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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 95

Yanqing’s aura continued to rise, and Yeran looked like he was about to explode into the small universe.

“It’s not over yet! Come again!”

If the scene before him was a hot-blooded comic, then Yanqing would definitely look like an unbeatable protagonist at this moment. As soon as he was beaten, he would start to recall the support of his partners, the support of his elders, and the support of his lover, and then he would start to explode, living up to expectations and defeating him. Villain…


The excited Yanqing really burst out with strength when he thought of General Jingyuan’s expectations.

He believed that even if he couldn’t defeat the person in front of him with the next sword, he would definitely be able to find a way to do it, or at least force the opponent to use weapons…


While Yan Qing was fantasizing about himself, Zhou Xiao and Jing Liu were speechless.

Zhou Xiao was even a little confused, who was this naughty kid talking to?

From what he could see, Yanqing was suspended in mid-air, pointing at a black box not far away and starting to mutter something to himself.

Because Yan Qing was slapped by him again, it became even more unclear now that he couldn’t explain clearly at first.

He didn’t understand a word of what Yan Qing said.

“I can’t fall!”

“It’s not over yet! Come again!”

“Please speak!”

“Why don’t you move!”

“Are you scared?”

“If you’re afraid, just surrender and capture him!”

Zhou Xiao was motionless in Yanqing’s world, and he was also a little confused.

Could it be that I fooled him?

“What are you talking about with a broken box? People can have poor eyesight, but you can’t be indistinguishable between people and things!”

Zhou Xiao couldn’t stand Yanqing’s arrogance and said loudly.

Simple bad breath, ultimate enjoyment.

When there were some faint sounds beside his ears, Yanqing realized that the figure in the distance was not Zhou Xiao.

He hurriedly wiped his eyes. After wiping away the two smears of blood that overflowed from his eyes, he felt better and could see where Zhou Xiao and Jingliu were.

He was a bit social, but he quickly got out of his social mood.

After all, something was about to explode in his burning little universe. Seeing him look in the direction of Zhou Xiao, “Ulu Ulu” said:

“Just this sword! Just this sword!”

Chapter 135 I, Yanqing! At the age of eight, he could survive three slaps from Zhou Xiao! (Second update)

Yanqing’s sword pointed at Zhou Xiao.

Although Yanqing thought he was speaking passionately, outsiders could not hear it at all. He really had no idea what this little pig head was talking about…

What Zhou Xiao can know is that Yanqing, a naughty kid, has not given up on seeking death. After all, the sword is already pointed at him.

It was obvious that he could survive… but it had to be a life-and-death fight.

The key is that there is no chance of winning…

Zhou Xiao shook his head.

He tried to put himself in Yanqing’s shoes and think about it.

Judging from the body shape, Yanqing is a young lady at a young age. With such sword-wielding skills at such a young age, he can be regarded as a talented and half-proud man.

Maybe you haven’t been beaten severely by others since you were a child?


They are all extremely talented, and they must have never been defeated. They are unrivaled by their peers, and may even surpass many kendo veterans…

The people on the Luofu Immortal Boat have high hopes… Maybe there is a white-haired old man who says that this son will become a great person in the future…

At such an age and with such strength, I am a little bit arrogant, and I feel very arrogant…

As soon as he heard that there were Xianzhou fugitives, he chose to attack alone… What was the result?

She couldn’t take care of herself after being slapped twice by him.


Losing in this way seems to hurt your self-esteem…

Zhou Xiao touched his chin, as if he could understand why Yan Qing wanted to fight to the death with him. Such a proud man must have felt sorry for being brutally tortured in this way…

I have to find a scene no matter what…

But let alone the explosion, even if this naughty kid explodes on the spot, he will definitely not be able to defeat me…

Zhou Xiao is not conceited. Although he does not have an accurate understanding of his own strength, he has a general understanding of Yanqing’s strength.

I really can’t beat him…

A life and death fight? Looking for a scene?

Zhou Xiao viewed this battle from Yanqing’s perspective, even if Yanqing’s death in his hands would earn him the title of Heroic Sacrifice…

We can’t let Yanqing die…

Zhou Xiao said that Yan Qing must not be allowed to die.

He had to keep Yanqing alive.

