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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 87

He was just about to continue joining in the fun when he heard someone shouting from further away.

“Demon Yin Body!”

“It’s the demon body!”

In the midst of the noise, the surroundings began to become chaotic. When they heard the words “Demon Yin Shen”, the nearby Yunqi troops who were maintaining order rushed over and evacuated the crowd to avoid causing greater casualties.

“Spread out, spread out!”

“Don’t gather!”

“Where’s the man! Where’s the little fat guy just now! Can’t he know how to whip him with five consecutive thunder whips! Send him up!” The crowd where Zhou Xiao was was looking for the little fat guy who just shouted “Resurrection, my love”.

However, everyone searched for a long time but didn’t see the little fat man.

He ran pretty fast.

The demon body… is the price of immortality.

The crowd gradually dispersed, and Zhou Xiao also saw the demonic Yin body fighting the Yunqi Army in the distance.

It was vaguely visible from the field of vision that the armors worn by the demonic bodies had been assimilated into light brown, and a lot of yellow crystal-like substances could be seen on them, like wood and flowers, attached to the bodies of the demonic bodies.

ps: I beg for everything, I beg for everything. On the last day of July, the author of Big Bird kneels down and begs for everything!

Chapter 124 Bai Lu: You are sick! A bad omen! (First update)

The Cloud Cavalry Army immediately stepped forward to suppress… Facing the brothers who fought side by side in the past, these Cloud Cavalry Army had concerns, but they still fought against them…

Xianzhou is still good at dealing with the demonic body.

When I saw the immortal seeds with signs of the demonic body, they were all sent to a place called Shiwangsi for treatment. Oh no, it should be treatment to avoid causing panic on the fairy boat.

Zhou Xiao followed the evacuated crowd and wandered on the Luofu Immortal Boat for a while. Not far away, he saw the little fat man who was shouting about the five thunder whips being forced by several cloud cavalry soldiers who were transformed into demons. corner.

Good guy…

There are quite a lot of demonic bodies on this fairy boat.

Zhou Xiao took a closer look and found that these Yin Demonic Bodies were not the same as those in the Xingchahai Center.

“Help! Help…”

The little fat man howled twice.

Not to mention, someone really came to save him.

I saw a little dragon with a tail jumping out of nowhere, and a blue-purple electric light suddenly appeared from its short legs, which hit one of the demons and kicked him.

“Xiao Long… female?”

Zhou Xiao took a closer look at the little dragon girl in front of him. She was a little girl with short horns and a tail on her back. She was holding a container that looked like a purple gold gourd in her hand.

“so much?”

The little dragon girl took half a step back when she saw the dishonest appearance of the demonic body in front of her, and a difficult look appeared on her little face with a little baby fat.

At this moment.

According to the plot of a normal protagonist group, Zhou Xiao must have shouted, “Let go of that little girl! Let me do it!” Then he fought with the demon body, rescued the little dragon girl, and completed a wave of achievements in helping others.

Maybe there can be a high moral praise…

But Zhou Xiao.

It was a passing star core hunter.

Can’t be said to be a good person.

So Zhou Xiao chose to eat quietly like everyone else in the square.


This little dragon girl looks familiar…

Zhou Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly, touched his chin and thought about where he had seen this little dragon girl.

It seems to be in the original plot?


He seemed to remember something, Bai Lu, one of the resident seven tigers?

On the other side, Bai Lu was actively rescuing the few Yunqi Army soldiers who were trapped in the demonic body in front of her. She had just given these soldiers some medicine and wiped their sweat, and then she saw a cold-looking but bright-eyed man in the crowd. There are some short-lived species and outsiders with malicious intentions.

A dark look on his face…a sign of great evil!

Bai Lu could tell at a glance that this man was sick! And the illness is not serious!

“Hey! Talking about you.”

Zhou Xiao was targeted by this little dragon girl.

“Me?” Zhou Xiao, who was eating melon, was a little confused when his name was called.

“how do I?”

“You’re sick, it’s a bad sign.” Bai Lu’s childish voice sounded, pointing at Zhou Xiao and said slowly.


“A big omen?” Zhou Xiao raised his eyebrows: “Where is the big omen?”

The people on the side who were also eating melon looked at Zhou Xiao in shock when they heard the sound: “Brother, you are so good at extracting keywords!”


