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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 96

Although Zhou Xiao was slapped three times when he restrained his strength, but if you tell it… you can really brag.

Him, Yanqing! At the age of eight, he could survive three slaps from Zhou Xiao!

It’s just a pity that now he doesn’t feel the pride of being slapped three times by Zhou Xiao and still not dying.

He is now immersed in the emotions of broken Taoist heart…

The most powerful killing move… is a joke, and he… is also a joke, the clown is actually himself…

He wanted to get the sword head, but he couldn’t survive three slaps from the fugitive. No, it should be said that he didn’t even survive a slap…

ps: I beg for everything, I beg for everything, the cute new author is online.

Finally got a 9.0 rating.

This book could go from being ignored to what it is today without everyone’s support. I would like to shamelessly ask everyone to increase their efforts in the future…

Chapter 136 Yanqing is scared to tears! (first update)

Zhou Xiao looked at Yan Qing condescendingly, his scarlet eyes were very calm. He looked at the defeated Yan Qing, and his deep voice sounded faintly:

“Obviously I had planned to let you live, but you insisted on keeping me…capturing me…”

“Do you think this is cool? Do you think that having some kind of bond on your shoulders can make you invincible? Invincible? Sorry…the reality is cruel, and the scripts you get are never about hot-blooded male protagonists…”

“Reality is cruel…Unfortunately, I am that reality.”

If Yanqing had some tricks up his sleeve, God would reward him with a gift for swordsmanship, and the script of a hot-blooded male protagonist walking on a fairy boat…

Then Zhou Xiao is completely cheating on the villain script.

Maybe Yanqing’s attitude is a bit strong.

But sorry.

Zhou Xiao’s is stronger.

Accompanied by the sound of tinnitus, Yanqing gritted his teeth and yelled:

“Are you here to humiliate me? If you want to kill or cut into pieces, please do as you please! Even if you kill one Yanqing, there will be thousands of Yanqings standing up to stop you from destroying the fairy boat!”

Zhou Xiao raised his brows slightly when he heard Yanqing’s somewhat unreasonable words.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that Yanqing was a bit like “Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, don’t bully young people into poverty”.

As the villain of Xianzhou, according to the routine of some fantasy novels, he should taunt and insult Yan Qing fiercely at this time, and then wait for Yan Qing to take off and slap him in the face.

After witnessing Yanqing’s strength, he said again, “You can’t keep this kid!”, and then sent people to frantically give Yanqing experience.

When Yanqing finally grew up and killed him, he said “Ah, how is this possible?” and then died of regret, allowing Yanqing to make amends perfectly.


What a cliche plot.

What a hero!

But it’s a pity that this kind of script basically never happens.

after all…

Zhou Xiao is worried.

And it’s not too small.

Compared with the plot of perfect revenge, Yanqing’s ending is more likely to happen in Hedong in thirty years and Hexi in thirty years:

Don’t bully young people into poverty.

Don’t bully middle-aged people into poverty.

Don’t bully old people and poor people.

Dead and big.

Grave dug…

Tomb robber’s tears…

Zhou Xiao collected his thoughts, focused his eyes on Yanqing, the young lady, and said again:

“Kill you? What’s the use of killing you?”

“I admit that you have some talent, but there is no shortage of talented people in this world. Maybe there are too many people on this fairy boat who call you a genius…”

“Oh, genius…”

“Geniuses are those who can grow up…and you…are still too immature.”

Zhou Xiao leaned down slightly, and his extremely calm face put an invisible pressure on Yan Qing. A slight smile appeared on his face, and his voice was somewhat bewildering and he said calmly:

“I will keep you… don’t worry.”

“I will give you the opportunity to pursue my figure, I will make you angry and painful, make you hate me, and then practice your sword desperately, hoping to defeat me one day, but you will never break through me… You continue You will live in the shadows for the rest of your life.”

“Every time you challenge me, you will think of the fear of these three slaps today…the fear of these three slaps will accompany you for the rest of your life.”

“Oh? You are an immortal species, right? Then this fear will accompany you for a long, long time. Maybe one day, you will break through the fear in your heart and face me again, with the superb swordsmanship you have practiced for many years… I will report today hatred.”

“But you found… you still can’t beat me…”

“You know why?”

Zhou Xiao gave it a try and saw that Yan Qing’s little face was so frightened that he leaned close to Yan Qing’s ear and said softly:

“Because I will be your lifelong nightmare, and you will always be afraid of me… How can a swordsman who is afraid of his enemies defeat his enemies?”


