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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 92

After all, it was all about cleaning up the soldiers, so Zhou Xiao let the blade do the job. Coupled with a group of Yunqi troops who were controlled by him, it was easy for the two of them to kill them.

Soon, the two of them disappeared at the entrance of the Nether Prison, and it was difficult to find them in the vast night.

Another moment passed.

When the main force of the Ten Kings and the Yunqi Army came over to support them, they were all stunned when they saw the corpses all over the ground of the You Prison and the awkward entrance.

This can be said to be Luofu’s forbidden area and the most mysterious back garden. It was actually made like this by a person with unknown identity and origin…

The passage leading to the depths has lost its former luster, and the blood left by countless corpses gathered in front of the entrance to the Nether Prison, forming a river of blood…

This is Luofu’s shame!

He actually allowed people to walk in and out of the Nether Prison with such arrogance!

What’s even more irritating is that after the other party finished all this, they patted their butts and left… But they just arrived late and didn’t even see anyone’s shadow.

“You survey the scene…summarize the information and report it to Shence Mansion…”

“The rest are chasing the fugitives and those who broke into the Nether Prison!”

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night. Zhou Xiao and Ren’s troubles have obviously added fuel to the fire of Luofu Xianzhou, who is a little worried.

Inside the Shence Mansion.

General Shence Jing Yuanyuan has been made even more confused by the reported news.

He was interrogated in the Nether Prison.

Blade said cunningly, “There are five people, and there are three prices, and he is not one of them.”… And Blade also denied that Star Core has anything to do with him, although the credibility of this statement is difficult to believe.


So weird.

Ever since Blade was caught, this unexplainable feeling had given him a headache.

Others may not know it well, but he must be aware of Yu Ren’s strength. After all, the two have known each other before. It is impossible to cause trouble in Luofu with Ren’s strength, but it is still very difficult to escape from the Yunqi Army’s pursuit. relaxing.

But Blade was arrested and taken to the Nether Prison.

Coupled with the sudden incident tonight of an unknown person with unknown power breaking into the Nether Prison to rescue Zuo Ren, it makes this incident even more illogical to explain.

Jing Yuanyuan looked at the holographic projection standing not far in front of him. A slightly taller man with a smile walked forward holding a pair of knives…

This is the live scene when the Nether Prison was attacked. Although it is only a little bit, it is enough for people to see clearly what it looks like.

“Is he also a star core hunter?” Jing Yuan has never met Zhou Xiao, so he can only temporarily attribute Zhou Xiao to a star core hunter based on the logic of his behavior.

Only in this way is it logical to break into the Nether Prison at night and save only Zou Ren.


Why do star core hunters bother to do this?

Jing Yuan touched his chin, obviously thinking about this matter.

Looking at the matter according to his previous thoughts…

Ren Zi threw himself into the net and entered the Nether Prison to get something… is it time? Is it an opportunity? Or maybe something else… After the Blade accomplished a certain goal, the Star Core Hunters sent people to support and rescue the Blade…

If we push it hard, we can only speculate like this.

Then the problem arises again.

Star Core Hunter… What is the purpose of doing this extra step?

What did they get?

Jing Yuanyuan couldn’t bear to think about Sister Qi.

Just as he was thinking, another data projection appeared not far away from him. The image of this projection was a woman.

She was not tall and looked like a lolita. She pinched her waist with her left hand and held her forehead with her right hand. When she saw Jing Yuan, she slightly opened her mouth and said:

“Okay, let’s let the star core hunter run away…I told you a long time ago that sending the star core hunter to me will save you a lot of trouble…”

Her voice is very brisk and sounds very tender. The addition of an eye to her small face is like opening the eyes of the sky, but it doesn’t look out of place.

“Yes, yes, yes, Fu Qing, it’s all my fault… What should I do next with Fu Qing?” Seeing the pink-haired little loli appear in front of him, Jing Yuan retracted his thoughts and asked slightly perfunctorily.