Bai Lu wanted to say something more, but she seemed to have seen someone in the crowd, and she disappeared from the square with oil on her soles.

“Huh… luckily she ran fast.” Bai Lu walked through the streets and alleys. She felt relieved that she had run far enough and no one could find her.

“Little sister…”

Such a voice suddenly appeared in the dark alley. Bai Lu was so frightened that she almost stepped forward to give him a kick. She hurriedly distanced herself a few steps away. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be the short-lived person she had just talked about in the square. kind.

“How did you catch up?! You’re faster than me!”

Zhou Xiao shrugged disapprovingly.

“Is this difficult? I’ve been waiting for a long time…”

“You…” Bai Lu felt very uncomfortable listening to Zhou Xiao’s arrogant tone.

“Why are you following me?!”

“Don’t you think I’m sick? Tell me more…”

Zhou Xiao said that everyone who tells a riddle deserves to die, and he hates people who half-talk the most.

Just now in the square, Bai Lu just said “You are sick” and ran away. This is not just a funny mentality…

“Hmph…” Xiao Bailu tilted her head proudly, looked up at Zhou Xiao and asked:

“Have you…been restless lately? You always have nightmares…”

Have nightmares…

Zhou Xiao heard what Bai Lu said and continued to listen patiently.


“Well, then I guess…” Bai Lu jumped onto the box and stood at a higher position, looking at Zhou Xiao’s face.

“My energy and energy are gone. I am confused and confused. There is going to be a bloody disaster…”

“Are you seeing a doctor… or telling fortunes?” Zhou Xiao frowned again when Bai Lu said that he had suffered a bloody disaster.

Bai Lu ignored him and said: “Stretch out your hand…”


Zhou Xiao stretched out his hand and Bai Lu felt his pulse. The more he touched Bai Lu’s little face, the more solemn his expression became.

“It’s such a mess… you’re still alive to this day… it’s a medical miracle.”

“Do you see the reason?” Zhou Xiao was a little puzzled by Bai Lu’s misty words.

“I’ve finished reading…” Bai Lu pinched her waist with one hand and touched her chin with the other hand:

“It’s time to collect the money.”


Zhou Xiao was startled when he heard the sound.

“You still want to collect money?”

“Otherwise? People who want to see me for consultation can line up from Dandingsi to Xingchahai. You are lucky… I paid attention to it and don’t have to queue up…” Bai Lu said.

Co-author: Where are you fishing and enforcing the law here?

Zhou Xiao said that if he wanted to collect money, he should have said it earlier…

After reading it, I will know the result and start collecting money…

“here we go again…”

As if she had encountered a natural enemy, Bai Lu hurriedly jumped off the box and hid behind the box.

“You… go out and deal with it, don’t say you have seen me…” She whispered to Zhou Xiao: “Help me take them away, and I will give you free money…”

Zhou Xiao was very confused about who was chasing Bai Lu. When he walked out of the alley, he saw people from Dihengsi searching for something nearby.

“Have you seen Lady Longnu?” The man asked proactively when he saw Zhou Xiao.

“What dragon girl?”

Seeing that Zhou Xiao was an alien short-lived species, the man described Bai Lu’s appearance in detail:

“She is a little girl who is not very tall, has two horns on her head, and a tail on her back.”

“Oh… I think I saw it.” Zhou Xiao said.

“Going that way.”

He pointed in a random direction.

“Oh? Thank you.”

The man was about to go over when he heard the sound, but suddenly thought of something, his expression changed, and he came back:

“If I’m not mistaken, you seem to have just come out of that alley? How can you see which direction Lady Longnu is going?”



a plant.

This one has IQ.

When Zhou Xiao heard what the people in front of him had said, he slashed the neck of the person in front of him with his left hand at a very fast speed…

Chapter 125: Can you do it, little dog? (Second update)

Force shutdown, simple and effective.

Zhou Xiao grabbed the fallen Dihengsi staff member with his left hand and dragged him into the dark alley.

“It’s over…”

Zhou Xiao casually threw the man in the corner, and then looked at Bai Lu hiding behind the box.

“Didn’t I ask you to take him away? Why did you knock him unconscious…”

Bai Lu stepped forward and checked the man’s breath. She felt that he was still breathing, then he breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Zhou Xiao and asked.

“Damn it…it’s not a good time to stay here any longer.”

“Tell me…” Zhou Xiao asked.

“say what?”


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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