He wanted to defeat Yanqing’s most powerful killing move in a casual way…and then completely break Yanqing’s Taoist heart, and then plant a seed in Yanqing’s heart.

For a swordsman like Yanqing, having his Taoist heart broken… would be even more uncomfortable than death.

Thinking about this, Zhou Xiao decided to give the proud man of Luofu Xianzhou some “little” setbacks.

As for why we should do this?


It’s purely to let this naughty kid Yanqing grow up and give him a little setback…

Of course.

It’s definitely not because he saw some “arrogance” in Yanqing and chose to have fun…

He is definitely not a fun person…

Yanqing really exploded into the small universe. His next flying sword brought with him the indestructible sword that he had cultivated for several years. Even if he couldn’t kill Zhou Xiao, he still had to find a place for himself.

The “momentum” in his body had almost accumulated, and as a flying sword shot out rapidly, his strongest killing move was also swung towards Zhou Xiao.

“Give it to me…break it!”

Yanqing has a backup plan.

When the flying sword flew out, he also disappeared in mid-air. He wanted to take advantage of Zhou Xiao’s opportunity to resist his flying sword to sneak attack Zhou Xiao.

True and false, false and true.

That flying sword was both a killing move and a feint. This kind of attack would make it difficult for people to distinguish between true and false, so they could better prepare for his sneak attack.

Look at Zhou Xiao again…

Villain Zhou was calm and composed at the moment. He didn’t care much whether Yan Qing’s move was a feint or a killing move.

No need.

All redundant.

When the sword comes, block it.

Just slap people when they come.

As long as Yanqing dared to get close, he would let Yanqing know what it meant to “force a fight” with the God of War.

Finally Yanqing’s sword arrived.

Zhou Xiao also blocked the flying sword easily.

This flying sword with extremely fast initial speed did not use its powerful kinetic energy and inertia to break through Zhou Xiao’s body. The tip of the sword was gently blocked by Zhou Xiao’s index finger.

After a flash of scarlet power, countless tiny cracks appeared on the flying sword, and it instantly turned into countless fragments scattered on the ground.

Zhou Xiao also noticed Yanqing’s sneak attack from behind.

“Pang Rang!”

Another blow from the “Big Force Fighter” struck with greater speed and power. This time, the powerful force even generated a layer of air waves, causing Yanqing, the young young lady, to be struck by Zhou Xiao before he could use his sword to sneak attack. This slap sent him away.

Because the speed was really too fast, this momentum allowed Yanqing to fly straight towards the far wall without flipping or jumping this time.


A large, evenly cracked pit appeared on the wall in the distance, and Yanqing didn’t stop until he hit the wall.

On how three slaps destroyed Yanqing’s Taoist heart…

Zhou Xiao has the right to speak.

“You young man… you don’t have martial ethics, you come to deceive and attack an old comrade of mine who is nearly thirty years old. I advise you to act like a rat.”

Although Zhou Xiao resisted easily, he still wanted to condemn Yanqing’s sneak attack.


Are you saying he has double standards?

Didn’t you just slap Yan Qing in a sneak attack?

Feel sorry.

Regarding this issue, Zhou Xiao said that one can really do whatever he wants with his strength, and it would even be reasonable for him to double standard him.

Most of the pain in the world is caused by the lack of ability of the person involved…

This is what “he” said in the illusion to confuse Zhou Xiao.

But now Zhou Xiao himself said that this is indeed true.

If he really has enough strength, he is the rule.

Very domineering?

Sorry, the rules have always been made by the strong…

Reality… is so cruel.

Zhou Xiao realized the truth, and now he wanted to “open the eyes” of this young man Yanqing intact.

Seeing Yanqing’s embarrassed appearance in the distance, Zhou Xiao slowly walked over.

Yanqing is in such a mess, it can only be said that he is trapped in a cocoon.

Why do you think you’re messing with a passing star core hunter?

Zhou Xiao even planned to let him live.

But he doesn’t!

I have to fight with Zhou Xiao…

Yanqing in the distance was already dying.

The bones on his body are falling apart, and at least three ribs are broken by visual inspection… There are no scars on his body, only a little pig’s head questioning life.

All the injuries he suffered were internal injuries… Whether he can hold on is a test of the organs in his body…


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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