Chapter 131 Yanqing: General, I want to make progress so much! (Second update)

Fu Qing.

The full name is Fu Xuan.

The current leader of Taibo Division.

It can also be said that he is the leader and boss of Taibo.

Being able to use the third eye on his forehead and the Qionguan Formation to figure out the route for the fairy boat and predict the good and bad events… can be said to be one of Jing Yuan’s most capable men.

“In my opinion, let’s continue the search…I’m not here to solve your problems, but to bring you new news…” Fu Xuan looked very confident in the projection.

“Oh?” Jing Yuan raised his eyebrows upon hearing this: “New news?”

“Exactly…” Fu Xuan nodded, and then added: “Taibosi received a communication from star core hunter Kafka… As for the content and target of the communication, you can see for yourself.”

As she spoke, some communication content and Kafka’s projected image appeared next to Jing Yuan. The general content was that Kafka wanted the Star Dome Train to change its route and come to the Fairy Boat.

“Star Train?”

“Yes…” Fu Xuan responded and continued:

“In short, Immortal Boat is currently facing external and internal troubles. There is more than one star core hunter hiding in Immortal Boat… In addition to Kafka, there is also the one named Blade… plus the person who broke into the Nether Prison today. , there are at least three…”

“And it’s definitely not a good thing for the star train to rush to the fairy boat under the guidance of the star core hunter. I’m afraid it will be complicit in conspiring to harm the fairy boat.”

Listening to Fu Xuan’s words, Jing Yuan could only say that he didn’t quite believe it.

As far as he knew, the Star Core Hunters and the Star Dome Train were sworn enemies, and collusion was unlikely. He was more inclined to believe that the Star Core Hunters had other purposes in leading the Star Dome Train to Luofu.

“Speaking of which… we, Fu Qing, can intercept the Star Core Hunter’s communications. It’s really amazing…” Jing Yuan said.

“That’s…” Fu Xuan pinched his waist and accepted Jing Yuan’s praise unceremoniously, not hearing any other undertones that something was wrong.

They had been investigating for so long but found no trace of other star core hunters… How could they be discovered because of a long-distance communication?

Jing Yuan didn’t think that such a low-level mistake would happen to the Star Core Hunters who had planned it for a long time. Instead of believing that it was a communication intercepted by Taibo Division, he believed that this was a flaw deliberately left by the Star Core Hunters.

“General, new news has been brought. Do you have any plans?” Fu Xuan asked.

“Hmm… Fu Qing can ask that, so he must have a plan?” Jing Yuan crossed his arms on his chest, looking like he was expecting it.

“Since the Star Core Hunters want people from the Star Dome Train to come…then the next step for the Star Core Hunters is to meet with the people from the Star Dome Train. Whether they are enemies or complicit, as long as we see the Star Dome Train The train is used as bait. If you keep an eye on the people on the Star Dome Train or let the people on the Star Dome Train look for the star core hunters, you will definitely gain something.”

Fu Xuan said her thoughts based on the clue of the Star Train.

“Hmm, as expected of Fu Qing, the idea is pretty good, but… what if the Star Dome Train doesn’t follow the Star Core Hunter’s advice and comes to the Immortal Boat?” Jing Yuan asked.

“Then we can only…find it hard.”

Fu Xuan didn’t say much in the face of Jing Yuan’s trouble. She had already expressed her thoughts. As for the decision, it was up to General Luofu in front of her.

Fu Xuan left.

Go very fast.

Seeing Fu Xuan’s projection disappear, Jing Yuan was no longer surprised.

Fu Xuan’s plan is indeed advisable, but the premise is that the Star Dome Train can really listen to the Star Core Hunter and rush to the Luofu Immortal Boat…


Jing Yuan sighed lightly.

The current chess game is still very complicated. The purpose of the star core hunter, where the star core is, and how it is sent to the fairy boat are all questions that he has conjectures about, but there is no substantial evidence to prove…

Star core…

It is the key to this chess game.

