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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 9


Zhou Xiao walked in and looked around the dining area, but there was no one there.


Zhou Xiao knew very well that there were very few places to hide people in the train’s kitchen. There was no dining area, so there was only the bottom of his open kitchen.

He did not alert the snake. In order to create the illusion that he had left, he first turned off the lights and then deliberately made the sound of the kitchen door closing.


March 7 breathed a sigh of relief. As soon as she came out of the gap, she saw a figure looking directly at her.

Eyes facing each other.

She almost fainted from the shock.

With the light emitted from the space station platform, she could clearly see the figure of this person.

It’s Zhou Xiao.

“What are you doing?” Zhou Xiao obviously didn’t expect that his kitchen would be visited by March 7th.

“I also want to ask you… why are you scaring me.” March Qi patted her chest in an attempt to calm down her fear.

“I came here when I heard the noise.” Zhou Xiao looked closely at March 7 and then said, “You came to the kitchen… to eat secretly?”

“What are you stealing…” March Qi was about to retort, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that he was really here to steal food, so his voice became a little softer.

“I didn’t eat at night… I’m hungry.” She held her hands together in confusion, not daring to look at Zhou Xiao.

“I remember… I think I brought your share when I was cooking.”

Zhou Xiao thought for a while, feeling a little unsure.


Still didn’t bring the March 7 copy?

He didn’t remember much himself.

After all, there is no such thing as bringing food for March 7th… but I also miss his style of doing things.

“Well, since I promised you dinner, I can’t break my promise.”

Zhou Xiao said that he is a person who abides by his promises, saying that there is dinner tonight on March 7th, so there must be dinner.

I saw him rolling up his sleeves and preparing to cook a bowl of noodles for March 7 before taking a shower.

ps: I stopped updating for two days, mainly because there was a problem with the contract. The previous editing was converted into a short story, so I was stuck in the editing step…

So sad.


Chapter 13 This is no ordinary noodle! But the face of an old friend!

Gulu gulu——

As the water in the pot gradually boiled, the dough in Zhou Xiao’s hand was gradually stretched into a long wide noodle and slowly put into the water.

Under the warm light of the kitchen, Zhou Xiao, who was wearing a chef’s apron, moved very skillfully. Not far away, March 7 was sitting on a chair in the dining area. Although he tried hard to restrain himself, his peripheral vision always inadvertently glanced at where Zhou Xiao was. The kitchen drifted away.

He said he was hungry, but those eyes were always staring at Zhou Xiao’s side face and back.

Seeing her holding one hand on one cheek, for some reason, she suddenly felt that she didn’t “hate” Zhou Xiao that much.


He’s really nice.

A smile appeared on March Qi’s face inadvertently. She was glad that Zhou Xiao was still on the train, although she didn’t know the identity of this happiness.

are friends?

A partner?


March 7 suddenly thought of Ji Zi teasing her on the platform.


When did we care so much about Zhou Xiao?

Just as he was thinking wildly on March 7, Zhou Xiao’s noodles were cooked and taken out. As hot oil was poured on it, a scent suddenly emanated from the bowl.

The oily noodles are finished.

“Here comes Little Flying Noodles.”

Zhou Xiao placed the bowl of oily noodles in front of March 7th.

March 7 came to his senses after hearing the sound, and saw that the large bowl in front of him contained wide noodles that had been splashed with oil. They looked a bit spicy and exuded a scent of chili “oil”.

“What kind of noodle is this?” March 7 raised his head slightly and looked at Zhou Xiao and asked.

“Ah…” Zhou Xiao said without thinking: “Big bowl of wide noodles.”

“Big bowl of wide noodles?” March 7 nodded: “It’s a very domineering name, let me try it.”

Large bowl of wide noodles.


The name just came out of my mouth.

Zhou Xiao fell into silence.

March 7th mixed the noodles and then took a bite. The spicy taste opened up a new experience for her.

Don’t say it.

It’s really delicious.

“Zhou Xiao, you really have some skills, it’s delicious.” March 7 praised it, and he said it from the bottom of his heart.

“Zhou Xiao?”

Seeing that Zhou Xiao didn’t answer and looked thoughtful, March 7th had some questions: “What are you thinking about?”