Yanqing’s little heart was greatly shocked. He was scared to tears by Zhou Xiao, this weird guy.

He hurriedly took two steps back and yelled at Zhou Xiao with a slightly broken voice, as if this was his original child image.

“Devil! You devil! You will not succeed! The general will not let you go!”

Yanqing said with tears in his eyes.

Zhou Xiao’s bewitching voice just now had already formed a picture in his mind.

Every time he fell asleep, he would dream of Zhou Xiao’s terrifying face.

Every time others discuss something, Zhou Xiao’s provocative words today will ring in his ears.

Every time he practiced his sword, he would think of the scene in his mind where he was slapped three times by Zhou Xiao today and couldn’t take care of himself.

The rest of his life will always be shrouded in the star core hunter in front of him…

Thinking of this, he collapsed even more.

He wanted to see General Jingyuan.

He regretted not listening to Jing Yuan and insisting on tracking down the star core hunter…

In the past, the fear I felt when I slashed a rich evil creature with my sword for the first time was not even one ten thousandth of what it is now…

Are all star core hunters so scary?

Woo woo woo…

“Jingyuan?” Zhou Xiao listened to Yanqing’s report and didn’t pay attention to his parents. He looked at Yanqing who was heartbroken and said:

“Just let him come.”

Yanqing: “…”

Who can help me…

Seeing Yan Qing so scared, Zhou Xiao reflected on whether he was too perverted.

After all, this is just a child…

It’s a flower.

This devastated Yan Qing, as if he would be frightened and faint in the next second.


He is a child.

That’s why I kept it.

Zhou Xiao said that if it weren’t for Yanqing being a child, he would have been beaten to death with the first slap, and there would be nothing more to say.

Precisely because Yanqing was a flower, he had the patience to educate Yanqing well and give him enough setbacks… to let him grow.

This is really… well-intentioned!

When Zhou Xiao thought about this, he suddenly felt that he was no longer perverted, and even a little noble. It could be said that he had tried his best.

What Jing Yuan taught Yan Qing…

He also taught.

Jing Yuan didn’t teach Yan Qing anything.

He also taught.

The main thing is to help others and have fun.

“A passing star core hunter gave Xianzhou Genius a very vivid practical lesson, which helped Xianzhou Genius’ state of mind reach a higher level. Xianzhou expressed his great gratitude for this”

This title! Such a deed! If this spreads out, it will help the Star Core Hunters get rid of their bad image.

Thinking about this, Zhou Xiao’s eyes softened when he looked at Yanqing.

This is all the good intentions of the passing star core hunters!

If there were any Immortal Boat people who could hear Zhou Xiao’s thoughts at this moment, they would definitely curse Zhou Xiao, the star core hunter, for “don’t want Bilian”.

I have never seen such a shameless person! (emoticon attached)

The kendo genius who had obviously destroyed one of their Xianzhou must be twisted into a well-intentioned education! What kind of education is this? !

Is there any justice? !

Is there any Wangfa? !

Does anyone care about this star core hunter who doesn’t want Bilian? Waiting online, it’s very urgent!

Chapter 137 Zhou Xiao: Are you teaching me how to do things? (Second update)

Yanqing felt bitter in his heart, but Yanqing didn’t say anything.

Now he just wants to return to Shence Mansion, return to the embrace of General Jingyuan, and never pursue any star core hunters again.

He is extremely looking forward to the support of the Yunqi Army, but… the Yunqi Army is still on the way to support!

After all, he was acting alone this time, so no one paid attention to him. This place was so remote, and it was a dangerous place where rich and evil creatures gathered.

In addition, the noise of the fight just now was not that big, which meant that even if he called “Broken Throat”, no Yunqi Army could come over.

However, at this critical moment, his savior appeared.

Jingliu couldn’t stand it anymore.

Jingliu, who was covered with black cloth, stood up.

“That little brother is kind to me, let him go…”

After watching or listening to the lively Jingliu for a long time, it finally brought Yanqing hope of redemption at this critical moment.

But at this moment, Yanqing didn’t have much hope in his heart.

A blind man…

It’s good enough if it doesn’t drag him down, but how can we talk about saving him from fighting the star core devil in front of him.

“Big sister! Go quickly! Go to Yunqijun! Go to General Jingyuan!” Yanqing called to Jingliu to go quickly.

But Jingliu remained indifferent.


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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