If the mystery of the star core is not solved, everything on the chess game will appear foggy and irrelevant.

“General…” At this moment, a handsome young man entered the Shence Mansion and called Jing Yuan.

The young man had brown hair and looked young. He was wearing a navy blue and cloud-white robe. Although his face had no expression, it gave him the aura of a successful young man.


The youngest knight guard in the history of the Yunqi Army, he is also Jingyuan’s bodyguard. He has learned a good sword at a young age and has excellent swordsmanship…

Seeing that Yanqing was coming, Jingyuan’s thoughts were interrupted again. He looked down at the young man and asked:

“Yan Qing, why do you want to see me?”

This Yanqing can be said to be his little apprentice. It is not an exaggeration to say that he was trained by his own hands, and he is very trusted by him.

“Yanqing just learned that the people who broke into the Nether Prison and the Star Core Hunter Blade were rescued. Yanqing came to ask the general for orders to track down the traces of those two people… and capture those two people.”

Yanqing could be said to be a newborn calf who was not afraid of tigers. He opened his mouth and kept saying that he wanted to trace the traces of the two star core hunters and capture them. Jingyuan couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows slightly after hearing these words.

Not to mention how powerful the crazy blade is, let’s just say that the star core hunter who can single-handedly break into the Nether Prison is definitely not an ordinary person, and his strength will never be much weaker than the blade.

It can be said that it is extremely difficult for Yan Qing, a young man with such a small body, to track down the two of them.

“Yan Qing, listen to my advice. You really can’t control those two fugitives…” Jing Yuan advised him sincerely:

“I know you are impatient and want to do something and accomplish it, but now is not the time. If you want to gain the reputation of being the leader of the sword, you must not do anything at will, especially you must not fight with felons…”

“General…” After listening to Jing Yuan’s advice, Yan Qing’s expression changed slightly: “General, do you think I will lose to them?”

Jing Yuan paused when he heard the sound, and sighed silently in his heart.

What should we do about this child’s character?

“I want you to be patient. Xianzhou Zhiping is different from swordsmanship. Only when you take your time can you become successful… You are still too young. Some things cannot be rushed…”

“General… I really want to make progress.” Yanqing said after listening to Jing Yuan’s words.

“I know your character…but this is really not possible. I will send someone else to do it, Yan Qing.”

other people…

Yanqing’s expression became even worse, and then he turned around and walked out of the Shence Mansion, determined to track down his two repeat offenders, even if Jing Yuan assigned this matter to someone else.

He wanted to prove to Jing Yuan that he, Yanqing, was no worse than others. He, Yanqing, could do the same things that others could do, and he could do them better…

Seeing Yan Qing leaving Shence Mansion, Jing Yuan did not stop him, but just shook his head.

“This kid…has been at home for too long, and his energy is too strong, so let him be…how can he grow up without experiencing some setbacks?”

ps: I beg for everything, I beg for everything, the humble author is asking for a wave of praise online.

It almost got a 9.0 rating. The ratings of this book were also sent in little by little by the readers…

I remember when the score was first opened, it was only 6.7 points….

Beg on your knees.


Chapter 132 Yanqing: If you do good deeds, you must leave a name! (First update)

“Bian and Zhou Xiao have come out of the Nether Prison…it seems like there was a bit of movement.”

Silver Wolf, a star core hunter somewhere in Xianzhou, summarized the situation to Kafka on the side.

Kafka raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this.

“Where are they now?”

“The sword is being targeted by the Ten Kings and the Yunqi Army and is getting away from the pursuers… As for Zhou Xiao…”

When talking about Zhou Xiao, Yinlang paused for a moment before continuing:

“As for Zhou Xiao going to bed…”


Hearing Silver Wolf say this, Kafka turned his head: “He was not targeted? Where can he sleep…”


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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