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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 94

“What if I insist on keeping you to cooperate with the investigation?”


Zhou Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this: “Then if I insist on leaving, will you stop me?”

“Sister… you should find a safe place to hide first. It will be bad if you see blood and hurt you.” Yanqing kindly reminded Jingliu.

Don’t say it.

Others are quite nice.

Also tell Jingliu in advance.

Jingliu saw that Zhou Xiao was not the person she was looking for, so she stepped aside.

The eyes hidden under the black cloth stared at Zhou Xiao quietly, and Qiongbi sniffed twice.

She always felt that although the person in front of her was not the person she was looking for, there was something… strange about him.

Jingliu moved out of the way, Yanqing held Sanchihanfeng in his hand and held a sword secret casually, several flying swords were suspended around him, Yeran looked like a little sword fairy.


Zhou Xiao looked at the several long swords controlled by Yan Qing and looked at them with interest.

But not much…

“Draw out your sword.”

Yanqing obviously also noticed the two scabbards hanging on Zhou Xiao’s waist, but because Zhou Xiao’s long knife was made in a style similar to the Miao knife, the curvature of the scabbard was not obvious, which made him recognize it as a long sword. He thought Zhou Xiao was a swordsman.

“Draw a sword?” Zhou Xiao said that using a weapon to fight a child would be too bullying.

“Hurry up…I’m in a hurry.”


Yanqing was silent.

He felt slighted or even insulted.

This feeling of being looked down upon by others… he had experienced it many times.

But he slapped them all back in the face, making those who looked down on him realize that although he was young, he was very powerful.

And today, he would make Zhou Xiao pay for his contempt like he did before.

I saw the cold edge in his hand pointed directly at Zhou Xiao. As the long sword thrust out, several flying swords also stabbed at Zhou Xiao in different directions. The speed was so fast, and combined with the sudden attack of multiple flying swords, it was difficult to withstand.

Jingliu on the side seemed to know Yanqing’s sword draw, and she looked at the young man named Yanqing for a moment.

Being able to control six flying swords in one breath at such an age can be regarded as a bit of talent, but the way of wielding the sword is slightly familiar, isn’t it?

Jingliu touched his chin and thought for a moment.

While she was thinking about it, Zhou Xiao was still able to face Yan Qing’s killing moves with ease during the battle.

Although Yanqing’s sword-drawing speed was already quite fast, it was still not impressive enough in front of the former Swift Winder.

Zhou Xiao didn’t even dodge and let Yanqing’s killing move face him directly.

Seeing that Zhou Xiao did not dodge, Yanqing was a little happy, thinking that his killing move was too fast and the prisoner had no time to dodge.

Just when he thought Zhou Xiao would be taken down by him, Zhou Xiao slapped him with a “big force” backhand and hit him directly on the left side of the cheek. The strong wind showed Zhou Xiao’s pure strength.

One second…

Just that second…

He seemed to see that he was too breasty.

It seems that this time and space resonates with the blade that was on Kunzi No. 3…

He turned around and flew away…without any hesitation, and never saw Zhou Xiao again…


I saw Yanqing flying through the air like a small top, spinning for seven or eight kuns and a half, flying out more than ten meters away, and fell heavily to the ground.

Under the triple blessing of kinetic energy, potential energy, and inertia, Yanqing felt as if he had been repeatedly crushed by Xingcha.

His eyes were spinning, and it was difficult to stand up. He covered his face. The left cheek was gradually swollen. The tinnitus in his left ear made it difficult for him to hear clearly. The strong pain made it difficult for his brain to think normally. .

Too sloppy.

He was careless.

No flash.

Can’t get out of the way…

Can the person who can sneak into the Nether Prison and rescue Zuo Ren surrounded by so many cloud cavalry troops…can he be an ordinary person?

Yanqing felt a little regretful.

He had just been caught up in the emotion of being looked down upon by Zhou Xiao and wanting to prove himself, and he misjudged the strength of the person in front of him.

This star core hunter…is something.

He stood up from the ground unsteadily and looked at Zhou Xiao not far away, with a bit more caution and seriousness in his eyes.

Yanqing’s standing up truly proves that youth is good…

After a hard fight from Zhou Xiao, he was still able to stand up…

ps: Ask for everything, ask for everything, the humble author is online…


Chapter 134 The rain soaked the sky and ruined it very carefully! (first update)

It’s good to be young…

Unlike Blade, who just falls asleep…

Zhou Xiao moved his wrist, and with a pair of calm eyes, he looked at Yanqing, who had a swollen cheek not far away and stood up unsteadily, and had to sigh.

