

Human nature is inherently greedy…

Some people are greedy for material money.

Some people are greedy for power.

Some people are greedy for ultimate personal strength…

He is also included…


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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