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Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5 — Chapter 97

Zhou Xiao raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and then his eyes were on Jingliu. When he saw Jingliu’s March 7th, which was about 1.5 years old, his eyes moved up quickly without stopping for a moment.

“Are you teaching me how to do something?”

Zhou Xiao had already let Yan Qing go, but when he saw someone standing up for Yan Qing so domineeringly, he definitely couldn’t give in.

“Teaching you how to do things? Not really.” Jingliu shook his head and then added: “I just want to give this little brother a chance to survive.”

“Let’s do this, we will decide the outcome with one move. I see a long knife hanging on your waist. If I can block one of your moves, you can let this child go. If I can’t block one of your moves, you can deal with this child.” , I will never interfere.”

Mirror flow is still very good at number 13.

From the battle between Zhou Xiao and Yan Qing just now, she was completely unable to judge Zhou Xiao’s specific strength. Facing a person with such unknown strength, she did not need to fight to the death.

The other party did not kill Yan Qing directly, but kept letting him go, which meant that the other party had no intention of killing Yan Qing in his heart, and what she was doing now was completely to give him a step down.

Let him naturally let Yanqing find a way to survive.

As for the question of whether she can block a knife…

She didn’t think it was a big problem.

Not far away, Zhou Xiao was silent for two seconds, acquiescing to Jingliu’s proposal. He was actually more curious about who the person in front of him was than Yanqing’s life and death.

He looked very unfamiliar, but from the aura on his body, he didn’t look like a passerby.

“Since you agreed, come on.”

Jingliu is very confident.

She felt that no matter how much Zhou Xiao showed off his strength, she wouldn’t be able to block Zhou Xiao’s sword…

Zhou Xiao heard the sound and responded: “One knife? Then one knife.”

He slowly pulled out the long knife with navy blue patterns from the scabbard. The clear sound of the long knife blade rubbing against the scabbard was very pleasant.

Yanqing rubbed his eyes and vaguely saw the long knife in Zhou Xiao’s hand. At this moment, he was very worried about the eldest sister named Jingliu.

After all, the star core hunter in front of me defeated him with just a few slaps without even using his sword. If he used his sword… wouldn’t he be able to chop him into the sky?

This sister…can she really hold on?

Jingliu also adjusted her posture. Her eyes hidden under the black cloth seemed to be aware of the single sword in Zhou Xiao’s hand that was constantly building strength, and her expression gradually became cautious.

This knife… is not simple.

The long sword is constantly accumulating the power of the wind in the body, which is not as good as before. It does not use the nameless power. Although this power of the wind is not as good as before, it is still something that cannot be underestimated.

Zhou Xiao decided to let it go.

Even water from the Pacific Ocean needs to be released…

no way.

Give me a chance.

It just so happened that he also tried the “depth” of the white-haired blind girl in front of him.


The depth of strength.

The blade of the long knife trembled slightly, and Zhou Xiao’s eyes looked at Jingliu.

“are you ready?”


Jingliu nodded in response. A long sword made of ice edges appeared in her left hand at some point, and her aura was rising steadily.

The next second she appeared in mid-air, drawing an arc in mid-air. The long sword in her hand gathered strength to make the frost on the blade even more dense.


As the sword edge was swung, a blue crescent-shaped air blade that covered the sky and sun fell towards the place where Zhou Xiao was.

Such terrifying power shocked Yan Qing, who lay beside the corpse.

This is pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger!

He really didn’t expect that the elder sister named Jingliu’s move would be so terrifying.

He even put himself in his shoes and thought about whether he could withstand this attack if he stood there.


Maybe not.

Not far away, Zhou Xiao, who was about to use a “dagger”, was slightly startled when he saw Jingliu’s attack.

He was not surprised by Jingliu’s strength…

He was surprised that Jing Liu took action first!

Didn’t you promise to stop me with a knife?

How come I stopped her from killing her?


How strange.

Are all the people in Xianzhou so ignorant of martial ethics?

That’s all.


The long knife in Zhou Xiao’s hand was also cut out.


Why did he put away the knife?

Yanqing, who was not far away, didn’t know why. He was concentrating on seeing how Zhou Xiao would respond to Jingliu’s attack, but as soon as he blinked, he saw Zhou Xiao’s sword sheathed.

He…gave up?

This bold idea just appeared in his mind for a second, and was completely rejected by the scene before him.

As far as the field of vision could be seen, the blue-white air blade had already turned into blue ice. Before it could get close to Zhou Xiao, it suddenly turned into countless tiny ice shards, scattered on the ground, and could no longer cause any harm.

