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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 90

Little silver wolf.

Grievance and grievance.

She said and was about to leave.


She was stopped by Zhou Xiao.


She thought Zhou Xiao also wanted to apologize, but she was obviously overthinking it.

“Take her away and you’ll take care of it.”

Zhou Xiao pointed to Bai Lu on the bed.

“You’re going too far… You want me to clean up the mess after you’re done?”

“What did I do?” Zhou Xiao paused for a moment and then said: “This guy seems to be the future Dragon Lord of the Vidyadhara clan. Take it to Kafka and see if it is of any use…”

When Yin Lang heard what Zhou Xiao said, he looked at Bai Lu carefully and retrieved the specific information about Bai Lu on the Luofu Immortal Boat.

The medicine-bearing dragon girl…

“How can you have anything to do with her?” Silver Wolf asked.

“Who knows this? This stupid dragon came up and said that I was sick, bloody, and a sign of great misfortune… I didn’t believe it. Who knew that he would climb over the wall tonight and teach me a lesson…”

The more Zhou Xiao talked about it, the more outrageous he felt.


“Indeed… it’s outrageous.” Yin Lang agreed, and then picked up Bai Lu’s collar: “I’m leaving… I have apologized, and you can’t retaliate against me for this in the future… “

“When did I take revenge on you?” Zhou Xiao asked.

Yin Lang didn’t answer him, and said it secretly many times in his heart, and then disappeared into Zhou Xiao’s room with Bai Lu.

After Yin Lang left, Zhou Xiao finally felt clean.

“Have I ever taken revenge on Silver Wolf?”

“What I did was considered a backstab at best…”

Silver Wolf, who left Zhou Xiao, contacted Kafka.

“What’s wrong? Little Silver Wolf?”

Kafka’s lazy voice slowly sounded in Silver Wolf’s ears.

“I just went to Zhou Xiao’s place… He left Bai Lu, the medicine-bearing dragon girl of the Alchemy Division, to me to deal with… Is this in Elio’s script?”


Kafka on the other end of the communication looked confused.

Have you written it?

Definitely not…

“He held Bai Lu hostage?” she asked.

“According to what he said… Bai Lu said he was sick and took the initiative to find him…” Yin Lang answered according to Zhou Xiao’s original words and then asked:

“Is this Bailu useful in the script?”

“Of course it’s useless…” Kafka suddenly had a headache about how to deal with Bai Lu.

“Ah Xiao really knows how to throw problems to me…”

ps: Ask for everything, ask for everything, the cute new author is online.

Chapter 128 Star core hunter Zhou Xiao’s first participation! (First update)

Star Core Hunter Express can deliver anything quickly. Kafka took Bailu back to the Danding Division. When Xiao Bailu woke up again, he was already in the Danding Division.

Looking at these familiar buildings, Bai Lu fell into deep thought.

Time passed little by little, and until Kafka contacted the Star Train according to the script, Zhou Xiao did not receive the task from Kafka for who knows how many systems he stayed in Xianzhou Luofu.

He felt more like he had come to Luofu for a paid vacation…

Even though this rover looks messy.

Since the star core has not yet been found, the impact on the Luofu Immortal Boat has become deeper. The Jade Realm Gate has been closed, and all ports in the Xingcha Sea have suspended all routes.

In the center of Xingchahai, cloud cavalry troops come and go every day…

Zhou Xiao stood on a high place and looked at the sea of ​​​​stars, feeling the coolness of the breeze passing through his fingertips.

Life without an edge…

Miss him, miss him, miss him.

The Blade Power Bank is not around, but he lacks the function of automatically hanging up to increase the strength in the body…


Suddenly, the backup machine Silver Wolf gave him vibrated slightly.

Here comes the news.

Could it be that Silver Wolf guy asking me to play games for her again?

Zhou Xiao calculated the time and almost all the Silver Wolf game accounts that had been blocked because of him had been unblocked.

When I opened my phone, there was an unknown message on the screen.


In the evening, you are in a dark prison, and you are connected to the blade. –Card.

A concise description of the task time, task content, and the person who posted the task.


Is it finally here?

Zhou Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw the news.


This guy still uses me to support him?

Could it be that the rewards are really empty…

Zhou Xiao turned off his phone, touched his chin and thought about this question for two seconds.

the other side.

Kafka was a little worried after assigning tasks to Zhou Xiao.

She was not worried that Zhou Xiao would not be able to save the blade, but she was worried that it would have an impact on future scripts because Zhou Xiao was there to take over the role of the blade.

“What? Don’t assign tasks to him if you’re worried about the impact…” Silver Wolf, who was blowing bubble gum on the side, seemed to see the concern on Kafka’s face and said.