Although he was hitting with restrained force, it was still a reward for Brother Benshan’s strength in doubting life. Yanqing was able to stand up under this slap, which means that the child really resisted the beating.


bad boy.

Zhou Xiao shook his head, then turned to leave.

He gave Yan Qing a chance, and he was very tolerant towards the child. After all, it was a flower.

However, it seemed that Yanqing didn’t appreciate it at all. He held up his long sword and said inarticulately: “Stop! It’s not over yet.”

He said this sentence, but in Zhou Xiao’s ears, “Ulu Ulu” could not be heard clearly.

Zhou Xiao didn’t pay much attention and walked straight out.

Seeing that he still walked out, Yanqing was not happy. He held a sword secret in his hand and slashed towards Zhou Xiao with a blue-white sword energy.


When Zhou Xiao heard the sound, his reaction was even faster than that of Yan Qing. He turned around and grabbed the sword energy very smoothly.


That’s right.

He just caught this sword energy, and then used his left hand to dispel the sword energy very easily under the watchful eyes of the two people present.

Although it was not a very gorgeous operation, Yan Qing was so shocked that he could not speak. In his field of vision, he saw Zhou Xiao as if his sword energy had been crushed.


Is that what you’re doing?

Yanqing adjusted his mentality, held his breath and started to use the sword to output remotely, using the flying sword to constantly affect Zhou Xiao’s actions. Because he received that slap from Zhou Xiao, now he didn’t dare to go up to Zhou Xiao again.

This little brother.

Not his opponent…

Jingliu on the side either heard or saw it, but in his heart he didn’t have much expectations for the outcome of this battle.

Yanqing couldn’t defeat Zhou Xiao at all…it was even difficult to break Zhou Xiao’s defense.

It looks like a pressing fight, but in fact it is a sure defeat without any suspense.

Zhou Xiao frowned silently when he saw Yanqing jumping wildly and repeatedly on the edge of death.

In his eyes, Yanqing’s current appearance seemed to be saying: Hit me! You hit me! You can’t get out without beating me to death!

It seems that a big fight can’t make Yanqing see the reality clearly…

Zhou Xiao disappeared on the spot in an instant, his figure disappeared directly from Yan Qing’s sight, and the next second he escaped from being surrounded by several flying swords and appeared in front of Yan Qing.

“Why bother?”

Zhou Xiao’s slightly magnetic voice appeared in Yanqing’s ear. Yanqing obviously realized something and hurriedly retreated and covered his handsome face. Unfortunately, it was too late and he couldn’t avoid it. ..


There was another crisp sound, this time Zhou Xiao slapped him with a backhand, and Yanqing’s counterclockwise rotation was like a small top, drawing a beautiful parabola in the air…

One two and a half turns.

Two and a half circles…

Three and two and a half circles…

After an unknown number of circles, Yanqing’s young body fell into the wall and rolled to the ground.

As the two big dicks continued to fight, Yanqing vomited blood and his left and right cheeks swelled up, like a pig’s head.

The rain soaked the sky and ruined it…

Yanqing wanted to cry.


It hurts so much.

He felt more pain in his mind than in physical pain.

He is not afraid of failure.

Absolutely not.

If he were defeated in a duel or a life-and-death fight with the enemy, he would have nothing to say except that his skills were inferior to others…

But it was really hard for him to accept that he lost the battle in front of him, and that he lost in a way where the opponent’s two giants slapped him in confusion.


a plant.

What a shame!

Yanqing felt that his sword heart was a little damaged, even though General Jingyuan said many times that there are people outside the world, and that he should not be conceited when it comes to victory or defeat… He said he knew and would not take it to heart.

But on this day, I failed in this way.

He really couldn’t accept it.

Seeing Yan Qing stand up again unsteadily, although his head was shaking and his vision was blurred due to bloodshot eyes, which made it difficult for him to see clearly, and his ears were ringing due to the two impacts, he still stood up.

He drank chicken soup for himself…

I am a Cloud Cavalry Army, and I have a formal Cloud Cavalry Army!

My duty is to protect Xianzhou… It is my duty to capture the fugitives!

I can’t fall!


I am the general’s bodyguard and the youngest guard of the Yunqi Army! They are swordsmen brought out by the general himself! How can you fall here if you want to gain the reputation of being a swordsman!


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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