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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 86

Just like the question the dying girl asked him towards the evening.

If there really was an opportunity for immortality right in front of you…would you not be tempted?

Who can not be moved…

In the dream, Zhou Xiao slowly came to the fight club in front of him, looking at his “handsome” and “compelling” face, and his voice gradually sounded softly:

“Self-discipline can’t save others, it can only save yourself. The speedster… is always one step too late…”

“If you want stronger power, if tragedies don’t happen in front of you… you can only become stronger.”

“It’s just that… everything in this world has a price secretly marked… If you want more power, you must pay something…”

“This is…the price.”

He accepted everything calmly, and the knot in Xiao Hao’s heart seemed to be untied.

There is one name for man, and seven costs, one of which is greed.

Zhou Xiao didn’t know what was going on with him, but a sentence flashed in his mind.

Then he gently tapped his left hand, and the body in front of him seemed to have endured a huge force, and his body fell backwards, and along with it, the entire dream also fell.

In less than a few seconds, the illusion in front of him transformed into a pure black illusion, and he fell down gently and sat on the familiar pure white chair.

The pure white chair that once restricted him restricted him again this time.


Zhou Xiao was a little confused.

He vaguely felt as if there was something extra in his heart, and the nameless force in his body seemed to be stronger.

As he was thinking, the illusion in front of him began to fragment. When he opened his eyes again, he had returned to reality from the dream. He sat up from the bed suddenly, with a little sweat hanging on his forehead.

Dreaming again…

Zhou Xiao calmed down, scratched his hair, and recalled everything in the dream just now.

This dream… was too scary.

He actually pushed himself onto the chair with his own hands…doing what “He” had done in the illusion…

Zhou Xiao touched his heart, which was still beating loudly. It seemed to be beating harder than before.

I glanced at the time…it was still midnight.


He was about to get out of bed and drink some water when he suddenly felt an invisible sound wave sweeping across the entire room.


Zhou Xiao opened the window. The night in Xianzhou had not yet changed, and a purple and green stream of light appeared in the night sky, shrouding the night sky.

It’s about to begin…

As a semi-informed person, he understood that the destiny “script” belonging to Xianzhou Luofu was about to begin.

Within a few systems of the appearance of this invisible sound wave, varying degrees of world splitting appeared everywhere in the Luofu Immortal Boat. The twisted forces from the cracked world began to erode the fairy boat, and many world-splitting creations began to appear in the fairy boat. Causing riots everywhere in Xianzhou.

In the Shence Mansion.

A white-haired general listened to the report of his subordinates, with a faint thoughtful look on his face.

His name is Jing Yuan, one of the Seven Heavenly Generals of the Imperial Gong of the Immortal Boat Alliance, the Shence General responsible for managing the Luo Fu Yun Cavalry, and the hunting envoy. He can be said to have great power in Luo Fu.

After listening to his subordinate’s report, Jing Yuanyuan murmured to himself.

“The star core exploded in the fairy boat…”

This is very strange…

“Evacuate the crowd first, and let the Yunqi Army go to the location of the rift to prevent the further expansion of the rift creation…” Jing Yuan opened his mouth and gave the order.

ps: I came back late, I was busy rushing to finish the manuscript…

Chapter 123 Lychees? What lychees did you want me to get? (Second update!)

Xianzhou naturally has the means to seal the star core… Jing Yuanyuan is not too worried about this. He is more curious at the moment about how the star core appears in Xianzhou Luofu.

Who did it?

What do you want?

“Oh, by the way, the Jade Realm Gate should also be closed. It will be reopened after the fairy boat crisis is resolved…” Jing Yuan added.

“Yes… General.”

Zhou Xiao slept until dawn.

Although he woke up from a dream last night, it did not affect his subsequent sleep.

As for the star core explosion on the immortal boat…it has little to do with him.

He should eat and drink…

When he was in a good mood, he went to find a star core and inflate his lifelike… ah no, it was the puppet container General Thunderbolt to find an energy core.

But he was obviously not in a good mood now. After all, he had a very tiring dream last night.

He washed, changed, and had breakfast as usual. He was stopped by the innkeeper just as he was about to walk out of the inn.

“Guest, there’s a lot of chaos outside right now… You’d better stay in your room and go out less often.”

The boss is a good person.

He kindly reminded Zhou Xiao.

The star core exploded last night, and today the Xingchahai center serves as a mass evacuation platform, and all the evacuated people were sent here.