“It’s not bad… Let Axiao move, maybe it can be linked with Aren to have an effect.” Kafka originally didn’t plan to send anyone to respond to Aren. After all, Yiren’s strength should be easy. Escape from the ghost prison.


Since Zhou Xiao had overdrafted Ren’s body on Kunzi No. 3 and Luofu Xianzhou Road, she had some doubts about whether Ren could escape from the Nether Prison when she saw Ren who looked like “Brother Reward”.

Although the script was written smoothly… there was no mention in the script that Zhou Xiao would overdraw Blade’s body all the way…


When Silver Wolf heard this word, he expressed disbelief in his heart. The last time Kafka said that Blade and Zhou Xiao would get along harmoniously, what was the result? Blade frame gets whipped and fucked hard by Zhou Xiao…

“The Star Dome Train is expected to arrive in the star field near Luofu in seven system hours…I will guide them through the Jade Realm Gate and into the Star Sea…the rest…” Silver Wolf paused and then said:

“You can take care of the rest…”

“Well…” Kafka nodded, with a somewhat expectant expression on his face.

I’ll finally see you here…


When the Star Dome Train rushed to the star field where Xianzhou Luofu was located after several jumps, Zhou Xiao was looking for the location of the Nether Prison.

As everyone knows.

Zhou Xiao was always known as the lost owl when he was a support staff member of the Star Dome Train. Being a star core hunter did not particularly alleviate this trait, especially in a place he had never been to before.

But that’s okay.

Zhou Xiao has the enthusiastic brother Yunqijun to show him the way.

The intrusion of the scarlet fire soon caused the eldest brother of the Yunqi Army to prostrate himself at his crotch and obey his orders.

Seeing that Yun Qijun’s eyes were dull, but he could still sing, dance and walk according to his heart, this made him feel very novel.

After all, this is his first time controlling a living entity.

This feeling of being at the mercy of others…

A little bit of pleasure?

After Zhou Xiao noticed the joyful emotion in his heart, he raised his eyebrows inadvertently and saw that he was controlling the Yunqi Army in front of him to lead him towards the Nether Prison.

Ghost prison…

From the name, you can tell that this is the place where Xianzhou Luofu prisoners are imprisoned. It can be said that it is a place heavily guarded by the Yunqi Army on weekdays. From the upper level to the lower level, prisoners with different levels of danger are detained.

There is no doubt that Blade is imprisoned at the bottom…

Due to the explosion of the star core, many cloud cavalry troops were transferred to suppress the rupture of the world, but there are only a lot more cloud cavalry troops in such important places as the Nether Prison, especially since a star core hunter named Blade has been imprisoned recently. This resulted in the number of Yunqi troops guarding even increasing.

There are so many people…

Zhou Xiao saw the heavily guarded entrance to the Nether Prison from a distance, and he saw three or four patrolling Yunqi Army teams.

How to get in is a question…

Zhou Xiao thought for a moment and chose the safest way to infiltrate.

Sneak in with the Musou.

He slowly pulled out two long knives made from Kunzi No. 3. The sharp blades flashed with two cold lights. As the navy blue and scarlet patterns on the two blades gradually lit up, it meant that the two long knives were The knife has been given a certain amount of power by Zhou Xiao.


The Yunqi army outside You Prison quickly discovered Zhou Xiao’s figure.

It was difficult for them not to notice it, after all, the figure was walking slowly towards them in a swaggering manner.

Under the cover of night, they first saw the two long knives shining with cyan and red light, and then saw the owner holding the long knife.

Wearing a black gold-plated gown, she blended perfectly into the darkness around her. Looking up, she saw a faint, teasing smile on her indifferent face.

There seemed to be a little disdain in those scarlet eyes. This feeling of disdain was not deliberate, it seemed to be natural.

The other party didn’t answer any of their questions. The long knife shining with navy blue light in his left hand instantly cut through the silent and boring night, adding some fun to the night in the ghost prison.

An invisible air blade blocked the advancing Yunqi army, destroying all obstacles in front of star core hunter Zhou Xiao.

“Someone is robbing the prison! Someone is robbing the prison! Please support!”

The Yunqi troops who were responsible for the entrance could not withstand Zhou Xiao’s ultimate power. They simply withdrew to the entrance of the Nether Prison and sealed the thick metal door tightly, trying to stop Zhou Xiao from plundering the prison.

“It’s so unpleasant to hear a prison robbery… I’m just here to take care of you.”

Zhou Xiao walked slowly towards the metal gate. There were already many Yunqi Army corpses lying in a pool of blood around him.

Seeing him gently touching the heavy metal door, he said with a slightly helpless tone:

“If you are so uncooperative…then there is nothing we can do.”

Chapter 129: Big Trouble in the Nether Prison! (Second update)


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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