“It’s nothing.” After hearing March 7 calling him, Zhou Xiao came back to his senses, looked at the universe outside the dining area and said slowly.

“Thinking of someone.”

“Who is it?” Zhou Xiao’s interest was aroused on March 7.

“The person who taught me how to make this bowl of noodles.” Zhou Xiao said seriously.

“Oh! Where did you learn it?” March 7th asked while sullen.

“I won’t tell you, just eat enough.”

After feeding March 7th, Zhou Xiao picked up his pants and then returned to the kitchen area to clean up the somewhat messy kitchen area. As we all know, making delicious food is fun, but cleaning up the dining area is really troublesome.

The system rewarded him with master-level cooking skills, but did not reward him with a fully automatic cleaning machine.


The more Zhou Xiao rubbed it, the more uncomfortable he felt.

Gotta think of a way…

Build a smart robot or something that can at least clean the kitchen after I finish cooking!

Zhou Xiao thought so.

As for where this robot came from…it’s still a question.

March 7, who was told by Zhou Xiao, silently chose noodles. She glanced at Zhou Xiao who was cleaning up the kitchen.

For some reason, she felt that there were a few more layers of mystery surrounding Zhou Xiao.

The ability to control airflow…exquisite knife cuts and this unique cooking skill…

What did Zhou Xiao do before?

I am a little curious on March 7th…

Inside the guest room.

Jizi walked in from the sightseeing car and was just about to go back to rest when she suddenly heard some movement in the train kitchen area.


Could it be that girl Xiao Sanyue is hungry?

Ji Zi thought it was very possible, and knocked on the door of March Qi’s room, but no one responded, which made her basically sure that March Qi was looking for food in the kitchen.

“Hey, if Pam hadn’t eaten Xiao Sanyue’s share…” Jizi sighed. She walked to the train kitchen and decided to check out Sanyue Qi.

Although her cooking is not very good, she is definitely better than March 7, a girl who can’t cook at all.

When passing Zhou Xiao’s room, Ji Zi paused, and then continued walking towards the train kitchen.

She knew that Zhou Xiao was a person with a strong sense of time. At this time, Zhou Xiao should have basically gone to bed, so she did not choose to disturb Zhou Xiao…

Pushing open the door of the train kitchen, a smell of aroma spread out. As far as the eye could see, March Qi was slurping noodles. Hearing the noise, March Qi raised his head slightly and saw her.

Eyes facing each other.

The scene was awkward for a while.

March Qi’s face instantly turned red with embarrassment, and she hesitated for a long time before uttering a sentence: “Ji Zi, you also come to the kitchen to look for food…”

“What did you say?”

Zhou Xiao, who was cleaning up the kitchen, turned around when he heard the sound. Where he looked, Ji Zi’s graceful body was leaning in front of the train kitchen door, looking at him with a slightly disappointed expression.



Or rather shocked.

Ji Zi never expected that such a principled person as Zhou Xiao would actually start a small stove on March 7th!

The key is…

Not taking her with me yet.


The most important thing is…such a principled person can actually make food for March 7th!

The relationship between these two people… is probably developing faster than imagined…

Could it be that the first train romance on the train will begin with Zhou Xiao and March 7?

“Sister Jizi, don’t think too much…”

Seeing that Ji Zi’s face gradually became uncomfortable, Zhou Xiao quickly interrupted his fantasy casting and said:

“It’s just… I came out to wash up and heard some movement in the kitchen, and then I found March Qi looking for something to eat… Only after I asked did I find out that she didn’t eat at night… That’s why…”

“That’s why…you made an exception to give Xiao Sanyue a special treatment? When did you…when did you have such a good relationship with Xiao Sanyue?” Jizi walked in slowly, her long and eye-catching legs were very eye-catching. .

Ji Zi, who had an attitude of eating melon, just wanted to tease these two people, and was not really angry… After all, Yu Qingyuli did not eat on the night of March 7th.

“I am a very principled person…” Zhou Xiao said, clearing his throat.

“You mean…your principles were broken for Xiao Sanyue? So it’s even more rare.”

Jizi sat in front of March 7th, and her big sister’s aura gave people the feeling that she was the real owner, not just someone to take advantage of.

Chapter 14 Ji Zi: Is it intentional or accidental!


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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