“Ah, it’s okay… I’ll just have breakfast and be back in a while.”

Zhou Xiao had nothing to be afraid of and walked out of the inn. What he saw in his field of vision was that there were many more people in the Xingrouhai Center than yesterday.

Business groups who came to Luofu for trade, foreigners for tourism, Xianzhou people, Fox tribe, etc., all kinds of people have now been evacuated here.

“Don’t leave Xingchahai Center unless necessary!”

“Repeat it again! Don’t leave Xingchahai Center unless necessary!”

Some cloud cavalry troops maintain order here.

“Why did the star core appear on the fairy boat?”

“Then who knows…”

“The water in Xianzhou is very deep now…”

“How deep?”

“It’s as high as three or four stories deep.”

“Brother, your words are very artistic…”

“Wuwuwu…why! Why! Kongkong! Kongkong, you just left me like this! It hurts, it hurts too much!”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, this guy must be crazy. He is crying while holding a deflated baby…”

“Hiss—wait a minute, the style of this doll… seems to be Lord Yukong? This… is disrespectful!” The person who spoke scolded, then stepped forward and asked in a low voice:

“Brother, where did you buy it? Can you give me a link?”

The other party was immersed in sadness and ignored him.

“Resurrection! My love! I can’t do it without you! It’s empty!”

The other party suddenly shouted, startling everyone present, and also frightened Zhou Xiao, who was munching on pastry and mingling among them.

“Crazy…one glance at the thimble, and you got crazy while playing () games?”

“Brother, please be sensible…” There was also a kind person who came up to comfort him, but that person didn’t appreciate it at all.

“Lychee? What kind of lychee did you want me to get?”


“Brother, this is just an inflatable one, there’s no need for it to be like this, right?”

“You can’t eat fried cakes! She is my Kong Kong! She is my lover!” Seeing someone talking about his doll like that, he yelled at the person very unhappily.

A Yunqijun who was maintaining order couldn’t bear it anymore and stepped forward and slapped him without saying a word.

The fight between the two big guys made him confused at first, and then he covered his face and looked innocent.

“Why did you hit me?”

“Shut up.” Yun Qijun was already annoyed after being busy all night, but he became even more upset when he heard the man chirping for a long time.

“He’s beating someone! The Yunqi Army is beating someone!”

The kid didn’t calm down and immediately started making trouble again. Taking advantage of their different identities, he started yelling.

As soon as he shouted, the commotion around him became even greater.

The commander of the Yunqi Army who was in charge of this place heard the sound and came over to understand the situation.

“You don’t know… He came up and gave me a big dick fight when he disagreed with me. Do you know how much psychological damage a big dick fight will cause to me, a man who has just experienced the pain of losing his wife…”

“You are the commander…you have to make the decision for me!”

Make a fool of yourself.

Just a fool.

He said this as if he was really deeply insulted.

“Apologise to him…” Although the Yunqi Army commander couldn’t stand the fat man in front of him, he couldn’t help but his subordinates really beat the fat man.

Unreasonable fight…

“I…” Yun Qijun was very angry.

“Pay attention to your identity…” the commander of the Yunqi Army reminded.

“Pay attention to your identity? Pay attention to your identity… How can you spoil him? It would be nice if someone rescued you… You’ve been babbling for a long time, and you’re still feeling wronged… hit him.”

I don’t know who in the crowd fired the shot first, and then many Xianzhou people and Huawai people rushed up and kicked the little fat man wildly.

“Hey! What are you doing!”

“Save me! Sir, they are beating me… please take care of them!”

“Don’t slap me in the face! I’m still eating with my face pointed in my face…”

The little fat man asked for help from the surrounding Cloud Cavalry Army, but these Cloud Cavalry Army paused for a few minutes, and then stopped everyone when the fight was almost over.

Looking at the little fat man lying on the ground, I didn’t know who kicked him in the face several times, making him very embarrassed, more like a pig’s head.

Seeing him stand up slowly and look at everyone present: “

You rely on your numbers! Just bully me! If you have the ability to fight alone! Duel! I’ll let you experience the unique skill of Thunder Five Continuous Whip! “

As he spoke, he began to put up flower displays.


Everyone was speechless.

This looks like a piece of meat on a hob…


It’s all fun.

Zhou Xiao mingled among them and found it interesting to see the foreigners and immortal boat people in the center.

The people here are very nice to talk to and all of them are talented people… He really likes hanging out here.


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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