People who knew it from a distance knew it was a terrifying attack, but people who didn’t know thought it was hail…


The most shocking thing is not that the attack was resolved, but the clouds on the dome of the fairy boat…

The man-made clouds from the Xianzhou day and night system actually appeared in a straight line with a very neat cross-section of cloud ravines, which spread to form a strange sight of being scattered up and down.

The clouds… split!

Also cracked were the buildings on the side and Yanqing’s broken Taoist heart.

Yanqing swallowed after seeing the strange sight in the sky.

If it was possible for Yanqing to withstand Jingliu’s slash just now, then there was no way he could withstand Zhou Xiao’s slash that he didn’t even see clearly…

As the buildings in the distance fell to the ground from high places as if they were attacked by an unknown entity, Jingliu, who dodged, was silent for a long time and then said:

“I couldn’t stop…”

ps: The humble author is screaming online, begging for everything.

Chapter 138: “Old Father” Jing Yuan’s helplessness! (First update)

This wave of mirror flow is careless.

She dodged.

Instinct flash…

This animal’s subconscious instinct to avoid danger of life and death allowed her to dodge very quickly…

However, she made the situation a little embarrassing in just a flash.

“I couldn’t stop…”

This simple and unpretentious sentence stumped Zhou Xiao.

At this moment, Zhou Xiao frowned slightly and glanced at Jingliu, who had tiptoed to the ground from mid-air.

He has already given up.

Even a Pacific Ocean of water has to be released.

Doesn’t this stop it?

That’s all.


He looked at Jingliu and said slowly: “It’s not blocked…then what?”


Jingliu was silent for two seconds: “Then…he will let you handle it.”

Xiao Yanqing was very helpless at this time. He looked at Jingliu, and he could only say that the big sister in front of him really tried his best.

If he had been the one to intercept Zhou Xiao’s blow just now, he might have died in the wilderness by now…


Zhou Xiao adjusted his clothes, turned around and left under Yan Qing’s nervous and frightened look. His steps were very steady, his back moved from near to far, and finally disappeared from Yan Qing’s sight.


The pleasure of this knife is not even as good as the pleasure of beating Yanqing’s pussy…

Mainly because Jingliu failed to stop him… he was disappointed.

Seeing that Zhou Xiao really let him go, Yanqing was temporarily relieved, but he didn’t know whether he was happy or worried.

I came back with my life saved…

But Tao’s mental arithmetic is broken.

Zhou Xiao’s bewitching words, the figure that frightened him, and the three slaps were deeply imprinted in his heart.

As Zhou Xiao said before leaving, Zhou Xiao’s figure has become his nightmare in the future…

“Sister…” Yanqing wanted to thank Jingliu for delaying his time, but in the blink of an eye he found that Jingliu was also gone.

In such a dangerous environment, only a young shota with a “disabled body and mind” was left… He tried to stand up from the ground with a sword, but found that in addition to the broken ribs of his upper body, his calf also seemed to be fractured. He was asked to stand up. It was very difficult to get up.

Not a moment.

When the support from the Yunqi Army arrived, they saw the mess at the scene and the dying Yunqi Xiaowei Yanqing not far away. Their expressions changed in different ways.

In the Shence Mansion.

General Shence Jing Yuan’s brow suddenly changed when he heard his subordinates reported that Yan Qing had been severely injured. He put aside some of his official duties and quickly rushed to the Danding Division.


When Jing Yuanyuan came to Yanqing’s side, Xiao Zhengtai Yanqing finally took off his disguise.

“General…I’ve never fought…I’m afraid I won’t be able to fight in this life. I lost. I was defeated so completely…wuwuwu.”

When Yanqing saw Jingyuan, it was like seeing his old father, and he started crying without saying a few words.


Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Star Rail: people on the train, working from 9 to 5

Status: Completed Author:


[Honkai Star Rail fanfic, relaxed, invincible, self-disciplined]
Zhou Xiao traveled to the world of Star Dome Railway and became a logistics staff of Star Dome Railway. He also obtained a self-discipline system. As long as he disciplines himself every day, he can get random rewards.
Be self-disciplined for a year and be submissive.
Looking at Zhou Xiao's figure who was cooking on the train, Ji Zi thought calmly in her heart: Well, this logistician on our train is extraordinary...
After ten years of self-discipline, my waist will be straight.
Looking at Zhou Xiao who was wiping a knife at the back of the train, Ji Zi raised her eyebrows and thought: Zhou Xiao is the most powerful combat force on our train...
A hundred years of self-discipline, a flying dragon riding on your face.
Looking up at the frail figure competing against the Star God in the universe, Ji Zi looked solemn: At first, no one cared about how powerful Zhou Xiao, the logistics worker, was until he and the Star God were at odds...


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